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Messages - madscntst

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Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Who's the Best Vampire?
« on: December 08, 2009, 02:59:01 PM »
I would absolutely love to see little Johnny's pictures of him holding JF posters.  How fun that would be!

Me too  [8_2_73]  There aren't actually many pix of Johnny as a kid, so it'd be awesome if they were found and shared. Great for the promos or the DVD extras!

I love dark films, so I hope it'll be pretty dark.  I do hope that they will find some humanity... er... is that the right word for an undead creature?   [santa_grin]  But Johnny nearly always gives even his most evil characters (Sweeney Todd, Sands from Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Armacost from The Astronaut's Wife) something to like about them, and I feel (hope) he will draw upon Barn's tortured past.

3 films is an awful lot for one year, especially in terms of Pirates, since the first 3 films took so long to shoot.  But by all accounts, The Tourist will be a "small" film, and Pirates is scaling back from the mega-effects of the sequels.  Technically, Johnny did 3 films in 2008 (Parnassus, Public Enemies, and Alice In Wonderland) so it can be done.  Maybe that's why he needed the break this fall (though he has kept himself busy- he's directed a couple of music videos and played guitar on an upcoming album, and also making deals for more future films  [santa_cheesy] )   

Seems to me that King's remarks are all in line with what we've heard during the year about DS.  Johnny had said the script was "very, very close", and he tends to be very polite, so what I had taken from that was that it still needed a bit of tweaking, so it's good that they are doing that.  He also said "toward the end of next year" in one interview.  Still, isn't it a sigh of relief to finally hear something solid?   [8_2_59]

I think he's saying that DS is going to be its own thing, and not relying on the Twilight fad  [8_2_73]

This is excellent news- I raced over here to make sure it was posted here, since there's also just been news that Johnny is confirmed for The Tourist and hoped that wouldn't dismay anyone :)


Yes, lots of Twilight Zones.  And also, I Am Legend.  Great writer!

I haven't seen The Box, though.   I don't think the reviews have been the best, not that that always means anything!  It sounds like an interesting premise, and at the least, I'll probably rent it when it comes out on DVD.


Wow. And from his interview it does seem as if there could be a possibility that Depp might not do Pirates 4 unless the script is right. Wow...

Ironically, when Johnny appeared at the Disney D23 Expo last week, he was introduced by Dick Cook, and he came out all decked out in his Captain Jack Sparrow costume.  We all feel he did the dress-up bit for Dick Cook's sake (as he's done a couple of times before, too- he isn't usually one to do cheesy promotions but I do think he's especially loyal to Cook as well as to Captain Jack), and they had a huge embrace on stage and both looked very happy to be promoting the film.  So, for one thing, if this wasn't very sudden, Cook was extremely good at hiding anything that might've been wrong.  For another thing, the appearance itself, as well as the announcement of Pirates 4's title and release date, sure made this all seem 100% solid.  Surely Johnny would only agree to do the film if he liked the script, but in light of the Expo, I assumed that the part about approving the script was now over with.  I'm not sure if the LA Times may be embellishing things a little, because I don't see anything in Johnny's own words that make it sound like he's still waiting to approve the script.  But it's possible.

I still don't really expect that Johnny would back out of the film.  He's also pretty friendly and loyal to Jerry Bruckheimer (the "shark", in my words  [ghost_grin] ) and he does dearly love the character.  But if Cook's departure causes a huge shakeup within Disney, then who knows how that may influence their projects- some of us Depp fans are wondering.  It may depend on who Cook's replacement is.  

At any rate, either way, I don't *think* that this turn of events would have any impact on DS, no matter how things shake out.  But at the moment, I'm glad that Disney doesn't have anything to do with DS  [ghost_smiley]


About this issue, I guess I've already said all that I can say.

However, just for fun  [ghost_wink]  I am now about to add some fuel to the fire, because this is undoubtedly going to be ALL over the news now.  Dick Cook has apparently been fired by Disney, and there was a phone interview with Johnny earlier today where he is being polite, but perhaps not sounding very happy with Disney about this news:

Johnny Depp says he's 'shocked and very sad' about Dick Cook's departure

See also Nicki Finke's website:

EXCLUSIVE! Dick Cook Fired From Disney; Hollywood Registering Shock At News; Cook "Never Saw It Coming", Teared Up

So, you see, things don't even run smoothly at what I referred to earlier this evening as "that behemoth Disney"  [ghost_grin]  I would not assume from this that Johnny will abandon his Disney projects.  However, I can't help but think that it's not impossible for this news to have some impact.  It'll be interesting to see how this will shake out.


I haven't even wanted to participate on this thread for months now, because I am weary of the fingerpointing at Tim and WB over a film that IMHO is FAR from being in "developmental hell", or assumptions that it's being shown a lack of interest just because the filming may be delayed by a year.  The current version of the script only just got handed in recently, from what I gathered from John August's feedback.  Johnny himself said in June that the film was "very, very close" as opposed to saying "it's ready"  Many other aspects of getting the film started will have to be put in motion.  If they originally wanted to film this fall, and if they did send out feelers to that trade publication you found, jimbo, and the film didn't get going this fall after all, it simply shows that they weren't totally ready yet, as Nancy also said.  A LOT of films are being set back because of the current economy, and I'm sure that I brought this up several times, too.  The fact that DS is still even on the horizon despite that is a GOOD thing. 

About Pirates 4, I do hear you, and I would MUCH rather have had Johnny do DS before Pirates.  But you are comparing Jerry Bruckheimer-- arguably one of the biggest sharks in the business, a behemoth like Disney, and a history of the first 3 Pirates films making something like 3 billion dollars worldwide, with Johnny's own production company and what will most probably be a MUCH smaller budget for DS (even if they will be curtailing the budget for Pirates 4).  Johnny and Tim have a lot of respect, but I wouldn't say they have anywhere close to the power of Bruckheimer.  Bruckheimer probably pushed like the devil, and it so happened that Pirates 4 got put in place first.  I just don't see how this is at all indicative of WB or Johnny or Tim "not caring" about DS. 

If Tim's schedule was too much of a problem, and they had to get another director, I seriously doubt that it would speed things up.  Very likely, it would slow things down even more.  I doubt there many top quality directors just sitting around waiting for a project to come along.  When DS was first announced, I thought of Guillermo del Toro for the director, but he's going to be tied up for awhile with some hobbit film :)  Johnny had a project called Shantaram in the works for several years, and the fact that they had to change directors (from Peter Weir to Mira Nair) pushed the project back for a year.  Other events happened after that, and the project is currently in limbo, but I'm just saying that changing directors did push back the plans they had at the time.

I know that I've said all of these things many times before, so I apologize for continuing to repeat myself.


I was initially thinking "yes, Seaview should be used."  Then, partly based on some of the comments here and partly just giving it second thoughts, I started to be less sure it would be the right decision.  In a way, it might tie the film too much to the show, and as much as I love the show, we don't want the film to too closely resemble the show- we wouldn't want it to have the same production values, for instance.  I mean, it' never be the same, and trying too hard might just seem strange.  I also feel that the inside sets should not try to mimic the show, because that might come off as cheesy.  I'd rather it just have sets that feel close in tone but not try to be identical.  I feel like I'm waffling  [ghost_smiley]  Anyway, I voted "I don't know" and I see that the poll is actually pretty close.  It's interesting to look at it from both sides.


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Worst 5 Movies of the Summer
« on: September 06, 2009, 01:58:06 PM »
I used to hear of some formula being used as a rule of thumb- it might've been if the domestic made 1.5 of the cost or if worldwide made 2.5 of the cost... or something along those lines.  I think, though, that in the last year or two, with the economy the way it is, they've had to suck up a little.  Really, $97 million is nothing to sneeze at; however, the studios are gonna be looking pretty hard at that $80 million plus that it cost to make it.  A lot of that cost was for star salaries- Johnny doesn't come cheap, and I'm sure that Christian doesn't, either, and Cotillard is an Academy Award winner.  There was a huge cast, and the production crews rented vintage cars and went to many of the actual locations and recreated all the storefronts and streets to have a 1930's look.  But are studios going to keep being willing to spend that much for a film if it's barely making the same at the box office?  This is troubling, but in a way, maybe the film industry will stop going to such excess (I'm looking at you, James Cameron  [ghost_wink] )

Anyway, back to PE, I don't think it can be considered a hit by any means, but I don't think it was a financial flop, either.  They probably wished it had done a bit better.  If you look at IMDb's charts (scroll down a little on the Public Enemies page),

you will see that the film is currently #19 for the year.  Even more interestingly, it is currently #3 among R rated films for the year (District 9 and Inglourious Basterds will probably surpass it, but still, it's close to the top).  It's much harder for an R rated film to be a huge box office hit.  So, I don't think it did that badly, even though I do wish it would've cleared $100 million.


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Worst 5 Movies of the Summer
« on: September 03, 2009, 02:22:02 PM »
Interesting point, gerard.  I think that some movies succeed very well even if they're over 2 hours long, whereas others just seem to meander too much.  I don't know if PE was too long for me, per se, even though I think it was over 2 hours, but I felt the story arc could've been tightened up a bit.  I felt there *was* a story there, but I really didn't feel the progress of the story so much the first time.  There were a lot of extraneous characters that were put in, and then not really developed, so the question was should they really have added all that detail in the first place?  For instance, Channing Tatum was pretty much wasted as Pretty Boy Floyd, with barely any screen time, and that scene was not historically accurate:
[spoiler]Pretty Boy Floyd was not killed until *after* Dillinger.[/spoiler]  
But that scene led way to the scene in the jail cell where Dillinger meets Purvis, but
[spoiler]that scene wasn't historically accurate either, because Dillinger and Purvis never actually met! It was a great scene, and it was probably important to put the two main characters together for at least one scene, but I don't know if Pretty Boy Floyd had to have been mentioned.[/spoiler]

Faults aside, it was a great looking film with top notch acting, great sets, fantastic action scenes, beautiful costumes and an awesome soundtrack.  I think that it was just that some folks' expectations of a Depp/Bale/Cotillard/Mann film were too impossibly high.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Worst 5 Movies of the Summer
« on: September 03, 2009, 03:52:25 AM »
Public Enemies got a 70 on Metacritic:  "generally favorable reviews"

There were a few raves, though most seemed to think it was a very good, but not classic, film.  I was personally a little unsatisfied- I thought that the acting and the individual scenes were all great, but as a whole it seemed to lack some cohesion.  Also, it was a little difficult to remember all the supporting characters, and I got a lot more out of it on a 2nd (and 3rd  [ghost_wink] ) viewing.  But it was a quality film.  It hardly belongs in the same company as junk like Year One, which got a 34 on Metacritic:


Okay, I have tried many times to explain my understanding of Johnny's and Tim's current and upcoming commitments.  I hate to always play the role of defender, because I'm as anxious as anyone to see this film get made.  But I don't know how to answer when people say that Tim doesn't care, or that Tim won't pay any attention to DS.  Tim has been working on Alice In Wonderland for a long time, and he was committed to it long before he agreed to do DS.  He got all of the filming done on time.  The release date was announced before the film had barely started filming-- they KNEW it was going to take a long time in post-production, and planned accordingly.  They are using (to my knowledge) a new form of animation.  They shot in 2D and they are going to convert it to 3D with some other kind of technology.  They used green screens for the filming, and Tim has rarely used green screens in the past.  All these things have been mentioned in interviews.  To say that Tim is "over his head" seems unfair-- to me, it seems to me like he knows full well the amount of commitment it is taking to complete this film in a way that he will be satisfied with, and he has no intention of dividing his attention and going halfway on either project.  Personally, I would rather have it this way.  He is going to give his all for the production of Alice, so that he can then give his all to DS.  Meanwhile, DS hasn't really been dangling in the wind- they have shaped up a script that sounds like it's nearly finished (Johnny's interviews have described it as "very, very close", which gives me the impression they may still be tweaking a bit).  They are probably doing lots of things behind the scenes, despite Tim's remarks.)  Given the current state of the film industry, which doesn't sound that great due to the economy, it's pretty good news that they still plan to get started in a year (or less).

Victoria, I hear ya, but see, this is why them talking about a film project in its early stages is a double-edged sword.  If the journalists don't ask, then we have no idea what's happening.  If they do ask but there's not much to tell, then we are unimpressed with the status report  [ghost_smiley]  Me, I'm just glad that the film is popping up in the dialogue!  And remember that Tim is an understated guy-- if he even says a little bit about how he's thinking about the tone and the feel of DS, then I'll bet he's giving it a lot more thought than he is admitting  [ghost_wink]

Thanks for scanning that, Midnite!  Yes, it looks a bit clearer than the Shadowgram, which I have right in front of me.  The other pic looks cool, and you're correct that it was not included in Shadowgram.

As to the other pic, I don't think it looks much like Johnny, either, but a friend and fellow Depp fan with a good eye thought that it might've been inspired by this old photo taken by photographer Henny Garfunkel in around '90 or '91:

There still seems something a bit off, though.  I think the likenesses of the other 3 Barns are great, though!


If I remember right, on the commentary track for Sleepy Hollow they say that were some location shots done for it.

Really?  I stand corrected, then.  I thought sure I remembered them speaking about how they built that entire town, and even had the horse and carriages running around in circles on this soundstage.  I guess that if there were location shots, too, I missed that part  [ghost_embarrassed]  Well, there's even more hope, then!

I wish they would use Seaview, as well.  It'll be interesting to see what they decide.  With regard to Tim's history of films he's done, my understanding is that both Sleepy Hollow and Sweeney Todd were done ENTIRELY on a soundstage at Pinewood Studios in/near London (Tim's preferred studio).  Even houses, shops, streets, etc. were all recreated in the studio.  Sleepy Hollow was (mostly) rural and Sweeney Todd was urban, so I would envision the look to more closely resemble Sleepy Hollow.  However, I do think there were some location shots done for Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, and I know that some were done for Alice In Wonderland.  So doing some location shooting doesn't seem out of the question.  The other big question is if they intend to set the film in Maine (it'd be a darn crime if they didn't!!) and in that case, I would expect them to do at least some filming at/near the ocean, and I don't think that can be done in a studio!  So, here's hoping. 

I'm so glad that the Seaview owners are amenable to the idea, now all we have to do is convince Johnny, Tim, and everyone else involved in the film.  If someone wouldn't mind giving me Johnny's phone number, I'd be glad to make a phone call  [ghost_wink]  [ghost_wink]  [ghost_wink]

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