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Messages - McTrooper

better insult customers at the cafe and still keep her job

go out and watch a pianists playing

gamble your earnings

go pick sea shells by the sea shore for his side business Collinsport Shell-Ectibles LLC

Sam was trying to figure out what kind of bra to get Maggie for Christmas.

Sam was always careful with his invisible paint set since it was so expensive.

Liz:  Don’t act like I’m some stuck up person that you need to walk around on eggshells or impress.  I’m a nice person.  Just don’t go into the basement or there’s a fire poker with your name on it.

the Penguin’s pink knockout gas

The Cigarette Smoking Man’s time traveling smoke smog

moved the couch a quarter inch to the left

threw out the three month old bread that only had a little mold on it

Caption This! - 1795/1796 / Re: Episode #0413
« on: December 29, 2022, 04:41:31 PM »
Victoria: When I’m from some people bell bottoms.

Peter:  Why would anyone want bells on their bottoms? 

Victoria:  I don’t know why it’s hard to say you’re name without laughing.

Peter:  That’s okay.  Maybe you can call me my middle name ’Richard’.

Victoria:  My favorite food is meatballs with grape jelly.

Jason:   . . . and that’s when I found out the gal I was dating only had one huge track of land instead of two.

Burke:  Don’t mind me I’m just enjoying the delightful smell of Mrs. Johnson’s mayonnaise.

Elisabeth:  You see that’s how you blow out a candle. 
But frankly most of the time they blow out dramatically around here so you probably won’t get a lot of practice.

Note:  Pretty sure that happened at least once.

Victoria:  Remember David if you don’t brush your teeth you’ll end up looking like when your teeth fall out.

Jason:  Why you must be Joe.  I remember you as a little one always eating paper or dirt.  Always wondered if you’d survive. 

Matthew:  Now listen Carolyn, I haven’t seen your cheese.  I’m getting tired of you asking me.