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Messages - Patti Feinberg

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1055
« on: May 05, 2016, 04:33:55 AM »
from Magnus Trask:
For one thing, no big scene with those two, where Barnabas actually reveals to her why he's out to get her so fiercely, who Ang is to him in RT....

Yeah, that actually would have been good, if Barn told her that back in 1795, they were married....

I meant to ask about the kids; why haven't we been seeing/hearing from them?

Why would Ang sign a confession....she's legally dead, so, it would have zero weight in a court of law.

Also,,,,I thought (in one story arc or another), that Barn could tell if Willie and/or Julia needed him....could be the old DSFMS.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Additional Board Question
« on: May 04, 2016, 04:34:06 AM »
MB, I'm not sure if I'll phrase this correctly, but, I think you'll get the 'gist' of it.

How hard is it for you to make another board; Testing, Robservations, Caption This, etc.

I ask because, we all try to fit in our 'other' movies, games, TV shows within the milieu of DS. (Examples would be on CE/A by you mostly, Vampire Diaries, etc.)

I ask because if it isn't difficult, could we have a board for discussions of other 'supernatural' stuff; be it old wives tales, Stephen King books and/or movies, other 'spooky' type movies. But, just for that sort of topic.

For instance, right now I'm watching "Witch Finder General" with Vincent Price. I really shouldn't be able to put him on the CE/A <OT, but, since it's him, you glorious mods don't usually mind.

Another, there could be discussion(s) about various DoctorS Mabuse; from the silent one (1922) to the 2003 (I'm pretty sure about that last date), and the Ansel Faraj's covering of it.

I myself have a 'good one'; 4 summers ago (started late spring, went through to mid/late Aug), there was at LEASE one a week of "Sinister", "Dark Skies", "The Conjuring" and I can't remember the name of the one with Ethan Hawkes.

So, if you've all seen "Sinister" about a gajillion times, you know that there's thump on front door late at checks, activates his home alarm.....

Well, just then, I hear my dogs barking at the front door, not my husband coming home (they would have come down the stairs), so, I go up to check what's going on, opened my door, there's a police car in my driveway??? I didn't want to be 'chasing him around', but I moved a few yards in each direction, while saying "Hello?"

The policeman told me that ADT had called the cops in my town to say my home alarm had been activated.
To whit I replied, "I don't have an alarm system, wanna come in and check?" He then called ADT, who still swore MY ADDRESS in my town the home alarm system had been tripped....(truth...than fiction). But the timing!!! Read again about "Sinister", when my dogs barked is 5 sec before the movie's home alarm would be going off!?!!

Anywho, think about it.

Maybe I'm the only one who wants this.



Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1053
« on: May 03, 2016, 05:25:16 AM »
Do you think Quentin might have murdered Angelique? asks Julia--"You do, don't you?"  Why are we trying so hard to help him? asks Julia. Even if he did kill Angelique, we can't allow her to destroy him, says Barn. (Guess he doesn't believe in an eye for an eye.) No man deserves that fate, says Barnabas. What can we do next?

No...I believe Barn didn't want yet ANOTHER Collins man married & murdered by Angelique.

What performances!!!! I had completely forgot about Roger and ((Liz)).

Imagine being in a very deep, dank, dark root cellar.....ickkkk.


[edited by admin]

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1051
« on: May 03, 2016, 04:59:14 AM »
I thought Roxanne was dead....

I'd forgotten about Claude North 'selling' Roxanne to Stokes. Wonder if there's a specific reason it's her....

Poor Liz.

Once Roxanne was fully up & conscious, shouldn't Angelexis have died?


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: Betcha'll Never Guess
« on: May 03, 2016, 04:22:30 AM »
well, then....

I could only take about 20 minutes so far.

KLS looked beautiful; all I've seen of Lara was with the green palor over her.

Is this supposed to be 'film noir' of nowadays? I could tell A. Faraj shot in real rooms (and I just went to IMDb & they supported this fact).

I'm guestimating it takes place in late 30s-early 40s (no technology of any kind which I saw, EXCEPT, the room the inspector goes to question KLS & LP, they're FAKE candles...I don't care what you do; a real candle will ALWAYS flicker. Other reason is the hats.

At some point, I watch it again....unless someone tells me to watch Etioper (or whatever) first.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Test - Ignore
« on: May 02, 2016, 10:59:00 PM »
This is courier.

This is arial.

This is arial black.

This is impact.

This is verdana.

This is times new roman.

This is georgia.

This is andale mono.

This is trebuchet ms.

This is comic sans ms.

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: Betcha'll Never Guess
« on: May 02, 2016, 06:25:23 PM »
IT'S HERE!!!!!

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1048
« on: May 02, 2016, 06:59:47 AM »
(Carolyn:) it really takes something terrible to shock the people in this house--people can kill each other, jump out of windows, can curse and hate each other, nobody seems to mind--but to be a morning drinker, THAT shocks people!

[laughing4] [laughing4]



Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Betcha'll Never Guess
« on: May 02, 2016, 06:38:36 AM »
Whoooo Whooooo!

The 'Oldies' website, where Doctor Mabuis' 'tracking' is FINALLY know what????

I'm supposed to be getting the 'doule header' tomorrow!!!

Whoop Whoop Whoop!!!

Any tips for things to make sure I watch for?



Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / <Semi OT
« on: May 02, 2016, 06:32:40 AM »
Has anyone seen "Dracula Untold"? It is finishing on TV now, but I haven't been watching.

Keep in mind we don't have any of the 'premium channels', but, the movie date is 2014. I'm fairly certain I've seen it before....


Hey, Mark Rainey

Hope you have an EXTREMELY wonderful birthday

 [beer] [clap] [occasion13] [occasion15]

and many more!

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: Bride of Frankenstein
« on: April 28, 2016, 05:38:56 PM »
Anthony Hopkins as Van Helsing....that sound terrific!


Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1045
« on: April 27, 2016, 07:20:31 AM »
I had totally forgotten about Will & the tower room.

I agree that he didn't jump, but since his proximity to window + Julia coming in, he just fell.

BTW,,,,it is God who gives us free will; since He gave it, no one could overcome that. (But then, there's always blackmail; 'lesser of two evils).

then you'd read to me from one of your books

BookS...I thought he only had the one,,,,,,,

Good stuff, love you Amy. Where's Daniel?


[edited by admin]

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1043
« on: April 26, 2016, 03:33:41 PM »

Ep 1043 was a powerhouse!!

(At this point, I really do forget where Quentin is.)

Even though he was manipulative, when Barn 'makes' Carolyn say it was her mother who kill Ang, he felt bad.

I'm glad Maggie showed Carolyn the necktie figurine.

I wonder if someone drugged/poisoned Ang, would she die?

Great stuff!


Current Talk '16 I / Mrs. JohnsonS
« on: April 26, 2016, 04:48:07 AM »
I see the side pic of old Mrs. Johnson (she's as useful as a bucket without a bottom).

Our 'real' Mrs. Johnson was full of vigor; snoopy, loyal, not at all afraid of hard work.

Why did 'they' cast this very elderly lady as Mrs. Johnson (I'm sorry, I don't think I've ever heard her name.)

Jackie Earl Haley is fairly spot on as Willie (JEH is a lush, Willie's a thief); but they're both faithful to the family.

I'd really like to hear why they cast a (IIRC) non-speaking roll to 2012's Mrs. Johnson....
