Author Topic: Robservations 4/4/03 - #878-879 - Tim and Judith Plot Together  (Read 2421 times)

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878 - A man walks through the dark woods, carrying a noisy chain, dragging one foot behind him.

Protect me! Aristede begs Petofi, don't let this happen to me!  The die is cast, says Petofi. Aristede kneels in supplication--I'll do anything you want me to do!  You're wasting the few precious moments you have left, warns Petofi, and this time, you'll have to save yourself--start running and don't stop, because those sounds will always be close behind you. (What a dreadfule fate!) How long it will take him to catch up with you, smiles Petofi, depends on how fast you can run.  Aristede hears the sounds coming closer and races through the back door. The ugly, cruel-looking man in the picture bursts into the studio, his footsteps not matching the sound man's efforts. A prisoner has escaped Dartmoor and was seen entering here, he says to Petofi--are you concealing him? No, answers Petofi, he is not here. The man stumps to the window, warning, the penalty for harboring an escaped criminal is severe. The man you're seeking broke in here, says Petofi, but fled a few moments ago, through the back door.
And you did nothing to stop him? demands Garth. Petofi pleads sickness--I cannot move. He will not go far, vows Blackwood, the moors are treacherous, but my domain--he shall not trouble you again--and he stumps out the back way. Petofi smiles.

Collinwood - Judith, lovely in a maroon dress, comes downstairs and greets Evan in the drawing room--I want to get down to business immediately, she says--what about the information I requested?  I haven't yet found out what you want to know, says Evan. What's taking so long? she demands, if you engaged a reliable private detective? I didn't hire a PI, he says, you told me to use my own judgment, and I did--I thought the job could be better handled by someone with a personal interest in Trask, Timothy Shaw. Oh, yes, says Judith, he used to work for Trask at the school--can he be trusted? He hates your husband with a vengeance, says Evan--he was only too agreeable to accept the job.  I'm impatient for information, says Judith; I want to know where Gregory was all those times he claimed to be going to visit me at the sanitarium. I expect to hear from Tim any day now, says Evan. Good, she says--I'm coming to your office tomorrow at 3:00, please be there, I want to change my will--we will discuss the particulars tomorrow. Why are you doing all this? asks Evan--changing your will, having Trask investigated...  You aren't paid to ask questions, says Judith.  I'm asking as your friend, not your lawyer, he says, I'm concerned about you--I wouldn't want you to do anything you'd be sorry for later. Like what? she asks--"Do you know something about Gregory that I don't know?" she demands, angry. Of course not, he says, it's just that you haven't been yourself since you returned from the sanitarium. Judith agrees--I'm much wiser now than I used to be, and I want to tell you one thing--it doesn't pay to trifle with me!  (go, Judith!)  Yes, he says, I can see that. Thank you for your concern, she adds, it's always gratifying to know one has a true friend--good night, Evan. Trask is heading downstairs as Judith opens the doors. Evan leaves. Trask joins his wife in the drawing room and asks, what was Evan doing here at this hour?  He had some papers for me to sign, she explains. Must have been  important for him to come so late, comments the Rev--are you seeing him again tomorrow? Yes, she says, and it concerns my will--I'm going to change it. What for? he asks. (guess!!)  I've made an important decision, she says--to make sure all my money goes to charitable causes after I'm gone. "You can't do that!" cries Trask. Why, Gregory, she coos, I thought surely this decision would make you happy! It does, he says, you just took me by surprise. Are you upset? she asks.  I'm not, he assures her.
It's obvious you don't approve, she says--I really thought you'd be overjoyed--I don't understand your attitude. And smiling like the pussy that ate the canary, Judith leaves and goes upstairs. Trask watches, grabs his coat and hat, and leaves the house.

Out in the woods, Garth chases a running Aristede, who perpetually hears the sounds of chains and that incessant, dragging leg.

Evan's house- Trask pays the unsurprised Evan a visit and gets right down to business about the nature of their discussion.  As Judith's lawyer, says Evan, I'm ethically bound to say nothing. Stop all the legal double talk, orders Trask, Judith told me about her changing her will. "I wish I could have been there to see your face," says Evan smugly. Find some way to dissuade her, orders Trask. Her mind is made up, insists Evan. Change it for her, says Trask, and naturally there will be something in it for you. I don't want to change Judith's mind, says Evan, I like being on the winning side--you made a play for power and failed--I don't want to go down with you--sorry to be so brutal about it. Trask smiles.  It doesn't take much to scare you, he says--what did she do, threaten to get another lawyer? No threats necessary, says Evan--I'm not isn't blind, and I see the handwriting on the wall--your days are numbered, Trask, don't you realize that? Collinwood is my home, insists Trask, and I intend to spend the rest of my life there--if you won't stop Judith from changing her will, at least delay her a few days--I have my reasons. Do they have anything to do with disposing of your dear second wife as you did of your first? Evan asks. Wouldn't it be wiser if you didn't know my reasons? asks Trask--after all, what you don't know can't incriminate you, can it?

Gasping for air, Aristede leans against a tree in the woods. I've lost him, but he'll easily pick up my trail again if I stay here--I must find someone to hide me! He runs off.

Trask awaits an answer from Evan, which is a firm NO--I will meet Judith tomorrow and carry out her instructions to the letter, says the lawyer--I will do one thing--I'll give you a piece of friendly advice--don't fight her, or try to stop her, or it may be the most serious mistake you ever made in your life. They are interrupted by a knock at the door--Aristede. Evan remembers him--you have something to do with Petofi, he says. I did, agrees Aristede, but not anymore--I'm sorry about coming here like this, but I desperately need your help--Petofi brought back someone from the dead to kill me. Get hold of yourself, urges Evan. I'm not crazy, insists Aristede--it's Petofi's way of punishing me (he grabs Evan's lapels in fear) and I desperately need your help!  I'm only a lawyer, protests Evan--how can I help you?  I know you're good at "other things," too, says Aristede--supernatural things. See here, begins Evan.  Trask interrupts--don't you see this poor man is desperate?--you aren't going to deny him the benefit of your unique talents, are you? I will thank you to keep out of this, Trask, says Evan angrily.
All I want you to do is get rid of a ghost, pleads Aristede--that's all I'm asking.  I know of Petofi's powers, says Evan and don't want him as an enemy. Aristede begs--my life is at stake--it will keep following me until it kills me!--if you turn me down, my blood will be on your hands! You're wasting your time, says Trask--Evan only helps himself. The lawyer apologizes--I can't run the risk of angering Petofi.  Petofi won't even know you helped me! protests Aristede, who turns to Trask, "a man of the cloth"--and begs, please persuade him.  Perhaps I can do better than that, says Trask, I don't think the occult is the answer to this man's problem, he's obviously being chased by some sort of demon, which can only be dispelled through spiritual help--I think you came to the right place.  Evan disagrees--I can go along with you if you want to, but not here! Don't be completely ungracious, says Trask, this man is too terrified to go outside, and I will give him the guidance he needs here and now, but in private--surely you can spare him that much. Evan reluctantly agrees--I'll give you 15 minutes, and then I want both of you out of here! Trask agrees--it's your house. Evan goes into another room. Aristede expresses his gratitude.  Save it for after we talk and reach a mutual understanding, says Trask. Aristede is puzzled--you do intend to help me, don't you? I'm a slightly more practical man than Evan, says Trask, and am more than willing to exorcise the demon haunting you--but there will be a price. Anything you say, agrees Aristede. What I need will require courage, cunning and cold-bloodedness, warns Trask. Tell me what it is, Aristede, right now, with my life worth nothing, I will take any risk. I want you to murder someone for me, says Trask.  Aristede's eyes widen.

Trask has drawn a crude map which Aristede studies. You remember what to do, and what to take when she's dead, Trask says. I won't forget anything, promises Aristede. Make the motive look like robbery, advises Trask--succeed in that, the case will be quickly closed. I will do exactly as you wants, says Aristede--when do I get what I want?  I will give you protection, the price we agreed upon, says Trask, and your demon will be banished forever. Why can't we take care of Blackwood first? asks Aristede.  We will do it my way or not at all, warns Trask. Evan joins them--your time is up, he announces. Trask requests one more favor--I will make the necessary arrangements for Aristede's safety--will you let him stay here until I return, about an hour--Aristede will be no trouble--we've reached a mutual understanding and you are in no way involved.  All right, agrees Evan, he can stay an hour. Courage, Trask tells Aristede; your troubles will soon be over. Trask leaves. Sit and be comfortable, Evan urges Aristede, I take it Trask agreed to help you. Yes, says Aristede. How? Asks Evan.  I don't know what he's planning, says the young man, but he's helped me tremendously, made me feel secure, seems like a wonderful man. Yes, says Evan darkly, he's full of wonders...

Collinwood - Trask returns home. Judith waits for him in the drawing room--I didn't know you went out, she says. I find the night air conducive to meditation, he says, removing his gloves. Are you troubled by something? He asks.  You must have realized I was, he says--my behavior earlier this evening was shameful--forgive me. Nothing to forgive, she says, I felt unfair taking you by surprise as I did.  I must be honest, he admits--when you said you were changing your will, my first thought was of myself, but that was evil--I thank you for showing me the way. "Now you sound like the Gregory I married," she says, beaming--I knew you'd come around after thinking about it--shall we consider the incident forgotten?  Trask hugs his wife, but looks as if he'd rather throttle her.

Evan hears the sound of the chains and dragging leg, but Evan doesn't. Can't you hear those sounds?--he's coming to the house! cries Aristede.  Get hold of yourself, says Evan, Trask will be back soon. I can't wait, says Aristede--is there another exit from the house? Through that door, says Evan, pointing to the French doors.  Aristede immediately bolts. Garth, holding his chain in both hands, enters Evan's house--I've come for the prisoner! He declares.  Who are you, and what do you mean by barging into my house? demands Evan. Garth comes closer and says, I am THE LAW--tell me where the prisoner is!  You're a madman, accuses Evan--get out!  He was seen entering this house, says Blackwood--the penalty for harboring criminals is severe--justice must be served--he who obstructs justice will suffer--I will search until I find the criminal. You will not search this house, says Evan firmly--you're here illegally and I'm calling the police!  I have one and only one warning for you, sir, says Blackwood--stand aside!
Evan refuses.  Garth wraps his chain around the lawyer's throat and throttles him unconscious. Garth heads to the back of the house to search. Aristede re-enters the French doors, spots Evan lying on the floor, and flees again.

NOTES: Never a big fan of Garth Blackwood, but was definitely afraid of him during my first viewing of DS. He's a creepy, relentless villain with a one-note repertoire--and I was damned glad he wasn't after ME!

Judith is going after Trask with both barrels. Excellent. Now that he is planning her murder, I sure hope she gets him first.

Not terribly interesting last couple of eps, too much Tate and Aristede, not enough Charity, Barnabas and Quentin. My interest flags when things digress, and although I do find it interesting to know Aristede's origins (why doesn't he have a British accent, I wonder?), I can't help but feel a wee bit sorry for the poor fellow. Petofi saved him, and now Petofi is casting him back to the day they met. Petofi is not a loyal friend!

879 - A terrified Aristede bursts through the front doors of Collinwood. Trask, working at the desk, is annoyed--I told you to stay at Hanley's!  Aristede races to the window and opens it.  Don't you hear it? he asks Trask, desperately.  Hear what? demands Trask--have you been drinking on a night as important as this? I hear the chains, says Aristede, but since you don't, I figure it's in my mind--Blackwood is going to find me, kill me! wails Aristede.  You're perfectly safe with me, says Trask. Oh, yeah? asks Aristede, well, Evan Hanley is dead!  Shocked, Trask asks, what are you talking about? It's true, says Aristede, Evan has been killed--murdered! Outside in the foyer, Judith overhears and is equally shocked at the news.

Aristede describes how he saw Blackwood strangle Evan with the chain. Why would he would kill Evan? Asks Trask.  The man will kill anyone, everyone, insists Aristede--you must hide me! Put my plan into operation, orders Trask, then you will get away. He'll come after me! protests Aristede. Did he follow you? asks Trask, frightened. No, says Aristede. Then you're safe for the moment, says Trask. No, says Aristede, never, he always knows where I am--he's a monster from hell!  That is often said, but seldom true, says Trask I'll hide you where you'll be safe until you are needed. They exit the drawing room.  Judith phones Tim Shaw at the Inn--I must see you, she says--something terrible has happened--I don't want to discuss it over the phone, I'm coming to your hotel room in half an hour. It's 6:50.

Tim has packed his shabby bag and stowed it in another room. He answers Judith's knock. Evan has been murdered--I don't know the details--a man who lived as he did must have had many enemies, she muses--how he thought he fooled us all, pretending to be respectable--many men live that way, as I'm beginning to find out.  (the education of Judith Collins)  Do you  hate my husband? asks Judith. Yes, and with good reason, answers Tim--he used me as a weapon to kill his first wife. Judith doesn't react to this, oddly enough, but reminds him about his investigation into where Trask has been going when he supposedly visited her. Fall River, explains Tim, I just came from there--are you sure you want to hear this story? Yes, tell me, she says, sitting down. There was a respectable widow in Fall River--Mrs. Curry, explains Tim--her husband, a minister, had been dead several years--Trask was visiting her when he was supposed to be seeing you at the sanitarium--he told Mrs. Curry Minerva had passed on, but neglected to mention he'd married you--Mrs. Curry expected to marry Trask, but when I went to Fall River to question her, I never did get to see her--she was dead--she killed herself when she learned the truth. Judith is horrified--the poor woman--this is the last death he'll cause, she vows, I'll see to it--perhaps with your help--can I trust you? "You know how much I hated Trask," he says. "Then listen to me carefully," she says, "while I tell you my plan."

Trask ushers Aristede into Judith's bedroom.  Her carriage hasn't yet returned, says Trask, putting on a light--her absence is a stroke of luck for us, makes it easier--I suggest you hide behind the drapes. Aristede examines the area. Judith is a woman of habit, explains Trask--she never changes her routine. . .she will come in, take off her jewelry, open that window (fresh air obsession, says Trask, but after tonight, she won't need any). What about my money? asks Aristede. Take her jewelry, make it look like a robbery, says Trask--after you've finished with her, open this drawer (night table), her jewelry case is inside--take the jewels, throw the box on the floor, leave the window open to make it look as if you left that way. Should I wait until she's asleep? queries Aristede.  A burglar doesn't usually kill his victim when the victim sleeps, says Trask. (and how would he know?)  He reaches into his pocket and hands Aristede a gun. Aristede looks reluctant.  Take it! orders Trask.  Aristede does, hand shaking. If all goes well, says Trask, we won't see each other again--there will be a carriage awaiting you at the gate; you can go to Portland and take the train to New York. What about exorcising Blackwood's ghost? asks Aristede.
If you succeed, says Trask, the ghost will disappear, but if you fail, your friend Blackwood will find you no matter how much you try to avoid him--I will see to that! (Like he has such power, who is he kidding?) Aristede shakes his head, terrified.  Trask turns off the light and leaves the room. Aristede holds the gun and just stands there, waiting.

Trask paces the drawing room. The clock strikes something-thirty; he looks outside. Judith's carriage has arrived home. She enters Collinwood as he hastily sits on the sofa with a book, trying to look as if he's been there for some time. Judith enters and joins him. I'm glad to see you, he lies--there's a madman loose in the area--Evan has been found dead. Yes, I heard in the village, says Judith. What were you doing in the village? He asks.  I'm planning a surprise for You, she says, and smiles. What is it? he asks.  It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, she says. You don't need to give me surprises, he says, you've given me quite enough--I've found the peace (piece?) I've always searched for--with you. Judith grins maliciously. I'll be content to grow old here, he says.  It's nice you feel that way, she says. You should go upstairs and get some rest, he suggests.  I have things to do first, she says. Surely it can wait until tomorrow, says Trask. Finish your reading in the study and I'll take care of my correspondence, she says. Don't be too long, he says. I want to write my lawyers in Boston about Evan, says Judith. Of course, says Trask, I'll use the time to meditate, this volume has given me much food for thought. He leaves.  Judith looks pissed as hell. Hearing the study door close, she ushers Tim through the front door and into the drawing room. She closes the doors. She takes from the top desk drawer a plan of the upstairs and shows it to him, pointing out her room--do you need to know anything more?  No, says Tim. You have about an hour, she says--Trask is reading--come to my room, give me 15 minutes. Tim checks his pocket watch. Go to Quentin's room now, she says, do you know where it is? Yes, says Tim. I've had all Quentin's things removed, says Judith--there's a curtained alcove in the corridor where everything we need awaits you--be sure they are there. Have you told Quentin? asks Tim.  I haven't had a chance, answers Judith. He may come back, Tim reminds her. He's in town, says Judith and will be gone quite a while yet. Tim nods. Do you think me mad? Asks Judith.  I would think you mad if you continued to live with Trask, he replies. I've decided that, too, says Judith--go quietly, she orders.  Tim heads upstairs. Judith goes around turning off lights. Unseen, Garth Blackwood peers through the drawing room window.

Judith enters her bedroom. Aristede stands behind the drape, gun ready. Judith removes her earrings, then smiles down at the decanter of liquor on a table.

Garth Blackwood, chain over his shoulder, enters Collinwood and looks into the drawing room. He drags the chain, as well as his foot, along the floor, then lurches upstairs.

Judith opens her window.  As she's about to pour a drink, she spots Aristede in the mirror and gasps. Who are you? she demands. I've come here to kill you, he says. No! she cries. Oh, yes, he answers, but, hearing the sound of the chain, yelps out a "No!" of his own. Judith runs across the room.  Blackwood enters, telling the terrified would-be murderer, "You learn little, Aristede, crime after crime! It saddens me, as it always saddens me when one of my boys refuses to learn!"  He slams his chain against the floor. Aristede begs, "Please, sir, please!"
"No excuses!" insists Blackwood, "It's too late for excuses, justice must be done"--and he approaches Aristede, chain ready for throttling...

Yes, justice at last, Aristede, declares Blackwood, brandishing the chain, "bitter justice for your crimes against the state, me, and against this poor woman--justice." He tries to loop the chain around Aristede's neck, but the latter is too quick for him, and jumps out the window (second floor, wouldn't he break something?). You shall not escape from me, warns Blackwood, clomping quickly past Trask, who has just entered the room. Are you all right? Trask asks Judith--who was he? I think so, says Judith, upset, near fainting. Trask wants to call the police, and helps her to sit down. I don't want you to leave me, begs Judith. He must still be in the house, says Trask--probably the same man who killed Evan. There were two men, says Judith--they weren't together, one was after the other; the first one jumped from the window. Trask looks out the window, sees no one, and whispers, "He got away."  Can you identify them? he asks Judith.  Yes, I can, says a shocked Judith; it was so terrible, he tried to kill me--please give me some brandy--I think I'm going to faint. He pours her a drink.  I don't think the men were robbers, says Judith, not the first one, my earrings are still here, he must have been in the room when I came back--have a drink with me, Gregory, I insist, you've been through a shock, too, you need it. He agrees--as long as I don't make it a habit. He pours a brandy for himself and quickly downs it.  Judith doesn't drink hers. If you're feeling calmer, says Trask, I will call the police, we must do our duty. She agrees. You haven't touched your brandy, he says. I'm afraid, nervous, she says. I hope you won't allow this to adversely affect you, he says--your nerves have been so much better since you returned from the sanitarium--you must try to control yourself. I am, she says. Try harder, he says. I feel so peculiar, complains Trask. Do you? she asks.
Judith, what is happening to me? he shouts, and passes out, grabbing and pulling the cover off her bed. Tim comes in.  "He tried to have me killed!" cries Judith--do you want me now? No, says Tim.  I feel rather faint, says Judith.  Tim has to catch and support her. No, I won't let myself, insists Judith--go ahead with our plans, she orders.

Trask awakens in Quentin's room, seated in a chair. Why am I here? he wonders, I was in Judith's room...he grasps his head, tries the door, and finds he's locked in. He hears Tim say, "I don't think she can hear you." What's the meaning of this? demands Trask.  Tim greets him, "Good evening, Reverend Trask."--I saw you earlier tonight, though of course you don't remember that--I'm here to bid you a final good night. Stop this nonsense and tell me what I'm doing here, demands Trask. Here?--aren't you satisfied with these quarters, I think they're rather comfortable myself, certainly more so than your late wife's coffin, says Tim.  I refuse to stay and listen to these riddles, says Trask scornfully. Yes you are, says Tim, holding a gun on him. "You made me murder Minerva, you and Evan Hanley, well, he's been paid, but you, sir, have yet to receive your reward--how wise of you not to move," he says, unlocking the door, "so often I've wanted to kill you simply outright." Wait until Judith hears of this--you'll spend the rest of your life in prison, threatens Trask.  How appropriate that you use that image, says Tim, locking Trask in.  The latter begins to bang on the door, accusing Tim of being crazy, yelling, "The rest of your life, do you hear me? Judith! Judith!"

Judith is on the phone with the sheriff, explaining there were two men--my husband went after them, he's been gone for an hour and I'm terrified something has happened to him.

Hearing strange sounds, Trask bellows, "Why won't you answer me? What are you doing out there, answer me, who is out there? What is happening here?" He figures there must be another key and begins to frantically search for one, looking through bookshelves, scattering books on the floor. He finds a key in a box, but when he unlocks the door, he is faced with a familiar sight for a Trask--a brick wall, which Tim has been building to cover the door. Only two bricks are left.  Spotting Judith beside Tim, Trask bleats, you can't do this to me. "Can't I, Gregory--perhaps you didn't know me as well as you thought you did," she chides. You aren't going to leave me here, says Trask.  That's exactly what I am doing, says Judith--I simply came to say goodbye--now you can mediate all you want. Tim slides the second to last brick into the wall, then the last, as Trask screams, "You can't do this to me, you can't, stop it, stop it!"
Tim fits in the final brick as Trask yells and begs for someone to help him. Tim smooths the mortar over the last brick, smiling gleefully.

NOTES:  For all we know we're just another brick in the wall!--Pink Floyd

And Judith gets her revenge, not just for herself, but for Minerva and that poor widow who committed suicide because Trask used her and apparently tossed her away.  I love this Judith, who reminds me of the willful, bitchy woman she was when we first met her--the woman who made brother Edward get out of bed just to tell him that she'd decided to move into their grandmother's bedroom.  I love this Judith!

What can I say about Trasks?  They should stay away from bricks?  They should stop being hypocrites?  They should stop being such leches?  They should stop BEING?

Isn't Tim Shaw a puzzle?  He seemed nothing more than a mild-mannered teacher, also abused by the Trasks, yet he betrayed Rachel, aligned himself with Evan to kill Minerva, disappeared with Petofi's hand and somehow used it to make himself rich, and now has joined in with Judith to get revenge on Trask.

Aristede has escaped Blackwood--for now.  Will he continue avoiding his jailer or suffer Evan's fate?  I wonder if Petofi realized that resurrecting Blackwood could mean death for more than just Aristede?  Garth is a killing machine!  How ironic that Blackwood saved Judith from being murdered by Aristede!

Who's next to die?

Love, Robin

Offline Garth Blackwood

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Re: Robservations 4/4/03 - #878-879 - Tim and Judith Plot Together
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2008, 07:13:20 AM »
This is a great episode-- all of my favorite Garth Blackwood moments are in this episode. In fact, I think the scene while we can hear Garth coming and Aristede begs and pleads with Petofi is among my favorites in the entire series. The dialogue between the two of them is awesome (Petofi's part esp) .. really great stuff

Also the scene where Evan and Garth Blackwood have their confrontation is pretty cool. Some of GB's best lines (see my quote below) are uttered there. :D
"I am the law sir ... I have one and only one warning for you-- STAND ASIDE"


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Re: Robservations 4/4/03 - #878-879 - Tim and Judith Plot Together
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2008, 02:34:43 PM »
I'm sure glad I wasn't Aristede. Garth Blackwood is one persistant pursuer!

It was foolhardy of Evan to object to Garth searching the house. He already heard from Aristede how dangerous the man was, heck one look at the man you could tell he was not one you want to jerk around with. Since Aristede already left, why not let the guy search the house and be rid of him? Once Blackwood saw no one was there, he would have been on his way.

I was glad to see Aristede scared out of his wits. After what he's done to so many others, it was about time he'd be the one to be sweating.