Author Topic: #0021/0022: Robservations 06/01/01: Coffee Dreams  (Read 8544 times)

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#0021/0022: Robservations 06/01/01: Coffee Dreams
« on: May 31, 2001, 06:53:33 PM »
Episode #21 - Vicki: The great house sits quietly on its crest, and the events of a shattering night seem almost like a vague memory of a forgotten dream--but it was no dream, and there's no forgetting a man had almost been killed.

Kitchen - Vicki and Carolyn gaze at the coffeepot. Will it perk faster if we stare at it? asks Carolyn. Vicki chuckles and says she was just thinking. What about, the meaning of life? asks Carolyn. No, death, says Vicki--well, what do you want, toast or cereal? (There's a non sequiteur if ever I heard one). Toast, and I'll fix it, says Carolyn, taking out slices of bread--you were hired to be a governess in this house, not a cook--what do you mean, death? Have you seen your uncle this morning? asks Vicki. No, replies Carolyn, not since the accident. It wasn't an accident, Vicki says. I don't believe that, insists Carolyn. It's true, says Vicki, her voice ragged, someone tried to kill him! Carolyn says that's just what her mother said last night--next thing Vicki will tell her, it was Burke. I didn't say that, Vicki tells her, all I know is that it happened and it might happen again. Hearing the catch in her voice, Carolyn stares at her.

Carolyn, seated at the kitchen table, asks Vicki what a bleeder valve is. Vicki brings over the coffee pot and says she never heard of one herself, it's got something to do with the brakes. And someone removed this valve thing from Uncle Roger's car while it was still in the garage? asks Carolyn That's right, says Vicki, whoever did it wanted the brakes to fail part way down the hill, and that's just what happened. It's just so hard to believe, remarks Carolyn. It's a fact, says Vicki, you have to face that--someone tried to kill your uncle and might try again. What I mean is, couldn't this thing have fallen off the car instead of someone taking it off? asks Carolyn. You're still thinking about Burke Devlin, aren't you? asks Vicki. I didn't say that, protests Carolyn, shaking her head. Last night I told your uncle I went into the garage, explains Vicki, and saw Devlin there with a wrench in his hand--that's right, says Vicki at Carolyn's surprised reaction--now I didn't see him remove any valve or anything like that, but he was there, and right after he asked your uncle to drive into town to meet him. This upsets Carolyn--my mother was right, she says--how big a fool can I be, arguing with my mother over a man who could...I guess I'm just a lousy judge of character, that's all. Maybe, says Vicki. How can you say maybe? asks the blonde. Because I'm not sure myself, says Vicki--I've been up half the night thinking about Devlin--do you know what he said to me?--he told me to go home, back to New York, while I still could get out of this mess. You saw Burke last night? asks Carolyn. Yes, says Vicki, after I told your uncle about seeing him in the garage, we went to his hotel room--all I wanted to do was to come up here, do a job and maybe find out something. What about Burke? interrupts Carolyn--what happened? Your uncle accused him of trying to kill him and he denied it and said he hadn't touched the car. How could he deny it? asks Carolyn, you saw him with the wrench. He said he found that on the front seat of the car, says Vicki. Did Uncle Roger believe him? asks Carolyn.
No, says Vicki, but that's why I stayed up half the night--you see, I did (believe him). Oh, Vicki, says Carolyn passionately, I hope you're right!

Collinsport Inn - Burke stretches out on the sofa with a cup of coffee and the paper. To his displeasure, Bill Malloy comes knocking. Isn't it a little early for social calls? complains Burke. Bill says it's not social. Oh, I see, says Devlin, couldn't you have let me finish my breakfast, don't you think? Bill tells him to go ahead and finish, it won't bother him. Thank you very much, says Burke sarcastically, picking up his coffee and toast. Last time I tried to get up here, I used the house phone, says Bill--you wouldn't see me--I wasn't going to be turned away this morning. Burke chews and asks Malloy if he still manages the Collins Fishing Fleet and Cannery. Yes, says Malloy. Why don't you go into your office and let me eat my breakfast in peace? suggests Burke. I'll get there, Bill assures him--finish your breakfast--then you and I are going to talk. Sounds ominous, says Burke.
If that's what you call attempted murder, agrees Bill. Burke drains his coffee cup and looks at him, making a face.

Bill wanders the living room, arms crossed over his chest. Burke offers him coffee--there's plenty left. Nope, says Malloy, pacing. Burke continues to eat and says it wasn't bad for a lukewarm meal--but he always thought the condemned man got steak and strawberry shortcake. Are you through with the jokes? asks Bill. Yes, let's get this over with, says Burke--I had nothing to do with that business with Roger Collins' car. The brakes were tampered with, did you know that? asks Bill. M-hmm, says Burke, lighting a cigarette, I went over all that with Roger, if you want to know anything about it, ask him. I'm askin' you, insists Malloy. Why are you so interested? asks Burke--Roger was in the car, not you. Let's get something straight, says Malloy--anything that touches that family interests me--anything! I had nothing to do with that car, says Burke. You're filled with hate, says Bill, because of something you think that whole family did to you, and you won't be satisfied until you've torn 'em all apart. You're all wrong, insists Burke. Don't hand me that business you handed them--the past is over, bygones are bygones and all that malarkey, says Bill, I don't buy it, not from you, them or anyone! It happens to be true, says Burke, smoking. I'll tell you what's true, says Malloy, the things you said the day you were convicted of manslaughter--that you'd come back here someday and take over everything they own--the house, the fishing fleet, the cannery, everything. I was a kid then, says Burke. You're not kid now, says Bill. That's just it, says Burke, right now, today, that family means nothing to me--they're just some people I used to know a long time ago, that's all. That's all, repeats Malloy. Yes, says Burke--and if that's all you want to know, you'll have to excuse me--I'm going to get dressed. Bill asks Burke if he ever heard of a man named Wilbur Strake? Who? asks Burke. You heard me, says Bill, spelling the last name--he checked in here just two weeks before you arrived, checked out again a couple of hours after you registered--he was here for two weeks, talking to people, asking questions--said he was interested in local real estate. What about him? asks Burke. The thing he didn't say was that he worked for you, says Bill. He didn't, states Burke. Nope, says Bill, another thing he didn't say was he wasn't a real estate man, but a private detective. Burke smokes, says he'll get dressed and be right back. I'll wait, says Bill, and sits down to do so. (Honest, hard-working, probing--Bill Malloy is quite the man.)

Liz, dressed in an attractive suit, enters the kitchen where Carolyn is putting away dishes. Liz asks about Vicki. She went up to her room, says Carolyn, noting the envelope in her mother's hand--is that for her? Yes, from the foundling home, says Liz. They look at the letter. Special delivery, notes Carolyn--what could be that important? Liz tells her that's Miss Winters' business--see to it that she gets it, won't you? Liz leaves the letter on the table. Carolyn asks her where Uncle Roger is. He went to town to see the insurance people about his car, says Liz. Then he's all right, says Carolyn with relief. Much better this morning, says Liz. Did he tell you about last night? asks Carolyn--I mean about going to see Burke? Yes, says Liz, he told me all about it. Vicki doesn't think Burke was responsible for what happened to the car, points out Carolyn. I'm not interested n what Miss winters thinks, says Liz sternly. But isn't it just possible she's right? asks Carolyn, distressed. Vicki enters and Liz tells her that her letter is on the table. Vicki thanks her and goes to get the letter. Carolyn wants to ask more questions about Burke, but Liz tells her she refuses to discuss it. But, objects Carolyn--Liz, however, has gone. Vicki opens her letter. Carolyn asks her if she's sure Burke was telling the truth. How can I be sure? asks Vicki. You said you believe him, Carolyn says. I believed him, agrees Vicki, but I could be wrong. You can't be! wails Carolyn--if Burke is guilty, then so am I. That's silly, objects Vicki. I brought him up here, didn't I? says Carolyn, I was the one who brought him to this house, you just can't be wrong about him, you can't! (God forbid little Carolyn has brought this plague down on their heads. I guess, in her mind, it's all about her.) Vicki sits down with he and says when she was six years old, in the foundling home, one of the attendants there played a cruel trick on her--the woman told her that her parents were coming to take her home--even then she knew it wasn't true, but she believed her--you can't imagine how excited I was!--a mother and father!--no one had a mother and father--I was something very special--for two weeks I looked for them...I'm still looking (that is a sad story). This is different, insists Carolyn. You want my opinion about Devlin to be fact, says Vicki, don't count on it--when I was six years old, I closed my mind, and by doing that, the disappointment was much greater--don't let it happen to you. (Vicki is not clueless here, she's damned insightful.)

Drawing room - Liz answers the phone. It's Mr. Carter, constable, and Liz wants to know what time he can get here--that'll be fine, says Liz, my brother will be back here by then--very good, thanks for calling. That was the constable, Liz reports to Carolyn, he's going to be here later this morning. Carolyn, playing with her necklace, asks if Burke is going to be arrested. Don't you think he should be? asks Liz. If he's guilty, he should be, agrees Carolyn, but Vicki saw him last night... So did Uncle Roger, interrupts Liz--I'm no more anxious to persecute an innocent man than you are--but the facts are very clear to me, as they are to Uncle Roger. I know! says Carolyn, but... Burke is a very clever man, says Liz, sitting beside her daughter on the sofa--perhaps as you said he did convince Miss Winters--but your Uncle Roger knows him better than she does. But he could still be wrong! cries Carolyn. Somebody tampered with Uncle Roger's car, says Liz--if Burke didn't do it, who did?--who else would want to see him dead or injured? (Check with the fruit of Roger's loins!) I don't know, sighs Carolyn. You, me, David, Matthew--or do you think it was Miss Winters? asks Liz. That's ridiculous, says Carolyn. No more ridiculous than your trying to defend a man who's obviously responsible, says Liz. She answers the phone, apparently speaking to a reporter. If you've already spoken to my brother, says Liz, there's nothing more I can add...police?--why would he want to involve the police?--it was really an unfortunate accident--I'm sorry we can't provide you with a better story. Reporter? asks Carolyn, resigned. Someone who saw Roger in town, says Liz--I really do think you should go away for a while. I thought we settled that, says Carolyn. That was before this, says Liz, sitting beside Carolyn again--darling, you have no idea what it's going to be like--Devlin's going to fight--he's going to bring up everything from the past that he can--that was just one phone call--there are going to be dozens of them! Even if you're right, says Carolyn, what harm can come of it, why do we have to hide. Does it matter? asks Liz--can't you just please me and go away from this mess? Is it Uncle Roger? asks Carolyn--is there something I don't know? There's nothing, says Liz evasively, except the unpleasantness an angry man can create. You're afraid of something, says Carolyn, and it's much more than this accident. Not true, says Liz. You talk about digging something out of the past, begins Carolyn... I remember how difficult it was for you when you went to school and came home crying because the children made fun of you, says Liz--Carolyn's mother is a witch--I haven't forgotten how you used to sob. I survived, says Carolyn ruefully. I hated myself for making you suffer, says Liz, but this is going to be worse--Burke will see to that! Why should he? asks Carolyn--what is there to say?--that you haven't been out of the house for 18 years--everyone knows that. Carolyn, please! begs Liz. I'm not going anywhere, insists Carolyn, I'm staying right here, with you. Vicki enters the drawing room. Besides, adds Carolyn, if Vicki's hunch is right, Burke isn't causing any trouble. Well if he isn't, says Vicki, letter in hand, somebody else is--Mrs. Stoddard, I think you ought to read this letter.

Liz looks up at Vicki after reading the letter. Vicki tells Carolyn it's from Mrs. Hopewell, director of Services at the founding home where she grew up. Vicki sits beside Liz on the sofa and asks her what she thinks. Carolyn asks to read it. Might as well, says Vicki. Carolyn takes and reads the letter. Liz asks Vicki if she's ever heard of Wilbur Strake before. No, says Vicki. Hey, a private eye! says Carolyn with a chuckle, what do you know? Yes, says Vicki--do you have any idea who might have hired this man to ask these questions about me? No, says Liz. Unless it has something to do with what you were talking about says Carolyn--Mother felt Burke might try to dig up something about our past. This has nothing to do with that, insists Liz. It sure sounds like it, says Carolyn, reading, "He was anxious to learn the details of your securing your position"--he means with us, of course, "why you were hired by the Collins family, who recommended you, and all the rest of it"--whatever that means.
Liz looks around nervously. What she means is, says Vicki, he wanted to know why your mother hired me in particular when she never heard of me before. I've already answered that question, haven't I? asks Liz, forehead furrowed. Yes, says Vicki, you said your brother was the one who made the recommendation, but... Miss Winters, says Liz, rising from the couch, I thought we settled this matter. Maybe you have, says Carolyn, but someone else hasn't--(to Vicki) Don't you have any idea who might be this interested in you? I thought your mother might know, says Vicki--do you think Burke Devlin hired this man? I suppose it's possible, says Liz. Why would he want to know about me? asks Vicki. I can't answer that, I don't know, says Liz, now flanked by Carolyn and Vicki. You think Burke Devlin was responsible for the car accident, don't you? asks Vicki. Yes, says Liz. Then you must also think, says Vicki, that the only reason he came back here was to harm your brother and you. Yes, agrees Liz. Well, then, it's logical the only reason he'd hire someone to make these inquiries is if the results would be harmful to you, doesn't that make sense? Miss Winters, asks Liz, are you asking me whether or not I'm trying to hide something about you and your past? Yes, says Vicki (forthright, spunky girl!) Liz walks away and says the answer is no. Vicki tries to question her further, but Liz sails out of the room, repeating, "I'm sorry, I don't know." Vicki watches her leave. Face it, says Carolyn, you're not even sure Burke Devlin hired this Wilbur Strake. (Vicki makes some very valid points, and Liz is obviously hiding something--is the Vicki's mama?)

Burke's hotel room - Where did you learn about Strake? Burke asks Bill. Sister of a man who works at the cannery--she's a chamber maid here, says Bill. Burke chuckles and says he's certainly glad he keeps his briefcase locked. Bill asks if he's still trying to tell him he didn't come back to town because of Roger Collins. Yes, says Burke. Nobody hires a private detective to tell him the weather is going to be good or the hotel rooms are comfortable, says Malloy. But they do hire them for business reasons, says Burke. Come off it, says Bill. I'm a businessman, says Burke, I've used Strake dozens of times--anytime I'm interested in a new area of investment--I have him check it out. Bill makes a dissenting sound. Believe it--don't believe it, says Burke--it's a fact--when I decided to come up to Collinsport, I decided to see if I could make a little money on the trip--there's a cannery for sale in Logansport, you've heard about that, haven't you? Sure, says Bill. I thought I'd look into that, says Burke--there's a lot more to buying a business than looking into the profit and sales sheets--there's the attitude of the people in the community--that's Strake's job. He sure asks a lot of questions about the Collins family, says Bill. They own a cannery, don't they? asks Burke--and now if you'll excuse me, I have some papers to look over--and he holds open the door for Malloy. You're a pretty smooth talker, says Bill--all with words. I'm telling you the truth--you can believe it or not, says Burke--that's your choice--come up and see me again. I may do that, says Bill, and leaves.
Burke picks up the phone and asks to put in a call to NYC--Lexington 20098. (What is that?) And hurry it up, will you, it's important, says Burke.

Burke taps a letter on his coffee table. The phone rings, it's the operator, putting through Bronson--this is Burke Devlin--I'm just fine, says Burke--I want you to catch the first plane up to Bangor tonight--yes--Bangor Airport--call me from there when the get there--things are starting to happen--and I want to get moving fast.

NOTES: Who is Bronson? What part is he supposed to play here?

Bill Malloy is the Collins family watchdog. He really looks out for their interests, business and personal! I like him--he's brave, unflinching, caring and thorough. The Collinses are fortunate to have him in their corner.

Vicki again tried to get Liz to admit something. She's hiding something for sure, but what is it?

Do they seem a bit coffee crazy here? Later in the series, they're always drinking, but rarely coffee; here it seems to be almost an obsession.

Episode #22 - Vicki: I'm more certain than ever that somehow, the mystery of my past is entwined with the mystery of Collinwood itself, a mystery that echoes through all of Collinsport, reaching out to others as well--people who are searching for answers of their own.

Cottage - Maggie sits in a chair reading the paper, drinking coffee. Burke knocks and asks to borrow a cup of sugar. It's a little early, isn't it? asks Maggie. It's after 10, he points out, I thought you'd be at work by now. My late morning, she says, adding unenthusiastically--might as well come in. Thanks, he says--is your dad home? No, she says--I've been reading about Roger Collins' accident last night--did you hear about it? Several times, says Burke--do you know where your father is? He should be home anytime, she says--what did you want to see him about? I'd rather tell him, says Burke--hey, is that good coffee I smell? Is it about the accident last night? asks Maggie. Why should I want to see Sam Evans about Roger Collins' car driving off the road? asks Burke. Maggie says she just felt that. . .can I get you a cup of coffee? If it's not too much trouble, says Burke. Just make yourself comfortable, she says, I'll get a fresh cup for me, too. He tells her the accident wasn't an accident at all--attempted murder, they say. Maggie, jolted, drops her cup on the floor, where is shatters. (Why such a strong reaction for Magster?)

Maggie brings over coffee for herself and Burke, who tells her it's a fact--somebody tampered with the brakes on Roger's car. Are the police doing anything about it? asks Maggie, gazing at the newspaper. Not that I know of, says Burke, taking a sip of coffee and going mmmmm--why doesn't she make coffee like this at the restaurant? Don't you think the Collins family will call the police? asks Maggie. Why are you so interested? asks Burke. Curious, says Maggie, that's all.
Do you always break chinaware when you're curious? he asks. You've been away from this town for 10 years, she reminds him--you forget what a hick joint it really is--let's face it, we don't have attempted murders every day. Except at 10 year intervals, huh? he asks. Uncomfortable, she says she didn't mean that. That's OK, he says, my crime was manslaughter, anyway--you do cook a good cup of coffee. Thanks, she says--how long are you going to be in town? I don't know, he says, just long enough to get a few things done. Like what? she asks. You're getting curious again, he warns--watch out, you might drop another cup. Sipping her coffee, she asks if this has anything to do with he father. That's entirely up to him, says Burke, by the way, where has he gone? He's not a young man, says Maggie, edgy, and he's been terribly upset ever since... Ever since when? asks Burke. It doesn't matter, she says--you asked where my father went--he decided to do some work this morning--got up, packed his paints and easel and went up on the cliffs--said he wanted to check the morning sunrise. He hasn't done much painting lately, has he? asks Burke. He picks up odd jobs now and then, says Maggie, hugging one of her father's sketch pads, one from an ad agency in Bangor, and one is Boston--he's still good, she says defensively, he has a lot of years of very fine work ahead of him. You make it look like I was trying to take those years away from him, says Burke, rising from the couch and going to her. I didn't mean that, she says. What did you mean? he asks. Nothing, she says evasively, I...just worry about him, that's all. I see, says Burke. I'll get you a refill, OK? she asks, and takes his cup. Sure, he says.

Collinsport coffee shop - The waitress pours a cup of coffee. (Time for a drinking game--every time anyone says or does something with coffee, take a sip of the beverage of your choice, coffee optional.) Sam enters and sits down at a table. On the phone, Roger tells Liz the car is all settled--he just spent an hour with the insurance man--everything will be taken care of--what about the Constable--did you hear from him?--I see--I'll be back in time, I just stopped for a cup of coffee. Roger exits the booth and sits down at another table with a cup of coffee and the newspaper. At the counter, Sam spots Roger and asks Suzy, the waitress, to change his order to a couple of doughnuts and bring them over to Mr. Collins' table like a good girl. You got room for a hungry artist? asks Sam, bringing his cup over to Roger's table. What do you want? asks Roger coldly. Peace, tranquillity, a chance to sit down and talk--may I? asks Sam. I'd rather you stayed away from me, says Roger. There's a few things I have to know, insists Sam, sitting at the table anyway. Look, Evans, begins Roger. The smiling waitress brings over the doughnuts, and Sam says it's the sunrise he was after--the delicate play of the light and soon as Suzy is out of earshot, Sam asks, "You saw Burke Devlin last night, didn't you?" How did you find out about that? asks Roger. What difference does that make? asks Sam--did he have anything to do with your accident?
Roger drinks his coffee, not responding. Sam continues, reminding Roger that they are tied together in this, heaven help them, but they are--and he has to know what happened! (Another reference to their being tied together--what is this evil bond?)

Roger says he threw it all in Burke's face, went up to his room and told him he knew what he'd done--and Burke laughed--I told him that right after he told me to meet him in town, he was seen with a wrench in his hand. Was that true? asks Sam. Do you think I'd lie about it? asks Roger. Sam says yes, he might--they lied to protect themselves, he certainly knows it--I do, God knows, I've lived with it long enough. He's not going to be protected, says Roger, I can tell you that--I was willing to give him a chance last night, but not anymore. A chance? asks Sam--what do you mean? I was going to make a deal with him, says Roger--if he agreed to leave Collinsport and never come back, I was going to forget the whole thing, but it got beyond that point. You're going to involve the police? asks Sam. I'm going to see that he's put right back behind bars where he came from, says Roger smugly. Sam asks if he thinks that's wise. Do I? demands Roger--Evans, he tried to kill me--do you want me to wait until he does it again?--or maybe that's what you would like. That's nonsense, says Sam. Is it? asks Roger--you and I, we're the only two who knew what really happened 10 years ago--you and I--with one of us dead, the other wouldn't have to worry--and don't tell me you haven't thought of that before. Sam looks nervous.

Cottage - Burke carries a sketch of a woman to an easel. Maggie comes out, coffee pot in hand, and tells him she made a fresh pot. I thought you'd skipped out the back door, quips Burke. I only run from enemies, she says. Are you sure I'm a friend? he asks. Aren't you? she asks. I always thought I was, he says--but the way you were talking a little while ago, I'm not too sure. They both glance at the painting on the easel. Your mother was a very beautiful woman, says Burke. Yes, she was, agrees Maggie, sadly. She carries the pot to the coffee table. Burke asks if Sam still does portraits. Once in a while, she says, pouring--you never told me why you came back to Collinsport. Are you just making conversation, or are you really interested? he asks. All I know is, she says, handing him another cup of coffee, if I'd gone through what you did, I'd never want to see this place again. You're not as forgiving as I am, he says--I don't hate anybody. Do you really mean that? she asks. What makes you think I have something against your father? asks Burke. I wasn't talking about him, says Maggie. Then who? asks Burke--ever since I came into his room, you've been about to say something, which you actually haven't said. I guess I'm a jerk, that's all, she says. No, chuckles Burke, your dad and I have always been close friends, and there's no reason we still shouldn't be--I used to model for him when I was a kid--then I went to prison--as a matter of fact, I do have something against him. What's that? asks Maggie. I wrote to him several times while doing my time, and he never answered, says Burke. Maggie laughs. But you can't hate a man for that, says Burke--as a matter of fact, I can't imagine old Sam doing anything that would make me hate him. Sam, artist accouterments under his arm, bangs his way into the house, commenting on how great it was out there. He spots Burke and immediately looks fearful. Hello, Sam, says Burke, we were just talking about you--did you get your sunrise? Just a few sketches, says Sam--what did you mean--you were talking about me? Burke was just saying how fond he is of you, says Maggie. Oh? asks Sam, putting down his stuff. Are you hungry, Pop? asks Maggie--I just made a fresh pot of coffee. No I just had some, says Sam--so--you're fond of me, are you, Burke--is that why you came to see Maggie--tell her that? Not really, says Burke, she says that she thinks I have a grudge against you--you still do portraits every now and then? What else did she tell you? asks Sam. Calm down, says Burke. What were you two talking about? asks Sam. It was nothing important, says Maggie. What are you trying to do, Sam demands of his daughter--create problems?--stir up trouble? Relax, says Burke, she was just worried about you. You have no right, Sam angrily tells his daughter, to spread my history right in front of Burke--whatever is said, any discussion we have in this house is private--Burke had absolutely no connection with any of this, is that clear?--look, my problems are my own, they don't involve Burke or anyone else. I wouldn't count on that, warns Burke. Sam looks at him. I mean, says Burke, what are friends for--if you're in a jam, maybe I can help. No, I don't think so, says Sam. Maggie apologizes--she didn't think it would upset him that much. He opens a bottle of booze and takes her hand in his. You're such a fool, he tells her, when a man comes to pry, you don't unlock all the cupboards! Burke accuses Sam of being unfair. Sam says he's tired and going to lie down. Wait a minute, says Burke. I was up very early this morning, says Sam, unzipping his jacket, I'm tired and going to lay down and rest. What makes you think I came here to pry? asks Burke--I'm not interested in your private life. What did you come here for? asks Sam. I want to model for you again, says Burke--and I don't expect to be paid this time. I don't understand, says Sam. What would you charge me to do my portrait? asks Burke. Are you serious? Asks Sam.
Would a thousand dollars be enough? asks Burke. (That was a LOT of money back then!) Get yourself another artist, says Sam. Don't be a fool! Maggie begs her father, taking his hands in her own, of course he'll do it, she tells Burke. Maggie, look, says Sam. You'll do it, Pop! insists Maggie, let's face it, a commission like that doesn't come along every time. You don't understand! he protests, and she says they can use the money and he knows it. Are you sure you want me to do this? asks Sam, I haven't done a portrait in a long time. I've been hanging around all morning! says Burke heartily, just waiting to spring it on you as a surprise--I want a nice, good one to go over a mantelpiece--you know the one I mean--as a matter of fact, you've been out to the Collins house, haven't you? This gives Sam uneasy pause, and he stares at Burke--yes, he says. What I want is something about the same size as the portraits that hang in the drawing room, says Burke--I want to be able to fit it in--right there--it has to be about so big, by so big--simple, the way they would do it, from the waist up... (Planning on taking over Collinwood, are we?)

The camera focuses on one of those very portraits as we join Carolyn in the drawing room, who answers the phone--hi, Joe! She greets her boyfriend--no, I haven't seen him yet, but Mother says he's much better this morning--you know my Uncle Roger--a little thing like an automobile crash wouldn't get him down--she giggles--I don't know about lunch, actually, I was waiting for Uncle Roger to come home so I could say hello--I'll tell you what, if I can make it, I'll call you from the hotel restaurant, how about that?--OK, bye-bye. Roger enters the drawing room and, smiling, Carolyn asks, "How's the wounded man?" Roger wants to know if that was the constable. Not unless Joe Haskell's changed jobs, she jokes, looking at his arm--how are you feeling? Fine, says Roger--do you know if the constable's gotten here yet? Haven't seen him, she says--how long do you have to wear that sling?--or is it just a prop to make you look dashing? Roger grins and smirks, suggesting to "Kitten" that they find out. He takes off the sling and tests the arm, proclaiming it a little sore--but he'll survive--there, he says, hanging the sling around her neck--my badge of honor, all yours! They laugh together and she tells him she's glad it wasn't anymore more serious. That makes two of us, he says. The phone rings. Roger answers and learns that the constable is on his way and will be here in 10 minutes--and then, things are really going to move, predicts Burke. Are you really going to have Burke Devlin arrested? Asks Carolyn. Not only arrested, says Roger, but indicted, tried and convicted--what do you think of that? I'm not sure, says Carolyn. Roger isn't one bit pleased to hear this reply.

What do you mean, you're not sure? demands Roger--the man tried to kill me, didn't he? I know that's what it looks like, admits Carolyn. Looks like? asks Roger, outraged, do me a favor, just don't talk to me anymore about it, I don't want to get angry with you--is Miss Winters around? upstairs tutoring David, says Carolyn--Uncle Roger... I'd better tell her the constable's on his way, says Roger, hurrying to the stairs, he'll want to talk to her, too. Carolyn follows him--she just wants to say one thing--Vicki told me what happened last night, that Burke denied having anything to do with your car--she also told me she believes him. I see, says Roger--well I was in that same room and I didn't believe him. But isn't it possible, couldn't he be telling the truth? asks Carolyn. Why are you so concerned? asks Roger, you hardly know the man. Because...she says, I was the one who brought him up to the house--if Burke did tamper with your car, I'm the one who made it possible.
No one is blaming you, Roger assures her. Couldn't you be wrong--couldn't it be somebody else? she asks. Kitten, there IS nobody else! says Roger--from the night Burke arrived in Collinsport I've been waiting for something to happen, and now it has--and I'm going to make him pay for it. Even if you're wrong? asks Carolyn. You just go on having dates with boyfriends and let me take care of Devlin, orders Roger--he's been in my hair for too long now, and now that I've found a chance to get rid of him, I don't care what you or Miss Victoria Winters or anybody else thinks--he came into town, my car crashed, and that's all I need! Except, says Carolyn, proof that he did it! Don't talk to me about proof, says Roger--that man's been tormenting me for 10 years--and I've lived with it--well, it will be over soon now, proof or not proof. Proof or no proof! Cries Carolyn--you're talking about sending a man to prison! You're absolutely right, agrees Roger. IF he's guilty, not just because you want to get rid of him! says Carolyn. That's not what I meant, says Roger. I don't care if it's Burke Devlin or Jack the Ripper, wails Carolyn, I don't want to think that you'd be responsible for such a thing! Listen to me, begs Roger, I'm not a monster, you ought to know me well enough for that. I thought I did, she says. I just lost my temper and said a few foolish things--does that make me a monster? That depends on how much of it you meant, says Carolyn. All I meant was, says Roger, putting an arm around her and leading her back into the drawing room, that I seriously believe that Burke tried to kill me--right or wrong, it's what I believe, simple as that--when a man commits a crime, he would be sentenced--doesn't that make sense? Yes, but...she begins. Carolyn, there are no buts! Explodes Roger, only facts--and justice--that's what I'm really after, justice. She apologizes to him, saying she shouldn't have said what she did. We're all upset, he says, pouring himself a drink--was that phone call from Joe a date? Yes, he wants to meet me for lunch, she says, but I thought the constable was coming... Why don't you run along? says Roger, unless you don't trust me to do the right thing. He drinks and she grins, asking him not to do the right thing. She takes the sling off her neck and hands it back to him. He kisses her cheek. She smiles and leaves the room. Roger squeezes the sling in his hand. Justice! He says.

Maggie exits her bedroom in the cottage. She breezes by Sam, who sketches Burke, who is sitting on a stool. Us working girls have got to earn a living, she says, hey, Pop, she teases, you're slow, I thought you'd be finished by now. You know it's going to take at least a couple of weeks, he says. Some artists have no sense of humor, she says--I'll see you around, Burke. The men laugh and Burke offers to drive her. Maggie smiles and thanks him. Burke promises to give Sam a call when he wants to get started. You bet, says Sam, but there's one thing I don't understand. What's that? asks Burke. How am I going to have the time--when you first came to Collinsport, you said you were only staying a couple of days. I change my plans, says Burke. I figured you had, says Sam. Shall we? Burke asks Maggie, and they leave. Sam looks perturbed.

NOTES: They have much more subtle, psychological cliffhangers in DS now--this last one just showed Sam looking worried. No murders to end these shows! It's quite a change, but I'm getting used to it.

Burke DOES have ulterior motives for being in Collinsport. One of his plans it to own Collinwood, where he will hang his big, Collins-sized portrait. He's pretty transparent, isn't he? I think Sam has a hunch about it, too. Maggie encouraged Sam to take the fortune Burke offers, but what will having Burke pose for him do to Sam, who already feels guilty about whatever he and Roger did to Devlin?

Vicki and Carolyn believe Burke is innocent, Roger and Liz are certain he's guilty. We know the truth. Will they ever learn that the one person they haven't even considered--David--was the one who tried to send his father to a fiery death in his car? Pretty scary stuff! This incident is already pitting family members against each other, something Burke would probably be pleased about if he knew--anything to keep the Collinses off balance!

Love, Robin

Offline VictoriaWintersCollins

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Re: #0021/0022: Robservations 06/01/01: Coffee Dreams
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2010, 10:34:02 PM »
Carolyn: You were hired  to be a Governess, not a cook.

Speaking of which, Vicki hasn't cracked open not one book with David.

Nor scheduled any type of study sessions with him, for the immediate future.

Malloy is like a pitbull, bound and detirmined to find out the truth.

He definitely isn't buying Devlin's BS about no longer having a gudge against the Collins family.

Carolyn obsession with Devlin is starting to annoy me, I'm with Liz please go away.

In Vicki's case, she's doesn't want cause an innocent man to get in trouble.

Which is the case here, since it's been strongly implied that David s the real culprit.

Carolyn's beliefs are dictated by romantic feeling IMHO.

Once again, Liz got all defensive when questioned about why Vicki was sought out for the Governess job.

And who is this Bronson on his way to Bangor, Maine?


Judging from Roger and Sam's conversation,  it appears Burke took the fall  10 yrs ago.

Constable is on the way to Collingwood, Vicki is finally tutoring David.

And the plot thickens...
My name is Victoria Winters, my journey is just beginning.

A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my  past with my future.  A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place.  To the edge of the sea, high atop Widow's Hill, to a place called Collingwood.

Offline Midnite

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Re: #0021/0022: Robservations 06/01/01: Coffee Dreams
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2010, 10:58:44 PM »
OT-- VWC, if you click Preview before submitting your post, you can easily edit out the blank lines and help us save some room in the database.  More than 40 were removed from this post alone that didn't appear to serve any purpose.  Thanks!

Offline VictoriaWintersCollins

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Re: #0021/0022: Robservations 06/01/01: Coffee Dreams
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2010, 11:44:24 PM »
Okay Sorry, just noticed this post and will do that in future postings.

My name is Victoria Winters, my journey is just beginning.

A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my  past with my future.  A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place.  To the edge of the sea, high atop Widow's Hill, to a place called Collingwood.