Author Topic: #0359/0360: Robservations 02/15/02: Julia Asks Sarah For Help  (Read 1210 times)

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#0359/0360: Robservations 02/15/02: Julia Asks Sarah For Help
« on: February 14, 2002, 07:03:46 PM »
359 - (Nancy Barrett) - Morning at Collinwood. . .a fog has blown in from the sea, and it clings to the ground, and the trees make familiar shapes strange and frightening. From the window, everything looks unreal. And in our lives a similar mist seems to have spread--and who can tell what is true and what is not.

Mrs. Johnson comes into Julia's room to find her frantically trying to pull down the drapes. She wants to make the room lighter, she says, very tense. She didn't sleep at all, and confesses she thought she saw Dr. Woodard in front of her window. Mrs. J doesn't help matters by going on and on about what a wonderful man Woodard was;
Julia snaps at her. Mrs. Johnson says they've all noticed how on edge Julia's been since Dr. Woodard's funeral. While she's talking to Mrs. Johnson, Julia hears Dave's voice again: "You know better--I trusted you, why did you do it?" Julia talks back to the voice, which only she can hear, denying, then begs Mrs. Johnson to help her.

Tony and Carolyn, post-dinner-date, walk out on the terrace. He's uncomfortable, expecting Roger to come out and order him off the place. Carolyn says she had a feeling she should come home, and he teases her about the Cinderella story. She tells him she enjoyed dinner, and wonders if he's changed his mind about her being rich, spoiled, silly and impossible. She runs her hand up his shoulder provocatively, and he kisses her forehead and urges her to keep trying.
They share two REAL kisses, passionate, good ones (Vicki, Burke, take note). A dog howls and Carolyn abruptly pulls back. What happened, he demands, disappointed. She asks him to lunch the following day, dismissing him, but he wants to finish THIS date. She says she's worried about Julia and he says he's worried about Carolyn. He orders her to "Come here," apparently hoping to return to making out, but she pleads a headache and tells him to go--she's got things to do. He accuses her of sounding like Julia, which insults her, and then comments that it's unhealthy living at Collinwood. By the way, he says, stung by the change in her attitude, he's busy for lunch tomorrow.

Nervous, Julia enters her room. She locked it, so no one could have gotten in. No ghosts, she chides herself. The curtains are down, only the white sheers remain. She wonders what Mrs. Johnson must have thought, then says she should just return to her old life at Windcliff and forget Barnabas! She is horrified to spot Dave Woodard's lab coat lying on her bedroom floor,
and when she picks it up, a rat runs out from under it. Julia tries to bolt from her room and finds herself locked in. She pounds on the door, trying the knob, and Mrs. Johnson opens the door easily from the other side. Julia, wild-eyed, tells Mrs. Johnson she saw a rat in her room under the white coat on the floor. There are no rats, insists the housekeeper, and when she goes to check out what Julia said, finds the coat gone, too. She promises to get some rat pellets, but it's clear she doesn't believe Julia about the rat or the coat. When Carolyn comes up, Julia orders her to tell Barnabas to stop--she can fight back! She knows his weaknesses as well as he knows hers, and will act against him. The line between love and hate is a thin line, Julia tells Carolyn, and she is fast learning just how thin it is.

Old House - Barnabas and Carolyn discuss their concern about Julia's threat and his lack of protection during the day. There's a knock at the door and Barnabas orders Carolyn out of the room. She hides behind the double doors, listening. Barnabas cordially invites Julia in, offers her a seat and some port. To hell with the social amenities, she insists, she knows he's responsible for what's been happening to her. She knows he's capable of anything and he has frightened her more than she's ever been frightened before. When he pretends ignorance, she tells him about the apparition and the voice. He saw it, too, he says--Woodard accused him of killing him. You did, Julia says. Barnabas is upset: "Do you have to remind me, too?" he asks sadly. He tells her he's begun to develop a conscience, and calls her Julia, which, of course, softens her immediately. He felt himself changing the previous night, a spiritual, rather than physical, experience. They shared dreams, plans, he reminds her, his voice gentle. He was so depressed over the failure of the experiments! He realizes that Josette is dead, he can't recreate her anymore than he could summon a ghost! (Ha ha) Julia, although you can see she desperately wants to believe this kinder, gentler Barnabas, accuses him of lying--Dave didn't come to see him, nor does she believe he is willing to give up his dream to recreate Josette! Does Julia want him to suffer this guilt alone? Asks Barnabas sincerely. He doesn't want her to be alone, and owes her so many apologies. She offered him the best of herself, he knows that. He begs her to help him--he cares for and needs her.
Julia, a woman in love, listens to this and believes it because she wants to so badly. Carolyn, overhearing, is dismayed. Barnabas tells Julia he wants her to come to the Old House the following evening so they can sort all this out. She says the only thing she fears is that he'll change back to the SOB he was. He kisses her hand and she leaves, her face as luminous as a bride's. Carolyn comes out of her hiding place and chides Barnabas for being very cruel--Julia loves him! Barnabas tells Carolyn she's very, very tired and orders her to come to him. She does, staring intently into his eyes. "Yes, yes, I am tired," she agrees, in full trance mode, and moves into his arms.

Hard to decide in what way Barnabas was crueler to Julia--when he sent Dr. Woodard's ghost to torment her or when he convinced the love-besotted woman he cares for her. Either way, he was a pure SOB!

360 - (KLS) - A cold, penetrating wind blows in from the sea, and the autumn landscape surrounding Collinwood is bleak and desolate. For one who has left Collinwood on a desperate mission, this promises to be a day of terror--and a night on which an alarming discovery will be made.

Although Tony Peterson is in a big hurry to get to court, Julia tells him someone could die if he refuses to help her immediately, so he agrees. She wants to see her notebook, she says, to reassure herself it's all right.
She's behaving just the slightest bit loony, but Tony complies and opens the safe; however, when he can't find it immediately, she accuses him of being in on the conspiracy, of stealing the notebook from her. He's so insulted that when he does find it and she checks the lock to make sure it hasn't been tampered with, he tells her to take the blasted thing with her, if she doesn't trust him. She has to work hard to convince him she does trust him, and he reluctantly takes it and puts it back in his safe, clearly thinking she's got some missing attic insulation. It occurs to her that perhaps Sarah can help/protect her, and she rushes from Tony's office leaving him perplexed and probably questioning about her sanity.

Joe and Maggie are sharing a kiss at the cottage when Julia knocks at the door. She asks Maggie if she can borrow the doll Sarah left with her for protection, but Maggie says it disappeared a few weeks ago and she hasn't seen it since. Julia, talking aimlessly about how important it is that she see Sarah--she's desperate--is disappointed. Joe and Maggie notice how upset Julia is and offer to help, but she won't tell them why she's so desperately seeking Sarah. Maggie explains that, as far as seeing Sarah is concerned, the little girl kind of popped up when she sensed she needed her. Julia decides to go to the Collins mausoleum, where Sarah's grave is.
Maggie wants to send Joe along with Julia, since it's getting dark, but Julia refuses, thanks them and leaves. Both Joe and Maggie think the doctor is behaving strangely, and Joe suggests that Dr. Woodard didn't trust Julia--perhaps with good cause. Maggie feels differently, sorry for Julia, and thinks she may be in danger, all alone, with no one to help her.

Mausoleum - Julia runs into the caretaker who gives her the usual warnings about trafficking with the dead, blah blah blah.
Julia questions him about Sarah, but he insists only the dead are there, not the living (clearly not getting that Sarah is a ghost). Julia, and only Julia, hears the sound of Sarah's flute, and calls to the ghost girl. The music stops. Julia wonders why only she heard the music, which the caretaker, of course, says is a warning, and Julia is in danger there. Although he urges her to leave, Julia enters the tomb, calling for Sarah. A storm has begun, and there is a loud crash of thunder.

Maggie, in the protective circle of Joe's arms, tells him she has a creepy feeling about Julia and wonders if it means new trouble. She feels danger waiting, reaching out to touch all of them.

Julia walks around the coffins, asking Sarah to appear to her. She's wondering if the ghost girl can't or won't show up when she feels a terrible chill. She's thinking about leaving when Sarah pops up. Julia is hopeful, glad to see her, but the little girl offers no comfort. When Julia asks her if she can trust Barnabas, and if Sarah will protect her from him, as she has David and Maggie, Sarah gets mean--Julia helped kill Dr. Woodard! She LIKED Dr. Woodard!
Julia denies doing anything, insisting Barnabas did it, and forced her to help. Sarah claims not to understand, and while poor Julia is still begging the ghost to protect her from Barnabas, she fades away. "Sarah?" says Julia plaintively, but she's alone in the mausoleum.

On my MPI tape, prior to the next episode, we see a black and white promo of the upcoming 1795 storyline. Beginning Friday, we will travel to the past with Victoria Winters and learn the story of this man (Barnabas) and the secret of the chained coffin!

NOTES: I wonder why Julia believed Sarah would help her? We know the little girl liked Dr. Woodard and is probably furious at her brother and Julia for killing her. And why Julia would believe Sarah has any inkling about her brother's trustworthiness is another puzzler. Surely Julia knows Barnabas is NOT to be trusted at this point, and has it in for her. I guess being in love with him is clouding her judgment. Pity, too.

Love, Robin