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Discuss - Ep #0487
« on: June 26, 2013, 03:37:06 PM »
Robservations #487

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0487

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0487
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 04:05:00 PM »
The great house, 7 AM, a fully, and I mean fully dressed Julia frets over having to tell Mrs. J the dream, certain she’ll be the next to walk through the drawing room doors. But instead enters Vicki - with tea service for one. Vicki voices concern for Julia’s palpable unease but Julia declines her sympathies and instead asks Vicki for Stokes residential info, then heads over for help with the Dream Curse, ignoring Jeff Clark, on his way in to see Vicki (in a herringbone patterned three piece suit – I guess he’s going job hunting today). After confirming that he is in residence at the Evans cottage, and thanking Vicki for the assist, he asks why Julia has a bug up her ass. Vicki answers that it must be Lang’s death that’s causing Julia’s rude demeanor. Unable to hide his glee, Jeff explains that with Lang dead, he is free to pursue answers to his true identity – and heads to Lang’s to find out. Stokes (Thayer, doing what I see as an understated Bette Davis imitation) tells Jules that he is familiar with the Dream Curse concept and suggests she tell him the dream instead of telling Mrs. J. (Did she tell him or didn’t she? And, I wonder how many times Julia is forced to confront/admit her feelings for Barnabas during the series, as she does in this conversation with Stokes?) As time waits for no one, and Barn waits for Julia at Lang’s, Jeff comes in to search for Lang’s file on him. He verbally spars with Barn over Vicki and his right to be breaking into Lang’s files, etc. (Davis hasn’t an ounce of gothic drama in him – luckily it comes across as refreshingly natural opposite most of the other cast members – well, that’s the best face I can put on it – but it still isn’t good acting). He breaks into a cabinet and finds said file and discovers that he is not a murderer and returns to Vicki to tell her so in a frenzied twirl of euphoria and a make-out fade. Julia arrives at Lang’s. Barnabas  (wounded by the realization that he’s losing Vicki to Jeff) insists on resuming the experiment ASAP. Julia hems and haws until Barn is forced to concede that the experiment will fail and he will revert and no longer lead the normal curse-free life he’s grown accustomed to and feels slipping quickly through his fingers.

Afterthoughts: Art or Bust – How’d ya like that mirror-shot of Julia talking to Stokes? Pretty highbrow if ya ask me. And they pulled it off without a hitch or glitch. I wonder why the writers feel the need to keep reiterating Julia’s feelings for Barnabas? I don’t know where or when I got this impression, but I want to say that it seems as though every now and then (throughout the series run) we get a rehashing or a ‘who’s who and this is their story in a nutshell’ type of episode, as if the ratings doubled and they have to explain everything to the new viewers. And speaking of reiteration, has everyone had enough of “Vicki has just returned to the present from a trip to the past…” in the OVO? Just thought I’d ask. I haven’t yet warmed up to Thayer’s ‘Stokes’ but I am getting there and he is deliciously written, so far. The Barn & Jeff ‘duel’ wasn’t too bad as far as content goes. Interesting to see ‘old world charm’ meets ‘modern day twit’. Barn does need to be knocked down a few pegs though – how does it feel to be human and weak, Barnabas, eh? Vicki has morning hair and Jeff has his largest bouffant to date. Even Barn has a great haircut – I guess Julia’s started a trend. Now, if manly Joe show’s up in a Mr. Brady ‘fro’, I’m outta here! Though not perfectly performed, Barn’s closing speech was moving. The final fade sucked – the music curtain, the camera fade, etc. (The ten year old fan in me is sad for Barn.) Stoke’s bridge wheel mirror under ending credits – someone’s getting their creative closing credit rocks off lately.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0487
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2013, 04:40:40 PM »
Vicki is wearing the giant voluminous yellow robe thing when Jeff comes to see her. He tells her that he's moved to the Evans cottage--even though she's already been to see him there. They both puzzle over Julia's unusual behavior, but then Vicki gives him the really important news that Dr. Lang is dead. After his initial shock, Jeff doesn’t bother to hide his apparently unseemly joy and relief.

Julia visits Professor Stokes at his house, 13 Arrowhead Road. This is their first meeting. (His living room used to be Trask's room at the Collinsport Inn, and before that Angelique's room. The peripatetic convex mirror has landed above his mantel after making the trip from the Evans cottage. He has the same sofa as the Evanses do, but without the multicolor granny-square afghan.) She tells him about her dream. Conveniently enough, Stokes has written a paper on what he calls a dream curse. He tells Julia that not everyone who has had a dream like this is necessarily the object of the curse. But Julia says that even though she desperately wants to tell the dream, she's afraid to because it will eventually find the intended victim. Stokes quietly but shrewdly observes, You’re obviously trying to save someone. You must care a great deal about the person you’re trying to save. Julia gazes into the convex mirror as she answers, Yes--I will admit that I do. But I don’t know if I can save him--I don’t know!

Barnabas is miserable, wondering why Julia isn't at Lang's house studying his notes so she can do the experiment before Barn reverts. It doesn't seem to occur to him that Julia has troubles of her own. The reel-to-reel tape recorder is an entirely different model.

Jeff reads Lang's file on him and finds out that his past is not homicidal after all. Barnabas addresses him as Clark (no Mister for the Hated Rival). Barnabas can't help being jealous, because of course this means that Jeff is now free to tell Vicki that he loves her, and Barn already knows that she loves Jeff.

Of course Jeff makes a beeline to the Great House and shares his news with Vicki (still in the ginormous yellow robe). Jeff explains to Vicki that he had been in a mental institution for amnesia, and that just before he was found wandering the streets of Portsmouth, three women had recently been strangled with a rope. (We never find out who the real killer was.) Lang told me that I had had pieces of rope in my pocket, Jeff finishes, but now I know he only needed to have a hold on me. [spoiler][A long time from now, Peter Bradford will reappear with a rope.][/spoiler] I can't tell you why, he adds, but I can finally tell you that I love you. Since she loves him too, you can guess what happens next.

And so can Barnabas, because the shot of Jeff and Vicki kissing dissolves into a closeup of his unhappy face. Julia arrives at Lang's house and tells Barnabas that in order to do the experiment, she has to study ALL of Lang's notes and papers before daring to perform the experiment. Now Barnabas confesses, Julia, I’m afraid the experiment will fail. He predicts his bleak future: I will roam the earth alone, killing, destroying--and it will go on forever. I have only a few moments, a few minutes to be a human being. You know how precious those few moments are, Julia--you really know. Julia answers gently, I know. As Barnabas watches the minutes tick by before he thinks he'll revert, the episode ends....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0487
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 08:42:22 PM »
I wasn't sure if the flowing mass was a nightgown or dress, but apparently it is a robe and its really early at Collinwood.  Julia has started smoking again and has an ashtray full of butts.  Jeff pays another early call, not realizing, as an amnesiac, that it's impolite to call so early. Lang is dead and Jeff is pleased and he breaks into Lang's files to learn of his past.  Lang has written down that he does not have homicidal tendencies. Too bad, for it could have been interesting if he suddenly got his memory back and was a killer. Barnabas and he verbally spar and I long for the days of Mitch Ryan. Jeff returns and tells Vickie that he thought he was a killer but isn't now and they celebrate with I kiss. I cringe as Jeff's blowfish lips engulf Vickie's face. I think I heard that Roger Davis was a find of Mrs. Curtis and what a find he is.  Barnabas utters the lines that Jeff is just a handsome face.  Probably echoing the dispair of the writers at the find being thrust on them.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0487
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2013, 10:40:22 PM »
I cringe as Jeff's blowfish lips engulf Vickie's face.


Is Julia supposed to know about the Dream Curse already, before she had it herself, I mean?  Jeff does seem ready for a job interview in the 3 piece suit.  I wonder if all the suits and ties were a reaction on someone's part to all them scruffy teenage hippies, gol darn it.

At 7 AM next day, how does Vicki already know Lang's dead?   And who reported it, and how did that go, and why is Lang's house still open territory for Barnajulia?    Were they questioned?  Are they suspects?   They didn't flee the house hoping not to be implicated..., Julia hung around reading Lang's notes, with the body still on the floor perhaps?   Did they finally call the cops, come up with a brilliant defence, and leave Patterson to move into full tilt action on the case, making sure to keep Vicki updated with hourly reports all night?

I wish the usefulness of the previous Dreamers could be established, why they're necessary I mean.   Dragging things out for tension and to toy with Barnabas isn't really a good enough reason.   

First of a new set of better, Lang-inspired injections from Julia?   Why Barnabas is convinced he's going to revert that night is beyond me.   I guess he was keeping the extent of his reversion feelings to himself, or not much faith in Julia's competence...?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0487
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2013, 07:38:50 PM »
I wonder what Thayer David would think if he could know that my screen capturing software immortalized this moment from this ep:

I doubt he'd be pleased.  [ghost_cheesy]