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Messages - madscntst

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286 has a great new banner of Barnabas with all his lady friends (except for his one true love, hmmm):

Oops, too late to modify my post.  I looked up Dakota's age and she's only 18, so I guess that's not really too old- somehow, I thought she was closer to 20 by now (though she might be by the time they get to filming).  Still, I dislike how so often in Hollywood, they cast 24 year olds as teenagers, so it's refreshing to see someone like Chloe who actually looks and acts her real age.

I've lost track of how old Dakota Fanning is, but I tend to feel that she's already too old to play Carrie.  I do remember that years ago, she was in talks to be in another King work, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, but that never came to pass.  I think Chloe is a perfect choice.  Let Me In indicates that she can definitely do dark horror.  I guess as with most remakes (or reimaginings, if you'd rather call it that) I wonder how much need there is for it, but strangely, Carrie is one of the few King novels that I never ended up reading, so I don't even really know how faithful the movie was to the novel.

I was composing my reply when MB posted, so mine might be a little redundant.  Advance screenings are meant to get feedback on the film.  Since they're free passes, I guess they can choose the audience that they want to see it, because it's their feedback that they want, as opposed to die-hard fans of DS, many of whom are old enough to have watched the OS and are therefore pushing 50 or more.  Unfortunately, folks over 50 are not valued as a demographic.  Even though we have more money to spend on leisure activities, I guess they want the younger folks to fill the seats, especially if the film is rated PG-13 as is expected.  The same is true of TV shows- not only do shows depend on ratings, but they depend on the ratings from the  17-49 or so age group for success.  Personally, I think my opinions are wonderful and thoughtful, even if I'm over 50, so it's their loss if they don't want our age group  [snow_grin]

Did I miss something here? What is this age limit thing?

Sorry Janet, I was talking about the age constraints for the advance screenings of DS.  Apparently they wanted viewers to be under age 49 (probably to hit the target demographic).  Joe and others were turned away because they were too old.  We should be fine for the movie itself  [snow_cheesy]   Anyway, for me, the point was moot anyway because I live on the East Coast, but I was just remarking that even if I had a chance to go, I'd have to try to fudge my age  [snow_blush]

madscntst, were there also clowns and dancing skeletons in your dream movie? ;)

No, but if they're in a future dream, I'll let you know   [snow_wink]   [snow_cheesy]  [snow_clown]

Joe, sorry to hear you didn't get in.  I'd also be over the age limit, though I suppose I could've tried my govt. employee photo ID that has no age.  For years, I always looked much younger than my real age, but in the last 5-8 years, I think I caught up and then some, so I might not pass for younger anymore :(

PennyDreadful, I love your image, even if I don't totally agree with the sentiment!  [snow_smiley]

Thanks MB for the tweet and the link to the new posters!  Liz with a shotgun just cracks me up, for some reason.  I love the others, too, especially getting to see the Josette representation of Bella. 

I had the weirdest dream last night, that DS was released and was nothing like any of us expected- it was very colorful and surreal, and I think it had muppets in it!  Or at least Barnabas taking the form of a frog or toad at one point (it wasn't Kermit, though- I want to be clear about that!).  But it was still very horror-filled.  The weird thing was, in the dream, I loved it!  When I woke up and remembered, I thought to myself, ugh, I don't think I'd actually love it if it looked like that!  LOL, so maybe at least for me, the actual film will be a relief in comparison  [snow_wink]

Thanks for finding that Youtube, Cousin B- that was pretty entertaining!   [snow_smiley]

I had a thought the other day-- I realized that if there is anything I am unhappy about regarding the trailers and TV spots I've seen, it's the music they're using.  Somehow, it's the music that seems a little too flip or something- the actual scenes, jokes and all, look fine to me.  Granted, at least Alice Cooper's No More Mr. Nice Guy will be in the film, though I guess it's going to feel more in context then.  And I think I heard somewhere (maybe here) that Bang a Gong is included in the film, as well.  Don't get me wrong- I love those songs!  But in the context of the film trailer they seem a little much or something.  But maybe with more of Elfman's score (especially if there are nods to Cobert's music) maybe the feel of the movie will start to feel more right to me.

Interestingly, after I started thinking this thought, I went to watch the DVD I rented this past weekend, Young Adult, that had an old trailer for Hugo with it.  I was struck by how *little* I liked the Hugo trailer in comparison with the film itself, and noticed that the trailer didn't have the final score music with it.  For me, the music was so important in conveying the sweet, warm tone of the film.  I guess I'm just very impressionable in how music shapes my feelings.  Hmm.

I'm actually loving the idea of Barnabas sort of skulking around in the background- hanging upside down, shoved into an armoire, etc.  I'm guessing that Johnny had a ball doing that. 

Sorry to double-post- by the way, I just received Return To Collinwood from Amazon (yay!)  I haven't read through it yet, but I was flipping through to look at the photos.  I see at the end that KLS thanks a bunch of people, including Colleen Atwell.  I'm hoping she didn't mean to say Colleen Atwood, but I fear that maybe she did, because many of the other names were associated with the film.  If so, oops!   [snow_smiley]

Alice Cooper has shared some pics of his costuming for DS, courtesy of the awesome Colleen Atwood.  They CGI'd his face to make him look like he did in the 70's- the link says it's similar to what they did in Tron, and (since I didn't see that one) I wonder if it's also the same they did for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.  (Edit- I mean that he'll be CGI'd in the film, not the photos.  They show marker dots in the photos).  Anyway, interesting!

Great new image (click on it to enlarge):

Ha, Phil, I just found this and was about to come here to post the link.  There is what looks like a great long article, too, but I only had a chance to briefly skim it as I'm about to be called back to the lab where I work. Make sure to see the slideshow too, starting from pic #0, to see another pic of Johnny and Tim, as well as other pix we've seen before from DS and other pix of other Johnny/Tim collaborations:

MB do you see the name of the actor and character on top of each picture? Is that what you are not seeing? they do enlarge greatly at Empire.

Really? I clicked on them and all I got was a bunch of product ads with even tinier versions of the posters.  [snow_huh]  I'll have to try again later.

MB, I think the problem was that the posters took a long time to load.  I got the product ads, too, but then after awhile the poster loaded.  The tiny versions of the posters were actually the "next" or "previous" images and not the main ones.  At any rate, thanks jimbo for providing an alternate link- those ads can sometimes be really annoying!

Ooh, Del Toro!!  Yes, his take on DS would be incredible!  For a while I've been thinking about how David Lynch would bring something very good to DS--his kind of "weird" would probably be the best match to the classic 1960s DS weirdness, this strange family/community in a world that's just slightly off-kilter from the one the viewers live in.

Honestly, del Toro would've been my first choice; I think I have mentioned it here once or twice.  Though I'm sure he would've injected some comedy, too.  Oh well!  Lynch, I'm not quite as sure about (don't get me wrong- I like him and just recently re-watched Twin Peaks, in fact), but it's a thought.

I guess my disconnect with some of the opinions I'm reading is when people say things like, "They (Tim and Johnny, and maybe Jim Pierson) said they were fans!  A fan would never make a film like this."  Well, that is a bit presumptuous and presupposes that all fans are of one mind.  I would never accuse someone of not being a fan if they didn't share my vision, but that's just me.  So I don't find it as easy to sympathize with these types of comments as it is to sympathize with folks who were hoping for something different and feel disappointed.

Again, I'm still feeling a little disheartened by the trailer, and hope that I like the movie more, but for what it's worth, I thought the 21 Jump Street trailer was atrocious, and it turned out to be a film I enjoyed tremendously.

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