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Topics - Brian

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Current Talk '03 II / HODS--August 4, 1986
« on: October 20, 2003, 03:25:08 AM »
On Monday, August 4, 1986, I stayed home from work because I had gotten up very early on that Monday morning to tape HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS (with commercials) from the TBS cable broadcast on my relatively new Sharp VHS machine (cable was also very new to me back then.)

As I watched the movie, taping it, I was in heaven since this was the first time I had seen HODS since 1971!!

How strange that HODS subsequently ended up on "Home Video" via MGM and Turner VHS (c. 1989).

And now I'm watching yet another recorded HODS:  this one from TCM last week that I recorded on DVD--and how superior this picture is to that long ago VHS recording--and subsequent VHS releases by MGM/Turner.

So I guess I've come full circle--HODS 1971 on the big screen to various VHS tapes and finally my own DVD recording.

The only thing better would be for Turner to release a remastered DVD of both HODS and NODS!! (And how about reconstructing the deleted footage into the new releases!)


(Who is thrilled to have seen DS in its original 1960-70s airing and realizes he's getting older by the minute--LOL.)

Current Talk '03 II / Kathy Cody in SWEET CHARITY?
« on: August 20, 2003, 04:03:33 AM »
I recently watched SWEET CHARITY (1969) on DVD and noted a young actress playing a 60s Flower Child near the end of the film.  She looked and sounded a lot like Kathy Cody to me, but there are no credits on the disc to confirm this.  Does anyone have info on this film and whether or not Ms. Cody was in it (it was filmed in NY.)  Just curious.


Current Talk '03 II / OT: Thayer David & "Missiles of October"
« on: July 09, 2003, 03:33:20 AM »
I've just been watching THE MISSILES OF OCTOBER, the 1974 TV movie about the Cuban missile crisis that features Dennis Patrick, Dana Elcar and Keene Curtis, among others.  But the narrator is not credited, and except for some hard "r"s in his speech pattern, it sounds like Thayer David.  Does anybody know if Thayer was the narrator on this production?  (Incidentally, this story is very relevant to the USA's recent involvement with Iraq. . .IMHO, JFK is a well-deserved hero due to his leadership during this situation.  I can't say the same about "W.")

But my question really is about Thayer David and not politics--I just had to add my two cents.


As most of you are aware, our beloved Louis Edmonds appeared on Broadway in the 1956 Bernstein cult musical CANDIDE.  Though his character, Maximillian, did have some singing in the show, it is sad that Louis does not sing on the original cast album.  Well, now comes word that Louis' 1960s off-Broadway show, Ernest in Love, is being released on CD this month.  Here's  a link to the cover art at AMAZON:


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Conard Fowkes recent pic
« on: February 04, 2003, 05:42:33 AM »
Here's a link to the Actors' Equity home page, featuring a pic of Conard Fowkes, who is Equity's national treasurer, and who coordinates the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program.  Thought some of you might like to see "Connie" as he is today.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / OT--The Night Stalker
« on: December 30, 2002, 04:27:02 AM »
From Fangoria online:

A story on Variety [online]. . .reports that one update we might actually want to see is unlikely to come to pass: a Disney-backed big-screen version of KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER that David Fincher was interested in directing, from a screenplay by his SEVEN scripter Andrew Kevin Walker. Sadly, no deals have yet been signed and this project may never happen.

Might this be the big-screen version DC has been shopping around for a few years?  Too bad it's probably not to be.

From SHADOWGRAM online:  "Dennis' ashes were scattered at sea" and "the family requests that donations to honor the memory of Dennis Patrick be made to the Actor's Fund." (The Actors' Fund of America, 5757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90036.)

As a staff member for Actors' Equity Association, I'd like to share with you all some of the things the Actors' Fund does for our community.

Actors who are having difficult times financially may apply to the Fund for financial assistance.  The actor must present proof of his/her current financial situation, including bank statements, payroll checks, etc., along with a specific request for the use of the money.  The Fund has assisted Equity members with whom I am acquainted with such things as a one month mortgage payment, payment of an electric bill, payment of a doctor bill not covered by insurance (or payment of a bill if the actor is uninsured), assistance with a child care payment, etc.

This assistance is not a loan, and therefore does not have to be paid back.  Most of the actors I know who have received assistance from the Actors' Fund have made regular contributions to the Fund once they get back "on their feet," so to speak.

I only post this to affirm that the Actors' Fund is a bonafide and positive resource for the entire acting community.

You can check it out at



Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Chat at 10 pm (EDT)
« on: September 02, 2002, 05:12:25 AM »
Thanks, Midnight and MB for the invitation to participate in the chat.  I have tried to find it by following the directions the IM, but to no avail.  (I saw an increase in those of us "cousins" online around 10 EDT.)  Did I do something wrong?  Did I miss the chat?  Oh, please tell me it's not my fault but instead my computers!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / eBay sellers
« on: July 01, 2002, 04:39:49 AM »

Hi, Gang.  As a long-time eBay bidder, I want to share my opinion that a seller named avaliotiko may be taking advantage of loyal DARK SHADOWS fans by offering items for sale at highly ridiculous prices.  The claim is that this seller knows market value of collectibles--but after spending the last two years viewing and bidding on eBay (and other auction sites), I find this seller's prices completely NOT in line with what else is available.  So, I only say:  BEWARE!!


Current Talk '02 I / MPI DS DVD problems
« on: June 06, 2002, 06:25:33 AM »
Even though I had decided to wait awhile, I bought the new MPI DS DVDs today at the local Borders.  Disc 1 started up fine and has superior picture quality, especially when compared to the very first MPI DS VHS video (The Resurrection of BC and the The Introduction to DS).  I fast-forwarded to the second and third episodes--just fine.  But--Discs 3 and 4 had many problems:  both gave me the dreaded notice "This Disc Cannot Be Played."   FYI, I have a Samsung M301 player, which plays 99% of my DVDs flawlessly (I even watched the new release of Blake Edwards' S.O.B. right after trying the DS DVDs--NO GLITCHES OR FLAWS.)

Anybody else experience problems with the DS DVDs?



Congrats to fellow poster Darren Gross on the nice comments about his contributions to the commentary for AND NOW THE SCREAMING STARTS.  You can read about the DVD and a brief evaluation of Darren's commentary at


Current Talk '02 I / Grayson Hall and Gay Men
« on: April 07, 2002, 05:11:21 AM »
Julia99 says Why [do] gay men love Grayson so much?  My three closest friends, gay men, all love her. . .Why does she ring our bell?. . .

For me, Grayson is the epitomy of the strong woman (as opposed to the victim), and most of her performances are often "larger than life" -- sometime "camp," but sometimes realistic -- in the same way that performances by Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Carol Channing, and even Judy Garland (and numerous other woman stars) are real and larger than life (and sometimes life is "camp."

I can't give any logical reason why Grayson is a favorite of mine.  Perhaps some others on this board -- gay or straight -- can offer their comments.


Current Talk '02 I / Views (and lurkers) on this site
« on: April 05, 2002, 07:18:06 AM »
It's nice to see as many as 700+ people are viewing some of these posts.  At least now we know it's not the same 2 or 3 of us posting all these messages.  Hey, you lurkers. . .come in and join us.


Current Talk '02 I / More about DS on DVD
« on: March 11, 2002, 06:56:22 AM »

March 10 - 11

Scary soap - 12:02am

An update on the specs for those upcoming Dark Shadows DVD collections from MPI, which should hopefully please fans of the famous gothic horror-soap opera. Details from MPI are that they plan on releasing the entire series to DVD, with Set One debuting on 5/28. However, since the show as a daily half-hour soap, Set One only includes 40 complete, uncut episodes on four DVDs (beginning with the resurrection of Barnabas Collins) along with newly-produced extras including interviews with series creator Dan Curtis and the cast. MPI will then release future sets starting with Set Two on 7/30, so watch for more details on future volumes soon.

Anybody care to do the math and figure out how long it will take to release all 1225 shows on DVD?


Current Talk '02 I / DS on DVD
« on: February 22, 2002, 03:17:57 AM »
Originally posted by Brian on the Dark Shadows: General Discussion Forum on February 21, 2002 at 21:17:57:

I know we heard from Marcy last week about the MPI DVD release of DS, and that it's supposed to begin with Barnabas' arrival at Collinwood. Well, here's release info that I found on DVDFILE.COM, posted on February 18:

"Lost in the 'Shadows' - 1:15pm

"One of the most unusual television series ever, fans of Dan Curtis' cult classic Dark Shadows have been waiting forever for the show to finally hit DVD. Thanks to MPI, on 4/30 Dark Shadows Set #1 arrives, a 6-disc collection containing the entire first season. While extras are slim, each episode has been remastered and are presented in their original 4:3 full frame broadcast ratio with English mono soundtracks, and goodies include Dark Shadows lore, a Dan Curtis bio, and stills. Retail is $69.95."

Seems to me like there's lots of confusion and mixed info going out about this.

Just thought I post it. . .


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