Author Topic: Robservations 5/30/02 - #501/502 - Tiny Blonde and the Big Guy  (Read 1838 times)

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501 - Barnabas struggles in Adam's grip, Julia trying to pull his hands away from Barnabas' throat. "You love him," Julia reminds Adam, "he created you, without him, you'd be dead, you do feel that, don't you, Adam?" Adam releases Barnabas, who falls unconscious to the floor. The big guy, sobbing, runs from the house, terrified by the thunder and lightning roaring and flashing above his head. Julia examines Barnabas.

Barnabas opens his eyes and Julia is glad to feel a pulse.
She opens his shirt collar. He can barely speak, but she helps him up and into the chair. He nearly killed you, she says--let him go--he can't control his temper. We must get him, protests Barnabas. He'll be killed, says Julia, he doesn't know about cars, or anything like it--he'll be killed and that will be the end of it. (isn't Julia the one who argued for him to live at the very beginning?) Barnabas struggles to his feet. Adam has tried to kill all of them, she reminds him, but Barnabas insists his actions were always for a reason. Julia's painful injection, his hitting him with the cane. . .perhaps Adam's brain is injured, suggests Julia. She asks Barnabas why he has to find him. Because he's my responsibility, he replies. I don't believe that, says Julia. Barnabas fears Adam may attack someone, be captured--and Adam can say his name. Barnabas goes to find the gun and a flashlight. Julia feels he can lie his way out of that--I fear Adam will kill you. Stay here, orders Barnabas, but Julia begs him not to go. Stubborn as always, he leaves, Julia calling "BARNABAS!" after him. Determined to protect him, she grabs a flashlight and follows him out.

In the woods, Adam cowers from the thunder and lightning, crying like a scared child and calling Barnabas. "No, Barnabas!" he cries, remembering the beating.

Barnabas searches, meeting up with Julia. You shouldn't be here, he says, you can't stop me. He can't think in this situation. When he gets Adam back, what will he do? Stronger chain? Another helper? Let him disappear, begs Julia. Rain pours down as Adam hears their voices. Barnabas wants Julia to go back to the house--I must find and kill Adam--I've known it all along but couldn't face it--Adam is too dangerous, and I worry what will happen to the creation if anything happens to me--when I was cured, I vowed I'd never kill again, but now I must.
They continue to search, walking right past Adam, who has hidden behind bushes. "Barnabas!" whispers Adam. "If Adam dies. . ." Adam overhears Barnabas say, "I must kill Adam." The latter knows that word, and says it through gritted teeth. Adam has found a big stick, and he stands in the lightning. "Kill. . .kill. . .kill!" he says with increasing fury, and breaks the thick stick in half, baring his teeth.

Adam, still muttering "Kill!" finds his way to Collinwood. Tony has called Carolyn, who tells Liz to tell Tony she isn't there--she's busy. Adam stands at the open window, watching Carolyn play solitaire with a smile on his face. He already likes her! Carolyn wonders why Liz has to be polite to everyone, but her mother tells her to talk to Tony herself--when she isn't busy, of course. Carolyn tosses away the cards and tells her mother she no longer likes Tony--she can't confide in her mother, however--too many skeletons in too many closets. Carolyn wonders about Liz' perceptions--what does she think of Cassandra? Liz knows little--Roger and Cassandra seem happy. Carolyn angrily calls her mother naƒ¯ve. Adam listens. Carolyn tells Liz Cassandra has put Tony under a spell. Liz doesn't believe it. Carolyn shuts the window and tells her mother it's based on fact--she saw them together in the garden. Liz doesn't want to accept this, but Carolyn says she has to believe what Tony told her--he admitted it! Why does she want him? wonders Carolyn, she has Uncle Roger. Liz doesn't know. Carolyn admits she likes Tony, and he's so unhappy. Adam huddles against Collinwood's front door, which opens under his weight. Carolyn goes to close the doors, which Liz thinks have blown open, and runs into Adam. Carolyn screams (and she is a great screamer). Liz comes to her side as poor Adam tries to reassure them, his face contorted with fear.
Adam approaches Carolyn while Liz dials the police. "Stay away from us!" begs Carolyn. Adam grabs the phone from Liz. Liz and Carolyn stand together as Liz warns him he'll be caught, someone is coming--leave before there's trouble. Adam looks miserable, unable to tell them anything. "Music" he mumbles, so Carolyn goes into the study. Liz joins her, trying to lock him out of the double doors. Carolyn turns on the radio, but it isn't what he's used to, so he pushes the radio to the floor. Liz thinks he's insane. Adam, desperately trying to communicate, says, "Not music! If both live! If both live!" Liz orders Carolyn to get out, she'll talk to him, distract him--try to get out the window. Liz asks Adam if he's hungry, she'll get him food. "Food," he repeats, following Liz. Carolyn runs to the window, but Adam drags her back. Liz picks up a letter opener as Carolyn screams for her mother. He literally lifts Carolyn up, and they struggle wildly. Julia overhears the fray and calls to Barnabas to hurry. Adam forces Liz away and is grabbing for Carolyn when Barnabas comes in, points the gun at Adam and orders him to let Carolyn go or he'll kill him. Adam drags Carolyn outside and dashes away with her, Barnabas following, as Liz watches in horror.

Julia comforts a distraught Liz, who wants to call the police. Julia tells her not to, she'll do it. Liz closes the doors. Julia dials the sheriff, telling him to come to Collinwood--a prowler took Carolyn Stoddard as a hostage--Barnabas is out hunting them. Julia tells them to send several men, then assures Liz everything will be all right. Thoughtfully, Liz asks why Barnabas has a gun--were they hunting this man? Do they know who he is?
Julia doesn't answer. She says they were at the Old House, heard a noise, saw someone outside, and Barnabas got his gun. Liz, not knowing what to believe; she buries her head in her hands and moans, "Carolyn!"

Adam, carrying the struggling, screaming Carolyn, has his hands full. She demands to know what he's going to do with her, and she bites his hand when he covers her mouth. He again covers her mouth to stifle her screams, pressing so hard, she passes out. Adam caresses her, making miserable sounds of protest, "Nooooo!" He lifts up her limp body and carries her away again.

NOTES: Notice that Liz wasn't her usual clueless self in this episode; Barnabas running around with a gun set up alarm flares in her.

Things get physical with the big guy and Carolyn, who proves herself a pistol in poor Adam's well-meaning clutches. She'll will be doing a lot more screaming and Adam will be touching her hair a whole lot in the days to come, too!

502 - Tony, upset about Carolyn's kidnapping, appears at Collinwood and offers Liz his help. The cops have been there and gone, and are out searching. She wonders where the man took Carolyn. Tony asks about him. He's a mute giant, says Liz, not from another country, but. . .she says he's just some monster from. . .well, she doesn't know. He's not human, she says.

Adam, carrying Carolyn, arrives at the Old House. Willie looks out the window and spots him, then gleefully gets the rifle. Willie goes outside and orders Adam to put Carolyn down--or I'll shoot! Willie. Willie teases him that the gun makes Adam a good boy, and Barnabas is going to be so proud of him for capturing Adam. He orders Adam into the house, but Adam somehow disarms Willie, hits him across the face, and knocks him out. Adam picks up something and is about to bash in Willie's brains, but decides not to. Lifting the unconscious Carolyn up again, Adam heads off, his ankle chain clanking. (Carolyn does make a great limp rag doll.)

Tony and Liz, searching the woods, arrive at the Old House. He tells her he'd be a lot more help looking for Carolyn. Liz suggests Barnabas came to the Old House; for some reason, she thinks that house is involved in all this. They spot the unconscious Willie, who tells them the fugitive hit him--he had Carolyn, and they headed toward the gate. Tony tells Willie to get Mrs. Stoddard into the house; he's going to search. Willie suggests a gun: "He ain't got no sense, and he's so strong, Adam. . ." Liz picks up on this. Tony leaves. Liz says to Willie, "You know, don't you?"--more than the fact that he hit him--he called the monster Adam, accuses Liz, and Willie, eyes bulging, realizes he said one word too many.
Liz demands an answer. How does Willie know this man? Willie claims she misunderstood him--he isn't thinking clearly because of the dream. Liz accuses him of changing the subject, but he says this dream gives people the jitters. Where is Adam? demands Liz. Willie doesn't know him, or where he took Carolyn, and that is the truth. Liz looks unconvinced.

Adam brings Carolyn to an old root cellar. He kicks open the door and brings her in, placing her body on a makeshift cot made of wood planking. He caresses her blonde tresses, so like jewels. She wakes up crying, "No,"--she wants to go home, and the two of them struggle. She tells him he's hurting her, and he releases her. She realizes that he doesn't want to hurt her, and he grabs his wounded arm--hurt! he says. She asks why he doesn't talk, and why he brought her there. "If both live," he says. She doesn't understand what he means, and asks if he's going to kill her. Adam reacts to that word with anger. Why do you hate me?, she asks, why do you want to hurt me, you don't know me--are you insane? He fruitlessly tries to comfort her, touching her hair. "No!" he says. She tries to escape, but he grabs her back. She demands he let her go, and he closes the door. They stare at each other. She asks again what he wants. "Kill Barnabas," he says, and her eyes grow huge.

Collinwood - Liz tells Tony the police have no report of anyone escaping prison or an asylum. Tony suggests she go to bed--he'll stay. She's upset to realize they almost caught them at the Old House. She asks Tony to stay with her. The police have set up a roadblock, but the thought of that creature driving. . .Tony tells her not to think about it.
Liz is terribly upset about Carolyn. Tony sits beside her, puts a comforting hand on her shoulder, and tells her he knows how she feels--he feels the same way. When she has emotions, she shows them; he and Carolyn cover them up. She tells Tony Carolyn was there when he called earlier that evening. He guessed that. She was angry at her for being childish, says Liz, but if she walks in that door, she can be as childish as she wants for the rest of her life. She'll be back, he assures her--he has had some experience with the criminal mind and doesn't think this man a kidnapper. He thinks he was being chased, and took Carolyn as a shield. There's something completely animal about him, says Liz--the scars, the eyes, the shackle around his ankle--she can't help thinking about him. Tony wants to search again. Why can't they find Carolyn, frets Liz.

Carolyn, shivering, sits in the root cellar. She asks Adam how much longer they have to stay--she's cold! Adam imitates her action of rubbing her shoulders. He shows her what he picked up at the Old House. He picks up a pine cone and she uses a match to light it. He's fascinated, and she asks what's wrong with him. She says he's like some little kid, a baby. He smiles at her.
The pine cone burns him, and Carolyn, despairing, cries, "You don't know anything, anything at all!" He waves around his burnt hand, sobbing, and she apologizes, she thought he knew. She tells him she didn't mean to hurt him. He continues to moan about his hand, and she starts to cry, too. "You're nothing but a savage!" she wails, and they cry together, Adam holding her face, caressing her hair. (A really nice scene, too. Adam has inherited some of Barnabas' gentle nature).

Willie, trying to keep himself awake, fearing the dream, remembers the terrible nightmares he had while at Windcliff. He drifts off despite his resolve, and the dream begins. His beckoner is Carolyn. He tells her she got away and asks about Adam. He asks if she's dead. She points, and he follows, even though he doesn't want to, like a man who is drunk. He tells her he tried to save her, but she pushes him into the room, unhearing. He begs her to let him out. She recites the Dream Curse Litany. Doors: skull, guillotine, skeletal bride, wolf's head, which makes Willie scream as it growls ferociously at him.
Willie is shrieking with terror as he wakes up, his tongue fluttering like that of the Simpsons in their cartoons.

NOTES: Actions speak louder than words department--sure seems to me that Tony feels a great deal for Carolyn, and Adam is beginning to, as well. He loves touching her, doesn't he? She's like a giant doll he's playing with. They are so cute together, Adam so huge, Carolyn so small. I always wished she gave him a chance, but Tony is better suited to her, anyway.

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservations 5/30/02 - #501/502 - Tiny Blonde and the Big Guy
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2002, 11:03:26 PM »
adam hmmm a big doll wow later on that one thought the witch's touch  painter going blind was different  she didn't say anything  neat trick


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Re: Robservations 5/30/02 - #501/502 - Tiny Blonde and the Big Guy
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2002, 07:38:24 PM »
Aha! Willie now is the 7th recipient of the Dream Curse. His level of terror is raised to the next notch by the growling wolf he confronts at his door.

Willie is to be tormented until he is able to tell the nightmare to Carolyn Stoddard, his beckoner.

Since she is now held by Adam in an unknown location, poor Willie is up the proverbial creek!

Meanwhile, is Prof. Stokes working on a way to break the curse, like he told Julia he would??

  Stay tuned for the rest of the story...

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Re: Robservations 5/30/02 - #501/502 - Tiny Blonde and the Big Guy
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2002, 01:00:24 AM »
Thoughtfully, Liz asks why Barnabas has a gun--were they hunting this man? Do they know who he is? Julia doesn't answer. She says they were at the Old House, heard a noise, saw someone outside, and Barnabas got his gun.

When Julia started to stammer out her excuse, "W-we-we..." I half-expeced her to say, "We're writing a book about guns!"  Even if Liz didn't believe it, I found Julia's story of a prowler much more plausible.  ;)

When Adam was trying to pick up Carolyn again outside the Old House, did anybody notice that Nancy Barrett, whose character was supposed to be unconscious, surreptitiously wrapped her arm around Rodan's waist to help him get a better grip?


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Re: Robservations 5/30/02 - #501/502 - Tiny Blonde and the Big Guy
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2002, 04:05:47 AM »
I love julia "maybe his brain is injured" well It was recyled! maybe it could be a little damaged LOL!

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Re: Robservations 5/30/02 - #501/502 - Tiny Blonde and the Big Guy
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2002, 07:54:04 AM »
When Adam was trying to pick up Carolyn again outside the Old House, did anybody notice that Nancy Barrett, whose character was supposed to be unconscious, surreptitiously wrapped her arm around Rodan's waist to help him get a better grip?

Yes, I did see that one ProfStokes! He seemed to be having a hard time getting a grip on her, then suddenly, she kind of wraps her arm around him to give him some needed help. ;)
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Re: Robservations 5/30/02 - #501/502 - Tiny Blonde and the Big Guy
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2002, 11:49:41 PM »
When Julia started to stammer out her excuse, "W-we-we..." I half-expeced her to say, "We're writing a book about guns!"

LOL! Good one ProfStokes!!! ;D

When Adam was trying to pick up Carolyn again outside the Old House, did anybody notice that Nancy Barrett, whose character was supposed to be unconscious, surreptitiously wrapped her arm around Rodan's waist to help him get a better grip?

Yup - I noticed that too! Even a guy Adam's size has a hard time lifting a woman up when she's lying on the ground. :o