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Messages - madscntst

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Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!
« on: December 08, 2011, 04:41:58 PM »
Thanks for the info about the fb page, Nancy- I might check that out.  I belong to one of the larger ones but rarely check it out anymore because there is so much whining.

I don't mind people criticizing HBC or other aspects of the film.  Many opinions are very interesting to hear even if I don't always agree.  But there is a difference between criticism and hate, and some folks seem to be getting so bent out of shape without realizing that the original series isn't going anywhere, and it will never be negated by the film, no matter what.

As for HBC, maybe because I've seen some of her other interviews, it didn't bother me that much.  I'm kind of used to the sarcastic spin she tends to put on everything.  I actually did think she made a mistake in saying some of the things she did on camera, and not too surprised that folks would criticize that, but I am surprised that people reacted as strongly as they did.  Glad Michelle has weighed in to show a more cheerful perspective, and that KLS is out there making a pitch for the film and for her book  [santa_wink]

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: December 03, 2011, 01:33:48 AM »
WARNING--- there is a major PLOT SPOILER here, but there is another clip with HBC in which she talks a little more about DS.  Since it's on the internet anyway, and folks might come across it, I figured it'd be better to warn people in case they want to stay away to avoid spoilers:

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!
« on: December 02, 2011, 02:28:55 AM »
Interesting remarks, thanks jimbo.  I think that HBC has a bit of a sarcastic, dry-witted manner of talking, so this may just be her way or her style of explaining things.  I'm still not worried.  I hope that a trailer, which I hope we will see soon, will give us a better taste of the tone.

I don't know many folks here watch American Horror Story, though I think there is a thread about it here somewhere.  But if that is anything like the type of humor that we might expect to see with DS, then count me in!  The show is very humorous, but very dark and scary, as well.  I saw a recent description of Jessica Lange in a forum about that show, that admired how she could go from campy to cruel to heartbroken and vulnerable, sometimes in the same scene.  If Depp or Green or some of the others can do that, I'll be a happy camper! [santa_cheesy]


I was just browsing through a slideshow on Entertainment Weekly's site, of the cast of the upcoming Spielberg film, Lincoln (not to be confused with Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter  [hall2_wink] )  I saw 3 count 'em 3 present/former DS actors in the cast!  From the DS film, Jackie Earle Haley and Gulliver McGrath are in it, McGrath as one of Lincoln's sons (haha, Gulliver seems to be everywhere lately, as he's also in Hugo!), and alum Joseph Gordon-Levitt is also in it as another of Lincoln's sons.  Great!  The film is slated for October 2012, and will star Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!
« on: November 27, 2011, 12:34:33 AM »
I'm also surprised at the $60 M figure.  Very cool if they can keep close to that.  The film budget does not typically include marketing- this is a question that often comes up on movie/award sites, and it seems that the consensus is pretty strong on that.  But I think that it is supposed to cover post-production, at least for what is estimated. I think I've read articles where some film projects end up ballooning way beyond what was estimated, so of course it seems that it's possible for post-production to add much more, but I think they at least try to account for that.

I think that in general, the budgets for Tim's films are rather modest compared with someone like say Jerry Bruckheimer  [hall2_grin]  Those Pirates films really got out of control, and I'm sure that some folks here have read about the problems getting Johnny's Lone Ranger underway (and that is also a Disney/Bruckheimer film directed by Gore Verbinski, who is also a big spender).  In these cases, they cited locations as getting very expensive, especially when there are so many locations-- some of the Lone Ranger budget was cut when they simply streamlined the filming schedule so as not to have to go back and forth so much and keep a lot of crew on hand waiting in one location (to which I'd say, duh, you'd think that'd be obvious!)  All to say, even though DS had a few locations, so much of it was filmed in the studio that that might actually save money, even if they have to build a lot of elaborate sets.

I seemed to recall the Sweeney Todd budget being surprisingly low, and since I have a whole section of my music-related Depp website devoted to Sweeney, I referred to it and found this Playbill article that cites a $50 M figure:

That's pretty unbelievable!  (And possibly a bit of a low-ball).  But it makes the $60 M for DS sound a little more believable.  I'm guessing that as a producer, Johnny was willing to take most of his pay on the back end (that is, any profits after release) and the same might be true of Tim.  

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!
« on: November 25, 2011, 10:26:49 PM »
Oh, sounds like the video wasn't new then- sorry!  [hall2_smiley]  I hadn't seen it but I think I missed some stuff at a time when I was pretty busy.  I think that a lot of folks around my age have very a fond remembrance of DS, even if they are not die-hards now.

By the way, I just got back from seeing Hugo-- wonderful film.  Besides Johnny being a producer, and Chloe Moretz playing one of the lead characters, I didn't realize that Gulliver McGrath (David Collins) is in it.  He has a really teensy part- I don't even think he has any lines, but he sure is cute as a button.  I'm kind of hoping he'll still be cute-- but not TOO cute, in DS, if you know what I mean  [hall2_grin]

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!
« on: November 25, 2011, 04:53:18 PM »
Here is a new YouTube interview with Alice Cooper (at least it's dated today, and I hope it's not a repost but I haven't seen it before)

Poor Alice- I have no doubt that he did watch the show back in the day, but he clearly has a poor memory of DS  [hall2_grin]   Actually, I think that there are probably a lot of folks out there of a certain age who are the same- who if you asked them about it, they'd remember running home from school, but if you actually asked for details they might be rather vague about what they remember.  I think this is going to be a perfect audience for the film, because they'll be receptive and maybe it'll help bring back a new love for the show.

I haven't ever gotten the chance to see the '04 DS pilot, but I have been seeing the name Jessica Chastain everywhere this year.  she sure seems to have had a great year!!  It just so happened that I saw two movies last weekend that both featured Jessica.

One was The Tree Of Life, which I rented from Netflix.  Hmm, I've heard this film is pretty divisive, and I guess I can now be counted in the category that didn't like it.  It is VERY abstract, and while I kind of got the point of what it was trying to convey, I just didn't find myself buying into it at all- thought it was pretentious, one-note, and rather depressing.  That said, Chastain was one of the best things about the film- playing a warm and loving mother to her three young sons.

The other film was Take Shelter, which I saw in the theater.  This one was much more my speed.  It is about an average blue-collar family man who suddenly starts having apocalyptic visions of a terrible storm coming.  But are these prophecies, or a symptom of the mental illness that he knows runs in his family?  But it's really not a horror film, but more of a psychological character study.  Chastain plays his wife, and she shows much more range here and she really is fantastic (as are the others in the cast).  As an indie film, it's a little more slow-moving than some films, but that didn't bother me.  So this gets a thumbs-up from me.

I haven't even seen The Help, but I've heard that she is also great in that one, as well.  So, congrats to her on all these great performances, and here's to many more!  And yeah, it's interesting to wonder whether she would've been helped or hurt if she had done say 5 seasons of DS- on the one hand, it might've been harder for her to do other things while doing DS, but on the other hand it's taken several years for her to gain this amount of visibility without it, so who knows??

I don't think that smoking is an automatic R, though it might contribute to the rating.  (Didn't someone here tell me recently that even marijuana use isn't automatically an R?)  Earlier this year, Rango was rated PG, and even though it was animated, there was a huge uproar from parents' groups about the amount of smoking depicted in the film (they didn't like the language, either).  Maybe a live-action film would be different... I'm trying to think of other movies I've seen recently, but I believe that The Tourist was rated PG-13, and while Johnny's character was smoking electronic cigarettes through most of the movie, he did switch to real ones toward the end. 

Okay, I tried Googling this and all I could find is this 2007 article from msnbc- I don't know if it's up to date

Oh, and Wikipedia says that Disney won't allow smoking in its new films.  And it mentions the Rango issue.

I am so sorry to hear of this.  All my deepest sympathies to Rainingwolf's family and loved ones.


Hey Taeylor, adding my best wishes and positive thoughts your way for your mom and grandmother, and for yourself as well!  I always enjoy reading your posts that are so full of enthusiasm and joy for all things DS, and I am glad you'll soon be able to spend more time here.


Well, if anything, we should be flattered that they chose to pit Shadows against TDKR.  That is probably one of the best things you could do when making up a story about Shadows.  There's no better movie to compete against.  [hall2_grin] 

Well said!  (Heck, even I can't wait to see TDKR!  [hall2_grin] )

I think Entertainmentwise is among the group of tabloid sources that Contact Music, New Kerala and others belong to.  Once one of them reports some gossip, the same gossip usually makes the rounds of all of them, and then sometimes a few months later they recycle them again just for good measure.  None of these are worth worrying about  [hall2_grin]  In this case, I think they have confused Christian and Johnny with their Public Enemies characters, Melvin Purvis and John Dillinger  [hall2_tongue]  Totally silly, especially with all the parallel reports in the news right now about how little Johnny cares that The Rum Diary isn't doing great at the box office.  From what I could see, Christian and Johnny had only positive things to say about each other during Public Enemies; Johnny almost never says anything bad about anyone anyway.  I do seem to recall some of the other actors or crew members remarking that since Christian is more of a method actor that he would sometimes be "in character" and didn't really interact that much with the rest of the cast, whereas Johnny would chat and joke more between takes, but even that isn't really a diss of Christian so much as it's just an observation that they have different approaches.

To be honest, I would expect The Dark Knight Rises to make at least 2-3 times more than Dark Shadows.  It is in an established franchise that has done amazingly well and shows no sign of slowing down at the box office. It's really not fair to make a direct comparison between the two, anyway.

No poster yet but I'm not too surprised.  It still seems early, though May is creeping up on us!  Just a hunch, but I am kind of thinking that we'll either get a teaser or a poster before the holidays.  I would love to see a teaser trailer with Hugo (which is produced by Johnny's Infinitum Nihil, as is DS), but it may be too soon, and DS may not be "child-friendly" enough to show with Hugo.  But I hope we'll have something by the holidays.

I was just browsing in the Johnny Depp Zone and there was a quote from Johnny and the Rum Diary director Bruce Robinson about their feelings about the Rum Diary box office.  I didn't copy it and the Zone didn't give the source (though it may have come from last night's UK premiere), but basically they said what we've been saying- that The Rum Diary was never meant to be a blockbuster.  Johnny called the perception that he is always expected to be in blockbusters "baggage" and I agree with him in a sense.  (That said, as we've been saying, I don't think Tim and Johnny will be thinking of DS in the same "small film" sense that The Rum Diary is, and I'm sure they'll be hoping for at least some box office success with DS).

Thanks for the article, MB.  It's an interesting theory (that Johnny isn't successful in a traditional leading man role), and it's true that I've seen reviews for The Rum Diary that sound disappointed that there aren't "more pirates" (which is weird, because reviews for Pirates 4 complained about Johnny being a pirate again... you can't win!)  But I'm not sure I completely agree, because Public Enemies was pretty successful (nearly $100 million) and as has been mentioned recently, even The Tourist did better than the entertainment news seemed to suggest.  I think that The Rum Diary is a bit of a hard sell because Hunter S. Thompson is a bit of a hard sell.  I'm not surprised that it appeals mostly to people who are 50+, and I would add that it probably appeals more to people who were more affected by Watergate and the protests of the 60's.  Johnny tried hard to promote this film among college students by going to screenings at several colleges, so I think that the hope was that at least younger literature majors and such would be interested in the film, but I don't know how well that strategy has worked so far  [hall2_sad]  I, myself, enjoyed the film but it wasn't one of my favorite Depp films- it's a good story but just doesn't really bowl me over.  But even though I'm in the right age group, I'm not particularly a fan of Thompson.

Anyway, "leading man" role or "quirky" role, it is simply not true that a Johnny Depp film guarantees box office success.  Even a recent film like Sweeney Todd barely broke $50M.  I hope (and expect) DS to do a bit better than Sweeney if only because I think the musical aspect turned off a lot of folks who would normally like a horror film like that, whereas DS doesn't have that drawback.  But I don't really expect DS to be a huge blockbuster.

See Johnny's box office tallies on this box office mojo page:

ETA- thanks for the Cooper article, jimbo.

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