Author Topic: #0479/0480: Robservations 05/13/02: Forget, Jeff, Forget!  (Read 1603 times)

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#0479/0480: Robservations 05/13/02: Forget, Jeff, Forget!
« on: May 12, 2002, 12:03:48 PM »
479 - Luckily for Jeff, Barnabas appears at Lang's office just in time to stop the surgery. Lang covers Jeff with a sheet as Barnabas bangs on the door, demanding to see him. Barnabas tells Lang he's frightened, he was taking a stroll in the moonlight and felt the urge for blood--to find someone, anyone--I'm changing back, says Barn desperately. Lang touches Barn's shoulders with both hands (a touchy feely kind of guy). Lang warned him the symptoms might recur. Barn can't deal with this terrible feeling. He sees the sheet draped form and asks who it is. Part of you, says Lang, he interrupted him during surgery. Barnabas seems shocked to see he's really going to do it. I am a man of my word, Lang declares. (There was some kind of film mess up here.) Lang warns Barn the anesthetic is wearing off, he must go. Barnabas removes the sheet from Jeff's face and comments that there's a kindness and simpleness of spirit in this smile--how will he look when the goodness and sweetness goes and reveals a monster's soul? Lang says he'll be a new man, living a safe new life. How can I be a new man and still be me? asks Barn--will I be free of memory, or will I look in the mirror and see the ghost of a man haunting me to the grave? Barn stares down at Jeff, fighting with himself. He can't let Lang do it! Lang calls it a sudden surge of sentimentality--Barnabas is recoiling from such a horror--you are surely no stranger to horror. Barnabas says even he can cry enough, but not yet, insists Lang, not until you're free. Barnabas says he will never be free of guilt and self-loathing for what he's done. Lang asks if he really wants him to stop. Yes, says Barn. Lang asks if he really wants to see Jeff marry Vicki, and live a life of unending joy? Don't say that, begs Barn, but Lang says he thought Barn loves Vicki and would dare anything for that love. Barnabas hangs his head. Lang digs in the verbal knife.
"If you really want to change back to what you were, and very probably destroy Miss Winters in a rage over your loss. . .? "NO! cries Barnabas--I wouldn't do that. Lang insists he would, he'd want revenge! Barnabas disagrees. You can live a life with the woman you love or destroy yourself, and Vicki, says Lang--take your choice, the doctor says. "Do it," says Barnabas, resigned. Barnabas wearily exits the room. Lang's doorbell rings, interrupting him again. It's Vicki, who lets herself in when she gets no answer, and calls to Lang from the hallway. Barnabas hears her calling Jeff in Lang's office and quickly retreats and returns to the lab. Lang is annoyed. Barnabas says Vicki is there, calling for Jeff. Lang's eyes widen.

Lang asks Vicki why she came here looking for Jeff. She thought he was coming here, she says. Lang says he isn't there now and hasn't been in all evening. Vicki's worried about him--he was supposed to be moving to the Evans cottage. Barnabas stands outside, eavesdropping. Lang did notice some of Jeff's things gone, but Vicki says he hasn't showed up at the Evans' cottage. He was supposed to meet her at Collinwood, but that was 3 hours ago. Lang says she'll soon find how unreliable Jeff is, and Vicki asks how can he take it so lightly. He wants to know how SHE can take it so seriously, but she reminds him they both know Jeff has been ill--she fears something has happened to him, something terrible. Lang is sure Jeff is OK, and she's scared. If anything happened to Jeff, she doesn't know what she'd do (shot of Barnabas' sad face here).
Lang is sure nothing has happened, but Vicki says she loves Jeff, needs him, and he needs her, she knows it. She apologizes for coming close to tears, but she's so close to being happy, and afraid of losing everything--and by that she means Jeff. He's all she wants, and she knows she is all he wants. Barnabas looks very upset at this point and leaves the hallway, goes to the lab, and turns on the light. He lifts the sheet off Jeff and says, "It's you. I know it is so. She will never change. Never." He takes a scalpel from the tray and stares at it, anger on his face. He struggles with himself over killing the man Vicki loves. "No," he says, "the time has come for me to cry enough. Enough!" He begins to open the straps holding Jeff to the table.

Lang returns and finds Jeff sleeping but no longer bound.
He asks Barnabas what he's done. "He's free and safe," says Barn. Lang is perturbed--he could awaken at any moment. Let him, says Barn, and Lang asks him if he's mad. Barnabas says he's seldom been more sane. Lang orders him to go so he can begin the surgery, he's had enough interruptions! Barn says his mind is made up--he offered him a choice and he's made it--he overheard Vicki, she loves Jeff. Lang insists she will love Barn if they proceed as planned--she'll love him after the experiment is over. No, says Barn, it will always be Jeff. All the more reason to go through with the experiment, insists Lang, but Barn is adamant. Lang says the time has come to tell him that he has a decision to make, too, and they will continue. Barn says he wants to set Jeff free but continue with the experiment, but Lang says Jeff knows everything. It made no difference before, Barn reminds him. A new element has been added, Lang reminds him--he knows about the doctor's plans to use him, Jeff, in the experiment. Jeff awakens and listens to them speak. Barnabas thought he had told Jeff he was treating him for his own difficulties, and Lang says while that was the plan, Jeff guessed the truth. He can't blackmail him anymore, and if Jeff talks, all of them will be implicated. Barn suggests he tell Jeff he was having a delusion, and that Lang meant him no harm. Lang fears Jeff will pretend to believe that, then come back and take revenge on them. Barn says Lang is imagining that, but Lang says neither of them can afford to live as long as Jeff is alive. Jeff quietly reaches for a scalpel from the table while the men continue to argue. Barn is willing to take a chance, but Lang isn't, and Jeff jumps off the table and tells Lang he won't have a chance to think about anything. Lang orders Jeff to drop the knife, but Jeff threatens to stick it in his ribs. Barn and Lang step away from Jeff, slowly. Jeff knows what Lang was going to do to him. "You heard," says Barn. Lang insists Jeff was only getting a treatment, but Jeff says he was giving him THE treatment. Barnabas reminds Jeff he's free now, nothing will happen to him now, he can't touch Lang. Jeff accuses Lang of trying to kill him, but Lang insists he had changed his mind. Jeff approaches Lang with the scalpel, and Lang backs away, reminding him he doesn't want another murder on his conscience--guilt is a terrible thing for the mind--it's Jeff's last chance, his sanity hangs by a slender threat, and if he uses the knife, the thread will snap!
Stop it, orders Jeff. Lang says his mind will go deeper into madness, seeking a refuge he'll never find. Destroy me, says Lang, and you'll destroy yourself. Behind Jeff's back, Lang prepares another hypo, adding, it happened before, it could happen again. "Never!" cries Jeff. Lang lurches forward and injects Jeff, who falls to the floor. Barnabas fears he's dead, but Lang says not, yet--but soon, very soon. Lang binds Jeff back to the table, and Barnabas asks the doctor to listen. He nearly died, says Lang, but Barn says killing Jeff isn't necessary--Jeff can be completely harmless. Lang is doing this to protect his experiment, and will allow no interference. Barnabas suggests they call in Julia to save Jeff's life--she can hypnotize him. Lang refuses to listen. Lang implies Barnabas is stupid to believe such a thing. It's been successful, insists Barn, but Lang doesn't want Julia to know about the experiment. She needn't know, insists Barn, but Lang is sure Jeff will tell her right away. Tell Julia Jeff was momentarily deranged, suggests Barnabas, but Lang feels the inquisitive redhead would probe until she learned the truth. Then let her know everything, advises Barn, but Lang considers this a mad idea. She'll keep his secret, insists Barn, but Lang considers him too trusting and stupid. Julia isn't without her guilts, says Barnabas--she had her mishaps when they tried her experiment. No one can know what he's doing, insists Lang. Jeff starts coming to, calling to Vicki to help him. Barn grows more agitated and threatens to call Julia himself. Lang refuses to believe Julia could hypnotize Jeff or keep his secret. Barnabas heads for the phone--he's calling Julia! Lang orders him to put down the phone, but Barn says no, and Lang pulls out a gun and points it at him, ordering him to hang up. Barnabas says that's a hollow threat, and Lang says he'd better hang up by the time he counts to three, or he'll shoot. An ordinary bullet would have no effect, says Barn, but Lang reminds him that one of the melancholy aspects of his cure is that he, like all mortal men, are now susceptible to death! This is shocking news to Barnabas, who listens as Lang begins to count. Barnabas stares fearfully at the gun barrel, wondering what to do.

NOTES: The acting today wasn't the best, on everyones' part. Frankly, I think Addison Powell and Roger Davis bring out the worst in each other, and unfortunately, the worst in Jonathan Frid, too. These were not my favorite episodes, although it was fun watching Barnabas' face when it hit him that he can die just like any other guy.

480 - Barnabas gives in to Lang's threat to shoot and reluctantly hangs up the phone. He's shocked to learn that he can actually die now, which Lang assures him would happen if he pulled the trigger. It almost gives Barn pleasure to think he's THAT human. He agrees not to call Julia but still wants to bring her in, even though Lang continues to insist he doesn't want her to know about the experiment. Barnabas reveals that Julia "cares" for him, unfortunately, but she does. Lang says he knows that. (how casually they discuss this good woman's feelings!) Barn points out that Julia can be trusted for this reason--she'll keep the secret because she knows that it would endanger him. Possibly, says Lang. Barn says he won't allow Lang to kill Jeff and again heads for the phone to get Julia--she'll hypnotize Jeff and make him forget all. Again Lang raises the pistol, but Barn knows he won't shoot him--he needs him for the experiment, and that means more to Lang than anything else. Lang advises Barn not to test him, but Barn says for both their sakes, he must do so.

Julia and Cassandra walk the landing at Collinwood. Cass wants Julia to meet Prof. Stokes, an interesting man. They might become good friends, says Cassandra, who wants Julia to know and like her--and knowing Stokes would aid in that endeavor. Julia remarks that she admires Cassandra's honesty, and they head downstairs. Cassandra answers the ringing phone. It's Barnabas, asking for Julia. Cass hands over the phone, looking pissed. Barnabas says he urgently needs Julia's help--come to Lang's immediately and bring your medallion--come as quickly as possible. Julia agrees and tells Cassandra she has an emergency. Julia excuses herself and leaves the house, with Cassandra looking like she wishes she knew where the hell Julia was going.

Barnabas paces Lang's living room. Lang comes in--he moved Jeff to his bedroom. They hear the doorbell and Lang says Barn had better be convincing. Lang admits Julia to the house. She immediately asks if Barn is all right--what's the emergency? They need her help with Jeff, explains Barnabas--to hypnotize him as she did Maggie--he has to forget five hours of his life.
Julia is puzzled. Lang says there's much about Jeff she doesn't understand. Julia is aware Jeff was once in a mental institution, Vicki told her. The story unfolds--Lang was his doctor, and he's still treating him. He's intensely paranoid, dangerous. He came in and said he was moving to the Evans cottage, but then became quite violent and irrational. He accused Lang of trying to kill him, of trying to cut off his head! He attacked Lang, but Barnabas came at that moment and they restrained him, then Lang sedated him. Barnabas agrees that his arrival was fortuitous. Julia is sorry for Vicki, who loves Jeff. Lang fears Jeff will end up permanently insane if the memory isn't blocked off. Julia agrees to do what they ask, and she and Lang go up to Jeff's room. Barnabas stands in the living room, probably praying and hoping they can get away with lying to Julia.

Jeff lies in bed, his hands tied in front of him with rope. Lang explains to Julia he did that because Jeff was violent. Clark could wake up at any moment; Julia asks the doctor to leave the room so she can do her work--and yes, he must go. Lang agrees to wait downstairs and leaves. Julia checks Jeff's pulse. Lang returns to Barn, concerned about leaving Julia and Jeff alone. Barn feels Julia won't believe anything Jeff tells her, and their story will be accepted.

Jeff wakes up. Julia introduces herself as Julia Hoffman, Vicki's friend, and a doctor. He's upset to hear he's at Lang's house, and says the latter tried to kill him, cut off his head! Julia looks perturbed at this accusation, but says she's here to help him. Jeff can tell she doesn't believe him. She assures him she wants to help because she's Vicki's friend--try to cooperate, she advises, relax and listen to her instructions. Lang tried to cut off my head, says Jeff, and I'm not insane. Why would he do that? asks Julia. To complete his experiment, explains Jeff--he's trying to make something alive out of something dead. He's been forcing Jeff to help him, made him rob graves, dig up the dead to make his "thing." All Lang needed was a face--and he wanted Jeff's. Julia rises from her chair, upset.
Jeff tells her to go to the lab on the second floor--she'll know he's telling the truth. She promises to do so. Now that she's cooperated with him, he must return the favor. She sits back down and begins doing the ol' medallion-twirl on him. "Find the center." He stares, searching for the center of the light, and does. Julia tells him that, when she snaps her fingers, he'll sleep, and when he wakes up, he won't remember anything that happened there tonight--just finding his belongings and falling asleep. "Yes," he says. She snaps, his head falls to one side. Julia thinks that Jeff must be mad, what he said was impossible. The lab. . .she gets up and leaves the room.

Lang frets to Barn that Julia's taking too long. He gestures for Barnabas, who makes an annoyed face, to follow him. Julia enters the unlocked lab and turns on the light. She glances at the equipment, the empty table, turns on the operating lights. She sees the other table and gasps, then draws back the sheet and screams uncontrollably. (Sorry, folks, but she's a doctor, and seeing a body with an arm sewn on shouldn't have turned her this freaky-screamy).

Lang and Barnabas find her in the lab and Julia cries hysterically that everything Jeff said was true--he was going to cut off his head and Barnabas was going to let him do it! No, insists Barn, he was preventing Lang from doing it! Julia is glad to hear this. That's why Jeff is still alive, and he called Julia because it was the only way to silence Clark, to save him the only way he knew how. Then he isn't going ahead with the experiment? asks Julia, but Barnabas says he still intends to do that--it's his only way to escape Angelique.
Julia says this experiment is madness, which Lang denies--he wants to bring death to life, transmit Barn's life force into his newly-made creature. Barn won't be what he was, and free forever. "Forever?" asks Julia with forlorn hope. This means a great deal to me, says Barnabas, and she dazedly says they'll have to find someone else's face now that they don't have Clark, an idea which horrifies her. Lang reminds her lives have been sacrificed before in the name of science (tell that to Dr. Woodard), and Barnabas says, "One more life, that's all it will take, and the destruction will be ended forever." Julia battles tears, repeating, "One more life." Barnabas reminds her that she tried to save him and failed; does she wants the experiments she started to succeed? "Yes," sobs Julia. Then agree to cooperate by remaining silent, Barnabas asks. Lang asks if they can trust her, and she admits she wants Barn to be cured, sincerely. She has to go, she can't stay any longer, she says, and tells Lang he needn't escort her to the door. After she leaves, Lang says he doesn't trust her. Barnabas feels she'll cooperate for his sake, she's just had a bad shock. Lang says he can believe that if he wants to, but he's following her. Julia, heading for the door, clutches her throat and thinks that she can't let this--another killing, another death--to go on, not even for Barnabas. She spots the telephone in Lang's office and locks herself in there. Lang and Barnabas see the closed door and Lang tries it--it's locked, and Julia is in there. Julia dials the operator, asking for the police. Hearing this, Lang pulls out his gun. Barnabas knocks at the door, begging Julia to let him in. This must be stopped, insists Lang, as Julia, hysterical, cries into the phone, "Get me the police quickly, quickly, quickly. . ."

NOTES: A tense situation as Lang is prepared to do whatever he has to in order to protect his experiment. He will have no qualms about killing Julia, and perhaps Barnabas, too, but where else is he going to find someone like Barnabas to utilize for his nutzoid experiment? Former vampires don't grow on trees, after all!

So will Julia come to her senses, remember her love and agree to help Barnabas and Lang? Will Jeff forget they were going to cut off his head to make their creature?

Cassandra is getting awfully chummy with Julia--is it because she knows of the Barnabas connection and wants to keep tabs on her former husband? Or does Cassandra genuinely like Julia, within the limits of which she is capable?

Love, Robin