Author Topic: #1173/1174_1175: Robservations 11/19/03: Desmond in Deep Trouble  (Read 1842 times)

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#1173/1174_1175: Robservations 11/19/03: Desmond in Deep Trouble
« on: November 18, 2003, 01:35:35 PM »
1173 -Give me back my letter! demands Daphne, trying to snatch it away.  Never! he proclaims.  You have no right to that, she says, it's mine!  Joanna, is that your name now, my dear? asks Trask.  She again orders him, give it back; they struggle for a moment before he pins her arms behind her back and warns, in due time, you will be called back to testify again at the witchcraft trial--before that, I trust you will be enlightened enough to tell the truth, because I will be there to tell them that you brought this note to the tree.  There's nothing wrong with that! cries Daphne.  And, continues Trask, that it contains an effort by Quentin Collins to contact his dead mistress.  That's not true! cries Daphne.  Because, says Trask, this is their trysting place--their shame was so great, they could not meet publicly, they had to leave messages in this tree!  All during his diatribe, Daphne's been shaking he head--you have no right to do this! she wails.  Renounce the warlock and his evil ways, he says, go back to Collinwood, ponder the sad direction your life has taken--it is not to late to recant and testify against Quentin Collins.  I would never do that! she insists.  You will, says Trask--whether by your choice or not--now leave before I turn you over to the authorities.  She flees, leaving the letter in his hands.

Frantic, Valerie paces the drawing room at the Old House.  When Julia enters, she runs to the door, hoping it's Barnabas.  Her face twists with misery when she sees Julia, who tiredly says, I don't know where to look now.  I am responsible for the trouble Barnabas is going through, laments Valerie, holding herself.  How? asks Julia.  At least when he was still under the curse, he wasn't vulnerable, points out Valerie as Julia hangs up her cloak--at least then he couldn't die as a man dies.  But he would be dead now if it weren't for your removing the curse, Julia reminds her--Gerard would have found him in his coffin and destroyed him, you know that.  And I gave him hope, says Valerie, I made him see the sun again--oh, Julia, if you could have seen his face yesterday!  I did, says Julia.  And his eyes, says Valerie, I should have known that Judah wouldn't let me keep him.  Julia gazes at her sympathetically as Valerie says, yes, you know of Judah and his powers--Barnabas told me of you and Leticia in that tomb, trying to unite the head and body.  How do you know Judah Zachary? asks Julia, surprised.  I have known him a very long time, says Valerie, I met him in my village, near Bedford--I was young, trusting, innocent--that appealed to him--I came under his power and he made me a member of his coven--and then he showed me how to have power over others--it happened so long ago--1692.  Wasn't that the year of his trial? asks Julia.  Yes, he was tried for witchcraft, says Valerie, found guilty and beheaded--and it was MY testimony that convicted him.  Then you must be Miranda, says Julia, the woman the newspapers wrote so much about.  Yes, says Angelique, I was Miranda, the woman Judah Zachary loved--and grew to hate--I can still remember the look on his face when he vowed vengeance on us all--on me--and on all the families of the judges--one of the judges was a Collins.  Yes, I know, says Julia--Amadeus Collins.  And so with Barnabas, says Valerie, Judah has succeeded in ending two old scores--if he has killed him, he has not only killed a Collins, but the man I love.  Judah Zachary was destroyed, Barnabas and I both saw his body, says Julia.  He has possessed the body of someone else! says Valerie--I thought it was Quentin, I wanted Quentin to be beheaded.  It was not Quentin, states Julia.  I know that, says Valerie, Barnabas was going to testify at Quentin's trial--FOR him--if Judah were Quentin, he would do nothing to Barnabas until after the testimony.  If Judah is possessing anyone, it must be Gerard, says Julia.  I suspected him, says Valerie, because he called me Miranda, but he convinced me it was an accident--fool I was, of course, Gerard was at Collinwood when I had the vision--I saw Amadeus Collins as he was in 1692 at the trial, I thought that I had brought him back, but no, it was Gerard who made me have that vision, and Gerard who placed Quentin's face in the flames when I summoned him, Gerard, whose body Judah was possessing
--Judah has some plan for me!--and he is waiting to carry it out!--Judah is Gerard!  Isn't there some way you can use your powers to find out where Barnabas is? asks Julia.  I have no powers as a clairvoyant, says Valerie, none at all.  But Barnabas is still alive, I know that! says Julia.  If he is, says Valerie, it's because he enjoys his agony too much to kill him!  I will talk to Leticia, says Julia, she has second sight, perhaps she can find out where he is--yes.  She goes.

Gerard sips a drink in front of the fireplace.  Daphne enters.  Did you place the letter where Joanna could find it? he asks.  No more games, Gerard! insists Daphne angrily--I know you sent your friend Trask there!
Trask was there? asks Gerard, amazed.  Yes, he was there, says Daphne, and he has the note now, so if that was your plan, it succeeded!  My plan, says Gerard, as I told...  Yes, your plan! says Daphne--you were the only one who knew Quentin was going to write that note and that I was going to take it to the tree--you were the only one, Gerard--and that means YOU are the enemy--I know that now, and tomorrow, Quentin will know it, too!

Trask comes knocking at Collinwood - Gerard answers and mutters, you shouldn't have come.  I had to see you, says Trask, but you must see this note--it is positive proof that Quentin is in touch with the dead--I must get it to Dawson as soon as possible.  Gerard reads the note--take it back to the tree, he advises.  Why? asks Trask.  This is evidence that Quentin Collins is trying to communicate with the dead, points out Gerard, but isn't it more practical if he is proven successful?  Do you really think the spirit of Joanna Mills will come to the tree? asks Trask.  More than once, says Gerard, twice, in fact--the first time, she will come to receive the letter, the second time will be her reply--but we must give her time--I should say just about an hour--then we'll meet just before 12 o'clock, by the oak tree, we'll hide somewhere--and I guarantee, she will reply.  I can't believe in such things, objects Trask.  This is our only chance, says Gerard, now my friend, think of the great commotion you will have in court, when you bring a letter from a dead woman--give it to Dawson--a letter that says it is addressed to Quentin Collins (Trask is smiling now)--in response to one of his!  The judges would have to declare him guilty immediately, says Trask excitedly--I'll take the letter back to the tree--Gerard, despite your reluctance to come out in the open in the case against Quentin, there is no need for me to say that you have given invaluable service to the cause of righteousness.  He leaves.  Gerard seems to contemplate Trask's stupidity.  Samantha surveys Gerard from the top of the stairs.  She comes down, her face stony.  We are alone, he tells her.  I'm aware of that, she says coolly.  Come to me then, he says, holding out his arms.  No, she says, sweeping past him into the drawing room, where she sits down.  He kneels behind the sofa, places his hands on her shoulders, massaging, and says, "I see you are still thinking."  No, remembering, she says.  Remembering the day Quentin came home? he asks, still massaging--the day you came to Collinwood  and said we would continue--he moves to kiss her ear.  Yes, and you refused, she says.  You would have been far happier, he says, if you had just remembered the days before he returned--he kisses her ear, her throat.  Remembering how cold you were for those last two months, she corrects him.  I will never be that way again, he assures her.  I can't believe you, she says.  He pulls her back against him and says, "I promise--never," and returns to kissing the side of her face.  How easily you say that, she says, do you think one hour can make someone forget everything?  When that hour is as important to us, yes, he says seductively--remember, Samantha, the last hour?--we found out a great deal about one another--more than we ever knew before--he goes in for a big kiss, but she pulls away, leaving him empty-handed.  He rises to his feet and says, I see you are as clever as I am--and just as unscrupulous--sheer brilliance, genius--he sits beside her--for what you tried to do--trying to force Daphne out of the house with those letters.  He touches her face.  I wish Daphne were away from the house, she says--I don't like the way you looked at her at luncheon.  It was merely a friendly look, says Gerard.  It was not a look of friendship, but the look of a man and a woman, says Samantha.  Oh, I desire women who are jealous! he exults, and plants a smooch on her mouth.  She pulls away--I try to fight him, she does, when I'm not with you, I think what a mistake it is for us to be together again.  He kisses her some more, and she seems inclined to let him.  When we're together, he says, you forget.
Yes, she says, I do--and she draws away from his next kiss.  He stands and pulls her to her feet--Now, my dear, he says, it is time to go to work--he has his arm around her--I want you to put on a cape.  Joanna's cape? She asks.  Gerard tells her to go to the place where Joanna and Quentin used to meet.  The oak tree, says Sam.  Yes, says Gerard, Trask will have a note there--I want you to get the note and bring it back here.  Why do you want me to do this? she asks.  To destroy Quentin, he tells her.  She grins.  Yes, says Gerard, I want to make it look as though he were working for the spirit world--and you, my dear, will become Joanna's ghost--though not just once, but twice--you will go to the tree, get the note, bring it back here and in her handwriting, that you so well write--write the answer to Quentin's note--then go back to the tree--Lamar and I will wait for you, hidden in a tree near close (?)...  It's too dangerous, says Sam, what if Lamar recognizes me--I won't do it, Gerard, I just won't do it.  You will, my dear, he assures her, pulling her into his arms for another insistent kiss.

There's no fighting you, is there? a smiling Samantha asks Gerard--I will be your ghost tonight--twice--take care how you look at Daphne, I don't want to have any doubts about you.  I'm sure she has enough doubts for the both of you, he says.  She goes upstairs.  Yes, says Gerard, Daphne has doubts about me--that will soon change--he pulls out his witch symbol and holds it up in front of the fireplace.  "Dream, Daphne," he intones, "dream--the dreams that you will forget, that wipe out all doubts--oh, Daphne, think of me now--dream!--things are going to change--your feelings for me will change a great, great deal--now sleep, sleep, Daphne."

Asleep in her room, Daphne dreams:  Gerard is calling to her.  He stands before a mirror, then goes over to the bed.  Daphne enters the room from another door.  I've been waiting for you, he says.  Darling, I couldn't help it, she says, slamming the door behind her and gliding into his arms.  The most important thing is that you've come to me, he says.  I know, she assures him.  He seems standoffish--don't be angry, she begs.  You said you loved me, chides Gerard.  I do, she assures him, holding onto him.  And yet you let everything interfere with it, he complains.  I couldn't help it, she says, I was longer in the village than I expected, but all the way back in the carriage, all I could think about was you--and how empty my life was before I met you.
They kiss with passion.  Don't ever leave me, she pleads.  He swings her around and onto the bed--I'll never leave you--I swear it--they kiss over and over.  You know how much my love has changed? he asks her--are you aware?--the love you found hard to recognize at first--are you aware?--oh, Daphne, you hold me now--it's the only thing in the world I ever, ever wanted--please, stay with me, always.

Daphne awakens and sits up, distressed--I must have had the dream again, she says--but why can't I remember it--oh, God, what's happening to me?

Gerard sloppily pours himself a drink and gulps it down.  Daphne comes downstairs and gazes at him in confusion.  She sits by the fire, not saying anything.  You look as though you had a nice nap, he says--did you rest well?--I was thinking of you earlier--perhaps it would be best if you went to Desmond and told him to get prepared for what Trask is going to bring into court.  Yes, you're right, says Daphne, I'll go to Desmond first thing in the morning before he goes to court.  And if you like, I'll be happy to take you there, says Gerard.  How very strange you are, she says seriously, I owe you an apology for doubting you so--of course, you're right, someone must have overheard us in the jail. You believe me now? he asks.  Yes, she says.  Why? he asks.  I don't know, she says, I just feel differently, that's all.  I know how difficult it's become for you, he says, and Quentin asked me to look after you, and I swore I would--if there's something that I can do to comfort you...  Oh Gerard! she cries, springing up as if to grab him, throw her arms around him, but she stops herself--I don't know why...  I do, he says, taking her in his arms, putting her head on his shoulder--you just need a shoulder to rest your head on.  She leans against him, agreeing, I do.  He pats her hair, looking very pleased with himself.

Old House - Julia reports to Valerie, Leticia saw nothing--she cannot see where Barnabas is--it's as if her powers have deserted her.  I must go to Gerard, says Valerie.  No! says Julia, he thinks you're Miranda.  He still thinks I don't know he is Judah Zachary, says Valerie--he was in love with me once, very deeply, a long time ago--I wonder if any love still exists beneath that hatred--I wonder if I might find that love again if I tried.  She smiles hopefully.

Midnight - oak tree - Trask checks--Gerard, he says, the note is gone--I find it difficult to believe a spirit took it, but I placed it there myself.  You're so nervous, I won't imagine any spirit would come around here, remarks Gerard.  What makes you think the spirit will come at midnight? asks Trask   There's only one thing I know, says Gerard, and that is if we stand here talking, no spirit will ever come around.  The leave the area, hiding, watching.  Look! says Trask.  They observe a hooded figure putting a note into the hole in the tree.
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself, says Trask, a spirit moving as if on the wind!--wait until the judge hear this!  Gerard nods.  They return to the tree.  Trask removes the note addressed to Quentin and reads: "Dearest Quentin--why do I still call you that, for you write in a way I don't understand--what have I done wrong for you to accuse me so--is the madness between us to start again?  Joanna."  Well, says Trask, there's no doubt about it now--Quentin Collins is going to be beheaded!

Collinwood - Oh, how beautiful it all was! exults Gerard to Samantha, how really beautiful--to see the expression on his face--"she moves like the wind" he taunts.  What are you talking about? she asks.  Your performance was absolutely brilliant, he praises.  She starts to protest.  Don't be so modest, he chides.  Listen to me! she insists--I wasn't the one you saw--I went to the oak tree, yes, but there wasn't a letter there--I couldn't write an answer--I looked everywhere for you, I didn't know what to do!  Gerard gazes at her--I saw an image, he says.  It wasn't I, says Sam.  They survey each other with astonishment.  Then it must have been . .says Gerard.  "Joanna Mills has come back again!" says Samantha in a disbelieving voice.  The camera focuses on Gerard's eyes.

NOTES:  Is it true?  Has Joanna really returned to haunt everyone?  Keep watching, folks!

Once again, Angelique and Julia work together to try to figure out what has become of Barnabas.  With Leticia unable to help them, and Valerie unable to use her own powers, will they ever learn of his fate--in time to save him?  Will Valerie give herself to Gerard to save Barnabas' life?  She seems prepared to do so.  Too bad Viagra wasn't invented yet, because he sure could use some with all the ladies he's satisfying!

Trask is a buffoon, isn't he?  So easily led, dumb, gullible, the perfect fool for Judah's evil schemes.  You have to admire Gerard's seductive way of getting Samantha to do his bidding.  A few kisses and he has her agreeing to anything, and she was really pissed off at him at first.  He works his romantic wiles on Edith, and Daphne, too, along with the sexy dreams he sends to her.  He is good!

1174_1175 -
What if she's here, in this house? asks Sam, terrified--she is, I can feel her presence--Gerard! she sobs.  Stop being so hysterical, he orders.  But if she's here, wails Sam, she'll come after me, kill me!  Try to get a hold of yourself, urges Gerard, we don't even know if it is Joanna--and besides, why would she want to kill you?  Because...because, hesitates Samantha, Joanna was Quentin's mistress once, he asked for a divorce and I refused, you know that--wouldn't you be frightened?--in leaving those letters, I pretended to be her--she's going to come after me, says Sam, in abject terror.  Someone knocks at the door.  Hysterical, Sam asks, who that could be at this hour?  Ghosts don't knock, dear, he says, and goes to answer the door.  It's Dawson--Mrs. Collins, he says, I'm not here with very good news--I have a court order to search Quentin's laboratory.  I'll go with you, says Sam, I don't know what good it will do you, though.  I'm working on a new and very interesting aspect of the case, says Dawson--your husband's papers interest me very much.  Come along, says Samantha; she escorts Dawson through the kitchen area.  From the doorway, Leticia says to Gerard, "That man--Dawson--he's got death in his eyes!"  What are you doing here so late? he demands.  Leticia continues--when I walked in and saw it, I wanted to go back to Rose Cottage, but I couldn't, not until we talked--I've been thinking about Barnabas Collins--he's been missing two days.  Yes, I know, says Gerard.  And you know where he is, don't you Gerard? questions Leticia.  Are you asking or telling me? he asks.  Asking, really, she says, tell me now, luv, Julia and Valerie are so worried (she begins to caress his face, but he throws her hand off him).  We were both at Rosa Cottage the night Barnabas disappeared, he reminds her--he left, alone, and I stayed with you--I'm getting rather tired of people accusing me of everything--you always come running to me--why do you think I'm so guilty in your eyes?  You've changed, luv, she says, we used to know each other so well--if you do know where Barnabas Collins is, tell me.  If I do, he informs her, I don't care where he is--really, your second sight is beginning to get the best of you!  I'm going only on my intuition now, she says, if you know where Barnabas is, you must tell me--maybe you don't know where he is, but you do know something about Barnabas' disappearance that you're not saying!  He looks at her.  That you're not willing to say! she accuses...all right, Gerard!  She hurries out.

1:10 - Gerard sits on the drawing room sofa, thinking.  Dawson comes out with some papers under his arm and joins him.  I trust you found everything you needed, says Gerard.  I did, says Dawson, and Mrs. Collins saw me find them, she'll be a most willing witness, should I need her--this is quite an interesting discovery.  Of course, says Gerard, I placed it there earlier.  He closes the double doors.  I don't think it wise for us to talk too much in this house, cautions Dawson.  Daphne's in the bedroom, says Gerard, and Samantha knows we are working closely together--oh, yes, a new change of events, Charles, Samantha and I are back together again, but that's neither here nor there--did Trask give you the letter that proves Quentin is consorting with the dead?  Yes, says Dawson, he wanted to testify tomorrow.  Are you going to let him? asks Gerard.  I think not, says Dawson, I have something more important to introduce tomorrow, as you know, something most important--he holds up a yellow piece of paper with writing on it.  As we both know, says Gerard, grinning.  I'll be leaving, says Dawson, I have much studying to do.  Gerard tells him that "little Leticia Faye" is becoming "a sore point in my side."  Well, we'll have to do something about Leticia, smiles Dawson evilly.  And quickly, agrees a grinning Gerard.

Rose Cottage - Desmond sits at a desk, writing.  Leticia runs in--I just answered the door, she says--a constable handed me this--she gives it to him.  It's a subpoena, he says, you're to be called today as a witness.  For the prosecution, she says--why did they call me?  They must think you know something that can hurt Quentin's case, says Desmond nervously--what could it be?--oh, no, it couldn't be, they have no way of knowing...  About what, luv? she asks.  Judah Zachary, he says.  I would never tell them about that, she says--eight policemen couldn't force me to do it, I swear--but what would they want to ask me?  I don't know, says Desmond, rising, banging something on the desk--your second sight, perhaps, they might try to link it with Quentin somehow.  I won't allow them to do that, she says, it's got nothing to do with him.  If they bring it up, says Desmond, tell them it was all an act, that you never really had second sight--that it was just a performance, that's all--do you understand?  Yes, luv, she says.  He touches her face--I wouldn't want them to think you a witch, he murmurs. You wouldn't? she asks, smiling.  No, I wouldn't at all, he says, smiling back.  They gaze at each other.

Gerard and Samantha have tea in the drawing room.  She's a nervous wreck.  Gerard remarks, this will be an incredible day in court, but more regrettable for your husband--it's a pity they can't see it--the judges asked the courts be closed because of the destruction in testimony (?)  Gerard, she says, let's leave this house, go away somewhere, Boston, New York...  Leave now? he asks, incredulous, just when it's turning out to be some fun?  Fun? she sputters--Joanna Mills has come back from the grave--to kill me!  Are we going to hear that all over again? he chides.  I don't see how you can be so cruel! she cries--you're the one who saw me putting a letter in the oak tree for Quentin.  Yes, says Gerard, and that is all I saw--believe me, when this trial is over, we'll go away, get married--there, I've said it.  But you don't believe it, do you? she asks.  He caresses her face--what has shaken your little mind (insulting) now that makes you not believe me?--when this trial is over, we will go away together, just the two of us.  He plants a kiss on her to seal the deal.

Dawson enters the courtroom and greets Desmond and Quentin, who are already waiting there.  Good morning, says Desmond curtly.  He turns to Quentin and says they're planning something special today--I don't know what to expect--I have bad news for you--Daphne brought the letter you wrote to the spirit of Joanna to the oak tree.  I know that, says Quentin.  Trask was there, says Desmond, he took the letter from her.  Just how did he know to be there? asks Quentin.  Desmond shakes his head.  Do you think they'll start accusing Daphne of consorting with the dead? asks Quentin.  No, says Desmond, they've given no indication of that, she's not subpoenaed for today--but they're up to something and I don't know what--be prepared for anything.  The judge bangs his gavel and announces--the State of Maine vs. Quentin Collins on the charges of witchcraft--the court is now in session.  All participants take their places, faces solemn.

Leticia is sworn in, assuring all, I never lie--everyone knows that.  Amused, the judge commands,  answer 'I do,' Miss Faye.  She repeats as ordered and takes her place in the witness stand, which has an inkwell in it and must have once been a desk.  How long have you been a resident of Collinsport?  About 8 months, she says.  And you met Quentin Collins when he returned from sea?  Oh, yes, and I liked him, she responds.  Objection, cautions Dawson.  I liked him very much, insists Leticia.  You will confine your answer to the questions, orders the judge.  And Quentin Collins was interested in you because you had been an entertainer in a music hall--would you describe your act to the judges?  I was a mentalist, she says.  Oh--then you had second sight?  Desmond gazes at her.  No, it was a game, she says, just entertainment.  Did you, at any time, have a conversation with Quentin about the occult?   Desmond objects--I fail to see where this line of question is leading.  They both approach the bench.  You'll see soon enough, Dawson assures him.  Overruled, proceed, says Vail.  Did you talk with Quentin about the occult? asks Dawson again.  I don't remember, replies Leticia.  Do you remember this book? he asks, showing her the back of a notebook.  No, she says.  Perhaps the title will help your memory, he says, turning the notebook to show her Judah Zachary's journal. Quentin looks concerned.  Desmond objects--I fail to see what this journal has to do with the case against my client.  We will prove this journal plays a vital part in the case, asserts Dawson.  Objection overruled, says the judge--continue.  Miss Faye, asks Dawson, do you know the name Judah Zachary?  She looks to Desmond.  You are under oath to tell the truth, Dawson reminds her.  I've heard the name, she admits--yes--he was a warlock who lived--well, I don't know when, luv.  1692, supplies Dawson.  Something like that, she says--there was a trial, for witchcraft, like this one--he was beheaded.  And you know many other things about Judah Zachary, don't you? he asks.  Objection, shouts Desmond, this witness can give no further information about a legendary warlock that has nothing to do with this case!--Judah Zachary has been dead for over 150 years.
Ah, but you are wrong, says Dawson, the head was removed from the public square at Bedford and it is rumored Judah still lives through the powers of the head.  Is this court to rely on rumors? demands Desmond--it's supposed to rely on facts!--he bangs his fist on the judges' desk.  And you shall have them, Dawson assures him, opening the journal--here--this is the Journal of Judah Zachary, the first entry is July 18th, 1688--four years before he was beheaded--and the last is November 15th, 1840--he hands the journal to the judges for their perusal.  Desmond objects--there is no proof that Judah Zachary ever wrote that in that book!  I'm going to prove that he did, says Dawson.  How? Desmond demands.  Order in the court, says Vail, banging his gavel, your objections are overruled.  Dawson reads from the journal, an entry dated one month ago, October 5th, 1840: "Leticia is the logical one to help me, I must will her to me."  A sickly expression comes over Leticia's face.  Have you, since your arrival at Rose Cottage, had in your possession the legendary head of Judah Zachary? asks Dawson.  Upset, her voice rising, Leticia says, I don't want to answer that question, I swear I don't!--it's got nothing to do with Quentin--I can't tell you about that head, I just can't!  Quentin has dipped his head down in misery and now rises from his seat and shouts, "Leticia, you've got to!"  The judge bangs for order--Mr. Collins, he tells Quentin, you must not speak with the witness.  I first saw the head at Rose Cottage, says Leticia, there was something about it, I got so I could hear its voice in my mind.  You were in fact possessed, asks Dawson--possessed by the head of Judah Zachary.  Yes, I was possessed, she confesses--its eyes would open, I could not turn away, I was possessed!  As was anyone who came near it, says Dawson.  Yes, says Leticia.  Who brought the head to Rose Cottage in the first place? asks Dawson.  Desmond closes his eyes as if he wishes he could will himself elsewhere.  Leticia looks at him, scared, not answering.  Finally, in a soft, voice, she replies, "Desmond Collins."  And why did he bring it from Asia to Collinsport? asks Dawson.  As a present for Quentin Collins, sobs Leticia.  Crying, covering her face, she says, Quentin, I'm sorry.   Dawson looks smug.  The judge bangs his gavel.  I'd like to dismiss the witness, says Dawson, for the time being, and should like to call Desmond Collins to the stand.  An unusual procedure, remarks Vail.  And this is an unusual set of circumstances, says Dawson, for I intend to try to prove that Quentin Collins is possessed by the spirit of Judah Zachary.  That's impossible! shouts Quentin.  The judge bangs the gavel, calls for order, and dismisses Leticia.  (No cross-examination for her?)  Judge Vail says,  "The court would like to call Mr. Desmond Collins to the stand as a witness for the State."  Desmond slowly rises and takes the stand.  Quentin watches him.  Dawson grins with delight.

Do you admit bringing the head of Judah Zachary to Collinsport? asks Dawson.  I do, says Desmond.  Why did you bring it here?  As a gift for Quentin Collins, admits Desmond.  A gift at his request, yes or no? asks Dawson.  He merely asked me to find it for him, says Desmond, as a curio, that's all.  Did he believe in the head's legendary powers?   I don't know, replies Desmond, would you have if you had just heard of them?  But you discovered that the head had powers, did you not?  Desmond hesitates.  You must answer, insists the judge.  Yes, says Desmond.  And did Judah's eyes open for you?--did you hear his voice in your mind?  Yes, says Desmond.  And did his voice tell you where to find this journal begun in 1688?  Yes, says Desmond, his responses growing softer.  And did you write in this journal (Dawson holds it up), in a hand that was not your own, but was in fact the hand of Judah Zachary?  Yes, says Desmond.  Tell the court your experiences with the head.  I fought it, says Desmond, I thought I was losing my mind, I refused to look at it--I don't know what would have happened--then it disappeared.  Miss Faye took it? asks Dawson. Yes, I found out later she had, answers Desmond.  Did you see the head at any time after Miss Faye took it?  No, I did not, says Desmond.
Leticia looks miserable.  Where is the head today?  It was destroyed in an explosion, says Desmond.  Do you know where that explosion took place?  Yes, says Desmond, in the old cemetery in an abandoned tomb somewhere between here and Rockport.  Your honor, says Dawson to the judge, this man, Desmond Collins, is so intricately involved in witchcraft, that I would ask the court to disqualify him as counsel for the defendant, Quentin Collins.  "NO!" yells Quentin, rising.  The judge bangs for order in the court.  I further request, says Dawson, that this court charge Desmond Collins with the crime of witchcraft and see that he is arrested and brought to trial in such time that the court may pay him its justice.  Quentin looks somber; Leticia, as if she's about to cry.  Judge Vail agrees to confer with his colleagues and orders Desmond to leave the stand.  The judges talk it over.  They won't do it--they can't, insists Quentin as Desmond takes a seat next to Leticia.  The judges finish discussing the matter.  Rise, Judge Vail orders Desmond.  He stands.
Judge Vail says, "By the power vested in me in this special court, I disqualify you from acting as attorney for Quentin Collins."  Dawson grins.  "And furthermore," says Vail, "I order you arrested and remanded to the local prison, where you will await trial on charges of witchcraft!"  NO!" sobs Leticia, running to throw her arm around Desmond--"NO!"  Desmond looks disbelieving, Quentin sickened.

NOTES:  From the frying pan into the fire goes Quentin, his cousin Desmond at his side--and who will help them now?  With Barnabas bricked up, it appears Gerard has managed to put the finishing touches on the end of the Collins family.

Great courtroom drama today, with Karlen being more subdued and therefore, more effective.  It wasn't a particularly good day for the Collinses or the legal profession.

The growing love between Leticia and Desmond is sweet to watch.  They're nice people and deserve each other, but Gerard is very unhappy with Leticia's interference.  What are his dastardly plans for her?

Samantha seems a lot more upset at the idea that Joanna's ghost has it in for her than the situation warrants.  There's a good reason for it, as we will soon learn--a very good reason.

Love, Robin

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Re:#1173/1174_1175: Robservations 11/18/03: Desmond in Deep Trouble
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2003, 06:16:25 AM »
Isn't there some way you can use your powers to find out where Barnabas is? asks Julia.  I have no powers as a clairvoyant, says Valerie, none at all.

I remember a time in 1795 when Angelique drew eyes on a piece of paper and summoned them to "go where I cannot go, see what I cannot see"--namely to help her spy on Barnabas and Josette. That seems the next best thing to clairvoyance to me.  Why doesn't she repeat the spell now?

Judah Zachary, he says.  I would never tell them about that, she says--eight policemen couldn't force me to do it, I swear--

Leticia seemed to me to crack pretty quickly in the courtroom with only Dawson questioning her.  So much for promises...

Furthermore, if the judges are so intent on prosecuting Desmond for falling under Judah's spell, why don't they target Leticia and Julia too?  Gerard has no real grudge against the two ladies but I should think witchfinder general Lamar would.


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Re:#1173/1174_1175: Robservations 11/18/03: Desmond in Deep Trouble
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2003, 10:42:27 AM »
Prof.Stokes Wrote:
I remember a time in 1795 when Angelique drew eyes on a piece of paper and summoned them to "go where I cannot go, see what I cannot see"--namely to help her spy on Barnabas and Josette. That seems the next best thing to clairvoyance to me.  Why doesn't she repeat the spell now?

  I thought the same thing Prof Stokes. I remember how she used those "bat eyes" to follow Barnabas wherever he went.

   Also, she just recently used her powers to show her the face of the warlock in the fire.  Isn't that a form of clairvoyance too? Why couldn't she do the same thing only this time ask to be shown the location where Barnabas is being held?


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Re:#1173/1174_1175: Robservations 11/18/03: Desmond in Deep Trouble
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2003, 04:11:59 PM »
Hasn't all of her powers been taken away from her?


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Re:#1173/1174_1175: Robservations 11/18/03: Desmond in Deep Trouble
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2003, 10:53:27 PM »
Hasn't all of her powers been taken away from her?

[spoiler]Not yet.[/spoiler]

Cassandra, I agree that the fire could have come in handy too.


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Re:#1173/1174_1175Robservations 11/18/03: Desmond in Deep Trouble
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2003, 11:04:27 PM »
[spoiler]Not yet.[/spoiler]

Hmm, I wonder where I got that impression? Guess I should go back to drinking caffinated coffee, lol. Silly me. Thanks for the correction, ProfStokes! :)