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Messages - sheenasma

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Tan shoes in Decembe]
« on: September 16, 2002, 12:43:12 AM »
By the way, real Mainers can't afford to shop at LLBean.

And with Burberry and Nine West there who the hell wants to even look at a duck shoe anyway?  For real native casual shoes I will stick with clam diggers and weejuns.

A quick shoe primer:

Tan shoes off season:  Pumps, never, a seude slouch boot, okay.  Non-boot wise, try to go with richer browns or an ox blood.

White shoes still in?  They are a pita, but sometimes unavoidable...and spectator pumps are a must when trying to find a shoe to wear with dressy red, red is a bitch to match.  Have the red/white spectator pump on hand for this.  They are also good in navy/white.

Two tone shoes are good in general, because David Selby wears them, and that is reason enough (see, I am on topic here). can never have enough variance in heel inch.  Great fitting jeans are hard to find, hemming is much easier just to have shoes to accomodate the length of the jeans.  For the vertically challenged, such as myself (I am way too short for my weight), a slim leg jean that is too long, but whose length is corrected by a stack heeled Nine West oxford is the holy grail.  I advise these Nine Wests in both black and chocolate brown with all the heel variation there is out there.  To keep to the LL Bean topic here, let me say that this is the perfect place to insert the following:  LL Bean sizing sucks.  LL Bean cut sucks.

Flats: Created for the sole purpose of wearing with leggings, which, fahion mavens be damned, will never be out of style if you have small thighs and butt.  Industry wants to dictate to the flat tummied, well I can't change that, but I can hold on to my leggings.

Black patent leather Mary Janes?  Not just for the parochial school girl anymore, wear them til your 90.

Flip flops?  For running errands, go for it, but for the love of god leave off the plastic doo-dahs.  Something with a sole that doesn't scream shower room at the Y is a given.

Burberry check slides?  Will everyone who has lemminged this pattern and made it trendy please move on to the next thing so that I can go back to wearing the ones I have had for years without looking like a charter member of the Oprah Book Club?  Thank You. you are financially screwed, because with real winters you have too many bases to cover.  Style and function tend to not over lap you have to have both, and of course you need black, brown, neutral.  White...nonononono.  Not even good on majorettes. If you are not planning on dancing topless in a cage, do not buy white boots.  A cream or rich ivory is good, though.

You can trust me on knowing my boot thing, I was caught once not having the right boot....dark, but not frivolous, and definately not utilitarian a couple of years ago when I had a family funeral with snow on the ground.  Since if I had worn the wrong boot, I would hope to hell they would be burying me, I wore pumps.  I then was asked to be a pall bearer (ironic since this was the  blood relative I would l have least  wanted to put in a grave).

I am now boot ready.  Bring anything on.

I do not own a pair of Bean boots, and have not since 1978.  You need that good solid boot to shovel out the car or schlepp to the corner store, but give me a Bass shitkicker any day.

The final word on shoes:  Ladies, you must own a pair of FMPs.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Mature WOMAN Question
« on: September 15, 2002, 02:25:48 PM »
Fall in love the first time I saw Quentin step out of the shadows?  Absolutely, I was 12 and he drop kicked me into puberty.  I remember sitting up straight and thinking *who* is *that*.  A few other minor teeny-bopper crushes developed, but my devotion was primarily pure.  Every full page 16, Tiger Beat, Spec, etc., every one went on the wall.  It was surrondaSelby in there.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: PROS AND CONS OF 1897
« on: September 12, 2002, 01:14:50 AM »
Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, have this to say:

"As far as Donna McKechnie goes, I also enjoyed her performance on the show. I think you might have hit the nail on the head with the jealously theory. HA HA"

And I have this to say:


Seriously, though, I could not stand her from the git go, when she showed up with Tim Shaw. (Spoilers ahead) -

All that Di-A-MONDS Tim crap of hers.  I stand by my assessment of her as a mewling, opportunistic slut.  Women like that are disgusting - and, remember, I was raised in a time when some mothers (like mine) encouraged that dumb down and bat your eyes bull.  Make yourself look like a fool to get the goods.  Blech.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: PROS AND CONS OF 1897
« on: September 10, 2002, 04:16:21 PM »
The best of 1897 is, of course, Quentin.  The mind switch episode is brilliant...the flashing back and forth there.  Magda is great and Beth by far the most tragic charecter (someone please explain to me the logic behind Beth being considered a wimp, while Julia is lionized as this paragon of strength.  Beth had some basis and Julia was motivated solely by something that existed only in her mind.  Even if Julia had something to go on, getting it from Barnabas  cannot compare with a piece of Quentin).

Con wise:  Amanda Harris blows chunks.

Current Talk '02 II / Re:  DS GHOST GUIDE
« on: September 10, 2002, 04:03:28 PM »
Oh Quentin was THE ghost on DS.  You could tell the whole time he was haunting Collinwood that he himself was a very haunted soul.  Gerard was absolutely the more evil of the two, but Quentin the most effective.  Even his companion ghost added to the flavor....Beth was sad and poignant, Daphne, well, she was pretty insipid.

The whole set up to 1840 was a pale comparison.  The Quentin/Beth haunting was unparalleled.  And 1897 rules.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Tale of Two Jennings
« on: September 03, 2002, 10:49:12 PM »
Well, whoever told you that you were wrong in thinking it's because Chris is the oldest son were the ones who are wrong


Not wrong....the curse Magda recited in the cemetary specifically stated that she cursed "You, Quentin Collins, and ALL your male descendants".

Nancy, who knows 1897 chapter and verse, but is not all that sure she got a quote in the post right

Oh Bobubas has tried to convince me to go.....I am waffling.  I have a rep to maintain here.


I watched, I saw her.

I then turned the TV off since Rosie (and guest) were coming up next.  Shudder.


PS...MB...durn, you're quick!

I do enjoy Chistopher Lowell though.  He has great ideas, of course, we don't follow through on any of them

Catch Chritopher Lowell once in awhile.  I love the decorating shows, but with car wreck mentality it is the really god awful stuff that I seem to enjoy the final reveal of...when something is hideous beyond words.  

Even what I like...I've never done anything that I have seen on one of these shows.  Just did a complete living/dining and bathroom overhaul last winter...but not one thing that captured me from one of these shows.

Anyway....speaking of hideous  beyond words, and car wreck mentality...has anyone seen Matt and Sheri on Room by Room?  How did these two end up with a show?????


If I saw any one of those designers coming up my walk I would lock the door. Hildy I might even call the folks with the white coats and nets on.  Sometimes I like certain elements of a room, but there is always something done that I find god awful.  Frank's mexican kitchen for instance...I tought the serape painted ceiling sounded awful, but absolutely loved the final look...but then there was that stainless wall - ugh.

And the Florida kitchen, was it Hildy of Laurie who piled someone's vintage fiesta ware in the bath tub to wash? I would have been nuts when I saw that footage if it had been my fiesta.

Doug is arroant, isn't he?  And Vern is just a little too into trying to be the cute little elfin type with his jumping down from counter tops to greet people.  Hildy is certifiable.

Now, Ty......I could watch an entire hour of him doing anything.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Harry Johnson
« on: August 19, 2002, 04:19:31 AM »
I have a large collection of teen mags, and don't recall Craig being featured at all in "16" or Tiger Beat at the time.

Now I would have written about him, only because the temptation to give in to the name Slocum giving itself to rude "typo" would have been simply overwhelming.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: MOVE ON GIRL!
« on: August 15, 2002, 09:59:48 PM »
Actually, to be fair, a few other people (and two of them either dwell or spend all of their time at the Old House) need to just grow up, accept that life ain't fair, and get the hell on with their lives.

Ain't that the damned truth.  And don't you just love how everytime someone dies Barnabas tells whoever is grieving that they "must just forget him/her?"  Maybe not always his exact words, but he always manages to convey the sentiment. I know this is considered high treason by some, but, geez, that Barnabas really is one self important, too into himself ass.

And Julia? Get a grip.  You've got the goods on him, just blackmail him out of whatever he has left of those family jewels and run off with Stokes already.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
« on: August 12, 2002, 05:23:56 PM »
One big problem:  It smears and smudges so easily.  HOW do you keep liner and mascara from smudging - even when you haven't had it on that long?

Avon Glimmersticks. Since turning 40 (several years ago) I have been hunting and trying everything in the eyeliner department.  A friend started selling Avon, and I had to do the obligatory buy from her, now I swear by this stuff.  Doesn't smudge, doesn't do the melt in hot weather thing.  I work 12 hour days sometimes, and the stuff holds up throughout.

Mascara I hate, and only wear it for the extreme dressy occassion.  If I get any more washed out looking, though, I swear I will try the lash dying thing.  


Current Talk '02 II / Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
« on: August 11, 2002, 03:04:59 PM »
I think the eyeliner look that is on DS is passe - but please, oh great gods of smoke and mirrors, don't let eyeliner itself go the way of the dinosaur.  I wouldn't carry my trash to the curb without having it on, and I am sure that some other woman of a certain age can relate.

Where did that eye definition I once had go?  How did they get so small and so washed out looking?  And, since I am in question mode, just what in hell happened to my lips?  They used to be there, you could see them in their natural state.  And how about jawline  I used to have one, so who snuck in while I slept and made off with that?


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIDNITE!
« on: August 10, 2002, 02:41:53 PM »

Happy Birthday, Happy Year and Happy Always.


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