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Messages - McTrooper

^_^ Thank you ^_^

Burke:  Look Sheriff, Rodger threatened to steal my hair and make a toupee from it.  He’s got the motive, so can I get police protection. 

Sheriff Patterson:  Okay maybe I should.  You can be a pain in the neck, but I don’t want you to be in a hairless situation. 

Lol literally thank you Mysterious Benefactor ^_^

Victoria (out of picture):   . . .  and when I threw Becky out of the ring she picked up a metal folding chair.  Don’t remember much after that. 

Maggie:  Wow, I didn’t know the Foundling Home had annual Wrestling Championships. 

Maybe Hehe.  Either way if it’s an alibi it’s one of the strangest he could possibly think of without getting supernatural. 

Hehe Thank you Mysterious Benefactor ^_^

Victoria:  I’ve got an out bellybutton, but its so much easier to clean.  Want to smell it?  Just wish it didn’t chafe so much. 

Burke: Uhm  . . .

Voice on the Phone:  It's me again, Margaret  . . . Hello, is this Margaret?
You don't know me, Margaret
But I know you

Victoria:  Oh my.  Well now I have to rethink my opinion of you.  Your a dink still, but a dashing dink. 

Sam:  There’s a small mouse toy with a red dress with white poka dots?  I think someone is trying to slip me a Minnie!

Joe:   . . . the fish turned out to be a German Submarine named Jalapeńo.

Bartender Bob decided to sing the Chatanooga Choo Choo accompanied by an instrumental track and some trained dogs. 

Thank you ^_^ Mysterious Benefactor and MagnusTrask  [food]

Sheriff Patterson (whispering to himself):  What kinda nails only ever get hit by a hammer on accident?  Now I get it.

Thank you Mysterious Benefactor

Lol and thank you MagnusTrask ^_^

 . . .  then you __ head south to Logansport, only takes about 35 minutes as the bird flies, man I miss my wings, but not the nest it was too drafty. 

Voice on the Phone:  I’m in your closet alphabetizing your sleeveless shirt. 

Voice on the Phone:  You’re time travelers dating service have found you a perfectly inadequate match that you would be disappointed by for a few years into the future.

Thank you Mysterious Benefactor ^_^

Lol MagnusTrask ^_^ creative N funny  [hall2_smiley]

Thank you Mysterious Benefactor  ^_^
You’ve made me make myself crack up Hehe

Burke:  I’ll get you know you wascawwy (rascally) wabbit.

Maggie:  Burke you really shouldn’t have had our mystery mushroom soup.  Only hobos use take those kinds of risks with their lives.