Author Topic: #0307/0308: Robservations 01/09/02: Vicki Puts Her Foot Down  (Read 1479 times)

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#0307/0308: Robservations 01/09/02: Vicki Puts Her Foot Down
« on: January 08, 2002, 12:29:18 PM »
307 - (Alexandra Moltke) - It is a special kind of darkness that the night brings to Collinwood, a darkness concealing an unknown terror. Only one person, a young girl, has known the full secret of this terror, but the secret has been pushed back into a dark and forgotten corner of her troubled mind.

Evans cottage - Maggie tells Sam and Joe that they had better let her out of the house or she's going starkers. They go on about the danger involved, but hell, if they're with her, where's the problem? Maggie is determined to go out, however, and says she's going to fight her way out, if she has to.
Sam sends Joe ahead to get them a table at the Blue Whale, both hoping they aren't making a mistake.

Joe finds Vicki waiting alone at a table for Burke, and joins her. Vicki starts going over all the fine points about Sarah--how she came to get the doll back from Maggie, that Maggie mentioned a little girl named Sarah who had been with her the night she returned.
Also, Sam drew a picture of a little girl named Sarah who told him where to find Maggie. So many puzzle pieces, and they all come back to Sarah!

Maggie and Sam join the party and they hash it out some more. Maggie describes Sarah's long, old-fashioned dress, which matches David's description of her clothing--and the little girl Sam sketched. Maggie whispers, "Sarah," then tells them that she suddenly heard the sound of that tinkling music that keeps popping up in her head.
Joe says they must find and question Sarah. Perhaps David can help, suggests Vicki, and mentions that he and Sarah have a secret hiding place.

Burke comes in and bends to kiss Vicki, but she draws coldly away from his smooch. After telling Burke about Sarah as a focal point into Maggie's disappearance, Sam, Joe and Maggie leave Vicki and Burke alone.

Vicki, fiery with anger, immediately launches into how ashamed and furious she is at her fiance for investigating a fine, upstanding man like Barnabas. It's jealousy, isn't it? No, Burke insists, he's not jealous. It's a whole bunch of things--he never discusses his life in England, his "cousin," Niall Bradford, died 130 years ago, he's obsessed with the remote past, he muttered, with extreme hatred, "Jeremiah!" when Vicki and Burke announced their engagement. Besides, says Burke, administering the coup de grace, he thinks Barnabas had something to do with Maggie's disappearance--look at how she murmured, "No," when she saw Barnabas, then screamed and fainted. She recognized Barnabas!
Vicki refuses to hear or believe anything bad about Barnabas, and firmly tells Burke that if he pursues this investigation, she will NOT marry him!

NOTES: Not only did Vicki display a detective's instincts in these episodes, vis a vis Sarah, she also showed gumption and lots of it. For all that everyone feels she's been letting Burke push her around, she won't stand for his upsetting her good friend, Barnabas. Go, Vicki! You made us proud today!

308 - (Grayson Hall) - There are secrets known to one who is a shadow from the past. There are those who seek this person, because her words would reveal all that has happened to an innocent girl. They seek her with great desperation, because a danger, horrible and indescribable, lurks in the night.

Joe enters the Evans cottage, where Maggie dusts and Sam paints. Sam, Maggie and Joe decided to search for Sarah themselves, since the Sheriff doesn't seem to be uncovering anything about her. The Board of Education checked for the name Sarah, but Sam seems to think it's not her real name, anyway. Joe and Sam go to Collinwood to question David, who seems to be the only real link to the little girl.

David and Carolyn are heading out for Bangor (by bus, which David prefers because it's bumpy). Joe and Sam knock at the door and tell Carolyn and David they REALLY want to talk to Sarah, who they suspect might know who kidnapped Maggie. David tells them where he usually finds Sarah, and muses that Miss Hoffman is looking for her, too. Even though Carolyn tells him they can postpone their trip one day, David refuses.
When his cousin expresses disappointment in him, David says he doubts Sarah will speak to Sam and Joe, anyway. He doesn't find her an especially dependable playmate.

All Sam and Joe do find is an empty swing, swaying back and forth. They're sure Sarah just vacated that swing and that they just missed her, but they really don't have any proof of that. They decide to go question Barnabas at the Old House (it's daytime), and only find Julia Hoffman. Skeptical Sam isn't very friendly towards her. She insists she's just trying to maintain her disguise as an historian and is still trying to help Maggie, but hasn't come up with anything yet.
Sam doesn't believe her, calls her "the master of the evasive answer," and stalks away, leaving Joe to apologize for him. Julia does say she's already questioned Barnabas about Sarah, and he knows nothing about the child. Julia assures Joe she's doing everything she can, which she repeats aloud, with a big grin on her face, after Joe and Sam are both gone.

David and Carolyn return from their trip. David, though he's consumed half of Bangor all day, is starving and goes to get a sandwich. Carolyn questions Julia about her curiosity about Sarah,
which Julia puts down to just that--natural inquisitiveness.

Meanwhile, Sam and Joe arrive home to find Maggie very excited: Sarah was there--she must have been,
because the doll was returned to Maggie!

NOTES: Remember how badly David and Carolyn used to get along? Now they're spending the day in Bangor together! Amazing change, isn't it, and for the better, too!

Julia is not being particularly careful about handling Sam, who is irritated that she's in town, anyway, in the guise of someone she's not. You sense he really doesn't like her and wants her stopped from treating Maggie. She's also showing too much curiosity about things she shouldn't, and it's a wonder Liz let her linger at Collinwood so long.

Love, Robin