Author Topic: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!  (Read 754123 times)

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yeah if one doesn't like the film's comedic tone is one thing...

but depp's barnabas looks like a dandy and a gentleman of the highest order.
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Offline Gerard

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Again, and, as before, this is just my opinion, but I think we all need to give this film a chance.  Is it the DS (meaning the original) that we all love?  To me, for the most part, yes.  It contains the original story line of Barnabas, but with modifications.  For example, Vicki, again (as in the '91 remake), turns out to be the reincarnation of Josette, while in the original it was Maggie.  I always preferred the Maggie/Josette thing rather than the Vicki/Josette thing (and it appears there isn't even a Maggie in this version at all - heresy!; but I'll forgive).  The '91 version not only rerouted from Maggie to Vicki, it also turned my beloved Maggie from a innocent, virginal coffee-shop hash-slasher to a slatternish smokey-bar hootch-mootcher.  I didn't like it, but I survived. 

Are there comedic elements in this film (despite both Burton and Depp insisting it is not primarily a comedy)?  Well, obviously.  It goes from subtle to slapstick.  Is that so bad?  Like I said before, the whole concept of a man trying to adjust culturally from 1772 to 1972 with hardly a workshop on adaption can, should, and would make for comedic material.  As much as I love the original and what followed, from HoDS to the '91 remake, I thought the whole thing about Barnabas showing up at Collinwood within days of being released and dressed in current clothing and being able to fit in without anyone wondering why he has no clue as to what My Three Sons or The Brady Bunch or Roseanne is is utterly ludicrous.  Yes, DS is fantasy, so maybe we should overlook these things, but this film is also fantasy.

And is having fun with DS, or making fun of it, so bad?  Don't we do it all the time, even here?  We have a chuckle at the inconsistency of the original.  We have our own comedic categories here, quite often poking fun of the show itself, in the threads such as "Complete the Phrase" and "Caption This."  Does that make us "disrespectful" of the show we love?  Absolutely not.  So what if Depp and Burton have done a bit of what we've done.  They've both said they were loyal and passionate fans, just like us.  Like so many of us, they ran home to watch the show while growing up, and it was always Depp's dream to recreate Barnabas.  And what about "Dank Shadows" on youtube?  It's done by fans and rips their and our beloved show a new one, and it's all hysterical.  It doesn't take away one iota that DS was a massive, groundbreaking TV show, so much to the point that, despite all its many faux pas (and there are many, oh, are there many, and we all know it), it has become the most successful soap opera in history.  Is there any other soap opera that has all its episodes re-aired for decades and available on tape/DVD?  Does any other soap opera command an annual festival that brings in thousands of fans?  I attended only one (in 2003) and at one of the question-and-answer sessions with the stars on stage, there was a fun bantering of questions between audience and star participants regarding the many misfires of the show.  One of the funniest questions and answers had to deal with the piano in the drawing room (leave it to DS to screw up an entire show because of a piano). 

There are plenty of things to find at fault with the original.  There are plenty of things to find at fault (even more so, because by then they should've known better) with the '91 remake.  I can't comment on the '04 attempt at another remake because I didn't see it.  I loved the original despite its many faults.  I enjoyed the '91 remake despite it not being what I thought was the original "vision."  (And I thought, and still think, that, save for Jean Simmons, it was horribly miscast, and way over the edge.)  I was in heaven when I went, in October of 1971, to see HoDS in an overflowing movie theater and rather than viewing the subtlety of the original was exposed to Hammeresque blood and gore with a movie chopped down to emphasize blood and gore and a total lack of character development.  I also enjoyed NoDS a year later (played in a double bill with HoDS) even though not one - not one - of any of the characters from the original series or movie appeared in it.  Again, despite the massive studio-ordered slash-and-burns (hopefully eventually restored) that made it disjointed and nothing associated with the original, I still liked it. 

The original DS isn't perfect.  Even when I was a child, and then a tween, and then a teen, watching it, I would stop and say:  "Hey, wait a minute..."  But I loved it.  It's reimagining in two previous movies wasn't perfect.  It's '91 remake wasn't perfect.  But I (and many of us fans) still loved it all because it was DS.  DS, unlike many other shows, has survived to the point where it's now a multi-million dollar movie with big names and stars.  Don't expect it to stand up to perfection to the original because the original wasn't perfect.  It had incredible things that went with it and incredibly awful things that went with it.  I "romanticize" DS (and when I wrote a couple a couple novels about it, I tried to clear up those awful things that the original writers should've thought of).  I appreciate what it did and tried to do, but there were times when it thought it had a "big head" and could get away with anything.  We fans have always been smarter than that even though it has never bothered us a bit.

We shouldn't let this film bother us because some of us don't think it stands up to the "purity" of the original.  The original wasn't pure.  This revision just might clean some of that up.  I can't wait to see it.  I can't wait until our DS party being planned for it happens.  All we need for the party (which includes either brunch or "dunch" [dinner-lunch, depending on if we decide to eat before or after we see the matinee on the 12th]) is for a good recipe for Mrs. Johnson's mayonnaise.


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I agree that Pfeiffer, judging from the clips, is outstanding.  Really really good.  A completely new character which is a smart move because we'll never say anything approaching the grace and beauty that was Joan Bennett walk the earth again.

The other thing the clips showed me is just how good Green really is as Angelique.  I had every confidence in her having seen her work in Camelot, but I have to say that none of the trailers really showed off just how incredible she is in the acting side of things--since all the Angelique scenes in the trailers (the ones I have seen, at least--I have been unable to see the recent ones as they are not on Youtube, apparently, and MB's downloads won't play for me) have been about stuntwork and slapstick. 

This Angelique is really scary.  Much more so than poor Lysette Anthony was ever given the chance to be.

There are a couple of things about Angelique in the movie that irritate me, but I'll wait to kvetch about them until we have a review page here.


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I'll wait to kvetch about them until we have a review page here.

The plan is that a "Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!" topic will be posted at midnight on the 11th, and that will be for discussing anything and everything about the film, including published reviews and our own opinions. And even though some reviews will more than likely be published/posted online before that topic is started, it would be best to please hold onto the newspapers/magazines and to please bookmark the Web sites until the topic is started. That way the film will already be out and we won't have to deal with spoilers because anyone who won't have seen the film yet will just have to avoid the topic until they do if they don't want anything spoiled.  [ghost_wink]

And, Gerard. I agree with so much of what you've written! The things I don't are only little bits here and there, and why quibble over the little bits when I wholeheartedly support your overall theme?  [ghost_smiley]

12 days 6 hours 21 minutes 8 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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I've come across three more things on YouTube:

Johnny Depp - Dark Shadows Interview [HD]

Helena Bonham Carter - Dark Shadows Interview [HD]

Chloë Grace Moretz - Dark Shadows Interview [HD]

And I suspect that when you watch them, if you've seen the ET and/or Extra segments, you'll see quite a bit that looks familiar. Why? Well, as I said the other day, the reason I didn't think any of the entertainment shows had been doing any segments on the DS film was because they weren't allowed on set because of all the secrecy Burton imposed on the set. I also figured they were going to have to rely on whatever Warner Brothers would be giving them. And apparently what we're now seeing on the shows is the materials Warner Brothers have provided. And what we're seeing uploaded to YouTube are the materials that were supplied to the HollywoodTeenTV Web site. Though why they haven't also uploaded anything from Michelle Pfeiffer's interview clip or any of the behind the scenes stuff is anyone's guess. But then, the fact that they haven't means that we'll still have something to look forward to in future DS segments on the entertainment shows. Well, unless they get uploaded eventually. But the good news in all this is that, considering Warner Brothers released the clips and interviews for promotion, it's probably not likely they'll ask for them to be taken down.

12 days 4 hours 51 minutes 55 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

Offline Taeylor Collins

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Well I for one think that Johnny is doing a great service to Frid. He had fake ears made to look like Jonathan.  Yes, he is taking Jonathan's role and putting his own spin on it.  Just like Ben Cross did and just like Alec Newman did. Alec was a good Barnabas too, whatever else was lacking from the pilot.

I will say it again. I didn't want a rehash although elements from the show are rehashed in a fresh way.  I am ready for something fresh and new.  We will always have the 1991 show to watch. We will always have the original to watch and now we have this to watch. If this keeps DS alive and brings in new people to fandom like I was brought in 21 years ago from the Revival I am totally supportive. I support the audio dramas, I support the comics.    All I ask is that each and every fan give it a chance. If 87 year old Jonathan Frid could fly 20 hours to London and (something that took a terrible toll on him) to pay homage to the show that launched him 46 years ago then I will go on May 11 and pay homage to Johnny and most of all Jonathan.

I think we as humans can sometimes sense we our time is coming and I feel JF did this for all of us. It was interesting to read his forward in RETURN TO COLLINWOOD. He seemed he had finally made peace with the vampire and Dark Shadows.

My father who has never understood my fascination with Dark Shadows actually wants to go see the movie  because he said it "looks great and Johnny Depp is the one of the most amazing actors of your time son!"  End quote!It amazes him how different Johnny is in every role. I had to tell him that he was Jack Sparrow.  He had no idea and he watches all his movies.

And who knows what this could lead to....if not sequels another revival on television....anything is possible. DS has stayed alive in some form or another for 46 years. And actually DS doesn't' have a huge huge budget to recoup. Fingers crossed....
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Offline Cousin_Barnabas

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The other thing the clips showed me is just how good Green really is as Angelique.  I had every confidence in her having seen her work in Camelot, but I have to say that none of the trailers really showed off just how incredible she is in the acting side of things--since all the Angelique scenes in the trailers (the ones I have seen, at least--I have been unable to see the recent ones as they are not on Youtube, apparently, and MB's downloads won't play for me) have been about stuntwork and slapstick. 

This Angelique is really scary.  Much more so than poor Lysette Anthony was ever given the chance to be.

There are a couple of things about Angelique in the movie that irritate me, but I'll wait to kvetch about them until we have a review page here.

I agree.  I enjoyed Eva.  I also thought Bella brought new depth to Victoria. I appreciate that. 

As for the ball comment, one of the clips shows just how played out it is.  And I really thought it was overkill.  One joke, okay...  Going on for half a minute about it is annoying.  Most of the other clips were decent though.   

Offline Taeylor Collins

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AMAZING POST GERARD!  You can say what I am thinking.    What a lovely post.  Are you on Facebook. I would love if you were to post that on my DS facebook page.  My DS facebook page is a page that is friendly to every incarnation of DS from the show, the remakes, the audio drama's, comics etc.   I just love DS and as Gerard said its unheard of. 

Do you see anyone making a 60 million dollar version of Guiding Light, General Hospital, or As The World Turns.  I think not....

I am going right now to post a link to my DS FB page. If you like a fun place on FB come on over. We are a good group like we have here.
If you like DS and want to have a fun  on a Facebook page that is open to all forms of DS and doesn't allow childish behavior like some groups; come on over to DIAESD! You do have to ask to be invited and I will approve you.

Offline Taeylor Collins

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Sorry for double post.

B ROLL of DS party scene!  It's interesting!  Tim Directing...I have no idea how this leaked. SPOILERISH!!!

I am not watching.
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As for the ball comment, one of the clips shows just how played out it is.  And I really thought it was overkill.  One joke, okay...  Going on for half a minute about it is annoying.

You're comment got me really curious, and that curiosity got the better of me and I had to watch the clip. And I'm glad I did because I see that the scene plays out as I'd hoped it would (though I suppose it wasn't hard to figure out how it might play out because we'd already seen half of it in the TV spots). And I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because I didn't find anything remotely annoying - and I didn't feel 20 seconds was anything like overkill. To me it plays out as a bit of a snicker and nothing more.  [ghost_smiley]  And that's a good thing because it could have been played far worse...

12 days 3 hours 46 minutes 6 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

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B ROLL of DS party scene!

Oooo - more stuff to download and not watch!  [ghost_cheesy]  Thanks so much.  [ghost_smiley]

Sorry for double post.

And as I've said before, you never have to apologize about posting directly after yourself whenever you have something new to share.  [ghost_nowink]

12 days 3 hours 43 minutes 5 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

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I think it was Roger's full comment that got me.  But it might be worth it just for the GLARE.   [ghost_cheesy]

I am in love with Michelle Pfeiffer in this role.  Her scene with HBC is really great.  She channels Joan in many ways, but totally brings new life to the character.  When you see the movie, MB, I am sure you will be just as pleased as I am with her (knowing that you and I share the same love for Liz).  Stunning performance...  and that is just based on these clips.  But I can tell it carries all the way through. [ghost_smiley] 

And thanks for sharing the B-Roll, Taeylor.  And, of course, thanks to everyone else for the amazing clips!

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But it might be worth it just for the GLARE.   [ghost_cheesy]

It certainly was as far as I was concerned.  [ghost_grin]  And I truly hope there are a lot more glares like it aimed at Roger.  [ghost_wink]

12 days 3 hours 38 minutes 29 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

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I have no idea how this leaked.

This -

Quote from: Trailer Addict
Second b-roll of two for Dark Shadows. B-roll provides a compilation of behind the scenes footage from the film.

- makes me think it's also part of the Warner Brothers promotion package that was recently released.

12 days 3 hours 33 minutes 28 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

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Thanks for posting the YouTube links, SaraMonster!

I watched all the videos and they are very impressive. I know I'm going to adore Michelle's Liz and Helena's Julia. Their scene was definitely the best of all the clips that were posted, and here Liz seems to be somewhat of a compilation of Joan's Liz, insomuch as she is very dismissive and seems as if she could care less, and Judith, with her "Be fascinated" line to Julia, which was great!

I also watched the link for the B Roll that Taeylor posted, and while there is some spoiler type of information, nothing really is given away. We do get glimpses of what may happen in the climax portion of the film, but there's nothing really that ties it complete together. However, there is an awesome shot of Michelle holding the gun on the grand staircase in the foyer. And we get to see some shots of the party scene with the original actors in the background.

I'm not 100% sure about JD's Barnabas just yet. I like the way he's playing the character in some situations and in others I don't. All of the talk of "birthing hips", from the clips it seems as if this line is revisited heavily throughout the film, I really could care less about. Frankly, it's kind of stale and really unfunny to me personally. Like MB, I'm glad that the "balls" gag is played in the manner that it is because it does not come off as being tiresome to me, and really strikes the right chord of being slightly chuckle worthy and then moving on from there to other business.

Green's Angelique seems the most evil of all of the characters incarnations. She's fearsome and definitely does not take any guff from anyone. What I like the most about her is when she says her line "Everyone loves me here," and the fact that the line is EXTREMELY telling for her character and places her character into context. Collinsport is a small town, so if she has to stay there to be relevant and famous, then who is she really? Small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. Though I suppose, for the residents of Collinsport of course, she poses a large threat since the town is pretty much their entire world.

Finally, I wish we would've seen more of Roger than just the breakfast table scene. I'm very intrigued about his overall role in the movie, and perhaps the fact that we've seen so little of him tells us that there may be something big in store for the character.
Brandon Collins

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