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Topics - Roland

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Testing. 1, 2, 3... / The archive button?
« on: September 05, 2016, 03:23:01 PM »
Am I missing something, but suddenly I don't see the link that used to exist on the front page to take the user to the archive pages.  Why is it no longer there and how do we now get to all the old threads, particularly the watching projects from the past?

Thanks for your help.

Current Talk '15 I / Plotlines that ended up going nowhere
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:33:59 AM »
With so much going on at all times, I guess it was inevitable that the writers of Dark Shadows would occasionally drop a story line in favor of something more interesting or promising. I'm not talking about such major lapses as never completing the "Vicki's search for her origin" scenario that seemed to be the very premise of the show at the outset (or the way they left poor Chris Jennings hanging at the end).

I'm talking about more minor narrative dead ends, ones where it seemed like the writers had something bigger in mind then just let it drop. Two that come to mind happen early in the Barnabas story. One involves Sam Evans' attempt to put an art show together. Some larger-than-life woman from "the city" breezes into town for all of one episode to fawn all over Sam's skills as a painter and to get him all excited about gathering his work for a show. He spends a couple of episodes bugging Roger about the whereabouts of the paintings he gave him, then the whole thing is dropped without any further mention.

The second example is the house on the Collinwood property that Vicki falls in love with. Two episodes
involve trips by various characters to check out the house, then nothing much is done with it.

I'd be curious to hear from others of similar story lines that just petered away without explanation.

Current Talk '09 II / The Vampire Paradox
« on: August 15, 2009, 12:33:24 AM »
If vampires can only be destroyed in two ways - either by exposure to the sunlight or by a stake or silver bullet through the heart - why do they need to drink blood?  It obviously doesn't serve the same function as food or water because Barnabas "lived" over 150 years in his coffin without receiving any sanguinary sustenance. 

Just curious.

I wonder if there weren't times when the writers might have been able to move the plot along more effectively if they weren't tied down to the no-more-than-five-or-six-actors-allowed-per-episode rule set up by the show's producers.  Were there times when they had to delay a crucial scene to a later episode because it would have involved paying an additional actor or two?  It seems like it might have been a bit of a strain to have to work under such conditions.

Anyone ever read any comments on this topic?  Thanks.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Joan as a bride
« on: February 27, 2009, 10:04:54 PM »
I just couldn't resist posting this picture of Joan Bennett looking drop-dead gorgeous in a wedding dress - with Mrs. Howell (Natalie Schaefer) of all people standing in attendance behind her.

Joan Bennett-Annex

Current Talk '09 I / Was DS ever actually shown live?
« on: February 10, 2009, 06:13:06 AM »
At the end of one of the discs, one of the early cameramen states in an interview that occasionally DS had to be performed live because they weren't able to finish the filming in time for the actual airing.  Is this true and do we know which episodes he might have been referring to here?

Sorry if a thread already exists on this topic.

Current Talk '08 II / Why this inconsistency?
« on: August 17, 2008, 06:53:28 AM »
I've always been a little bothered by the fact that Carolyn and Vickie [spoiler]so readily forget ever having been under Barnabas' spell once he is no longer a vampire.  Yet, this is not the case with other people who are at least temporarily under a vampire's spell.  I'm thinking particularly of Willie and Julia.  There is at least a plausible explanation given for Maggie's loss of memory, why not the same for the others?   I realize that the plot necessitated Vickie and Carolyn forgetting (after all, the main characters in DS always seemed doomed to be forever in the dark as to what was really going on at Collinwood, so having them know the truth about Barnabas on a permanent basis would never do)[/spoiler] but the inconsistency is still troubling.

Current Talk '08 I / Is Julia the Ultimate Squator and Freeloader?
« on: June 25, 2008, 05:25:59 AM »
When Julia first moved into Collinwood, she at least had a false cover - that she was writing a history of the Collins family - as a justification.  But once that cover was blown (after the seance), what reason did she still have for staying?  And, why didn't Roger, in particular (who never took too kindly to outsiders in the first place) not eventually throw her out on her keester?   I mean it takes a lot of chutzpah for someone to just worm her way into a permanent place in the area's most lavish and impressive mansion with, one assumes, free board as well (unless she was slipping Mrs. Johnson a weekly stipend for her meals).  Maybe they kept her around for all those sedatives she was so generous about passing around.   [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '08 I / Why was Phyllis Wick tried for witchraft?
« on: March 03, 2008, 06:08:27 AM »
The writers do a good job showing why Vickie is accused of witchcraft - all her knowledge about the future, her strange clothing etc. - but why would the original Phyllis, who clearly did not have all that baggage, be so accused?  Is it merely because she showed up at the same time as Angelique started all her mischief and, therefore, she became the "logical" suspect?  Still, it seems like most of the evidence we see being used to condemn Vickie would not be applicable in Miss Wick's case.

Any thoughts?

Current Talk '07 II / 1795 Discrepancy
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:51:01 AM »
I was thinking that if all the people whom Vickie meets back in 1795 resemble people she knows in 1967, why doesn't Barnabas notice those strange similarities when he wakes up in the future?  I mean, wouldn't it freak him out that Elizabeth and Roger looked so much like his mother and father, or that Dr. Hoffman was a dead ringer for the Countess Du Pres?

Current Talk '07 II / Did the Collins Family Own a TV?
« on: November 11, 2007, 06:08:58 AM »
We all know Collinwood was ON TV, but did the people living there actually own one?  We certainly never see one and no one to my knowledge ever mentions one.  Yet, in all those rooms, not a single television set?

We know they do have a radio since Mrs. Johnson reports hearing about Burke's plane crash on one I believe.

Any thoughts?

I sometimes wonder if the original actors ever felt slighted by the direction the show took after the arrival of Barnabas.  Not only did they receive much less camera time than they had had previously, but many of their characters were relegated to that dreadful state of perpetual ignorance (the kiss-of-death for any actor), while other characters (like Barnabas, Julia, Willy etc.) always seemed to be "in the know"  and, thus, got all the best scenes.

I know that, in "Lost in Space," for instance, many of the "lead actors" became unhappy when, by season two, Dr. Smith, Will and the Robot had become the de facto "stars" of the show and everyone else receded into the background.

I realize that a show has to go with its strengths if it is to survive, but I still can't help wondering if there were any hard feelings about it all (I know that Alexandra Moltke may have had some).

Current Talk '07 I / What happened to the 2007 posts?
« on: June 30, 2007, 06:06:01 AM »
Does anyone know what happened to all the old posts from 2007?  I am behind on the Watching Project (I'm watching each of the episodes on the same date they were originally broadcast - i.e. watching the 6/29/67 episode on 6/29/07) which means I am only up to #264.  Yet, when I came on today to read the thread on that episode, I found it had disappeared and there were only two pages of 2007 entries.  Anyone have any info. on this?  Thanks

Current Talk '06 II / In parallel time, Collinwood is older
« on: October 31, 2006, 05:22:25 AM »
I just noticed that in the 1841 parallel time story, one episode goes all the way back to the late 1600's to show how the "curse" came onto the Collins family.

However, in "our" time band, the great house wasn't built till the time of Barnabas more than a hundred years later.

Just another one of those quaint inconsistencies we DS fans treasure so highly!

Current Talk '06 II / Who's "caught up" with the releases?
« on: October 27, 2006, 02:40:49 AM »
Now that the final disc set (#26) has been released, who is finished re-watching the series?

I'm on the final disc of set 25, so I have about 25 episodes to go till I hit the end of the series.  I can't believe that there is an actual out-of-wedlock pregnancy in this section.  I guess DS really was a soap opera after all!

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