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Messages - madscntst

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I happen to be watching a show right now called Revenge, where a young woman arrives in the Hamptons with a new identity to take revenge on the townspeople who wronged her and her father when she was a child.  The way she accomplishes this (or tries to) in the present day is through years of preparation, creating a back story for herself.  She also has a computer savvy ally who is hacking some databases.  I was thinking that Barnabas could possibly do the same thing- maybe not come to Collinwood immediately, but hide out for awhile while getting a backstory in order- probably not years, because the body count of victims would probably get too high  [hall2_grin] but they might be able to get away with something like this.

That said, I'm kind of glad the story is set when it is.  It was a simpler time, and regardless of how hard or easy it would be to check on someone, people were just a bit less cynical back then.

Oh my gosh, I so hope Jessica stays!!  She's the best part of the show!  She's hilarious, and in last week's episode she had a wonderful dramatic scene, as well.  The show is very cheesy and over the top, but so far it's been very entertaining.  I'd love the idea of some of these folks coming back as ghosts in season 2.  Should be fun!

David, I definitely  agree that it's possible to have a great horror film that is not rated R.  They could still imply more than they show, and often that ends up being scarier.  That said, between a long-running joke between Johnny and Tim that Tim loves covering Johnny with lots of blood (mentioned in interviews and Sleepy Hollow and Sweeney Todd DVD extras) and the photo that we saw of Johnny/Barnabas' bloody hand, I have a slight suspicion that Tim's thinking is that as long as he's going to make a vampire movie, he may as well go all out.  The only reason I wouldn't bet much on that goes back to the bankability factor that we've been discussing.  It will be an interesting decision.

Okay, thanks for the clarification, Cousin.  I thought that the combination of drug use and it being an illegal substance (assuming it's not for medicinal purposes) might make it R.  I guess I'm too strict, LOL.

Funny, I was just watching a History channel show about vampires (I've seen it before so it's probably been repeated a zillion times, but it was fun to have on on a snowy (???) fall afternoon.  It mentioned DS as being instrumental in making the vampire more sympathetic to the audience.  Anyway, it got me thinking about the current Twilight fad, and as Johnny said recently, "Nobody looks like a vampire, man!"  So in a way you're right, Cousin, that a PG-13 rating might make teens see it and realize there's more to vampires than sparkly young hunks.  I do lean slightly toward a grittier R rating, though.  I'm bad  [hall2_grin]

Gothick, that is so true what you say about the "glamour" factor in smoking.  But for better or worse, for a Johnny fan like me, it's part of the package.  And I'm always torn- I hate seeing him smoke, and was sad to learn that he had started up again, but darn it all, it does make him look sexy!   [hall2_embarrassed]

Thanks for the reminder about the "funny" tobacco, MB.  Hmm, I may be wrong about this, but I'm pretty sure if they show characters imbibing in that, it might give the film an R rating.  So I guess it would have to depend on the rating they're shooting for.  Personally, I don't mind an R rating at all, but I must admit that a PG-13 would probably result in a better box office.

Yes, Johnny had a history of being a terrible chain smoker back in the day.   When his kids were young, he started talking about trying to quit for their sake.  Then around the time of Public Enemies, he claimed to have quit altogether.  And true, we didn't see any photos of him smoking at that time, even in paparazzi shots.  But more recently, he started again, and I suspect that filming The Tourist may have been a temptation to start again (his character is smoking electronic cigarettes through most of the film, but at the end he switches to real ones), though I don't know if that's what actually did it or not.  Coincidentally, he just played a concert in Austin last weekend, and a friend of mine got to go.  One of the questions I asked (as I noticed photos of him with a cigarette) if he smoked much during the 1.5 hr+ show, and she said no, just one.  No offense to any smokers here, but I am a cancer researcher, so naturally, I'm biased toward hoping he's trying to go light on the cigs  [hall2_grin]

Current Talk '11 II / Re: 12 TV Shows That Will Scare Your Pants Off
« on: October 28, 2011, 08:49:14 PM »
The link didn't work for me but I found it on a search- maybe this one works?

Anyway, I was always a particular fan of post-full moon shirt-nearly-ripped off Quentin, but the breathy beauties were quite lovely, as well!    [hall2_kiss]

Great list- I've watched or am watching a fair number of these.


I was hoping for a little more too, but hey, it was mentioned and hopefully will be in people's minds for next year.  And Lone Ranger and Dr. Seuss weren't mentioned at all!

Overall, the interview had me in stitches.  Johnny usually does pretty well on Letterman because I think their senses of humor jive somewhat.   And hey, (reference to Dave's Top Ten List) if I can order Pirates of the Caribbean from Netflix and have Johnny deliver the DVD to me personally, I'll be glad to remain a loyal customer  [hall2_grin]

This does sound pretty unbelievable, but somehow I'm a little skeptical that this is really true.  The story was picked up by the Hollywood Reporter, which is usually very reliable, but that and all the other reports seem to stem back to a local Austin affiliate who claimed this in a televised news story about the Austin Film Festival last weekend.  At the time, I just dismissed it and joked to my fellow Deppsters that perhaps the reporters hadn't gotten their credentials properly in order and then wanted something to blame for not being able to get access to an interview.  However, several days have gone by and there hasn't been any attempt to deny that Disney really *was* banning ABC from talking to him.  I would've thought that if it wasn't true, they would've tried to correct the story.  So, who knows??  This is the first time I've ever heard of something like this happening.  We don't know why- could it have to do with the alcohol consumption in The Rum Diary??  And it's hard to believe that Johnny would stand for this.  But on the other hand, Disney is one heck of a powerful entity.  Bah.  

Current Talk '11 II / Re: The Netflix $6 Increase
« on: October 25, 2011, 02:39:33 PM »
 Yes, I heard that, and on the radio this morning they were saying the share prices have just plummeted.  I am still a customer, for now, but I don't feel the allegiance that I used to for them.  I used to really love their service and their support the few times I had a lost or damaged disc.  But they've really made some boneheaded mistakes, and have done terrible PR, in my opinion.  I wouldn't have minded a modest price increase, but not to offer a discount for bundling both DVD and streaming services was a mistake.  Trying to separate them into 2 different services with different names was even worse.  Then, the curt e-mail I got from them saying they would keep everything as Netflix seemed almost rude- they really should be giving assurances and telling us customers that we are valued, instead of sounding like children that are pouting after being punished.  Yesterday, I noticed that the option to "play" several of the selections on my queue had returned, and it got me very nervous, because I had dropped instant viewing, and I was afraid they had changed my subscription (and started charging me the higher price, of course).  They had not- I am still getting DVDs only, but I feel that the "play" option is dishonest because I'm sure that if I click that, they will start charging me extra.  The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

If they are now getting rid of DS, too, that would be awful- just at a time when new fans who are just discovering the show would be interested in watching.  I hope it's not true. 

Regarding Letterman, according to the official NBC site, Johnny will be on this Thursday, not Friday:

Johnny is also scheduled to appear at Columbia University tonight for a Rum Diary screening and Q&A.  He's done a couple of these so far at college campuses, and as far as I know there's been no DS content (I would've posted if I'd heard something), so tonight would probably be the same but you never know.  He may have a couple more of these coming up, and I'm still hoping for a Rolling Stone interview, though I haven't heard of one yet. 

Did I read this correctly? Pee-Wee Herman wants to remake Dark Shadows after Depp's movie?

For some reason it took forever to get the video to play. But it strikes me as if he was just joking - particularly when his remarks about DS are in reply to the interviewer saying he would have loved to have seen him be in Burton's DS. But even if Pee Wee would like to do his own version, there's one big obstacle in the way: Depp holds the rights to DS. So, neither Pee Wee nor anyone else would be able to do a DS film as long as that's the case. And who knows when Depp's rights expire? If there really is hope of doing a DS franchise, the rights can't expire anytime soon.

200 days 11 hours 54 minutes 25 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

I agree- I'm sure he was just joking.  Remember that Pee-Wee and Tim *do* go way back, and Paul Reubens (the real Pee-Wee) was also in Blow with Johnny, so they're all friends.  I would actually love to see them all work together again sometime!

i had never even heard of moretz before this film started production...

but she certainly is getting ALOT of ink. i mean carolyn is a supporting character, not one of the "leads", yet she's getting much more publicity than anyone besides depp. is her agent just a total spinmiester?

LOL, she probably does have a great agent.  [hall2_grin]  But Chloe Moretz has actually been getting a lot of buzz since before DS began.  She was a breakout star of sorts in the film, Kick Ass, and everyone considered her the highlight of that movie.  Then she was the female lead in Let Me In, which was the American version of the Swedish film, Let The Right One In, where she played... (drum roll)... a vampire.  I'm not familiar with anything else she's been in, but to have had two high profile roles like that at such a young age is pretty impressive, and these roles aren't the typical teen idol garbage that child/teen actors often get.  I think that she will be an asset to DS in that she will bring a good younger audience.

Here is a tiny snippet from an MTV interview with Johnny, speaking about his choice of look for DS.  Hopefully it will allay some folks' fears:

^^^Getting a teensy bit off topic (wrt the film, anyway), but a few clips from the latest Depp interviews have been popping up on the net, and some keen eyes have noticed that Johnny has a new tattoo on the back of his right arm, that looks like an I Ching symbol, which sleuths have now concluded that he obtained last Friday along with Damien Echols (of the West Memphis Three).  I'm pretty sure the tattoo doesn't have to do with DS directly, but that didn't stop me from making the connection, anyway!  "The hexagram of change!"

Thanks for the tip about Entertainment Tonight, MB- I usually watch Jeopardy at that time if I am home from work, but I'll make sure to tune in tonight  [baticon]

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