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Topics - LoveAtFirstBITE

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Current Talk '03 II / Horrible...just horrible
« on: December 15, 2003, 10:08:51 PM »
"He raised his pistol, but never fired- I'll never know why."

Neither will I!!

   I can honestly say that I have never, ever witnessed a character that made me want to shed blood more than Morgan Collins.

   What a clod.  What an insecure, arrogant, and insufferable man.  It turns my stomach to see him act like such a bully, especially to his fiance.  What is the point of marrying Catherine when you don't even believe her half the time about Bramwell?  Okay, so maybe she did "the deed" with Bramwell and carries a torch for him deep down, but she also wants you!!  And she's willing to live in a supposedly "cursed" house with you!!  Just consider yourself lucky at this point that you've got ONE woman.

    And the shouting, my God, the shouting.  "DAPHNE, I DON'T CARE IF HE LIVES OR DIES!"  "ONLY THE MEN WILL PARTICIPATE!"  "ANSWER ME, CATHERINE!" and the list goes on and on.  (And wasn't it horrible to watch him yell at Melanie, who doesn't even know where she is half the time?  You know she's got problems, so you shout at her in an attempt to accomplish something.  That's really effective).

   I'll tell you, if I was Bramwell (or any other character), I would have riddled him with bullets.  [rocket]

   Oh, the horror.

   I do have to say however, that Bramwell's hair is beginning to grow on me.  (sorry)

Current Talk '03 II / Odds and Ends
« on: December 04, 2003, 08:36:18 PM »
   Wow.  1840's almost over already?  I remember watching some of the tapes earlier on, and it seemed to just be made up of jail scenes that dragged on and on...but then again, our tapes were all Quentin eps.   ::)

   Daphne's dead..."guess what??"  Joanna's dead after all and was a ghost this entire time!  If I were her, I would have just stayed on like that in Collinsport for a while, since she was able to fool people into thinking that she was alive.  I thought it was kind of mean of her to tell Daphne that she was alive and well though!

[spoiler]I suppose after Quentin and Daphne left together, her mission was complete.[/spoiler]
   You know, this storyline turned out a lot better than I had originally thought.  I didn't know that Quentin caught onto Gerard (who I will NOT be missing) before his near head-rolling.  I didn't even notice until a day or two ago that a particular character has been quite sparse throughout this story.   >:(  We only have him for the end of '40, then we get this arrogant lech in '41 PT (as opposed to our regular arrogant dumbass [who I love!] in RT).  Oh well, at least Quentin is beautiful throughout...

    [hello]Samantha rocks![hello] Or as least, rocked, anyway...

   And remember:  "Falling in love is a voluntary...a voluntary thing." 

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Problem!
« on: December 04, 2003, 07:09:52 PM »
     Here goes--

     My mom and I noticed that when we go to this site, we get this long scroll bar at the bottom of the screen that makes all the posts longer, horizontally.  And this is only happening with this board.  What's going on?

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Celebrating 50 Years of Life...
« on: December 02, 2003, 11:52:47 PM »
            [hello] HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!! [hello]

[beer] [crowdhappy] [beer]

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / 2003 Fest Photos
« on: October 19, 2003, 04:24:32 AM »
Here's a link to some photos we took at the fest.

Enjoy.  ::)


Current Talk '03 II / The "A" word
« on: September 30, 2003, 06:33:15 PM »
   So I was watching Gabriel and Gerard yesterday with their little encounter in the drawing room--Gabriel interrupts Gerard and Leticia, and she leaves.  Now Gerard says to him, "Gabriel, you have a talent for coming into the room at exactly the wrong time."
   At first it looked as though he was about to say something else and Gabriel interrupted him.  So I rewound and looked again.  This time I could see that Gerard had definitely said or mouthed something--but at the same time it also looked as though the film had rewound for a second. So I checked again and this is what I saw--

   "Gabriel, you have a talent for coming into the room at exactly the wrong time.  A~~hole."

   Was it just me, or did anyone else see that too?

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Close Encounters of the DS Kind
« on: September 22, 2003, 08:27:16 PM »
     No, I did not run into John Karlen at the Emmys.............. ;D

    It started yesterday at work.  I'm sitting in a room with some other girls pricing and marking clearance items, when a woman employee I occasionally see comes in to use the phone.  I heard her say where she was from, and she was asking the number of a nearby video store.  She was on hold, and then I heard her talking to the person from the store, and then I heard her ask if they had the "Dark Shadows videos, series one."
     I suddenly turned and started listening to her intently as she was put on hold again.  I must have had this strange look on my face, because the girl across from me leaned forward and asked with a smile on her face, "what's she talking about?"  I told her that I watched Dark Shadows and that it was about a Gothic mansion and the family that lives in it, with creatures running around and all the problems that they have, etc etc.  She said, "Really?  When's it on?"  I told her that it was on Sci-Fi at 8 in the morning for an hour.  When the woman got off the phone, the girl asked her, "what were you asking about?"  Turns out that she was looking for the videos to get for her husband's upcoming birthday.  She called her daughter and told her that she had found the videos there, for $59.95 (!!!) Her daughter was trying to get them for her dad.

       But anyway, I thought that was the weirdest thing, because what are the odds of hearing it mentioned somewhere?  But then, this morning, I went to theatre class, and what do I see?  A classmate of mine with a DS T-shirt, with Barnabas on the front!!


Current Talk '03 II / Bleeeeccccchhhhhh
« on: September 08, 2003, 09:32:46 PM »
  I'm sorry but this current storyline makes me vomit with rage.   I realize it's a transition from 1995 to 1840, but parts of it couldn't be more coma-inducing (IMHO).
  So we've got two kids who are hanging out in a *mysterious* playroom at ages 12 or 13, easily amused by a carousel and dollhouse.  David's got a new friend who is a bit more the jittery sort than Amy.  Where are those sedatives when you need them?  They are encountering two ghosts, one good, the other evil (stop me if this sounds familiar), and periodically falling under possession.
  Then we have the grown-up bunch.  They got an advantageous head start by a list of clues that Carolyn left them in '95.  An unfinished horoscope of Elizabeth, who turned her nose up at these kinds of things before but is suddenly a believer.  They keep looking at the thing over and over for more clues that they can't seem to find.  Over and over Julia researches for Rose Cottage, which they can't find out about either.
  Then we come to the dumbing down of Quentin Collins.  He smells lilacs every time Daphne is around, which brings us to:  Why is she doing this to Quentin??  Why does she seem to want him one minute and not the next?  What is the point of luring him to her and then not saying a thing?!?!?  Why why why??  I know that the writers didn't know quite what to do with him once they left 1897, but this in my opinion, was the absolute worst they could do with him.
  Finally we come to the two key players here.  Barnabas and Julia are all set to sound the alarm when Gerard strikes, but they can't get anyone else into the act, since there isn't much to go on so far.  And it's not just because of a lack of bathrooms at Collinwood.  They fail to realize that the others are not acting quite like usual.  Quentin is becoming more evasive and withdrawn, and Liz just stares at them and speaks in a drone, accusing them of wanting to disrupt things around the household.  They haven't yet picked up on any of this!  Not to mention that Julia continually feels "the presence."  You'd think that by now at least Barnabas would be getting wise to this kind of stuff.

  I haven't seen some of these episodes, so if anything I've mentioned has been resolved or addressed, please tell me.  I've thrown my hands up at this point.
  The only good thing that seems to have happened is that David and Hallie are employing useful arts and crafts skills which will guide them well throughout their lives.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / OT - Suggested Reading
« on: September 05, 2003, 08:57:35 PM »
As I was waiting in a loooong line Wednesday to pay for my college textbooks ($203.25!!) I came next to the shelf marked "Bestsellers--suggested reading" and found this:

Fat White Vampire Blues--He's undead, overweight, and can't get a date!

by Andrew Fox

From the synopsis: Jules Duchon was a real New Orleans vampire. Born and bred in the working-class Ninth Ward, bitten and smitten with the Big Easy. Driving through the French Quarter, stuck in a row of bumper-to-bumper cars that crept along Decatur Street like a caravan of bone-weary camels, Jules Duchon barely fit behind the steering wheel of his very big Cadillac taxicab. Even with the seat pushed all the way back.

Damn, he was hungry.

Jules stopped his cab, pressed the wobbly rocker switch that jerked the electric windows reluctantly to life, and stuck his head into the humid night air. "Hey, baby. You interested in some dinner?"

Vampire, nosferatu, creature of the night -- whatever you call him -- Jules Duchon has lived (so to speak) in New Orleans far longer than there have been drunk coeds on Bourbon Street. Weighing in at a whopping four hundred and fifty pounds, swelled up on the sweet, rich blood of people who consume the fattiest diet in the world, Jules is thankful he can't see his reflection in a mirror. When he turns into a bat, he can't get his big ol' butt off the ground.

What's worse, after more than a century of being undead, he's watched his neighborhood truly go to hell -- and now, a new vampire is looking to drive him out altogether. See, Jules had always been an equal opportunity kind of vampire. And while he would admit that the blood of a black woman is sweeter than the blood of a white man, Jules never drank more than his fair share of either. Enter Malice X . Young, cocky, and black, Malice warns Jules that his days of feasting on sisters and brothers are over. He tells Jules he'd better confine himself to white victims -- or else face the consequences. And then, just to prove he isn't kidding, Malice burns Jules's house to the ground.

With the help of Maureen, the morbidly obese, stripper-vampire who made him, and Doodlebug, an undead cross-dresser who (literally) flies in from the coast -- Jules must find a way to contend with the hurdles that life throws at him ... without getting a stake through the heart. It's enough to give a man the blues.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / It's a small world...
« on: August 28, 2003, 07:27:20 PM »
I went to orientation today for college, and I was at my acting professor's office, when what should I see but..........

A giant framed poster of "Inside the Music", the Donna McKechnie show from May, and Donna herself had autographed it with a heart underneath!

Current Talk '03 II / If it had been me.............
« on: July 17, 2003, 06:11:48 PM »
So Maggie now has both Barnabas and Cyrus mad about her.  Too bad she doesn't realize what an advantage she could take of this situation, especially since she and her husband don't seem to enjoy each other's company much lately.  What would you do if you were Maggie and this all actually dawned on you?   If it had been me..........

Barnabas would be bringing me drinks and fluffing up my pillows while Cyrus painted my toenails.  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Hhhmmmmmm........
« on: July 11, 2003, 03:59:31 PM »
Now that has apparently stolen my identity, I'm afraid I have no choice but to steal the website and announce some changes:

  • The front page picture is now of LAFB at her computer, laughing maniacally.
  • The essays have all been changed--LAFB is the central focus, as we attempt to uncover what it is that makes her so wonderful.  ;D

« on: July 10, 2003, 09:19:12 PM »


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / OT--Survey
« on: April 14, 2003, 09:03:34 PM »
Hi everybody,

In my sociology class, we were asked to give a survey to 4-5 people on their jobs.  We were given a set of questions to ask, and the answers will be put into paragraph form for a report to submit after we get back from break.  I don't know really any people with jobs that could be considered a career, and we can't ask our "peers" because they don't have those kind of jobs.  I'm posting it here because this is a mass forum, and I was hoping some of you could answer my questions.

1.  What do you do for a living?
2.  How many years have you been doing this?
3.  Are you satisfied with salary and benefits?
4.  Do you like or dislike your co-workers?
5.  Do you look forward to going to your job?
6.  Why did you choose this career?
7.  What do you like most and least about your job?

Any and all answers would be appreciated.  If you don't want to post it here, could you put it in an IM to me?  Thanks.

I would ask my dad but I don't want to get his whole life story.  [sleep]  [7385]

Current Talk '03 I / Matchmaker Quentin
« on: March 10, 2003, 05:12:11 PM »
First of all, I love the picture and song lyrics on the first page.  Who sang that song?

Quentin already has enough to deal with, what with Petofi "using" him for favors, trying to understand how a portrait that doesn't depict him very well ("My God, do I look like that?") could change into a werewolf, wanting to start a relationship with Amanda, and Charity constantly on his tail, wanting him to watch her shake her "groove-thing."
Now Barnabas wants him to arrange a date for him and Kitty.  He's just supposed to go to Kitty and say, "The man who you met in the woods and spoke to for all of a minute or two wants to see you again.  Is tomorrow night open for you?"

Then Julia wants him to stop the meeting, that he didn't even arrange yet, from happening.
If I were Quentin, I would be grabbing my head and screaming too.

Quentin does not just sit around all day waiting for orders to come (although it may look that way).  He has a life and problems of his own too.  Leave him alone!

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