Author Topic: The Return of Yet Another New Slideshow (Sort of) [** Now featuring unshot Julia material - see reply #194**]  (Read 42840 times)

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The next scene in the sequence is scripted as:


      As they enter, Willie throws a quick look out the window, the
      sun is just about to go down.


      Revised 2/28/90   


And that's when today's quote -

84/Scene 184A - Willie (CONT'D): 'Look, Miss Winters ... it's almost dark out ... Maybe this ain't a good time for you to be vistin' ... You know, what with everythin' that's been goin' on, an' all.'

- comes up, followed by the script concluding the scene with:.

      And he follows her into the drawing room.

And when it comes to the dialogue, with the exception of dropping the "Look," Willie delivers his dialogue exactly as written.

But as far as the direction and descriptions go, things are virtually nothing like what's written. For one, there really is no Scene 184A because in the pilot things simply continue along still in Scene 184 with Willie delivering the dialogue from scripted Scene 184A right after he delivers his last bit of dialogue from Scene 184 - and as Willie does so, Vicki, completely ignoring him, continues to look about, makes her way to the drawing room, and disappears inside - and after a very nervous look down the corridor, Willie also disappears inside. We do not see them inside the drawing room - nor at any point does Willie throw a quick look out a window to see that the sun is just about to go down. But then there are no windows in the hallway, only the glass in the door at its far end, and Willie never looks in that direction.

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Dealing with the next scenes in the current sequence:


      From deep within the dark cellar, with the big, black coffin in
      the f.g. ...

      A beat, and then the lid slowly begins to creak open, the hand
      with the black stone ring, pushing it up from within.


      Willie has lit some of the oil fixtures. Vicki moves around the
      room, runs her hands over a velvet sofa in front of the

                What a beautiful piece.

      Willie throws another nervous look back at the foyer, crosses
      over to her.

                Miss Winters ...

                Willie, please call me Vicki.

                Yeah, yeah ... Vicki.
                     (a beat)

And that's where today's quote -

Page 84/Scene 186 - Willie: 'I didn't get a chance last time you was here, but I ... uh, I been wantin' to tell ya ... how much it meant to me ... when you believed me and nobody else did.'

- comes up.

And as far as any differences in the dialogue go, for the quoted bit Willie actually says "Uh, I just wanted to say, uh, I didn't get a chance last time you was here, but, I, I just wanted to thank you 'cause you believed me when nobody else did."

And so far as what's different when it comes to the direction and descriptions, in Scene 185 the coffin (which I'd mentioned before isn't really black) is in the background of the basement room, barely lit by two candelabras, and the camera pushes in on the coffin as the lid opens and the hand is seen - and when it comes to Scene 186, Willie has not only lit oil lamps but he's also lit the candles on several candelabras - and Willie doesn't actually look nervously toward the foyer before he crosses over to Vicki.

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Picking up where we left off:




                There's no need to thank me,
                Willie. I'm sure it will all work
                     (looking around)
                Where's Barnabas? Is he busy?

      Willie throws another nervous look over his shoulder.

And that's where today's first quote -

Page 85/Scene 186 - Willie: 'Yeah, yeah ... he's busy. I'll tell him you were here. [He tales her by the arm.] (CONT'D) Now, I... I still think you should get goin'.'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 85/Scene 186 - Barnabas (O.S.): 'And why is that, Willie?'

- coming up.

And when it comes to what's different in dialogue, Vicki actually says "There's no need to thank me, Willie. Anyway, I think it's all working out" - and after Vicki inquires about Barnabas, before Willie tries to usher her out, he actually responds with "Yeah, yeah ... oh, he's real busy. But, uh, uh, I'll tell him you was here."

And so far as what's different when it comes to the direction and descriptions, Vicki doesn't actually look around before she inquires about Barnabas, she remains looking straight at Willie - and Willie actually throws a nervous look over his shoulder before Vicki asks about Barnabas, not after.

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Moving on:

      They turn to find Barnabas standing in the doorway. Willie
      immediately shrinks back.

And that's where yesterday's  quote -

Page 85/Scene 186 - Barnabas (CONT'D): 'Welcome to the Old House, Victoria. (crosses to her) Please do not let Willie alarm you. His concern for your well-being is admirable, however I'm sure there is nothing for you to worry about.'

- comes up, followed by the script explaining:

      He takes her hand, kisses it lightly, while burning Willie with
      a piercing look. Then:

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 85/Scene 186 - Barnabas (CONT'D): 'You may go now, Willie.'

- comes up, followed by the script explaining:

      A beat, as Willie looks nervously from Barnabas to Vicki. Then:

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 85/Scene 186 - Willie: 'Yeah, yeah, Barnabas, sure.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

      PAN WITH HIM as he starts for the foyer.

And when it comes to what's different in dialogue, the only thing worth mentioning is that Willie switches his around a bit and actually says "Yeah, yeah, sure, Barnabas."

And so far as what's different when it comes to the direction and descriptions, Barnabas actually gives Willie a look before he kisses Vicki's hand, and the look makes Willie shrink back even more - and Vicki is surprised but please by Barnabas' kiss - though Willie is surprised by it even more (and I love the expression on his face as he looks from Vicki to Barnabas and again to Vicki as Barnabas kisses her hand).

And as a bit of trivia, the bit of Barnabas walking over to Vicki, welcoming her to the Old House, and kissing her hand was shown on Today as part of a segment they did on the show a few days before it premiered.

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The next bit in the script is written as:


      As he smiles charmingly.



      Revised 2/28/90


And that's where today's quote -

Page 86/Scene 187 - Barnabas: 'How fortuitous for me, that you chose now to visit. I was just about to send Willie with a message that there was something I wanted to show you.'

- comes up.

However, there is no Scene 187 in the pilot - but more on that below...

First, when it comes to any differences in dialogue, there's nothing worth mentioning.

But so far as what's different when it comes to the direction and descriptions, things are very different in the pilot. As I've said, there is no Scene 187 - and that's because, as has probably already been surmised given today's capture -

- as Willie makes his way to exit the drawing room, the camera in Scene 186 continues to pan with him for the entire time that Barnabas delivers his lines, so Barnabas is completely off screen (as is Vicki) - only Willie is seen - and before Scene 188 comes up (and it's also different from the way it's scripted - but more on that tomorrow...) Willie stops at the doorway to the drawing room and turns to look back at them (something he's not scripted to do until Scene 188 - and that will also be dealt with tomorrow...).

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And the next scenes in the script are written as:

188   WILLIE

      As he freezes in the doorway, throws a frightened look back at

                          VICKI (0.S.)
                Oh? What is that?


      As he notices Willie still standing there.

And that's where today's quote -

Page 86/Scene 189 - Barnabas: 'Thank you, Willie. If you're needed, I'll call.'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:


      As he hesitates a beat, throws a concerned look at Vicki, exits
      the room.

And when it comes to what's different in dialogue, there's nothing different.

But so far as what's different when it comes to the direction and descriptions, quite a bit is different. As I mentioned yesterday, it's actually at the end of Scene 186 that Willie stops in the doorway to the drawing room and throws a frightened look back at Vicki and Barnabas, not in Scene 188 - and as such, we don't see Willie in Scene 188, we see Vicki, which means her bit of dialogue is delivered on screen, not off - and in Scene 189 Barnabas doesn't really notice that Willie is still standing there so much as he senses it and, as can be seen in today's capture -

- he simply addresses Willie over his shoulder without actually looking at him - and the final bits of Barnabas' Scene 189 dialogue are actually delivered off screen in Scene 190 as Willie hesitates before leaving, though Willie doesn't actually throw another concerned look at Vicki.

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Moving on to the next scene in the sequence:


      As Barnabas smiles.

And that's where today's quote -

Page 86/Scene 191 - Barnabas: 'I believe you have made a conquest, Victoria. Willie seems quite smitten.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to what's different in the dialogue, the only thing that's different that's worth mentioning is that Barnabas doesn't just smile before he delivers his lines, he actually chuckles.

And when it comes to the direction and descriptions, what's above is all there is.

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Wrapping up the current scene in the sequence, at first the script continues with:

      Vicki almost blushes.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 86/Scene 191 - Vicki: 'Willie's not so bad.'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 86/Scene 191 - Barnabas: 'As a matter of fact, he has been quite helpful.'

- coming up, followed by the script continuing with:

                I really should be going now,




                I'm sure you can spare a moment.

      A beat as she looks at him, then:

                All right, a moment.

                Thank you.

      And he leads her toward the foyer.

End of scene, though not end of sequence. And tomorrow the slideshow will begin to feature captures/quotes from Scene 192, which is not included in any version of the pilot but is available as an outtake on the DS Resurrected VHS...

But before all that, when it comes to what's different about the dialogue in the just covered portion of Scene 191, Barnabas adds an "Mmmm" before he explains that Willie has been "rather helpful," as opposed to "quite helpful" - and Vicki simply says "I should be going" - to which Barnabas replies with a scoffing "Oh" before he says that he's sure she can spare a moment - and Vicki actually replies to that with "I guess a moment" - and rather than thanking her, as scripted, Barnabas actually says "Good... come..." and after picking up an oil lamp and nodding toward the doorway, he says "Please..."

And so far as what's different when it comes to the direction and descriptions, Barnabas actually starts to take off Vicki's coat after he says he's sure she can spare a moment, so she doesn't have much choice but to agree, though she doesn't actually look at him until after he's done with her coat - and after he puts her coat down on a chair and also after his aforementioned actions with the oil lamp and nodding toward the doorway, Barnabas gently puts his hand behind Vicki's back and leads her to the doorway.

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Setting up the new (outtake) scene in the current sequence:


      As below, Barnabas and Vicki enter the foyer.

                You've done so much here in such
                a short time.

      They start up TOWARD CAMERA.

                Do you like it?

And that's where today's first quote -

Page 87/Scene 192 (Outtake) - Vicki: 'It's beautiful.'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 87/Scene 192 (Outtake) - Barnabas: 'Yes ... All great works are... The work of writers, of poets, the grand buildings of Europe, the pyramids...'

- coming up.

And as far as any differences in the dialogue go, all of it is the same with the exception that Barnabas actually says "Yes ... Most great works are... The work of writers, of painters, the grand buildings of Europe ... the pyramids..."  And interestingly enough, when Vicki visits the Old House in Ep #214 of the original series, Barnabas also compares the Old House to the pyramids.

And so far as what's different when it comes to the direction and descriptions, the direction is quite a bit different because from the outset of the scene Vicki and Barnabas are walking up the stairs in the foyer - and as can be seen in the screen captures -

- during the period covered so far, Vicki and Barnabas are always moving away from the camera, never toward it.

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Continuing by presenting today's scripted quote -

Page 87/Scene 192 (Outtake) - Vicki: 'But I see happiness here. The pyramids were designed to be tombs.'

Though what Vicki actually says in the outtake is "But I see life here. The pyramids, they were designed to be tombs." And I think it makes much more sense to say "life" rather than "happiness". And again, interestingly enough, when it comes to the pyramids, Vicki makes a similar comment in Ep #214 of the original series.

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And once again continuing by presenting today's scripted quote -

Page 87/Scene 192 (Outtake) - Barnabas: 'Of course, you are right... but this house was never meant to be a tomb.'

 - I was somewhat surprised that it was dropped from the scene because Barnabas made a very similar remark in Ep #214 of the original series, and not only was it an important part of the scene, but it was even used to cap off both the scene and the act. Plus, at this point in the pilot Barnabas' coffin is already in the basement of the Old House, so essentially the house is being used like the pyramids as a tomb, so Barnabas' remark in the pilot would have held even more irony than it did in the original series. But apparently for some reason they didn't think so. Or perhaps they felt Vicki's remark had already made the point. But still, I don't believe Barnabas' remark would have been the least bit redundant...

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I forgot to mention that yesterday's quote was the conclusion of Scene 192 as scripted, so presenting Scene 192A:


      PAN WITH THEM as they walk BY CAMERA, start along the upstairs


      Revised 2/28/90


And that's when today's quote -

Page 88/Scene 192A (Outtake) - Barnabas (CONT'D): 'My ancestors designed it to represent a marriage between the elegance of Europe and the promise of a new world.'

- is scripted to come up. Though, most likely because yesterday's quote was dropped, what Barnabas actually says as the beginning of his line in the outtake is "My ancestors designed this house to represent..." rather than " to represent..." However, in a similar situation to what they did in the pilot with Scenes 184 and 184A, there is no Scene 192A in the pilot. As you've probably already figured out given how today's screen capture -

- doesn't match up with the direction or description of Scene 192A, Barnabas actually delivers his Scene 192A line as part of Scene 192 as he and Vicki are continuing up the stairs. And again it's interesting to note that in Ep #214 of the original series Barnabas says something very similar, which is "The design and construction of this house represented a marriage of the elegance of Europe and the vigor and enterprise of a new world."

But anyway, that is the conclusion of the Scenes 192 and 192A portions of the script. Tomorrow we'll move on to Scene 193, which has its own share of changes...

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This is how Scene 193 is scripted:


      As Barnabas leads her along the hallway, we notice the work that
      is being done.

And that's where today's quote -

Page 88/Scene 193 - Barnabas: 'You're going to be quite surprised when you see this. I know I was. [He stops by a door.] (CONT'D) Willie and I were working up here on the third floor, when we uncovered this door.'

- is scripted to come up, followed by the script continuing and concluding the scene with:

      He puts his hand on the knob, looks at her, swings the door
      open. Her face lights up. He indicates for her to enter.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the actual wording is very much the same, however, Barnabas tells Vicki about uncovering the door before he says she's going to be quite surprised - and there's a pause before Barnabas tells her that he was surprised, but more on that below.

So, as far as the direction and descriptions go, once again things are quite a bit different because, while the camera does indeed shoot from in front of them, Barnabas does not lead Vicki along a hallway, nor do we notice work that is being done - in fact, as can be seen in today's capture -

- in stark contrast to Scene 192, Scene 193 is shot so darkly that you can barely see anything of Barnabas and Vicki's surroundings or even themselves. But getting back to the direction, as Barnabas tells Vicki about uncovering the door, he indicates a doorway that they've come to that had been boarded up but has been broken through and he leads her through it - and at first they stand just beyond the doorway (as seen in the capture), but then, after he explains that she's going to be quite surprised and motions for her to move on, he follows Vicki a short distance to a door, where he then explains that he was surprised - and then with a slight smile, he just begins to open the door so, therefore, we do not see inside the room, nor do we see Vicki's reaction to what's inside, nor does Barnabas indicate for Vicki to enter.

End of scene - though, again, certainly not end of sequence.

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Continuing on with the next scene in the sequence:


      As Vicki steps in, Barnabas remains in the doorway watching her

      The room is like a museum. A large, antique four-poster, big
      fireplace, original pieces, etc., and ... over the fireplace the
      PORTRAIT of a beautiful dark-haired young woman in a long, lace

      Vicki stands there for a beat, looking around in amazement.

And that's when yesterday's first quote -

Page 88/Scene 194 - Vicki: 'You found it this way?!'

- comes up, followed by yesterday's second quote -

Page 88/Scene 194 - Barnabas: 'Yes. Exactly the way it must have been almost two hundred years ago.'

- coming up, followed by the script continuing with:

                Incredible ...




      Suddenly she notices the portrait over the fireplace. She
      crosses to it, stares in amazement.

And that's when today's first scripted quote -

Page 89/Scene 194 - Vicki: 'It ... it looks like me!'

- comes up, followed by today's second scripted quote -

Page 89/Scene 194 - Barnabas: 'Yes. This is what I wanted to show you.'

- coming up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, yesterday's two quotes are delivered exactly as scripted, however, afterward Vicki's actual comment in the pilot is "It's incredible ..." - and after Vicki notices the portrait, in a moment of unscripted dialogue Barnabas asks "You do see the resemblance, don't you?" (a moment that was featured in -

Ep #1 - Barnabas: 'You do see the resemblance, don't you?'

- the original slideshow for the show) - and when an astonished Vicki begins her reply with "Yes. ... She..." Barnabas actually cuts her off with "Yes! ... She's very much like you."

And so far as what's different when it comes to the direction and descriptions, Barnabas actually follows Vicki into the room and puts the oil lamp down as Vicki looks about in amazement - and after Barnabas says the room must be the same as it was almost 200 years ago, Vicki walks farther into the room, taking it all in, and that's when she says it's incredible - and after Vicki is stunned to see the portrait, Barnabas comes up behind her, then moves to her side, and the two stare up at the portrait for a bit before he asks if she sees the resemblance - and as Vicki is about to say the woman looks like her is when Barnabas immediately turns to her to cut Vicki off with "Yes!" - and then he turns back to the portrait to say that the woman in it is very much like Vicki.

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Oops - even though I uploaded the correct capture for today, I forgot to upload the quote!  [hall2_embarrassed]  But it's there now.  [hall2_wink]