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. . . Joe were discussing __ Hi Fi Instruction manuals in ______ right out  . . .

Fallopian tubes

Computer Dongles

 [pointing-up]  I came across the Chinese characters for Shadow Night, as well as the special characters for the Brazilian, German, Russian and Turkish titles, on one of the Web sites for the Spanish DVD/Blu-ray release of NoDS. (I'd wondered if they would even display correctly on the forum. But after I'd copied/pasted them from that Spanish site to here and previewed the post, I discovered they did indeed.) As for the Chinese characters for The Wronged Ghost, they were on several different Chinese Web sites. Of course, I had to have Google translate those sites for me before I had any idea what they said. But once I saw the alternate title, it was just a case of going back to the Chinese to copy/paste them just like I had for the first Chinese title.

As for how I got the pronunciations for the Chinese titles (as well as the Russian title), I copied/pasted the Chinese (and the Russian) characters into Google Translate and the pronunciation of the foreign language automatically showed up -

- and as you see one can even play the pronunciation.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Last post by Josette on May 08, 2024, 07:27:01 AM »
How did you get the Chinese and it's pronunciation???!!!!

Hope it was a really nice day!!

[occasion15]  [beer]  [band]
Thanks, everyone. It was rather a low key birthday this year. As I enter my seventh decade, I suppose that is to be expected. But I am going to try to follow the example set by the iconic Mamie Van Doren. Mamie turned 93 this year. Check out her recent photos. Yes, she's probably as old as Bathia Mapes but she looks less than half of that!
Revisiting how Scene 174 is scripted:

And moving on to today's new scene:

174    EXT - COTTAGE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT                  174

       as Alex ENTERS THE SHOT from the bedroom, he crosses
       to the bar and pours himself a drink.  He sips, sits
       and begins to unwrap the package.  Claire ENTERS THE
       SHOT from the kitchen, carrying a tray of sandwiches.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 81/Scene 174 - Claire: 'Coffee's coming --'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 81/Scene 174 - Alex: 'I need this more --'

- coming up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, Alex actually says "Need this more --"

And when it comes to the descriptions and the directions, we don't actually see Alex enter from the bedroom, or cross to the bar to pour a drink, nor sipping the drink to then sit and unwrap the portrait - and as we can see from today's second capture, Alex actually delivers today's quoted line -

- off screen.

Also, it's interesting that the scripted opening of Scene 174 isn't on the list of unrecovered footage, so there's at least a possibility that if it was shot, it does appear in the 129 minute version. Or it may simply be that because it was only a trim, and a pretty insignificant one at that, it simply just wasn't put on the unrecovered list...

 [pointing-up]  And so far as "today's" quotes and "second capture" go, they are indeed today's, May 7th's.

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