General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '04 I => Topic started by: Julia99 on May 16, 2004, 02:48:21 AM

Title: Boobie Montage
Post by: Julia99 on May 16, 2004, 02:48:21 AM
 8)  This montage always makes me chuckle. . notice Day 1 of Julia in this very tight belted dress and how her ::cough cough:: ahem. . . blessings don't seem quite so prominent. . .I think for Day 2 (wence photo is from) the DS Wardrobe Mistress stepped in with a more supportive (i.e. padded) undergarment. . . .

Julia99, always observing the arcane and useless. . . ;D
Title: Re:Boobie Montage
Post by: Gothick on May 17, 2004, 04:36:15 PM
I love this, just LOVE it! Brought a big smile to my face today.  Many thanks, MB.

Julia, darling, you and I share a similar love for the arcane, especially as they relate to a certain titian haired Queen of Off-Broadway... lol...

xo  Steve
Title: Re:Boobie Montage
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on May 17, 2004, 11:55:15 PM
Seeing this post reminded me of a certain 'wardrobe' malfunction on DS during the 1897 flashback.  It involved Quentin (who else  :o). Does anyone recall the incident?
Title: Re:Boobie Montage
Post by: Gothick on May 18, 2004, 09:36:15 PM
Too bad there isn't a male version of the "Boobie Montage" featuring the beautiful look we get at Joe Haskell's exposed chest during these episodes.

At least shirtless Joe did feature (if not as prominently as one would have liked) in today's episode montage.

Title: Re:Boobie Montage
Post by: Mysterious Benefactor on May 18, 2004, 09:52:07 PM
At least shirtless Joe did feature (if not as prominently as one would have liked) in today's episode montage.

Joe's not as prominently featured in the montage because he's prominently featured in the Robservations captures.  ;)  And those captures get to stay on the forum permanently.  [b003]
Title: Re:Boobie Montage
Post by: Connie on May 19, 2004, 03:33:25 AM
Seeing this post reminded me of a certain 'wardrobe' malfunction on DS during the 1897 flashback.  It involved Quentin (who else  :o). Does anyone recall the incident?

No!  What was this?
Any wardrobe malfunction involving Quentin sounds good to me.  (Particularly if his pants are involved)  [grinb]

Title: Re:Boobie Montage
Post by: Miss_Winthrop on May 20, 2004, 11:27:59 AM
No!  What was this?
Any wardrobe malfunction involving Quentin sounds good to me.  (Particularly if his pants are involved)  [grinb]


It actually involved the woman Quentin attacked in the woods when he was a werewolf.  I have it on the vhs tape episode.  Someone had brought her into the house and upstairs to a bedroom at Collinwood.  I think her 'bustier'(?) had slipped down a tad over one of her umm, bosoms(?) and you can see her uh, you know the spot where you would put a piercing ring if you were so inclined to do so. The same spot where Janet Jackson had her ring. David Selby gave a little smirk when he noticed. I'm easily amused so I laughed when I first saw it.    ;D I'm sure the poor woman never even noticed  ::)
Title: Re:Boobie Montage
Post by: michael c on May 22, 2004, 01:37:49 AM
and those miniskirts!my only complaint is that the lovely alexandra moltke left the show in 1968,before hemlines hit the panty-grazing highs of 69/70.it would have been nice to see our demure governess showing some thigh. :-*