Author Topic: #0031/0032: Robservations 06/08/01: Son vs. Father  (Read 8536 times)

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#0031/0032: Robservations 06/08/01: Son vs. Father
« on: June 07, 2001, 06:55:11 PM »
Episode #31 - Vicki tells us that moment by moment, Collinwood has seen a tight coil of tension drawn closer to the breaking point, and now nothing remains but the explosion itself, centered on a small piece of metal resting in the palm of a man's hand.

Roger, holding the valve, asks Burke where he got this. It is the valve you've been looking for, isn't it? asks Burke. You know very well it is, says Roger. All I know, says Burke, is a part was missing from your car after the accident--whether it was that or something else, I couldn't say. Don't play games with me, orders Roger, I was almost killed when you removed this valve from me car. Me? demands Burke, turning to Vicki--but I thought you said... I'm not interested in that right now, says Roger, we've been trying to find this valve ever since my car went off the road. I know, says Burke, and you also told the sheriff to make a thorough search of my room. Perhaps he didn't search thoroughly enough, suggests Roger, still holding up the valve, perhaps... David starts to quietly sneak away, but Roger grabs him before he can flee. You stay here! he orders, grabbing David's arm--this concerns you very much, young man!--holding David in front of him like a shield, Roger tells Burke he wants an answer--"Where did you get this?"

I found that valve exactly where you'd have found it if you'd used your energies looking instead of accusing me of trying to kill you, says Burke. Just tell me where it was, says Roger. David, says Burke, why don't you tell your father? Didn't he have it? asks Vicki, surprised. No! says David. I asked YOU, Burke, says Roger. It was on the road, says Burke--I found David wandering through town and decided to bring him up here. Never mind that, insists Roger. Let's face it, says Burke, I never would have found that thing if it hadn't been for David. (Imagine how hard the boy's heart must be pounding right now.) We were driving in the car up the hill toward the house, continues Burke, we passed the place where the accident occurred--it's a dangerous curse, you really should build a retaining wall. Where was the valve? asks Vicki impatiently. David told me he hadn't tampered with the brakes, says Burke, and I believed him, since I knew I wasn't responsible either, the only explanation is that it fell off by itself. That's not possible! says Roger. Anything is possible, says Burke, but if you don't believe me, ask your son, he was there--wasn't it on the road, David? The child, given this miraculous out, eagerly says yes. Why didn't you tell me this before? demands Roger of David. You didn't give the boy a chance, says Burke--isn't that right, David? Yes, says David--you were yelling so much, I couldn't tell! Roger tells David to wait outside with Mr. Devlin. I never had that thing, Father, says David with sincerity--you heard him--it was on the road. Roger opens the door and orders Burke to take him outside. Whatever you say, Burke tells him, putting a friendly hand on David's back as they exit. Come along, Davy, he says. Roger closes the doors and asks Vicki if she believes that story. I don't know, she admits. Look at this, says Roger, holding up the valve, is this what you found hidden in my son's room? Yes, insists Vicki. Roger, forehead furrowed, looks like he doesn't know what to think.

Foyer - Well, Davy, what do you think? asks Burke--did he believe me? David, sitting forlornly on the steps, says he doesn't know--why did you lie? That's an old habit of mine, says Burke, sitting beside David on the stair--when the enemy is moving in, you try to keep them stirred up as much as possible--your father was giving you a bad time in there, wasn't he? Yes, says David. I may have saved your neck, you know that, says Burke--I had the valve in my pocket--I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it and...VOOM!--just lucky I didn't tell him the truth. What do you mean? asks David. Come on, this is your friend, Burke, says Devlin--I helped you because I like you--I'm not so sure I did the right thing--your father could have been killed. David dips his head, ashamed.

I didn't touch his brakes, insists David (like a dog with a bone)! Sure, says Burke, and I found that valve lying on the road--we can tell those stories to them, but not to each other. What do you want from me? asks David (very shrewd child; he realizes this man can't be taking his side without payment of some sort, now or in the future). Not a thing, says Burke. I never even had that valve, says David. Then where do you suppose I got it from? asks Burke. I don't know, says David. Davy, chides Burke, I saw you put it there--come on, don't look at me like that, pal, remember when you came to my hotel room, and I went into the other room to get you a drink--I peeked--I saw you take it out of your pocket and put it under the sofa pillow--David looks contrite--next time you try a stunt like that, advises Burke, make sure the door is closed. I should have thrown it away, says David (finally, an admission)! It might have been a little difficult for me to explain if somebody else had found it there, says Burke. I wanted to go back and get it, says David, but you wouldn't let me. There was no point, says Burke, I already had it in my pocket--that's the real reason you came up there, isn't it? Yes, confesses David--but I couldn't know that we... Oh, come on, you don't have to explain to me, says Burke--you were in a jam, right?--and you figured the best way to plant that thing was to put it in a room where a man was suspected, right?--which just happens to be me. I'm sorry, says David. You couldn't have known then that we were going to be friends, did you? asks Burke. I don't know how you can like me, says David sadly. Let's says I know what it's like to be trapped, says Burke--you do a lot of things you're sorry for, say a lot of things you're sorry for--I kinda wish you hadn't picked on me, the way things are going around here, I'd say you showed pretty good sense. Then you're not mad? asks David. A little, admits Burke, but if I was really sore, I'd have told the truth in there. Then we're still friends, says David. (They look so cozy together on the stairs.) As long as you stay away from my automobile brakes, jokes Burke. But my father said he was going to send me away! protests David. That's no reason to do what you did! exclaims Burke. I know, says David, it WAS stupid--and he looks very depressed.
We segue into Roger telling Vicki that it was very stupid not holding onto the valve after she found it in David's room. I thought it would be safe locked in my drawer, says Vicki, I never dreamed David would find another key and get it back. Are you certain that's what happened? queries Roger. I'm getting a little bit tired of people not believing me, says Vicki testily. I'm sorry, Roger says, rising from the chair, clutching the valve--it's not easy to accept the fact that one's own son--and now Devlin tells me he found this valve in the road--I don't know what to think. Vicki says not to think any of this has been easy for her--I know that David is only a boy, and what I've been saying is horrible, but the facts are there--if Mr. Devlin said he found that valve in the road, it must have been where David threw it after he got it out of my drawer. And where Devlin conveniently found it, says Roger--Miss Winters, I... He's interrupted by the phone and excuses himself to answer it. It's Carolyn. He tells her David has been home about half an hour--yes, he did come with Burke, how did you know?--they what?--are you sure?--all right, thanks for calling. He hangs up and tells Vicki something's wrong--he's not sure what it is--tell me, he asks, where did Devlin say he ran into David? In town, says Vicki, he said he found him wandering through the streets--why? Why would he lie about that? asks Roger--something's going on that I neither understand nor like. What's happened? asks Vicki. Carolyn inquired at Burke's hotel, says Roger--when he left there, David was with him.

Burke, arms crossed over his chest, waits in the foyer. David bounds downstairs and tells Burke he found it--it's not very good, but it's the only one we have--he hands him a photo--that's my mother and that's me. Where's your father? asks Burke, smiling at the image. Taking the picture, says David--isn't she pretty? She certainly is, says Burke nostalgically. She's beautiful, says David wistfully. You love her, don't you? asks Burke. I wish she'd come back, says David--she's in the hospital. I know, says Burke. If she were here, says David, she'd never let him be so mean to me--that's the only reason I did it--because he's so MEAN!--he scares me! Burke looks at the photo. You knew my mother, didn't you? asks David. Very well, says Burke. (HOW well?) She'll be coming back, and then I won't have to see Miss Winters, says David resentfully. Don't you like her? asks Burke. I hate her, says David passionately--if it weren't for her, no one would have found out. You can't blame other people for the things you do, says Burke. I don't care, says David--she got me in trouble--and I'll get even! Roger exits the drawing room, Vicki behind him, and tells Burke he wants to talk to him. Burke says, "It looks like it's my turn." That's not particularly funny, objects Roger--Miss Winters, take David upstairs and stay with him--come inside, Burke. If you ever need a friend, you've got one, Burke warmly assures David. David grins up at him. Burke enters the drawing room. Vicki asks David what he has there--may I see it? David jumps off the table, snatching the photo out of her reach, and, without a word, goes upstairs, Vicki several steps behind him.

How many times do we have to go over this? Burke demands of Roger--I told you, I met your son in town.
In the street? interrogates Roger--and then you came here directly? Burke respond yes to both questions. Then how do you account for the fact that someone saw you and David coming out of your hotel room? asks Roger Oh, says Burke, I see. That's right, Burke, says Roger.

David enters Vicki's room and opens the window. She tells him she knows he's angry with her, but there was nothing else she could do--he can see that, can't he?--what he did was a terrible thing, and there's no use trying to deny it. Leave me alone, says David. I'm afraid I can't do that, says Vicki--your father wanted me to stay here with you. I wish you'd never come here, he says. He leaves the window seat and she asks what difference would that have made--his father was almost killed--my coming here had nothing to do with that. You blamed me for it, didn't you? accuses David. I told the truth, she says. I HATE you! he says through gritted teeth.

He stayed in my hotel room for an hour or so, explains Burke, then it looked like it was going to rain, so I brought him up here. I see, says Roger, and during that trip, you just happened to find the valve on the road. That's right, says Burke. Is it right, asks Roger, or is it just as much a lie as your story of finding David wandering around the streets? Wait a minute, objects Burke. You and David, you're both alike! says Roger angrily, grabbing a drink, you make up a nice, easy story... Just a minute! says Burke, take it easy, the only reason I didn't tell you he was in my hotel room was because I was afraid you were going to get sore--he's in enough trouble. Roger slugs down his drink and asks Burke how he knew David was in trouble--did he tell you about it? Yes he did, says Burke, I should have been glad about it--because it would get you off my neck, but I felt sorry for the kid. Sorry? asks Roger--why did he come up to see you? Beats me, says Burke. He spent an hour with you, says Roger, if he managed to get into town just to do that, it must have had a darn good reason. Maybe he wanted to see what I looked like, chuckles Burke. All right, Burke! says Roger, annoyed. Why not? asks Burke, you've been blasting off about me for years, haven't you?--ever since that accident, the kid's heard nothing but Burke Devlin around here--so he makes a trip to the zoo to look at the monster--well, he saw him, and let me tell you something else--he didn't think he was such a bad guy! I want you to stay away from David, says Roger. Why? demands Burke--afraid he'll get contaminated?--don't you think it's a little late for that? That's my affair, not yours, says Roger. If you want my advice, begins Burke. I'll tell you this, says Roger furiously, I don't want anything from you--not now, not tomorrow or ever! You know, says Burke, I don't think you're upset because you think David tampered with your brakes--you're sore because I didn't. All right, Burke! barks Roger. It's not all right! insists Burke, you wanted to hang it on me--you were dancing through the streets because you thought you'd found a way to send me back to prison--and lock the door!--well I'm sorry to spoil your fun--let me tell you something else--if anyone tampered with your brakes, it wasn't me--it was your own son! Roger gazes at him, stone-faced.

Vicki sits reading a magazine and David looks out the window. How long do I have to stay up here? he asks. That's up to your father, says Vicki. Do I have to stay here with you? he asks--why can't I go in my own room? I'm sorry, she says, but you have to stay here--would you like to read a magazine?--she offers him one. No, he says petulantly. I have a book...she suggests, but he tells her he doesn't want anything from her. I told you I'm sorry, she says. You're sorry, you're sorry, he mocks--why don't you admit you wish I were dead? Shocked, Vicki tells him of course not. I wish you were dead, he says--I wish a thousand ghosts would come in here and strangle... Roger enters and chastises David, "That's enough." He asks Vicki to leave him alone with his son. Vicki leaves after a last glance at David. Please go, says Roger. She does. He closes the door. What are you going to do? asks David, defiant but scared.

Burke sits at the piano playing Chopsticks--with many mistakes. Vicki comes in, and he asks her if she wants to join him in four-hand--I'm very good at the base. I don't think so, replies Vicki, thank you. You're worried about the boy, aren't you? he asks. Yes, she says. You needn't be, Burke assures her, he can take care of himself. You didn't see the way Mr. Collins looked at him, says Vicki. Aw, Roger won't bother him, says Burke--he'll let off a little steam, tell him what he thinks of him, but he won't hurt him--besides, you're the one that ought to worry! Me? asks Vicki. Yes, says Burke, you, my little governess--you--David's holding a very big grudge against you. It doesn't matter, says Vicki. Doesn't it? he asks--I'd stay away from open windows--better still, pack up and go home. Why are you so concerned about me? she asks. Because I'm a man of impulse, he says; because I think I like you and I don't want to see you sprawled on the rocks at the foot of Widows' Hill--take my advice, get on a train and go back to that foundling home.
I can't, not yet, she insists. Still trying to find out some things about yourself? she says. Some of us can't afford to hire private detectives, she says with sarcasm. He smiles--oh, he says, you heard about that?--my man wasn't very discrete, was he?--but if you'd like to see the report he made on Victoria Winters, I'd be delighted to show it to you--he pours himself a drink--if you'll join me for dinner. I'm afraid I can't think about dinner at the moment, she says. He drinks.

I didn't do it, protests David, I didn't have anything to do with it! Don't lie to me! yells Roger, it's no use--he grabs and shakes him--you're a little murderer, that's what you are, a rotten, lying little murderer--and you're going to get what you deserve--I'm going to have you sent away where you can't do damage to anybody else! David wrenches free of his father's grip and races out of the room, Roger on his tail, yelling his name. Vicki and Burke hear the commotion. David bullets into the drawing room, into Burke's arms, and begs him to help him. Burke holds and reassures him that it's all right, but Roger comes in, enraged, and orders his son to come here. Burke! pleads David, holding tightly to his new friend. Burke apologizes, saying he's sorry--he can't do anything for him now. The only way you can help is to get out of here! roars Roger, tearing David out of Devlin's arms.
Vicki asks Roger what he's going to do, and Roger holds tightly to David and says for the moment, he's going to lock him up in his room, and later on, they'll see. He marches David upstairs, the boy struggling all the way. I guess I'd better go before I wear out my welcome, suggests Burke. You think this is all pretty amusing, don't you? Vicki says angrily. In a way, yes, he says, it's sort of like the judgment of the gods, in a way--if you change your mind about dinner, I'll be at my hotel--oh, and by the way, remember what I said--stay away from open windows--and smiling, he leaves. Vicki watches him go, looking stern and pissed off. The camera pans back, making her look very small in the foyer..

NOTES: Burke likes Vicki! This could cause some definite problems, especially if she starts to return his affections. Will she take him up on that dinner, or is her appetite permanently destroyed by all that happened? Hearing David once again tells her he hates her must make her wonder why she's sticking around.

Burke was wrong--Roger didn't just want to yell at David, he is more determined than ever to send the kid away. You just know Liz won't stand for it, though. She adores that kid as much as she does Carolyn.

Why has Burke taken David's side against Roger? The reasons seem obvious, but it seems as though, by agreeing to lie for David, he's setting him up and intends to take advantage of him at some point down the line. Or is he just standing up for a sad kid he happens to like and who reminds him of himself when he was a child? Still, I can't help but feel that in the few hours he's known David, Burke is treating him more like a son than Roger ever has.

This tug of war over David between his father and Burke is very exciting, not in a supernatural way, but a more familiar, soapy way. Hey, what's with Burke and Roger's wife? Sounds like they were very close, especially the dreamy look Burke got in his eyes when he was looking at the photo. Lots of stuff going on, and plenty to look forward to!

Episode #32 - Here in Collinwood there is a moment in quiet; even the wind has subsided, but there are other storms--the unending chills of fear that sweeps through the corridors, always reminding a man how close he had come to death.

Roger walks downstairs at Collinwood. He hears a door open and close, but no one is there--then Liz enters and asks how long he's been home. Long enough, replies Roger dejectedly. I've just come from Matthew's cottage, says Liz, he's going into town to see if he can help find David. You can tell him not to bother, says Roger, you've missed quite a few things. Did you hear something about David? she asks. Yes, says Roger with irony, he tried to kill me--my own charming son. That's not true, says Liz--where is he now? Where all criminals belong, says Roger- pointing toward the ceiling--under lock and key. Liz looks extremely upset to hear this.

Roger pours himself a drink. (Already on the way to being a boozer.) What do you mean, locked in his room? demands Liz. Just what I said, he replies, David's upstairs locked in his room--there will be no more running away for that young man. When did he get home? she asks. Roger drinks and says about three quarters of an hour ago. You phoned me while David was missing, says Roger, but I'd like to know why you didn't tell me the reason. She looks reluctant, and hesitates--I wasn't sure, she says. You weren't sure, he repeats--my brake cylinder was found in his room, wasn't it? Yes, she says, but it could have been...I don't know. You know that after it was taken from his room and locked in a dresser, don't you? Yes, she says. And you also know, adds Roger, that David got it out of that dresser, then disappeared. .Maybe is wasn't the part to your car; maybe it was something that looked like it, suggests Liz desperately. It wasn't something else, says Roger--it was this--and he shows her the valve. Where did you find it? she asks.
It came (added by admin: home with my son. There's no question about it--he tried to kill me. Liz incredulously asks how David could have done it? Very simply, answers Roger with a smile. All he needed was wrench.)

At police HQ, Carter toys with the wrench taken from Roger's car. He calls Harry and asks him to get hold of Bill Malloy--he is?--send him right in. Bill himself enters the office, and Carter tells him he just saved the town of Collinsport a phone call--I was just going to have my deputy get in touch with you--come on, sit down. Bill sits and asks what Carter wanted to see him about. I've got a problem, says Carter--I thought maybe you could help me with it--I need information about the Collins family, says the constable, sitting on his desk--Roger, his sister, all of them. Why ask me? asks Bill. I guess maybe because you manage their fishing fleet and cannery, says Carter, and are closer to them than anyone else in town--reason enough? Nope, says Bill. You're a hard man, but I've got a tough job here--tougher than I thought, says Carter Bill suggests maybe he can make it easier. That's all I want, says Carter. Bill stands and says without prying into their family--they all know who tampered with Roger's brakes. Burke, you mean, says Carter. Ay-yuh, says Bill--I know you saw him today, Jonas, and I'm sure he told you the only reason he came back to town was for a social visit. Something like that, says Carter. Did he also tell you he had a private detective asking questions around town for two weeks before he arrived? Is that what you came to tell me? asks Carter. I figured it might help you build a case against him, says Malloy. Carter tells him he already knows about the detective--I know the facts against Burke in this case, and right now I wish I could make them hold up--but as I said before, I've got problems. Bill doesn't see what problems he has. I need your help, says Carter, I really need your help--I have to do something I don't like to do. I was always fond of Burke myself, begins Bill. Just forget about Burke for a minute, insists Carter, just try to answer my questions. About the family? asks Malloy. About one member of that family--just one, says Carter--a nine year old boy named David.

Liz looks dejectedly out the drawing room window. Roger enters the house and joins her. Had Matthew left yet? she asks. No, I stopped him in time, says Roger. Did you tell him the truth about David? she asks. .He'll learn soon enough, replies Roger. Who else knows about this? asks Liz. What difference does it make? he asks. I want to know, she insists. I'm not concerned with who knows about it, says Roger, I keep going over the nine years I've spent with that boy--well, they're over now. He's still your son, she reminds him. He's a monster, says Roger, nothing but trouble to me since the day he was born--David and his mother---with the bitterest sarcasm--my loving wife and my adoring son--Laura and David--love and respect--Liz, it was hell! But he's still your son, she says, as though that's all that matters. Is he? asks Roger--are you sure of that?--I'm not. Roger! she says, shocked. I married Laura right after Burke's trial, didn't I? he asks--she was his girl, wasn't she?--and David was born almost eight months after our marriage (Will the real DNA evidence please stand up!--but they didn't have that available then) That's ridiculous and you know it, says Liz. Maybe not, counters Roger--and maybe--but I know that all the years I spent looking at that boy I kept seeing Burke--and I hated him, Liz--I won't deny it. He's your son, I'm sure if it, insists Liz. Why? asks Roger--because he's deceitful, vicious, unpredictable?--because he tried to kill his own father? Perhaps he didn't realize what would happen, says Liz. Oh, come on, says Roger, don't try to protect the boy--I know him, you don't--he's been here two months--I've been with him for nine years--do you know what they add up to, those nine years?--he holds up the brake valve--"This."

Police station - He's just a kid, says Bill. I realize that, says Carter, what did he say? He must have just had a humdinger of a fight with his father, explains Bill, and I heard him say, "I hope he dies."--look, all kids go through that emotional... I'm not interested in all kids, says Carter--just one--did they have these fights often? What are you getting at? demands Bill. Do you think David's the kind of boy who would REALLY hate his father?--I don't mean kid stuff, I mean hate, the real thing. I don't think he likes him, says Bill. Before the accident, says Carter, did they have any particular arguments between them? I think you'd better tell me what you're after, suggests Bill. Carter again asks if there was an argument--could be important. Roger said something about sending him away, says Bill, to boarding school, I guess, and David was pretty upset about that. How upset was pretty upset? asks Carter. Jonas, says Bill, you're out of your mind! I sincerely hope so, says Carter. David's unpredictable, sure, says Malloy, a little wild, maybe, but he would never...I can't even say it. I haven't said it yet, says Carter, but I'm thinking it. Why? asks Bill. This wrench, says Carter, the one that remove the valve on Roger's car--when I took it back to the house from the garage, I had it wrapped in a handkerchief--I wanted to get a clear set of prints--I put it down, David was there--he knocked it off the table, accidentally, he said, but before I could stop him, he picked it up. So, David's fingerprints are on the wrench? says Bill--what does that mean? There are two sets of fingerprints, says Carter, looking at some papers in his hand and giving both to Bill--David's, Burke's. You saw David handle the wrench, says Malloy. That's right, agrees Carter, and Burke already admitted he handled it. I know, he said he found it on the seat of the car, says Bill, not believing. I think he did, says Carter--Listen, Bill, I've been going over this thing in my mind until I'm just about ready to turn in my badge--I never thought Burke fooled with those brakes--he's too smart to have gone through with it, having been seen standing there with the wrench in his hand. But the car did crash, Malloy reminds him. Exactly, says Carter, so I believe Burke was telling the truth about where he found the wrench--that someone else had used it and put it there--so I came back here and took another look at these prints--take a look at this one--he points out comparisons between the two sets of prints--the smaller one is David's, the larger one us Burke's. What does that prove? Asks Bill. Look at them, says Carter--Burke's is almost covering David's--which means that David handled the wrench twice--once when it went to the floor and he picked it up, and once before Burke got there. Bill studies the prints. I follow here, sure, says Malloy--Burke's fingerprint is on top of David's! That's the picture, says Carter. It doesn't prove anything, insists Bill, I mean one fingerprint doesn't prove David tampered with the brakes, then left the wrench on the car seat! No, agrees Carter, but it raises a suspicion, wouldn't you say?
Bill rises, scratches his head, seems uncomfortable. What do you intend to do about it? Bill asks Carter. The lawman sighs and says he doesn't know what to do about it--"I really don't."

Roger broods by the piano, another drink in his hand. Liz enters and goes to him. So? he asks. He wouldn't talk to me, she says,upset, he just lays on his bed, staring at the ceiling--it was just as if I weren't in the room at all. There isn't much for him to say, says Roger. I begged and pleaded with him to tell me it wasn't true, says Liz (oh, let it go--he did it--accept it!), that he hadn't done it. I think it's gone past that point, says Roger. But I feel so helpless, she says, I don't know what to do. I do, he says, it's time we faced reality--David isn't a normal child, for whatever reason, and he needs special help. But he's so frightened! She objects. He should be, says Roger, there are places, schools equipped to help problems like him. I don't want to think about it, she insists. You've got to, he says. But this is his home, I don't want to send him away! she cries. Do you know if he was older, says Roger, he would be in prison for what he tried to do? But he's not older, says Liz. Do you know what would happen if I told the sheriff the truth? demands Roger--the juvenile authorities would insist on a hearing. I'm sure you're wrong, says Liz. I'm telling you what I know, he says. I don't care what you're telling me, she says, there's no reason for the sheriff or anyone else to know about this. I can't believe you actually want him to stay here! says Roger. I know he's done a terrible thing, she says, I'm not denying it, but he is part of our family. He tried to kill me, Liz! says Roger, kill me!--you want to let him go on living here so he can try again? Perhaps he didn't know what would happen, she says. Don't start that again, please! he says--what happens next?--a loose rock, some rat poison in my coffee--I've tried to be as forgiving as the next person, but... Have you? she asks, have you really? I have tried to cope with that boy for nine years of torment, says Roger. And what do you think those years were like for him? demands Liz--surrounded by hatred from the moment he was born!--a hate he didn't know how to deal with or even understand! Is that supposed to excuse what he did? asks Roger. I'm not looking for excuses, says Liz, I want to help David, not turn him away!--she holds up the bleeder valve--you say this adds up to nine years, she says, I'm telling you it adds up to more than nine years, to a boy lying on his bed, trembling with fear, afraid of everything and everyone.
I'm supposed to be blamed for that, I guess, says Roger. I've seen you with him, says Liz--I've seen the hatred pouring out of you, smothering him, driving him deeper and deeper into his own fears, until he has no where to turn! And that excuses him? asks Roger. Nothing excuses him, says Liz, let me make that clear--nothing--but he's been forced to live his lifetime with your guilt. Guilt? Asks Roger--maybe you'd better tell me what you mean, Liz. Calmer, Liz says no, it doesn't matter. Perhaps it does, says Roger. I had no right to say that, she says--I'm sorry. I have no guilt, says Roger. Our family stands together, says Liz firmly, we always have and always will--I think I've proved that to you in the past--I want to do as much for your son. David may not be that, says Roger. Don't tell me he's not your son, says Liz, because I won't accept that--he belongs to them--she sweeps out an arm toward the portraits--just as we do--Jeremiah, Isaac, Benjamin, all of them--he's the youngest, and the last, and he needs our help--and we're going to give it to him--here. What happens when other people find out? asks Roger. No one will find out, says Liz, I'll see to that. It's insane, says Roger, I won't let you do it. I'm afraid you have no choice, says Liz, I've made up my mind--David is going to stay here! What do you expect me to do? asks Roger. I expect you to remember he's not a criminal, says Liz--I expect you to leave him alone and allow Miss Winters and me to give him the happiness and attention he deserves. Someone knocks and Liz goes to answer the door. It's Carter, who asks to see Roger. Liz looks into the drawing room nervously.

Liz tells Roger that Carter wants to speak to him. I want to see you about something important, says Carter, I think you'd be interested, too, Mrs. Stoddard. Well put, says Roger, my sister is interested in all that concerns me--all that concerns our sacred family. What is it? asks Liz. Please says Roger, I think ,r. Carter should know what a strong-knit group we have up here on this hill--my sister is a great believe in family tradition, says Roger in a mocking voice, his hand on Liz' shoulder--the strong should protect the weak, the healthy should protect the sick, no matter what the consequences may be. He walks away, drink in hand. Roger, says Liz, I'm sure Jonas didn't come up here to listen to a lecture on family loyalty. As a matter of fact, says Carter, family loyalty does play a part in what I'm about to say--I want you to know this isn't easy for me--I could be wrong, but I've been giving it a lot of thought--well, I wasn't even going to come up here, but thought I should come up and discuss it with both of you. Is it about the accident? Asks Liz. Yes, says Carter. Don't tell me you finally arrested Burke Devlin, says Roger--talk about irony, Liz. Roger, please! says Liz--go on, Jonas. NO, I haven't arrested Burke, says Carter, I guess you know I never really felt Burke was responsible for your brother's accident. And how right you were, says Roger, gazing pointedly at Liz. Roger, says Liz. Why not give the man credit? Suggests Roger--it was you and I, Liz, we always blamed Burke for tampering with my brakes, and think of the injustice it was, at least Mr. Carter had the instinct and perception... Roger, that's enough! says Liz. Oh, excuse me, says Roger with bitter sarcasm, I didn't mean to make another speech, a thousand apologies, Mr. Carter--and he bows. It's about the wrench, says Carter--I guess you remember that Burke said he found it on the seat of the car. I remember, says Roger. Carter tells Liz he wants her to know he could be wrong, he's made mistakes before, lots of times. Is it about David? asks Roger, and Liz shoots him a dirty look. Tell me, Mr. Carter, says Roger, is it about my son? Yes, says Carter--there were prints on the wench. Roger takes another drink. Liz tells the sheriff there's no reason to go on with this. I wish there weren't, says Carter. What I mean is, says Liz, we've learned we were mistaken--not only about Burke, but the reason for the accident--no one did tamper with the brakes--the valve fell off by itself. Liz! says Roger. I'm sorry I couldn't call you, says Liz, but I just found out about it. What are you trying to do? Roger asks his sister. Please let me explain, says Liz--our caretaker just told me--he was afraid to mention it because of the accident--but it seems that the valve had been loose several times in the past and should have been replaced. You mean the valve fell off by itself, says Carter. Show it to him, Roger, commands Liz, and when he brother hesitates, she repeats her order. Roger reaches into his pocket and takes out the bleeder valve, which he gives to Carter. Where did you find this? asks Carter. On the side of the road--exactly where it fell, lies Liz.
I see, says Carter, what you mean is, you want me to drop the case. Well, there are no criminals involved, says Liz, why continue? I always did like easy solutions, says Carter, gazing at the valve. Then there will be no further investigations, says Liz. Why should there be, when there's no one to investigate? agrees Carter--he looks at both of them and hands the valve back to Roger--I'd better be getting home, he says, I promised my wife I'd take her to a movie. I'll see you to the door, says Liz. Roger moves the valve around in his hands. Liz thanks the sheriff for his effort. Just doing a day's work, says Carter--oh, Mr. Collins, give your son my regards, will you? Roger raises his glass in mock agreement. Carter leaves. Liz gazes at her brother sternly. Roger puts his glass down on the table and approaches her, his face stony. He starts to go upstairs. I had no choice, Liz tells him. We all have a choice, corrects Roger, it's just what we do with it. You know what he was going to say? asks Liz. Yes, says Roger. I had to lie him, insists Liz--I had to protect David! You protected a monster, says Roger, don't ever forget that--because there will come a day, perhaps not tomorrow, but it will come--and you will regret it. He goes upstairs. Liz watches him. Standing at the door, he looks down at her one last time, and is gone...

NOTES: Roger and Liz make some pair of battling siblings, don't they? Reminds me of the early days in 1897 with that happy little group of quibbling sibs. Liz went over Roger's head about his own flesh and blood, lied to the law, and plans to turn David into a happy little boy. Those of us who have watched this series before know that the love of Vicki and Liz, and eventually Carolyn, does turn David into a decent kid. But now, he's a troubled little boy with big problems. Liz' love for him borders on manic, IMHO, but her heart is in the right place.

Whoa--oh, Roger thinks David might be Burke's son! That explains a great deal--and I bet Roger and Laura's ongoing argument was about that very thing. David might have thought he was going to see his real father when he visited Burke. Burke and David sure get together like father and son, don't they? Perhaps Burke himself thinks he's the daddy. If David was born only eight months after Roger married Laura, and she was Burke's girlfriend, I guess there is a possibility Roger isn't David's father--except we see that there's a David lookalike in nearly every storyline taking place in the past.

The Collins family really should have informed the police about David's involvement right away. Carter was agonizing over this--nd they already knew!. Of course, he now knows David did do it, but that Liz, the most powerful woman in town, has told him to back off--and he will--but he did get in that parting shot to Roger. I do like this sheriff, but he's one in a long line of many. I wonder when Dana Elcar shows up?

Liz has admirable motives about David, but she still seems to overlook the fact that if he tried to murder Roger once, he'll try again. Then again, if he isn't threatened with being sent away, perhaps he won't try.

How bitter was that last conversation between Roger, Carter and Liz! The sheriff sensed the tension, you can be sure of that, but he didn't question it--or insist on bringing David to justice. Perhaps Carter, being the practical man he is, who claims he likes simple solutions to crimes, realizes and accepts that in some ways, the Collins family is like the Mafia in Collinsport, and they have their own laws to abide by.

Love, Robin

Offline VictoriaWintersCollins

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Re: #0031/0032: Robservations 06/08/01: Son vs. Father
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 12:21:09 AM »
Episode #31.

The infamous valve reappears, what now?
LOL@ David tryin to make run for the border, not so fast sport!
So Burke decided to cover for him, on the road, really?  Hope Roger doesn't buy this BS.
Now he has an ally in the Collins family, you will pay dearly for that favor David.
Have a feeling Devlin will cash in on it very soon.   [hall2_sad]  Poor Vicki, she's been made to look like a fool.
Wait a minute, Carolyn just indirectly poked holes in Devlin's story about picking up Damien(oops I mean David) wandering the streets in town.  Will somebody please take a paddle to this kid's backside?
Must agree with Burke, Roger does appear to be more disappointed that he wasn't the culprit.
Roger's on the rampage, David is terrified and Vicki looks totally clueless.
I'm sure Devlin is enjoying all this turmoil and chaos, grinning like a fat Chesire Cat.

The story is a bit of  a slow burn, but I'm intrigued and want to see where it leads.
My name is Victoria Winters, my journey is just beginning.

A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my  past with my future.  A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place.  To the edge of the sea, high atop Widow's Hill, to a place called Collingwood.

Offline VictoriaWintersCollins

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Re: #0031/0032: Robservations 06/08/01: Son vs. Father
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 06:29:44 PM »
Episode #32

Liz is back, she missed all the fireworks at Chez Collingwood.
Ummmmmm Roger, you just found out that your  OWN SON tried to usher you into the afterlife.
Perhaps notifiyng the authorities and seeking out a Child Psychologist would be a good idea now?
Young David clearly has serious issues, that need to be addressed.  [hall2_sad]
In fact, he could use a bit of "couch time" as well, in order to get to the root of his hate for his OWN child.
Though I do suspect what it could be.  Why does everyone says three quarters of an hour, instead of 45 mins?  [hall2_huh]    That valve should be featured in the end title credits, it's getting more screentime than some cast members.  YAY Malloy is back on the scene, Liz could use some support right now.  Yep that's it, Roger doesn't think the bad seed is his.  Carter is on to the kid, wonder what he will do?

GOOF: You can see "Carter" exit the set(stage right) when he leaves Collingwood,lol!

He really didn't want to persue the investigation, once it was clear that David was the culprit. Liz just gave him a convient way out of it.  So it looks like the youngster got away with attempted murder.  [hall2_huh]
My name is Victoria Winters, my journey is just beginning.

A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my  past with my future.  A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place.  To the edge of the sea, high atop Widow's Hill, to a place called Collingwood.