Author Topic: #0029/0030: Robservations 06/07/01: David Befriends the Monster  (Read 8666 times)

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Episode 29 - The boy I had been brought here to tutor has not yet been found, and the faint whisper of fear is slowly becoming louder--fear that grips the heart of a woman who suspects a truth she cannot bear to face..

Liz looks out the window, but anxiously turns when she hears the front door open and close. It's Carolyn, who says it's only me. You took so long, says Liz. I covered everything, says Carolyn, including all the hiding places I knew when I was a kid--she joins her mother in the drawing room and says they just have to face the fact that David's found a corner they don't know about, or decided to hit the road. Liz, holding herself as if cold, says it's no time to be funny. I wasn't being funny, says Carolyn--I asked Matthew to go down the old road and see what he could find. David's only nine, he wouldn't run into the dark, insists Liz. They both gaze out the window. It wasn't dark when he left, says Carolyn--besides, if I were in his spot, I might have done the same thing. If anything happens to him, says Liz--Carolyn, I love David. He's a horror, and you know it, says Carolyn. I won't have you talking that way! says Liz. Anyone who'd tamper with the brakes on his own father's car and try to get him killed, says Carolyn. Stop it! orders Liz. You know it's true, says Carolyn, Vicki found... I told you top stop it, orders Liz, I don't care what Miss winters says she found--I only care about David. I'm sure he'll turn up, Carolyn assures her. If he doesn't, says Liz, if anything happens, I'll never forgive Miss Winters--never! (Strange attitude, Liz, Vicki just forced you to face the truth.)

Collinsport Inn - Burke enters his room and is about to close his door when David appears in the doorway. What are you supposed to be, a door stop? Asks Burke. I've been waiting to talk to you, says David. If you're a salesman, says Burke, I don't want a thing. I've been waiting almost two hours, complains David. In that case, you'd better come in, says Burke--I admire persistence--do you know what that word means, David? David asks how he knows his name? You're a very famous fellow, says Burke, the disappearing David Collins--the boy who vanished in the restaurant when his father was looking for him--tell me something, where were you hiding? In the phone booth, admits David. Burke laughs--a born spy, eh?--tell me something else--why did you try to sneak into my room. I didn't, lies David. OK, says Burke, patting his shoulder, whatever you say--make yourself comfortable--sit down. I was walking along your floor, looking to see which room was yours, explains David--and then the door was open. Yes, the chambermaid was inside, says Burke. I just looked inside, says David, I didn't steal anything--are you gonna call my family and tell them I'm here? Do you want me to? asks Burke No! says David. Then I won't, says Burke. Promise? asks David. Cross my heart, Burke assures him--sit down, Dave--I'll fix you a Burke Devlin special, a concoction you'll really like--then we can talk. Burke starts to hear to the kitchen. I bet there's a phone in there, says David. Let me tell you something, says Burke, kneeling so they are face to face--I've broken lots of promises in my time, to doctors, lawyers, firemen, even an Indian chief--but to a nine year old boy--never. He goes into the kitchen. David fishes the bleeder valve out of his pocket and stands examining it. If you want to wash up or anything, says Burke, interrupting him and forcing him to hide it behind his back, pointing, it's right through there. I'm OK, thanks, says David. Burke returns to the kitchen. David hides the valve under the cushions of Burke's couch and sits down on it, looking scared.

Liz returns to Collinwood and Vicki meets her in the foyer, asking if there's any word yet. No, says Liz. Carolyn said Matthew was going down to the road to see if he can find him, says Vicki. I just came back from his cottage, says Liz--he hasn't returned yet. Have you thought about calling the police? asks Vicki. Liz looks at her and doesn't reply. Don't you think it would be a good idea? Asks Vicki. What story do you want me to tell them? asks Liz sarcastically, the same story you told me?--that my nephew is responsible for his father's accident? She goes into the drawing room after giving Vicki a severe look. I'm only worried about David, insists Vicki. And you should be, says Liz--if I weren't for you, David never would have left the house--I engaged you to care for David, not to drive him away! I didn't, says Vicki. Come on, says Liz, why do you think he's gone? (Liz is living in denial.) Because I found the valve in his dresser drawer, says Vicki, because I told him what I'd learned. Because you accused him of a horrible crime, says Liz, because you told him he was guilty of trying to injure his own father! but it's true, says Vicki. The only truth I can see, says Liz, because of your accusations, David is no longer here
--I'd like you to go, please--I'd like to be alone. Don't you believe that I found that valve? Demands Vicki--do you think I'd lie about a thing like that? I asked you to go, says Liz, now please. Vicki exits the drawing room. Liz looks as if she's about to explode into tears, anger or both.

Vicki swings open the window in her room. Carolyn knocks, asking if she wants some company. Vicki greets her unenthusiastically. Welcome to the bottom of the pit, says Carolyn, there's nothing I like better than a nice, cheery, greeting--"Oh, hi, Carolyn." That's the way I feel, says Vicki. Look, the little boy will come back, all will be forgiven and life will go on, says Carolyn--you can take my word for it. Don't count on it, says Vicki. You're in a mood, says Carolyn. Thunder rumbles. Looks like we're in for a storm, says Carolyn. Vicki says she wishes she'd never found that valve. If you're worry about David, don't, advises Carolyn, smiling--when there's thunder, he'll come chasing home--we haven't had a real storm since you've been here, have we? Vicki shakes her head--no. Prepare yourself for an education--you think the place is spooky now--wait till the power fails--Collinwood by candlelight--all the ghosts waiting to pounce. What did you want? asks Vicki, annoyed. Carolyn closes the window and says you mean you wish I'd shut up and get out of here. It's just that I'm a little tired, says Vicki. OK, says Carolyn--oh, Vicki, don't blame yourself for David--he was a problem long before any of us ever heard of you. All right, says Vicki. Look at it this way, says Carolyn, if you hadn't found that valve, Burke Devlin would still be on the hook--my Uncle Roger and my mother would still be trying to put him away for something he had nothing to do with. I know all that, says Vicki. Then what's eating you? asks Carolyn. It doesn't matter, says Vicki. It matters very much, says Carolyn--I thought we were friends, you and I--tell me--what's tearing you apart? Your mother, says Vicki.

"To your mother," Burke toasts, clinking his glass with David's, and sitting beside him--she and I were very close friends, did you know that? No, says David. We were, he says--your father, your mother and I--three pals together--that was a long time ago--before they were married. I thought you hated my father, says David. Try your drink, suggests Burke. My father hates you, says David. Try it, says Burke, ignoring his remarks, see if you like it. It's good, says David. Sure, a couple of fruit juices, says Burke, I used to love it when I was a kid--OK, talk!--you didn't come down here for anything but a talk, did you?--let's hear what you have to say. It's not important, says David, rising from the couch, I think I'll go. Oh no, says Burke, you came all the way down here and spent two hours out there, not to tell me it's not important. It wasn't, says David. How did you get here, anyway? Asks Burke. I hitchhiked, says David proudly. Hey, you're quite a guy, praises Burke, come on, tell me what's on your mind. You're different, says David--the way my father used to talk about you, I thought you'd be... With horns and a tail and fire coming out of my mouth? quips Burke--he laughs--let me tell you something--I used to have them, but no anymore--the horns kept poking holes in my hat and with the tail, I could never sit down. And talking to people you'd burn them! says David with a smile. Yes, says Burke, to a crisp, with all that fire coming out of my mouth. I bet you couldn't even eat ice cream, teases David, it always melted! Burke laughs and says bread--nothing but toast, all day! David stands and, talking like a circus announcer, says "Come and see him, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only spectacular Burke Devlin, the human devil!" And his good friend, David Collins, says Burke--the boy who has nothing to say--and the price of admission is only--hey, what are we going to charge 'em, Davy boy? A hundred million dollars! Says David. Wow, says Burke, that sounds like a round sum--when I was a kid, that's what I wanted more than anything in the world--one hundred million dollars. Did you ever get it? asks David. Not yet, says Burke, but I found something much more important--a good friend
--you are going to be my friend, aren't you, David? The boy dips his head down, looking ashamed.

Drawing room, Collinwood - So help me, Mother, I don't understand you, says Carolyn--Vicki--don't you realize what you said to her? I don't think I need a lecture from my own daughter, says Liz. I've just come from her room--how could you even hint that you didn't believe her story? If Miss Winters has any complaints to make, let her come to me with them, says Liz.
Miss Winters is sitting in her room wishing she'd never seen the inside of Collinwood, says Carolyn angrily. Liz rises and says, "Perhaps that's what I wish--did you ever think of that?" But WHY? demands Carolyn--because she discovered my precious cousin isn't an angel?--you know how David and his father get along; no one had to tell you that. Listen to me, insists Liz, I know what the situation is with David and his father--that there's very little liking between them. Little liking? repeats Carolyn--they hate each other and you know it!--David was deathly afraid Uncle Roger was going to send him away! I don't care how strongly he felt, says Liz, David is only child, and children don't deliberately try to injure, perhaps kill, their own parents!. Don't they? asks Carolyn. Thunder rumbles. Let me tell you something, says Carolyn, if I had met my father when I was David's age, I might have been tempted to take the nearest rock and heave it... That's ridiculous, says Liz. Do you think I never dreamed of killing him? asks Carolyn--the man who walked out on you before I was even born?--left you alone in this house to sit for the rest of your life--well David didn't just dream, he did something about it, and you can't just wish it away by telling Vicki she lied to you. I never said that, says Liz. Vicki said she found the valve in David's dresser drawer and you didn't believe her, says Carolyn. I have to be sure! insists Liz. And the magazine, adds Carolyn, with the full description... What do you want to do? demands Liz--destroy David? I want you to face the truth, says Carolyn. What truth? Asks Liz, sitting down--the magazine was in Miss Winters' room, don't forget that--and anyone reading it would know how to remove a brake valve. Of course, but David gave it to her, says Carolyn. I only have her word for it, says Liz stubbornly--just as I only have her word that she did find the valve. Carolyn kneels to look up at her mother. Why do you want to accuse David? asks Liz--isn't it equally possible that Miss Winters could have removed the valve? Do you really believe that? asks Carolyn. No, admits Liz. I know you're upset about David, says Carolyn, but striking out at other people isn't going to bring him back. But HOW could he have done it, how? asks Liz--I don't believe what I've said about Miss Winters, it's just that...what's happening to us?--what's happening to all of us? She touches Carolyn's shoulder, and her daughter covers her hand with her own. We'll survive, Carolyn assures her--we have for almost 300 years--I don't think a few extra problems will make that much difference! The phone rings. Carolyn rises to her feet to answer it. It's Maggie, asking about David. He hasn't come home yet, says Carolyn. Maggie apparently tells her that David was spotted in the coffee shop, and Carolyn covers the phone and tells her mother David was there about three-quarters of an hour ago. In town? asks Liz. She wanted to know if he'd come home yet, says Carolyn. Liz takes the phone and tells Maggie she's David's aunt--why didn't you call as soon as you'd seen the boy?...I see...all right, thank you very much. Liz dials the phone, explaining to Carolyn that she phoned Roger, but David was already gone by the time he got there. At least you know he reached town! says Carolyn excitedly. If I could just reach Uncle Roger, says Liz--why don't they answer? Wouldn't the office be closed by now? asks Carolyn. Liz hands up and tells Carolyn to drive into town and look for David--phone her if she does--and drive carefully. Carolyn leaves. "Please, God, let him be all right," says Liz, "just let him be all right."

Vicki sits on her window seat, gazing out at the estate. Liz knocks at her door. Vicki lets her in. Liz says she wanted to be sure her windows were tightly shut; she thinks there's going to be a storm. Liz leans out to close them herself. I can take care of that, protests Vicki. It's no bother, says Liz, closing the windows. Carolyn's gone to town, says Liz--we had a call, David's there, she's gone to try and find him. Then he's all right, says Vicki eagerly. As far as we know, says Liz, looking at her hands--I'm a foolish woman, and I say many foolish things--I want to apologize for the way I talked to you. I know how worried you must have been, says Vicki. Worried?--yes I was, and still am, says Liz, but I'm afraid I was trying to deny reality--and trying to make you suffer for it. I'm sure David will be all right, Vicki assures her.
I hope so, says Liz, he belongs to this house, and there's no peace here, not for me, or Carolyn, or poor little David--and I'm not sure there ever can be peace.

As long as I can remember, David tells Burke, he always hated me, and I never knew why. Maybe you're wrong, suggests Burke--my father was strict with me, but that didn't mean he hated me. Did he ever say he was going to send you away? asks David . Burke grins, and says yes, once, when he used his best pipe for soap bubbles. Did he do it? asks David. No, he bought me a soap bubble pipe instead, says Burke. David nods and sadly says, I wish my father were like you. Burke pats his hair for a second, then gets up from the sofa. He asks David to tell him the truth--why did he come up here? Because I wanted to do something, says David. What? Burke asks. What you said--I wanted to see what you looked like, says David. Is that what you want me to believe? asks Burke. What other reason would I have? asks David. That's why I'm asking you, says Burke. It's the truth, says David--my father and mother used to argue all the time, and it was mainly about you. (OH?) Is that so? asks Burke. They'd yell and scream and I'd hide, says David, and I decided I'd come and see what you looked like sometime. Burke nods and says, I see--Davy, you and I--he sits beside him--are very much alike, did you know that? Are we? asks David. Yes, says Burke, we both know what we want and go and get it, and don't let anybody or anything stand in our way. David thinks about that. I don't know what you mean, says David. I have a hunch you that you do, says Burke, who rises from the sofa and looks out the window--oh, Davy, he says, come and look at this--I want to show you something--David joins him--look at those clouds, says Burke--we're going to have a granddaddy of an electrical storm--don't you think you ought to go home before it gets started. OK, says David. No objections anymore? asks Burke. No, not if you'll go with me, says David. It's a deal, agrees Burke, and they shake hands, eliciting a chuckle from Burke--go on in and get washed up, says Burke, his hands on David's shoulders, so your Aunt Elizabeth won't think I dragged you through a mud puddle. I can wash when I get home, says David. Hey, go in there and wash, do as I say--beat it--and he smacks David's behind, sending him on his way.
Burke looks at the closed bathroom door and retrieves from the sofa the bleeder valve.

NOTES: Wow! Burke apparently knew that David had planted the bleeder valve in his sofa, yet he was so kind to him. He listened to him, shared with him! Doesn't Burke get along splendidly with David and vice versa? This is the way Roger should be treating his son--but isn't. No wonder David is so resentful and tried to kill him. David loves positive attention; he was having such a great time with Maggie before she (in his eyes at least) ratted him out. It's also interesting to learn that Burke, Roger and Roger's wife were "good friends" at one time. Why, we wonder, were Roger and his wife constantly arguing about Burke? This revelation will come eventually, and perhaps reveal why Roger seems to care so little for his son.

Liz is wrong about David, and deep down probably knows it, but can't accept it. Vicki is a stranger to her at this point; she still calls her Miss Winters. It isn't surprising that she's treating Vicki so badly, but if the latter IS her daughter, she's going way overboard. Vicki is as much her kin as David, more so! At least Liz came and apologized, and I really liked the way Carolyn stood up to her mother on Vicki's behalf. It appears Liz has finally accepted that David did do this heinous thing.

Imagine how much easier the Collinses life would have been if they'd all been equipped with cell phones?

Episode #30 - A brewing storm buffets Collinwood and angry spirits from the dead past seem to pound against its walls, demanding admission, says Vicki--there is no sound in the house, nothing but the echo of thunder and the whine of the rising wind. Yet the emptiness seems alive with fear and tension that build on a fearful terrifying fact--I am alone.

Vicki enters the drawing room and closes the window. The thunder booms, and the doors close by themselves. Nervous, Vicki looks around the room, which grows dark as the power fails. She finds she doors locked, and she is unable to get out. (She didn't get hysterical, bravo!) She takes a match from a box on the mantle and lights a candle on the piano. She hears the sound of a door opening and a figure stands in the doorway.
Who is it?--who's there? demands Vicki, terrified. The figure abruptly disappears, and Vicki stand there, shivering

Eerie music plays to great effect as Vicki wipes nervous palms on her shirt. The power comes back on and she blows out the candle. She walks slowly toward the open doors, the candlestick in her hand--just n case (which is probably used often as a weapon on DS). She starts to ascend the stairs but hears a door slam. Roger enters through the kitchen. Vicki asks if he just came in. Yes, he says, looks like I just managed to miss the storm. When the lights went out, says Vicki, voice shaking, I saw someone standing in the doorway. Must have been me, he says, I was on my way to the basement to replace a fuse. He goes into the drawing room to pour a drink. Vicki asks if he's sure--she called out and no one answered. Roger says he didn't hear a thing--where is everyone? Out looking for David, she answers. The wandering son is still among the missing, eh? asks Roger, his face cold. Your sister went to Matthew's cottage to see if he found him yet, says Vicki. Spare me the details, says Roger. Aren't you worried? she asks, he's only a little boy! I worried about him for nine years, says Roger, at the moment I have far more pressing problems--where is Caroline (yes, he pronounced it that way)--is she part of the search party, too? Yes, says Vicki, she's gone into town--we heard David was there. He was there, all right, agrees Roger, in the hotel restaurant, but disappeared by the time I got there. Did you say you knew where he was? asks Vicki. They telephoned me, says Roger--Davod tried to break into Burke's room--that's a combination, isn't it?--my son and Burke Devlin--the two people in the world I despise the most. (Brrr, that's cold!) Vicki tells him he has no reason to dislike Burke. Of course not, he just tried to kill me, that's all, says Roger bitterly--when my sister comes in, tell her I'm upstairs. But it wasn't him, it was David! proclaims Vicki. Stunned Roger turns to look at her.
What did you say? he asks,. It's true, says Vicki, I found the valve hidden in David's room--that's why he ran away--I locked it in my dresser but he managed to get it back. David? asks Roger. I know it's not easy to believe, says Vicki. It's impossible to believe, insists Roger, the person who tampered with my car is Burke Devlin, and I know it!

Burke, holding the bleeder valve in his hand, looks out his hotel room window. He smiles ruefully. David comes out of the bathroom and Burke stows the valve in his pocket. Looks like the storm's getting worse, Burke says. That's too bad, says David. Are you afraid of lightning? asks Burke. Uh-uh, says David, and Burke, approving, says he didn't, either, when he was a kid--but he had a dog that used to hide under the bed. I never had a dog, says David. Every kid should have a dog, says Burke, a mutt to run around after him, look up to him--I'll tell you, if I'm here any longer, I'll buy you one, OK? Would you really? asks David, pathetically grateful. Good friends call each other by their first names, says Burke--I'll talk to your father, if it's OK with him, I'll get you one. Disappointed, David smacks his hand against his thigh--he wouldn't let me have anything! the boy says resentfully. Burke pats his shoulder and says they will see about that--now he has to see about getting him home. Mr. Devlin? asks David. Burke, the man reminds him. David gazes up at the tall man and says, "You know something, Burke, you're nice--I mean really nice." Burke pats his shoulder, bows, and says, "Thank you, Mr. Collins." David, the boy reminds him. Burke chuckles and repeats, "David." He picks up the phone and orders his car sent around front. David, deciding Burke is a friend after all, is digging into the sofa cushions, trying to find his planted evidence. He jumps up when Burke hangs up the phone. Let's get going, says Burke. When David doesn't reply, he asks him if he forgot something. My coat, David says, and grabs it from the back of the sofa. Come on, your family will be worried, says Burke. David gives a last look into the room, regretting what he did. Burke puts an arm around him and they leave.

Burke's car - Rain pours down (real water!) and the wipers beat noisily back and forth as Burke drives, asking David if he's worried, scared to go home? No...yes, says David--I guess so. Ever run away before? asks Burke. No, says David. It's not so bad, says Burke, they'll yell at you, send you to bed without your dinner, and by tomorrow it will all be forgotten.
No it won't, says David. I ran away once, says Burke, I sneaked onto a coastal freighter going down to Boston--there was a terrible storm, I got seasick--thought I was going to die--It's much better to be home in a nice warm bed and have them yell at you. David considers this. Burke, he says, did you really mean what you said, about being friends? Yes I did, he says seriously. Can we go back to your hotel room, says David--I think I left something there--it's important. So is getting you home, says Burke--where was it, I'll get it for you. Please, I have to go back! insists David--please! Sorry, says Burke, driving faster--what did you forget? Nothing, says David.

Vicki and Roger are in her room, where she is recounting the story of the valve. And then you say you brought the valve in here? he asks her. She nods and says yes, and locked it in this drawer, and went downstairs to tell your sister about it. What did you do with the key? asks Roger. I put it in my pockets, says Vicki, I found out later this dresser has a mate in Carolyn's room and the keys are identical. Where was David all this time? asks Roger. I don't know, says Vicki, but when I got back here, the valve was gone, and so was David. I see, says Roger, dejected. I'm terribly sorry, says Vicki. Yes, Miss Winters, he says, are you sure it was the valve from my car? You showed me the drawing from it yourself, says Vicki. Yes, it's true, he says--I knew David was a bright boy, I didn't know he'd be able to do a thing like this. He gave me a magazine, says Vicki, going into her desk--insisting it was a present--I think you'll find the answer in here--she opens the magazine to show him the breakdown diagram of a an automobile master brake cylinder--how to take care of it--how to take it apart and put it together. Roger looks at the article and says it's funny--he doesn't know whether to thank or hate her for this. (Liz hated her for a while there.) I know how you must feel, says Vicki. Do you? he asks--it's true, David and I had arguments--I never liked the boy--I never pretended I did--but to deliberately...we never know what monsters we create, do we (or what monsters create us, Roger!) They hear a knock at the door. Perhaps someone's found David, suggests Vicki joyfully. She runs to leave her room while Roger glances again at the article, his face somber.

Vicki, followed a few steps behind by Roger, opens the door. It's Burke, with David in tow. Anyone looking for a lost boy? asks Burke. What are you doing here? demands Roger. I brought your boy home, says Burke, encouraging David to enter the foyer--go on in, David, before you change your mind. Where have you been? asks Vicki. Where did you find him? asks Roger. Wandering, says Burke. Wandering where? asks Roger--I heard that he tried to get into your room--is that true?--is it true, David? he demands harshly. The boy's frightened, points out Burke. Answer me, David! barks Roger--he should be frightened--have you been with Mr. Devlin all this time? If you mean for the last 15 minutes, yes, says Burke--I was driving through town, saw him walking along, picked him up--the storm is getting ready to break (David is fascinated by this lie)--when he told me who he was, I brought him up here. All right, thank you very much, says Roger--go inside, David, I want to talk to you, orders Roger--when David doesn't move, Roger commands him to come in here--and I mean now! As if heading for his doom, David goes into the drawing room with his father, who closes the door. Is that the Collinwood version of the woodshed? Burke asks Vicki. I don't think so, says Vicki. I remember I ran away from home once, says Burke--my old man beat me so hard, his hands were raw for two weeks (is this another lie? He told David how nice his father was). Vicki tells him they all appreciate him bringing David back, but she thinks he should leave now. I don't think so, says Burke--I've got a hunch I'd like to know what's going on in that room--and I'm just curious enough to stick around and find out.

Are you trying to tell me that valve wasn't hidden in your room? asks Roger. It was a lie, she lied about it! insists David. I suppose you know I could have been killed! says Roger. I didn't have anything to do with it, says David. Then why did you run away? asks Roger. Because of Miss Winters, says the boy, she made me run away. Why would she do that? asks Roger. She hates me, she told all those lies about me! cries David--she said I fooled with the brakes so the car wouldn't work? If it wasn't true, says Roger, you could have stayed here and told me so. You wouldn't have believed me anyway, he says, pouting--she's a grownup, I'm only a kid--you'd always believe her. He distractedly bangs on a couple of piano keys. Roger sits on the bench and asks why Miss Winters would want to lie about a thing like that? David plays more discordant keys. Roger tells him to stop that and look at him--what earthly reason would she have for saying she found the valve in your room if it wasn't true? Because she's maybe trying to kill you herself! says the boy.
Stop it! demands Roger. David, eyes wide, goes on--I'll bet she went out to the car when no one was looking--and took that valve--when you got hurt she got scared! (Sounds like his own story.) I said stop it! says Roger. It was HER, Father, not me, says David. Empty your pockets, orders Roger, twice--or shall I do it for you. David does so, taking out an amazing bunch of things. What did you do with the valve? Asks Roger. I never had it, says David. Did you throw it away, asks Roger--did you get so frightened, you decided to throw it away? Where's Aunt Elizabeth, I want to talk to her! wails David. She won't help you now, get that through your head, says Roger--when a boy tries to kill his own father, there's no help for him--no help at all! Thunder rumbles.

Great old clock, says Burke, gazing up at the grandfather clock in the foyer--it's almost 200 years old, did you know that? Vicki rises from the chair she's been sitting in and says he really should go. Probably one of the first pieces of furniture brought into this house, says Burke--I bet it saw some strange sights in its day. Please go, begs Vicki. Do you remember what I told you the night I met you--the night we both got off the train and I drove you into town? he asks--I didn't even know you then, but you told me you were coming up here to work--remember I told you to get on that train and go back where you came from? Yes, says Vicki. A while ago, you told me to leave, he says--I want to give you the same advice--there's something going on in that room, and if my guess is right, you're living in a madhouse--and you'd better get out of here while you still can. Thunder rolls. Vicki looks anxiously at the closed doors.
Look at this! shouts Roger, roughly pulling David around to face him and showing him the magazine--it's yours, isn't it? I don't know, says the boy. You used it, didn't you, says Roger, pulling David's arm, you used it to learn how to tamper with my brakes? David tries to squirm from his father's grasp and asks where he got it. That doesn't matter, says Roger. Pulling away from his father, David demands to know where he got it. Exactly where you left it, says Roger, in Miss winters' room. I never put it there, insists David. Now listen! says Roger, then calms down. She just wants to get me in trouble, says David. You have an answer for everything, don't you? asks Roger--it doesn't matter who takes the blame for this, does it? I didn't do it, says David petulantly, she made up a whole thing about it! We'll soon find out about this, says Roger, and opens the double doors. He asks Burke what he's still doing here. I'm talking to Miss winters, waiting to say goodbye, says Burke. All right, goodbye, says Roger curtly--would you step in here, please, he asks Vicki. Roger hasn't closed the doors, and Burke stands and watches this tableau. David looks very small. All right, Miss Winters, says Roger, there he is--he says nothing you said is true. It's pointless to lie, Vicki tells David. We've already been through this, says Roger, now tell me--did you find that valve in his room? Of course I did, says Vicki. Exactly where was it? asks Roger. I've already told you--in his dresser drawer under some clothes, says Vicki--I would never have found it if I hadn't been looking for a letter that was taken from me. That's why you're making it up, says David--because I tool your stupid letter! I'm not making up a thing and you know it, says Vicki. It's a lie, he says, everything you said about me is a lie--you just want to get me in trouble--well I don't care what you say, I never had that valve, I never took it--now leave me alone! It's useless to pretend, Vicki tells him, putting her hands on his shoulders--are you trying to tell me I lied? You did, didn't you? says David. How many times did you tell me that you hated your father--that he wanted to send you away and you were going to get even with him? I never meant it, says David. You meant to go to that garage, he says take the valve from the car--maybe you didn't know how serious it could be, but just the same... I didn't take that valve--if you don't believe me, look over here--this is all the stuff that was in my pockets. Then you must have thrown it away, insists Vicki. I DIDN'T! cries David. Excuse me, says Burke, joining them in the room. I thought I asked you to leave, says Roger. I know, says Burke, but I thought I might be able to help--is this what you've been looking for
--and he holds up the valve for them to see. David looks guilty--and frightened.

NOTES: Will Burke rat David out? Somehow, I doubt it. He genuinely likes the kid, probably sees a lot of himself in him. (There's more I can say, but I will hold my tongue until we get to that.)

I've got to give David credit for dogged persistence! He is sticking by his story that he wasn't guilty and that's that! Yes, he's a bad boy, but we saw how he blossomed under Burke's kind, fatherly attention. David needs love, and Roger has admitted more than once that he doesn't feel that for his son. Pity, too.

That scene with Vicki seeing a figure in the doorway actually elicited chills from me, something the later DS episodes rarely did. When a mysterious figure appeared, it always turned out to be a flesh and blood someone, but not this time. Creepy!

Henesy continues to amaze me with his acting talent. His scenes with Ryan and Edmonds were fantastic, filled with pathos, humor and darn good acting.

Love, Robin

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Re: #0029/0030: Robservations 06/07/01: David Befriends the Monster
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2010, 11:36:10 PM »
Night has come and David is still on the Lam.
Elizabeth is the only one who seems to be geniunely concerned. Carolyn is too non-chalant about it and Roger doesn't give a crap.  Ummmmmmmmmmm perhaps it's time to call Sheriff Carter, so he can put out an APB on the boy?
"If anything happens to him, I'll never forgive Miss Winters.... Never"
Excuse me but, how exactly is this HER fault?  [hall2_huh]
Showing up at Devlin's room, this kid is a BOLD one!  Dude is workin that "Doe eyed innocent waif" routine again.
Don't think Devlin is buyin it though.  As I suspected he planted the evidence in his room, what a bad seed.
Storm is coming, still nobody calls the Sheriff about David, guess he will fly home in the bad weather.
Elizabeth is beginning to face the truth about David, glad she apologized to Vicki.  Could David be Devlin's kid, would explain why Roger is hostile and cold towards him.  HAHAHA Devlin is on to you kid, can't wait to see how this will play out.     Nice interior shots of the house with Vicki's voiceover, very ominous and creepy.  Oh man that shadow in the doorway, freaked me out a little.  [hall2_shocked] [hall2_shocked]
David still isn't home and Roger doesn't give a crap, oh yeah DEFINITELY Father of the Year right there. [hall2_rolleyes]

"Now that's a combination, isn't it?  My son and Burke Devlin, the two people in this world I dislike the most."

Wow, I got Nothin....SMH
Now that he has the valve, how will Devlin play his hand with young David?  Who appears to have had a change of heart about framing him for Roger's accident. Quelle suprise, David continues to lie and shift blame to Vicki for the accident. If a person's pants actually caught fire when they lied, this kid would be ASHES at this point.  At last, Devlin plays his card, this should get interesting.
My name is Victoria Winters, my journey is just beginning.

A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my  past with my future.  A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place.  To the edge of the sea, high atop Widow's Hill, to a place called Collingwood.