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Messages - AndreDuPres

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Lady Hampshire!  She's not only my favourite KLS character, but one of my favourites in the entire series.  It's such a pity that she [spoiler]gets sucked into that painting to 1795/1797/whatever only to commit suicide as Josette.[/spoiler]  Even though she had some...hrm...supernatural problems, she was a fairly realistic character.

Polls Archive / Re: Maggie Evans
« on: September 11, 2006, 05:38:28 PM »
I don't think she became Vicki entirely...Maggie is so much grittier, more impatient and harsh than Vicki--even after she becomes governess.  Vicki's so dreamy and vague, whereas Maggie's practical and precise.  I do think Maggie underwent some changes following her new job, but wouldn't you have, too?  She's a small town girl moving into big, scary Collinwood--some changes are only natural.  I admit, however, that the writers became a bit sloppy...

Polls Archive / Re: Maggie Evans after the Barnabas kidnaps Maggie storyline
« on: September 11, 2006, 05:30:59 PM »
I think Maggie became more conspicuous as the show progressed.  Case in point:  she lived at Collinwood.  That alone enabled her to be on the show more often than she had been.  She was in many if not most of the "Game" episodes involving David and Amy pre-1897, and during that time, I think she showed strength and determination in the face of a great evil.  Also, in the Leviathan plot, she was pretty crafty when she [spoiler]fooled Jeb into thinking she was one of them.[/spoiler] True, she wasn't much of a presence in the Summer of 1970, but one else was, either, except maybe Julia and the Ghosts, of course.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Why dont people like Adam?
« on: August 26, 2006, 10:31:37 PM »
I like watching the latter half of the Adam storyline (i.e., after the last Dream of the Dream Curse), but the earlier part is just...ugh.  I realise it's got some classic scenes with Stokes and Cassandra et al, but it's hard to sit through all that Adam stuff.  The second part is much more interesting than the first, IMO, mostly due to Nicholas, the Devil, Angelique, etc.

Current Talk '06 II / Vicki's Ideal Guy
« on: August 26, 2006, 10:25:51 PM »
Who do you think would have made Vicki the happiest out of her prospective boyfriends?  I'm going with Burke Devlin for this one.  I've been watching the summer of 1967, and they're just so great together.  I get all tingly when the "Missy" music plays and they're out on the terrace.  So romantic.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: I know what anniversary it is!
« on: August 26, 2006, 10:20:52 PM »
I have yet to view this legendary storyline, though I'm sure I'll enjoy every minute of it once I do finally see it.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Leviathan story vs 1970PT story
« on: July 12, 2006, 09:12:03 PM »
I like PT better.  Both have good elements, but PT is far more enticing and cohesive.  Leviathans falls apart near the end (even though it's got some terrific scenes i.e. Angelique and Nicholas' reunion; Carolyn screaming at Julia that she doesn't want a sedative; Roger's "cheap, insufferable pig" remark; etc.), but it's also less visually appealing than PT:  while Leviathans has grimy, dark sets with unattractive costumes (Bruno's hideous fur coat, Angie's tacky hausfrau gowns) and even uglier characters (Sabrina...ugh), PT has bright and airy sets with pretty furniture and flowers which set the mood instantly.  Everything's so gauzy and rich and becoming...and superficial.  PT feels more like a Gothic soap opera than Leviathans, IMO.  And the Rebecca stuff?  Personally, after reading the novel, I don't think it's a direct rip off at all.  [spoiler]Angie comes back in PT; Rebecca stays dead in Rebecca.[/spoiler]That alone makes a world of difference.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Characters who tempt you to fast-forward
« on: June 21, 2006, 06:21:52 PM »
I actually like the late Adam storyline; it's the early part I don't like.  I don't think I've seen early Adam for about two years, but I just finished watching the Adam/Eve/Nicholas stuff earlier this summer, and though it was pretty ludicrous in some spots, I enjoyed it.

Now, about these characters...I was watching PT this morning during brunch, and as soon as I heard Lisa Richards do the voiceover, I cringed and involuntarily moaned.  I cannot stand her Sabrina character.  I'm sure Lisa Richards is a nice lady in person and that she's done better acting in other roles, but here she's awful.  I try not to fast-forward, but she leaves me no choice.

Current Talk '06 I / Characters who tempt you to fast-forward
« on: June 20, 2006, 09:13:36 PM »
I've been watching the PT storyline when Lisa Richard's/Sabrina's wooden, awful acting inspired the idea for this thread.  Yes, Sabrina, either in RT or PT, has caused me to fast-forward through many scenes.  It's almost unbearable to watch her together with Don Briscoe/Chris, especially towards the end of the Leviathans when they're [spoiler]locked in Bruno's house/apartment thing.[/spoiler]Jeff Clark and Amanda Harris tie in second place behind Sabrina, for while Sabrina's the epitome of boredom, they're both highly obnoxious.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Parallel Time
« on: June 19, 2006, 06:30:02 PM »
J Bennett had a theme?

Well, it wasn't an official theme (a la "Quentin's Theme" or "Ode to Angelique"), but a little piece of music usually pops up whenever Joan Bennett (in her various characters) walks in the drawing room or whatever.  They use it only with her--never with any other character, as far I know.  Also, KLS has a "theme" too:  whenever the camera pans over to the Evans' cottage or whenever Maggie's mentioned or etc. another piece of music plays.  It transfers to Kate Jackson once KLS leaves the show.  Angelique has her own special spellcasting music, too, that's sometimes used with other characters like Nicholas, but which I tend to associate with her (it was used in an Angelique screensaver from the now defunct Portraits of Collinwood website, if anyone remembers).  I'm sure there are other "themes" used in the show, but these three are the ones I've noticed.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Parallel Time
« on: June 19, 2006, 03:11:43 PM »
I have the 30th Anniversary CD (perhaps I should have made that clearer, but I'd forgotten its official title), which has, like you said, MB, the orchestral version.  It's not bad, but I'd really like to hear the piano-only version that's heard on PT so much.

I've looked on Amazon for the MPI Dark Shadows CDs, but they must be extremely rare:  only volumes three and four show up on the American site (volume two is on, but four is currently unavailable and three is rather expensive (over $20, I believe, which is more than I'd like to spend).  I've added four to my wishlist, and I hope a copy pops up soon.

Oh, and the music on DS really does make the show:  every time I see Liz walk in a room, for example, my mind immediately starts humming the "Joan Bennett theme."

I think [spoiler]Angelique is unsure whether or nor Quentin killed her (ha, I can't believe I just wrote that sentence--only on DS).  At his point, however, she wants to frame him and eventually save him by implicating Maggie.  Even Quentin comes to believe that Maggie is just like his former wife, Angelique, and that "Alexis" is a sweet, caring woman, totally different from her sister.  So I think Angelique smirks because she knows she's going to take care of Bruno very soon as part of her plans.  Angelique, of course, can't really control all these variables even though she thinks she can.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Parallel Time
« on: June 18, 2006, 06:21:32 PM »
What exactly is Elizabeth's relationship with Quentin in PT?  I'm watching the seance episode early on in the storyline, and he calls her "my sister."  Strange.

Oh, and is there a pure piano recording of the "Ode to Angelique" without the cheesy '60ish sound effects?  I have the version on the soundtrack CD, but I'm not entirely satisfied with it.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Parallel Time
« on: June 14, 2006, 10:10:04 PM »
Interesting thread as I have been reading through the posts.  One thing I didn't see mentioned, though, was the fact that the main characters, Quentin, Angelique Maggie and Hoffman were STRAIGHT out of DuMaurier's Rebecca. I think a lot of the weaknesses of the plot come from that: Quentin has to be a bullying jackass, Maggie has to have a backbone of limp linguinini (Keep in mind that the 2nd Mrs. DeWinter didn't even have a NAME) Hoffman/Mrs. Danvers is an obsessed psychopath in love with Angelique/Rebecca, who is rotten to the core beneath the veneer of adoration and perfection.

The thing that makes PT  interesting to watch is how they took is how they combined that plot and Jekyl and Hyde and threw in the original things and it still all worked.
You're quite right about PT being a bit too Rebecca-derived.  I picked up a copy of the novel the other day and as I've been reading it, I've noticed how close the plots are.  Even the dialogue is eerily identical.  That said, Rebecca certainly doesn't have the identical twins, Jekyll/Hyde, Carolyn & Will, murder mystery stuff that PT least, not from what I've read so far (I'm about 1/3 of the way through as of now).  I think I ought to watch PT again after I read Rebecca.  I'm enjoying the book a lot, and PT has always been a favourite of mine.

Current Talk '06 I / Re: boys club vs. girls club
« on: June 09, 2006, 03:58:26 PM »
I usually like the female characters better than the male characters, too, ESPECIALLY Angelique.  Whenever she's on, I'm never bored, since she's always so entertaining (and beautiful).  The same can be said of Dr. Hoffman.  Even if the story's crappy, it's fun to watch Julia smoke, administer sedatives, sniff, cough, fiddle with her gloves, gasp, forget her lines, say "Barnabas!" way too much, say "I don't know!  I only know..." in response to virtually every question, etc.  I agree that 1897 had a bit of a lull when the prime members of the female cast left, but they came back with a bang, I must say.

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