General Discussions => Current Talk Archive => Current Talk '24 I => Current Talk '03 I => Topic started by: murph on May 16, 2003, 01:03:12 PM

Title: Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: murph on May 16, 2003, 01:03:12 PM
I began to watch this show I believe around the age of nine, I'm not entirely sure.  The show went off the air when I was eleven.

I discovered the show again about two and a half years ago when I broke down and started receiving Direct TV.  Sci-Fi was airing the 1970PT episodes then.

I found then as I have with the current episodes that I remember bits and pieces of the show and most of the Primary cast but I do not remember the Plotlines at all.

For instance,  I remember being terrified as a child about being buried alive and realized why when I began watching the episodes that featured Elizabeth and her fear of the same.  I did not remember anything else about that plotline but that I did remember.  That was the first time anything seemed familiar so I believe I began watching the show around November, 1968 when these episodes first aired.  I also remember being intrigued with the Queen of Spades as a child and realized why when I watched the episodes from the 1897 timeline that featured Mrs. Trask and Tim Shaw.  I did remember the Parallel time episodes, again not the plotlines but the intrigue of the room and the same actors portraying different but usually similar characters.  In the 1841 PT episodes the only thing I remembered was the "lottery" but none of the plot.  In that time period I was surprised that I didn't remember that Jonathan Frid did not portray Barnabas but another character named Bramwell.

I'm wondering......... the first time you saw these episodes
as an adult, did you remember the Plotlines or just bits and pieces like myself.



Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Birdie on May 16, 2003, 02:15:52 PM
I started watching during the Quentin haunting story line.  I saw it during it's first run and was thrilled to finally see it again a few months back.  I think one of the things I have taken with me from DS into my aduthood is love of music boxes.  Shortly after watching DS as a child my family started giving me music boxes as gifts.  This lasted for a few years.  I intern have given my daughters several music boxes over the years.  There just seems to be something very special about the tinkling sound.  No, I don't have one that plays Josette's theme.  It would be nice, but ouch the cost.  I also would love a secret passage way and hidden rooms but another thing not to be.

Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: jennifer on May 16, 2003, 03:20:39 PM

i know what you mean i was about your age also and i remember
some storylines better than others when i watched the whole series as an adult was surprized that some of it was as i remembered but some was very different! maybe that is why
i recall some of the things my parents told me what we did
as children different than they do LOL! ::)

Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Cassandra on May 18, 2003, 10:04:24 AM
There were two storylines which stood out for me when I was a child.  One was when Barnabas first arriived on the show as a vampire.  I remember being so terrified of the scene in which Willie opens up the chained coffin and Barnabas' hand reaches out to grab him!!  I was only around 6 at the time so this really scared the you know what out of me!  I was always so afraid of Barnabas because of the way he treated Maggie & Willie when he first arrived.  I also loved watching little Sarah because being a young child myself I could relate to her more. And I was so crazy about her hair!!  My parents always had my hair so darn short back then that people use to mistake me for a boy so I really envied Sarah for having that long beautiful hair.  (which is why I have mine very long today!!)

The second one that stands out for me is the 1795 storyline with Angelique/Josette & Barnabas.  I was so facinated with Angelique and her powers and I remember being so frightened of that evil laugh of hers.  Another thing I remember is that scene when Barnabas summons Josette back from the grave.  Her scarred face really scared me and I remember thinking how horrible it must have been for her to fall of that cliff!

I vaguely remember the 1897 storyline with Quentin except for the fact that my two older sisters were crazy about him!   ;)

Good topic Murph!!

Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Eleanor_Rigby on May 18, 2003, 02:55:36 PM
I began to watch the show again just after 1795.  I hadn't started to watch DS regularly until the Adam/Eve storyline so it was all new to me.  I thought (still think) the acting was terrific.

When the Adam/Eve storyline began I remembered bits and pieces like you, Murph, and it was a lot of fun watching the show and having a memory fragment or two.
Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Gerard on May 19, 2003, 12:03:29 AM
One plotline that I remembered differently from when I first watched it as a kid was the whole reason why Quentin haunted Collinwood in the first place.  I was positive that it had to do with Petofi.  In the unchanged history, Petofi successfully possessed Quentin's body and when he went too far, his family shot him and bricked up the body in the bedroom.  So it was actually Petofi who was haunting Collinwood, not Quentin (but appearing as Quentin since he possessed his body when he died).  Barnabas goes back in time to solve the mystery as to why Quentin was spooking the place and manages to subvert Petofi's plans, thus preventing the haunting.  That's what I actually remembered.  Ironically, that's basically the story behind Gerard Style's future haunting.

Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Misty on May 19, 2003, 12:15:07 AM
 ::) Yes, you  are right. First time around, I missed some of the episodes mainly because I couldn't stand Petofi. My most memorable storylines were 1795 and the PT sequences. When I watched the full series rerun, back in the 80's it was like watching much of it for the first time. Since then, I've watched it through several times and I'm buying the CD's so I  can watch some parts closely at any time. It is a truly unique series.
Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: franimal on May 19, 2003, 04:07:39 PM
Funny - I was just thinking about this the other day.  When I was watching the Quentin/Amanda rickety bridge scene.

I was like 10 or so when the originals were on... but this is the first time I"m watching all of them since then.  Some I remember really well and some - bits and pieces.  And sometimes my memory seems all twisted up.  Like scenes I swore were at different times with different characters don't happen that way.

Interesting......faulty/selective childhood memories?

Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Debra on May 26, 2003, 08:06:46 AM
The thing that stuck out for me the most was the just past storyline with Quentin as a werewolf.  I just remember being so terrified to sleep at night because I kept thinking that thing was gonna break through my bedroom window at night!  My mom had to sleep with me on a more than a few occasions!  lol!!  I must of been around 8 at the time so it scared me pretty much.  After that she said no more ds!  So I told her that I would sleep alone again if she let me watch the show so she said she'd give it one more try.  She didnt know of course that as soon as she went to bed the light in my room went on!!   The things you gotta go through just to watch your favorite show!

Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Patti Feinberg on May 27, 2003, 12:15:06 AM
She didnt know of course that as soon as she went to bed the light in my room went on!!   The things you gotta go through just to watch your favorite show!
All Hail Debra
A true DS Fan

 [9050] [9050] [9050][9050][9050][9050][9050][9050]

Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Debra on May 27, 2003, 08:14:25 AM
All Hail Debra
A true DS Fan

[9050] [9050] [9050][9050][9050][9050][9050][9050]

LOL!!!  Patti you're too funny!! I wasn't even going to post that because I felt so silly about it.   Thanks!  You're a real trooper!! ;)

Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Happybat on May 27, 2003, 05:27:45 PM
Before rediscovering DS just a very few years ago, I didn't remember any of of the distinct storylines really.  What I did recall most was the haunting, score and sound effects for some of the suspenseful and scary scenes, especially the tympani segment that they play when a dramatic discovery is about to be made.

The first time around I must have caught at the very most only a year or two of DS because I don't recall ever seeing Quentin or any of the later storylines.  Not sure if this was due to lack of interest (perish the thought!), a move or a change of schedule.

Apart from the score, Barnabas, Julia and Angelique were the characters I remembered best.  Barnabas baring his fangs and Angelique's evil laugh would frighten the dickens out of me every time!  [eek]
Title: Re:Remembering the DS Plotlines?
Post by: Cassandra Blair on May 27, 2003, 05:28:22 PM
Debra, I remember doing something rather similar!  I first remember watching the show at the age of seven during the PT1970 storyline.

[spoiler]The scene of Angelique coming back to life and killiing her twin sister Alexis scared the living crap out of me![/spoiler]

My cousin, who'd watched that scene with me, was scared witless too.  We took to calling Angelique "the lady" and used to taunt each other with threats: "the lady is going to come get you!"

Soon after on a stormy night, I couldn't get that scene out of my head.  I was just sure that the lady was hiding in my closet, waiting to 'get' me.  I had recently stopped sleeping with my teddy bears, which my mother had put away in the attic.  Anyway, I begged my dad to go up to the attic in the middle of the night to get me all three of my teddies so that they could stand guard over me in the night, and keep "the lady" at bay!

I too was told "No more Dark Shadows!"  But neither that nor my night of fear stopped me watching the show whenever I could, on the sly of course!  ;)