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Messages - Breebell

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He does look like Dan Curtis.  I wonder if they could be related?
Have you had the opportunity to question him on the Geocaching forum?

Is that pic his signature item?

I wanted to Geocache. 
I'm a city girl through and through, (by nature, not location) and thought Geocaching would be a fun activity
to actually get me out in the fresh air.
I was wrong, very wrong.
I ran into a skunk on my very first cache hunt.  No one told me Geocaching would be so dangerous.

Now I prefer to stay indoors as much as possible.  Preferably watching my Dark Shadows Dvd's.

Have fun Geocaching!  Be careful!


Wow!!!  Thank you!  I feel like it's Christmas morning.
My eyes popped out of my head when I saw your David Selby section, I am so digging on it right now.   [ghost_smiley]

Nice pics too!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: polyester lovetowel
« on: August 05, 2008, 10:27:13 PM »
but the thought of adam,well you know,over carolyn's cheap polyester scarf just struck me as funny.

So that's what a love towel is!!!!

This thread had me confused,
Thanks for straightening me out mscbryk.

And now........


Not Adam!  He was just too innocent at that point.

That storming off John Karlen did Saturday night was just him joking around.
I was in that line, about five back, so I was disappointed at first that I wouldn't get an autograph,
but he assured each of us that we could take cuts the next day to get our pics signed.

And he was so cute and over the top "I'm about to stroke!  My arm is numb!", that I thought that was more fun than the autograph.
He was making eye contact and I know as he passed my friend he touched her gently on the arm as he went by, so he was most
definitely not storming off, but I can see that it might have looked like it to someone just passing through.

He was tired.  He was only supposed to stay till 9:00, and he left at about 10:30.

I'm glad the video of Jonathan falling was pulled from youtube.

I don't understand why someone would put it up in the first place.
It just seems like if you're a big enough fan to actually go to the festival, you (general you) must really like the actors.
And if you really like the actors, why would you put up something embarrassing like that?

And how could someone keep filming when he fell?
I was snapping a pic right when he fell and I lowered my camera quickly. 
I was so horrified, the last thing on my mind was filming, even though I was close to the stage and could have.

That fall must have really hurt.  I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd left to go lay down, but he didn't.
He went on with the show.

I just love that man.

When David Selby had us rap a lot of people really got into it.  I couldn't, I'm sorry, I just don't like rap.

I wish I had rapped for him though, because he is such a sweetheart.
He was only going to be there for Saturday so if we wanted an autograph, Saturday was our only chance, and only till nine that night.
But that dear, dear man stayed late for us.
He was exhausted but he stayed.  I got my book signed at 10:45 and there were about twenty people behind me.

Which put me in the perfect time and place to step aside so I wouldn't bump into Jonathan Frid as he was entering the hall
of my hotel.  I was so completely overcome at being four feet away from him that I couldn't even look at him.
Now that was the highlight of the fest for me.  I wish I'd been able to look at him.  I was smiling with sheer joy, but at his entourage, not him.

Yep, I've been around a while.  I'm working up to posting more and maybe starting a thread of my own someday.

In my above post, when I said I wanted Maggies's lips on me, I meant I wanted lips like hers.
Those lips are beautiful,, I'll stick with dudes....yea, dudes.   [ghost_smiley]


Hey!  I thought this was the beautiful lips thread!

Are we going to segue into butts?  That's okay if we do, except I haven't seen any of the DS stars bottoms,
so I guess I'll just stick to beautiful lips.

John Karlen definitely had nice lips...I'd kiss 'em anyday.

And I liked the shape of Maggies lips, the top lip made her mouth very unique and beautiful.
My own lips are on the thin side, I am jealous, I'd give anything
to have those lips on me.

Whoops!  I meant Marie Wallace in my other post, not Eve Wallace.

Mysterious Benefactor, don't tempt me into talking about lack of underpants, please.  LOL.

All I want to do is make one post without the word underpants in it.  Next post, I promise.
I think I've got it out of my system.

Well, I'm a chick so I'll go with most beautiful instead of HOT....oh, heck, I guess I can appreciate the hotness
of another woman.

Kathryn Leigh Scott would be number one.  I had the biggest girl crush on Maggie Evans when I was a kid. 
Maggie and Barnabas, the loves of my young life. 

Lara Parker and Eve Wallace were both pretty sexy.  Scary, but sexy.

So, I think I've made like nine posts here, and in them I've talked about underpants and sexy women.
Please don't get the wrong idea about me.   [ghost_smiley]


He's beautiful and perfect!  And his Grandpa is completely gaga over him, you can see it in the picture.   [ghost_smiley]

So how old do you think he'll be when you take him to his first fest?

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: If you could, would you?
« on: July 05, 2008, 08:53:20 PM »
Well, if I were to be bitten to become a slave, my answer is no.

And I have to think if I want to go around biting people and maybe killing them.

But I can get behind that whole slave, submissive thing.
My Honey won't buy me that new Coach handbag?  CHOMP!
Neighbors park in front of my driveway? CHOMP!
Yea, that might be cool.


Barnabus.  It's always been Barnabus. 

I was so in love with him when I was a kid.  I thought he was the most handsome man I'd ever seen.
I remember staring at his picture in my Tiger Beat magazine and just being so sure that I would grow up and marry him.
Then we'd go live in a castle and he'd get me a kitten and a canopy bed.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: barnabas and jeff clark
« on: June 25, 2008, 04:07:13 AM »
As to the original post...IMHO Barnabus wasn't afraid of Jeff Clark, Barnabus wasn't afraid of anyone.  He was just thinking of Vicki.
He could have slaughtered Jeff, vampy powers or not.  And while I like Roger Davis, I didn't like his Jeff Clark at all, so I was really hoping Barnabus would just punch him in the head.
And then it would have been nice if everyone on set that day ran over and punched him in the head too.

Now, as for  the panties segue...I can't believe no one has mentioned Carolyns bright yellow panties in episode 945? 946? where she is being terrorized by a noise outside her door.  She falls and her dress flies up a bit.

There.  I did it.  I talked about panties on a message board.  Somehow I don't feel as dirty as I thought I would.  I kind of like it.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Which Bitch?
« on: June 19, 2008, 03:28:32 AM »
Angelique is my all time favorite bitch also.

So what is it about her that's so appealing?  She doesn't seem to have any redeeming qualities, does she?
So why do we like her so much?
I haven't seen all the episodes yet, so maybe she gets nicer later, but right now I can't think of anything nice she's
ever done for anyone without being threatened and blackmailed herself.

And I think 1970PT Roger was a bitch too.

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