Author Topic: #1109/1110: Robservations 09/17/03: Back to the Past  (Read 1496 times)

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#1109/1110: Robservations 09/17/03: Back to the Past
« on: September 16, 2003, 10:11:03 AM »
1109 - Buried alive? cries Julia--what are we going to do?  Tad and Carrie burst in.  It's all happening the way it did before, says Tad.  That means we're lost! wails Carrie.  First Gerard killed Quentin, says Tad, and soon after that, Carrie and I died.  Gerard has forced history to repeat itself! realizes Barnabas--children, if you know where Quentin was originally buried alive, you must tell me--do you know if Quentin was buried in 1840 and where?  If Quentin dies, says Tad, we'll die, too, this is our only chance.  Then we might as well tell them, says Carrie.  He was buried in an unmarked grave, reveals Tad, near the part of the cemetery that was fenced off.

Beyond a fence, we see Quentin's unmarked grave.  Inside, gasping for breath, he pushes against the coffin lid.

Daphne, dressed in her 19th century dress, comes to his grave, kneels and leaves a bouquet of flowers.  She hears Barnabas' saying--the fenced off area is over in that direction.  We must look for the freshly-covered grave, says Julia--that will be it.  Daphne goes away before Julia and Barnabas reach Quentin's grave.  Julia picks up and sniffs the flowers.  It's freshly covered, notes Barnabas--Quentin is buried here, he has to be!  From the bushes, Daphne watches.

Quentin struggles for air as Barnabas digs, telling Julia, I just hope we're in time.

Tad, rubbing himself as if cold, says, Carrie, they shouldn't have left us there alone.  We aren't alone, says Carrie--Willie's downstairs.  A lot of good he'll do, remarks Tad, when Gerard finds out we told them where Quentin's grave is.  Gerard appears at that very moment, glaring.  Carrie presses herself against Tad--Gerard, she says fearfully, what are you going to do to us?  He smiles and beckons to them.  They follow.

Barnabas has exposed the coffin; he and Julia force it open.
Quentin gasps for breath.

Tower - Daphne waits.  Gerard enters with the children, who run to her--why are you dressed that way? they ask.  She walks away, unable to answer.  Gerard stares into her eyes, goes to a closet, pulls out the box containing the clothing, and hands it to Daphne.  Put on the clothing, children, instructs Daphne.  Why? they ask.  Don't do it, Gerard, pleads Daphne--you took their lives once before--take me instead.  He merely stares at her, silently telling her how he wants it to be.  Resigned, she says, children, put on the clothing.  Gerard leaves.

Cemetery - It's as if I became the 1840 Quentin, Q tells Barnabas and Julia--I have the memory of Gerard waving the green flag in a Collinwood window, and the destruction which followed--how are the children?  When told at the Old House, Quentin informs them, they are no longer there.  They all leave.

Playroom corridor - Julia reaches for the knob, but Quentin stops her--if you open it, he explains, you will find only a linen closet.  He opens the door instead, revealing the playroom, to Julia and Barnabas' astonishment.  The room is empty.  They decide to search for the kids elsewhere.  They leave, unaware that Gerard has been watching their every move.

Tower room - The children are now dressed in the 19th century garments.
Quentin, Barnabas and Julia enter.  Daphne rushes into Quentin's arms.  Trust me, Barnabas, says Quentin--take Daphne and Julia away--I must be alone with the children.  Reluctantly, Julia and Barnabas exit.  Gerard! calls Quentin--I'm going to force you out.  He takes the children to the window and begins an incantation: "We seek the guidance of a star--a very special star--a star out in the cold of time and space, far out beyond us.  A star that is responsible for the guidance not of two, but of four children--for David Collins and Hallie Stokes, who are the astral twins of Tad and Carrie, who stand before me now.  Only by the light of a star will their possession end, and only by the star will they come to themselves.  Restore them now!  Bring back the rightful bodies to David Collins and Hallie Stokes!"  The children feel the spell working and decide it's better this way.  Gerard appears.  You've lost, says Quentin, your plan is over.  Gerard grabs him by the throat and tosses him to the ground.  He pulls a green flag out of a cupboard and angrily waves it three times in the window.

Cemetery - The earth breaks open over the graves of Gerard's pirate crew, and slowly six men stand up and begin walking.  (Brrrrr, scared me then, scares me now!)

Tower Room - Julia and Barnabas enter and find Quentin alive.  I failed, he says sorrowfully--the children are gone.  Daphne got away from us, they inform him.  It's beginning, says Quentin--our last chance is to find the three of them.  They leave the tower on a desperate errand.

Playroom - Daphne enters, grateful to find Tad and Carrie there.  Gerard appears.
Leave us alone! begs Daphne--but he continues his menacing advance on them.

Foyer - The zombie crewmen enter Collinwood and silently begin tearing the house apart.

Playroom Corridor - Daphne! calls Quentin.  He enters the playroom to find the children dead.  Daphne moans.  He draws her in his arms.  What about the children? she asks weakly.  They--as well as David and Hallie--are dead, he says sadly.
I wanted it to be the way it was when we first met, she murmurs--do you remember?  Quentin, miserable, assures her, I do.  She dies in his arms.

Foyer - A beam caves in with a crash as the zombies continue destroying the house.  Julia and Barnabas come out onto the landing and witness what's happening.  The zombies spot them and chase them up the stairs.  Barnabas and Julia race into the interior of the house.

Barnabas and Jul quickly enter the West Wing, locking the door behind them.  The zombies begin to mindlessly hammer at the door.  Quentin, in shock, exits the playroom--Daphne and the children are dead, he says.  Now unhinged, he walks away from them, repeating himself.  Wait! calls Barnabas.  Julia opens the playroom door just as the zombies succeed in breaking down the West Wing door.  Instead of the playroom, the staircase has appeared.  Barnabas, imprisoned in the grip of the zombies, tries to fight his way free.  Julia, go up the staircase! He cries--I'll follow you!
She agrees and heads for the stairway.  Barnabas breaks free, only to discover that the stairway--and Julia--have disappeared.  The zombies swarm over him again.

Stairway - Julia emerges into an oddly-different corridor.  Hearing footsteps, she ducks into a doorway.  The footsteps belong to a very alive Carrie Stokes.  I'm in the 19th century! realizes Julia.

NOTES:  I remember this episode very vividly, especially those creepy zombies.  The big bald one was especially grotesque, as I recall, but rather amusing, too.  The way they mindlessly went around tearing Collinwood apart looked both scary and fun.

See what happened?  Despite knowing this would all come to pass--the deaths of the children and the destruction of Collinwood, Barnabas and Julia were unable to prevent it.  Between the kids and Quentin keeping their secrets, Gerard hypnotizing Carolyn, Liz and Mrs. Johnson, Barnabas and Julia were thwarted in every effort to stop what they KNEW was going to happen from happening!  True, there was some shabby detective work, unfortunate breakdowns in communication and general screwing up by all concerned.

I prefer Quentin when he loves a lot of ladies instead of just one.  While I felt badly for him losing Daphne, one senses this is, for her at least, just a replay of what must have happened in 1840, and she didn't really love this Quentin, except as a replica of a man she didn't get in her lifetime.        

Now we head into 1840, to meet a new, fascinating cast of characters and see if our heroes can stop Gerard from his dastardly deeds.

1110 - Julia goes up the staircase through time, not knowing, says the intro, where it will end.  She opens the playroom door and closes it behind her, looking around.  She hears someone coming and hides.  She peers out through the door and realizes it's Carrie, who is alive, but the clothes she's wearing, she could only have worn them in 1840--yes, that's it, that's why the corridor looks so difference--I'm in the 19th century!

Someone in a wheelchair, lap covered in an afghan, wheels down the hall.  He looks just like Sebastian Shaw with a mustache. You still up? he nastily asks Carrie.  Just going in to see Grandfather, she answers defensively.  You're just a guest in this house, Miss Stokes, says the man, as is your grandfather--you don't give orders to a Collins!  He's sleeping, she protests.  He will wake, the man insists--go to your room.  Please, Gabriel, begs Carrie. You've been petted and spoiled ever since Tad left this house, he says.  Not by you, she says.  No, not by me, he says, glaring at her, other people see your prettiness, I only see your impudence.  Open the door for me. . .Carrie.  No! she says.  Open the door! he orders.  Frightened, she does.  Be a good little girl and push me in, he says.  She complies, her face angry.  Left alone in the corridor, she looks upset.  A woman comes to her, asking what's the matter.  Oh, Mrs. Collins! says Carrie.  I heard Gabriel's voice, the red-headed woman says, I shouldn't even have asked, of course--it's Quentin's fault he's the way he is, now we have to pay for it.  She touches Carrie's cheek comfortingly.  Could I go in and talk to him? asks Carrie--I know my grandfather's had a terrible day.  Let Gabriel try, Mrs. Collins says viciously.  Let him try what? asks Carrie.  There's no need to concern yourself with that, says the redhead--I know why he went into your grandfather's room, and that's important--do you know what I'm going to do tonight, Carrie?--I need someone to do it with me--it won't matter if you're up late, you can sleep tomorrow.  I'll do whatever you want, says Carrie.  Come with me to the playroom, says Mrs. Collins.  You're going to the playroom? asks Carrie.  Yes, at last, says the redhead.  The door is open, observes Carrie, perhaps it was a servant.  Mrs. Collins is about to open the door, but suddenly can't.  Mrs. Collins! sympathizes Carrie.  I loved Tad so much, says the older woman, you know that, don't you?  Carrie nods.  Mrs. Collins opens the door; they enter.  Shall I light a light? asks Carrie.  Yes, says Mrs. Collins.  Carrie turns on a lamp.  I stayed in my room all evening, says Mrs. Collins, eyes closed, knowing I had to do this for my own sake--now I'm afraid to look. . .it can't be, it's just a room, she says.  Julia, hiding, eavesdrops.  A room filled, says Mrs. Collins, about to cry, with toys that will never be used again--oh, why did I let Quentin take Tad on that boat?
Why didn't I just say to him that he'll die if he goes there because...because I knew that, I knew that--somewhere inside me, but I didn't say anything--here I am--Quentin's dead, Tad is dead, here I am, in a room filled with toys.  Carrie hugs her.  Julia shakes her head, baffled.

Gabriel squeezes a ball.  He wheels himself over to old Stokes, turns on the lamp beside his bed, and sits watching him. Ben, calls Gabriel, Ben!  The ancient man awakens--is your father any worse? He asks. No, says Gabriel, he's been quite peaceful tonight, at least until now.  What did you wake me up for? demands Ben.  Gabriel grins--you've done a lot of favors for us Collins, except for me, but now it's my turn--at last.  What do you want me to do for you? asks Ben.  I want you to tell father, says Gabriel, leaning forward in his wheelchair, that Quentin is dead!

I ain't going to tell Daniel Collins his son is dead, insists Ben--"Not for the likes of you!"  But you'd tell him I'd died, wouldn't you? asks Gabriel bitterly--"quite willingly--now get on your robe, Ben!"  The old man gets out of bed--he ain't fit to hear such news, says Ben, putting on his robe.  He hasn't been for two months now, says Gabriel. Especially after today, says Ben.  Another bad day like this, remarks Gabriel, and he won't be alive.  It would be better so, opines Ben.  Oh yes, says Gabriel, for dear Mrs. Quentin Collins, yes, for Samantha Drew Collins, yes!--all the Collins money going to her!  Instead of you! shoots back Ben.  It wasn't my fault that I couldn't do as Father wished, says Gabriel--I could have, you know, if it hadn't been for...  He squeezes the ball viciously--the accident, he finishes--Father shouldn't have favored Quentin so much, no, I could have...I couldn't earn my own way.  Many a man worse off then you have, points out Ben.  You're lucky I can't stand up, snarls Gabriel, or else I'd strangle you for saying that!--I can, you know, he says, squeezing the ball, I'm strong enough--you're going to go into that room and tell Father, and he will make out a new will, and I will get everything--and you will be witness.  Go yourself, says Ben, be your own witness, or take that wife of yours.  No, Ben, you're the only one he understands, insists Gabriel, you talk sense.  It don' make sense to me, says Ben, I can't talk it.  He turns on another light.  That granddaughter of yours seems to be very happy here, Ben, says Gabriel calculatingly.
Aye, agrees Ben.  What will happen to her when you die? asks Gabriel.  She'll have my money, says Ben--the money I earned with my own hands--she can stay here, Mr. Quentin, Mr. Daniel, they promised!  You forget, Ben, says Gabriel, my father won't be around much longer, and Quentin won't be around at all--ever!--so that leaves me!  This upsets Ben.  I think it would be a good idea if you talked to my father, Ben, because it would make it much easier for Carrie, very much easier.  He grins at Ben cruelly, and watches in satisfaction as Ben leaves the room

Samantha plays with the wheels on a toy wagon--I gave this to Tad on his 6th birthday, she muses.  Carries sits and listens, Julia hides in a corner.  You've had enough for one night, says Carrie, touching Samantha's hand, removing the wagon out of the older woman's grasp.  Enough of nothing, says Samantha.  You should wait, suggests Carrie.  For what? asks Samantha.  Grandfather Ben says things look better in the morning, says Carrie, than they do at night.  I suppose I should listen to Ben Stokes, says Samantha, he's always right.  Julia reacts to the name.  Samantha rises from the rocking chair clutches a stuffed animal, pressing it to her lips--will I be able to come back tomorrow? she asks sadly--I know I won't and you know it, too, don't you, Carrie?  She puts down the toy--it can wait, she says--everything can wait.  One thing can't, says Carrie--could you go to my grandfather's room and talk to Mr. Collins, if he's till there?  Yes, says Samantha, putting her hands on the girl's shoulders, I'll try.  They leave the room.  Julia exits her hiding place and waits a few moments, thinking to herself, Ben Stokes is alive, living in this house--he did everything for Barnabas, knew everything about him--surely he will help me--I must get to him!  Barnabas! she cries, where are you?  Why haven't you followed me--why?

Ben has Barnabas' portrait hanging on the mantle in his room.  Samantha enters.  Gabriel bids her a sarcastic welcome.  So, she says, you got Ben to do what you wanted.  I merely sent him on an errand, says Gabriel.  And I know where, says Samantha angrily.  I wouldn't interrupt him if I were you--might be dangerous for you, threatens Gabriel--of course you know Father as well as I do.  Ben has had an exhausting night, says Samantha, I care more about him than I do myself.
Anyone in this house might believe that--but I don't, says Gabriel, because you've never been concerned about anyone but yourself--not even Quentin. Incensed, she leaves the room.  GET OUT! shouts Gabriel three times, "Before I kill you!"  He squeezes his ball viciously.

Julia, looking around carefully, exits the playroom.  She tiptoes across the hall to Ben's room and enters.  Spotting Barnabas' portrait on the wall, she raises her hand to her face.  Hearing Ben and Samantha coming, she hides.  Once inside, Ben tells Samantha, there's only one thing I've done more difficult than telling Daniel his favorite son was lost at sea (he gazes up at Barn's portrait, and we know what that was).  Is the will going to be changed? asks Sam.  No, he says.  Well, she says, satisfied--you've had a hard night--I'll see to it you're not disturbed.  She leaves, closing the door behind her.  Ben sits in a chair with a groan.  Julia appears--listen to me before you do anything, please, she begs.  He stares at her in amazement, frightened. I'm a friend of Barnabas', she says.  He's dead, says Stokes.  Yes, but he lives, you know that, says Julia.  He's in his coffin, says Stokes--you're some creature like him.  No, she says, I've come from a different time--I just left Barnabas a few hours ago--we live in a different time, in 1970.  He stares up at her--you're mad, he declares.  Listen to me, she pleads, you must.

Drawing room - Gabriel plays chess with himself and sips a drink.  Samantha joins him and triumphantly announces, "You failed!"  He looks at her.  Ben told Daniel, she says--the will isn't going to be changed--I knew you would want to know.  She leaves the room.  He shoves all the chess pieces to the floor in fury.

Ben is astonished to learn Barnabas is out of the coffin in Julia's time--not caught? he asks.  I know how incredible that sounds, she says.  I don't understand anything you're saying, he says, rising from the chair--I think you're some kind of a witch.  If I were, wouldn't I use the knowledge I have of Barnabas Collins?--wouldn't I go to someone who could help me for the knowledge?  I'm just a poor, ignorant old man, says Ben, all I know is Barnabas Collins is chained in his coffin right now, and yet you talk about his following you here.  Someone knocks at the door.  Don't give me away, Ben, begs Julia, if not for my sake, for Barnabas Collins'.  She hides again.  Ben answers the door.  It's Carrie, in her nightgown--who were you talking to? she asks--tell me, please.  Ben thinks; Julia frets.

I was talking to myself, lies Ben--it's an old man's privilege, isn't it?  No you weren't, she says, you were talking to Gabriel Collins, you were saying all the things to him that you couldn't say.  I was, he admits--you're right, as usual.  He kisses her forehead--good night.  She leaves.  Julia joins him again.  I don't know why I'm doing this, he says, I was always doing things for Barnabas without knowing why.  She thanks him.  I'll get you some clothes tomorrow, he promises, I'll hide you in the playroom because no one goes there no more.  (Someone just did!)  Where's Daphne? asks Julia.  I've never heard the name, says Ben.
The children's governess, says Julia.  You must mean Hortense, says Ben.  Tell me, is Gerard Stiles here? she asks.  Sure is, says Ben, he brought us the news about Master Tad and Mr. Quentin.  There are so many questions I have to ask you, she says, so many things I want...  Not now, he cautions--follow me, quietly.

Gabriel sits writing something at the desk, on yellow paper, which I doubt was in use then.  I must see you tonight, he reads to himself--vital--no matter what time you come back from Rose Cottage, come to my room.  He seals it with wax and addresses it to Gerard.

Ben quietly leads Julia into the playroom--be quiet, he warns--we don't want to get you caught.  Julia is about to thank him.  Don't, he says--just stay in this room until tomorrow--no matter what happens.

Samantha runs downstairs, breathless.  Gabriel, I just went to the tower, she says.  To thank Father? he asks sarcastically.  I didn't have a chance to, she says--Gabriel, he's broken out--he's gone!  Terrified, Gabriel drops a book he was holding on the floor.  I see you're afraid of him, says Samantha--all right, I'll find him myself!  She flounces out.  No! he cries, wheeling himself out of the drawing room.  Samantha heaves a sigh of relief.  Don't wake the servants! calls Gabriel, I'll get Ben Stokes!  We see someone walking down the hallway, but at the sound of Gabriel's voice, the figure moves away quickly.  Julia, nodding off in the rocker in the playroom, is awakened when she hears Gabriel screaming, "Hurry!"  She rises from the chair and puts her ear to the door.  BEN! screams Gabriel.  Julia leaves the room, looking around.  A pair of hands encircles her throat.

NOTES:  Who are the new players in 1840?  Gabriel, an embittered cripple who is also obviously angry and jealous over Quentin, a brother whom their father apparently favors.  Samantha is Quentin's wife, mother of Tad, and at this point of the story, both her husband and son are presumed drowned, or at least, missing.  Samantha goes into the playroom to reminisce about Tad, and is apparently sad over his death.  She doesn't seem nearly as concerned about her husband, however.  She and Gabriel apparently despise each other, and she is pleased Daniel, who has "escaped" and must be assumed insane, didn't change his will upon learning of Quentin's presumed death.  One gathers she is next in line to inherit, and she certainly doesn't want Gabriel mucking that up.  The way Gabriel squeezes that ball, one senses tremendous violence in him, as well as a fury that cannot be quenched.  We've met Carrie, sweet, gentle.  She and her grandfather, Ben (who, according to all we learned before, should be dead now), are beholden to the family in some way--although Ben sure doesn't think so.  He has his own money, and we sense he's more concerned about what will happen to Carrie when he dies.  He does Gabriel's bidding, because the latter threatens his granddaughter's living arrangements, but we can see Gabriel has little place in the pecking order, which pisses him off.  Samantha is obviously fond of Carrie and wouldn't allow her to go anywhere.  We already know how close Tad and Carrie have been.  There is some connection, perhaps unsavory, between Gerard and Gabriel--why are they meeting?

Luckily for Julia, Ben believed her story.  I guess having seen a man turned into a vampire, Ben has seen just about everything, and what Julia told him really wasn't shocking at all.  Fascinating that he has Barnabas' portrait above his fireplace, isn't it?  Julia knows Gerard is already on the scene, but not Daphne, at least not to Ben's knowledge. (Great makeup job on Ben--he does look very old.)

This is a breath of fresh air, even if there are discrepancies abounding.  Samantha, Ben and Gabriel are very interesting characters, and this plot is going to thicken up very quickly.  Enjoy!

Love, Robin