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Messages - patrickm

It's seniors drink for free night at the Blue Whale.

B: Now I understand what the Sorry We're Open sign really means....  [nono]

Bob screwed up Sam's Old Fashion order when all he put in it was bitters.

Roger working on his Frank Sinatra  Do Be Do Be Do impression.

V: Is that your camera up there or did David plant it?

V to herself: I don't know about June ...but Carolyn is busting out all over.

Gerard, the What's My Line clips are on the Dark Shadows Bloopers and Treasures dvd.  It also has Jonathan Frid's and David Henesy and his mom appearances on The Generation Gap.

Mrs. J: You must resist the temptation of demon rum!

C: Joe, I dropped my earing under the desk ...mind crawling down there and looking around for it?

deep sea fishing with the little man in the boat.

V: Somebody looking for a good time ....must be for you.
C: Advertising in the Blue Whale mens room really paying off.

she would have her best woodie ever...

Speaking of Mitch,  Ive been rewatching NYPD Blue on Amazon Prime and saw Mitch in an early Season 1 episode I had forgot about. In Emission Accomplished, he played a racist retired cop who was a super in a rent controlled apartment building where Martinez brother lived. Mitch's character took extreme measures such as beatings for overdo rent and even unscrewed the banister which resulted in a fall and death of one of the tenants. It reminded me a lot of the tough cop he played in Magnum Force. It wasn't a likeable character fsure but Mitch sold it beautiful. He was a terrific and intense actor.

Succeeded in Business Without Really Trying.

look you straight in the eye ... Man to monster.