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Messages - Patti Feinberg

Well, I don't remember how many pages, but I remember Stephen King's "Insomnia" as quite the long novel.

As was SK's "The Stand", which I cannot picture Barn reading....

I believe at some point (we're going with the 1970s timeline, right), that Barnabas would have become quite preoccupied with all aspects of the "War of Northern Aggression" (aka Civil War).

I truly believe any books on Theodore Roosevelt (but absolutely NOT the 'other' Roosevelt) would've held some fascination also.

(For those of us old enough to remember, can you imagine! Barn reading or seeing the flick "The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds"?? Boggles the mind. Or, "The People Next Door"!!

far-effin' out man

PS...good topic Bob :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: OT<Be Careful
« on: August 13, 2013, 09:54:50 PM »
Quote from: Gerard
I've had my accounts hacked in the past (I've even received e-mails from myself hawking everything from viagra to aluminum siding and everything in-between)

That is so funny. Thanks for the head up dahling!!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Big Changes/Clear Cache
« on: August 13, 2013, 09:48:52 PM »
This is effing crazy...I C A N N O T get on via Chrome.
I had to use MSN or IE; then it didn't 'recognize' me (that is, I had to enter my login name & password).
Via Chrome, same above wacko quote.
(I mentioned that I put the address on my on top; when I clicked that, it told me something like whatever from July 23, 2013 - which is not the date which I saved/added it, but, I still couldn't access the board.
Patti :(

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: !!**Database Error**!!
« on: August 12, 2013, 09:54:40 PM »
okay...first, when I start to type DS in address bar, I'm used to it taking me here. But, again, since clearing my history, errors.
Now, I see different things, like DSboards7.0, DSboards20.0, etc.
Typed it in, got in, put it on my address bar.
At the bottom of page, it shows New Posts, etc...there's a different one that says, Redirect Board. I can't actually do anything with this, but still......HAVING MAJOR PROBLEMS ACCESSING THE BOARDS!!! :(


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: !!**Database Error**!!
« on: August 12, 2013, 09:25:41 PM »
Okay, please see my 'wordy' message on CE/A 2013 II. (now at Testing 1, 2, 3 -- admin)
When I previewed then went to post, there was a little 'letter-type' in center of my screen stating could not find DNS server (or something....didn't want to copy that)...wanted to get right back to my moratorium on faux shipping.
Thankfully, the 'back arrow' worked; I copied, but when I posted, it's there.

What the (&*&& is going on?

Unable to resolve the server's DNS address. AGAIN!!!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / OT<Be Careful
« on: August 12, 2013, 09:15:33 PM »
For our home ISP, we have Windstream (it's I suppose comparable to Comcast or Verizon), DSL.

It's the 'main' e-mail when asked by schools, work, etc.

For my Amazon & Google stuff, I have a gmail account (I also have a separate gmail via my school).

I just went to our Windstream e-mail; there were 150!! e-mails.

I looked at them (not one by one, but by what I new was sales pitches, etc).

There were more than 10 which had various 'message lines' stating shipping news, etc.

I have been getting quite a few DVDs via Amazon, plus Christmas is coming, so have been doing shopping. Don't know why I'd be getting emails through Windstream, but hey, wanted to make sure.
Again, they all had different Message Lines (most 'seemed' like they were from USPS), but when I opened, they were all various DHL shipping things; lines which read, "We tried to deliver your package...." (I have two unemployed daughters plus my son just went back to school on Friday...DON'T TELL ME NO ONE WAS HERE TO RECEIVE A PACKAGE!!)

Again...I really feel uneasy with it 'seeming' like it's USPS but really DHL.

Just wanted everyone to make sure to NOT reply;;;;there was no real routing type# (I wouldn't have bothered anyway; most Amazon comes via USPS).

Be careful!!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: !!**Database Error**!!
« on: August 12, 2013, 09:06:20 PM »
Oops! Google Chrome could not find

Try reloading: www.­dsboards.­com

Again, this message; using Chrome (as I always do).
This time, I had to open another tab...the same 'oops' message is still on another tab I can see right now.


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Happy Birthday Midnite!!!!
« on: August 10, 2013, 06:09:43 PM »
Happy Birthday Beautiful!



Is it just my area, or is everyone now having to view OLTL at 1:30 p.m.?

This stinks...I was able to watch @ 3....


Heck, people are still comparing Johnny as Willy Wonka to Michael Jackson, despite the fact that as far as I know, Jackson never, never had a haircut like that.  (It was the pale face and sunglasses, I guess, but c'mon, is every pale person in sunglasses Michael Jackson?
That's funny!!  [ghost_rolleyes]   [ghost_grin] )  Oh well.

Patti, I think that Johnny would take it as a compliment that you consider him a character actor.  I think that's what he's always tried to be- he's often said how he is uninterested in any of the typical "leading man" roles.  I think the closest he ever came was in Chocolat, where he was basically there as eye candy  [ghost_wink]  But even then, he got to do an Irish accent and play the guitar, so he still did something to make the part "his own."

I've never seen Chocolat, I didn't know he was 'eye-candy' (that's not a stretch at all!)
Please though, don't forget about Secret Window, with the wonderful John Turterro (sp); it's such a multi-layered, wonderfully done movie.

I really didn't know that JD did want to be a leading man....glad for the compliment....and hey, comparing him to Jack Elam IS high praise...


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Big Changes/Clear Cache
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:37:21 PM »
Oops! Google Chrome could not find

Try reloading: www.­dsboards.­com

This was the latest in the weirdness from clearing my cache !!!



(PS..I didn't put 'URL' above, because it was just a centered message on a screen.

I can't believe JD would be 'box office poison'; he's very, very well-liked in US, no??

I personally never liked the Lone-Ranger show, so, I would not have gone to see it. I've lived in Georgia for 7 years now, and hey, it's a banner time; I've been to the movie theatre 4 times (which is seriously about 10 times more than the prior 15 years, I kid you not).

Funny, I had been thinking about starting a's a good a place/time as any.

I love Johnny Depp. Believe he's a very talented actor.

But, having said these things....I believe JD is/has become a 'character actor'.

(For me, until very recently, the phrase 'character actor' summoned the picture of the wonderful Jack Elam for me...don't know why.)

I don't mean he is 'only' a 'character actor', but it does seem (with a few terrific exceptions) that he does play characters
Edward Scissorhands
all the 'Pirate' movies/Jack Sparrow (I think that's the 'character's' name)...

A terrific exception would be his character in "Secret Window", which of course I own!!!



Have a wonderful day Lady!


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Today's Montage 1972
« on: August 05, 2013, 11:59:27 PM »
MichaelC, I absolutely love this interjection!!!!

Hooray, and hey, curse you!! :)

So,  Nosferatu was the first mentioning of a vampire not going into the 'Son/Sun' light (y'all do know, it's a 'play' on words)?



Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Big Changes/Clear Cache
« on: August 05, 2013, 11:52:56 PM »
I had noticed MB's message about updating the site for August; he reminded us to clear our browsers, etc

Ever since I did this, many of the regular sites I visit have been very sluggish/slow. Including here. And FB, Amazon, Google (these are the primary sites I visit on my home PC).

Any suggestions?



Yes, MB, I have cleared out my cache/whatever before (I had to read instruction on Chrome how to do it!)