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Messages - McTrooper

a life coach

a daycare provider

a folk singer

Bill:  Elisabeth, I don’t know how to break this to you, but you’ve got a stain shaped like Saturn in your blouse.

Good one Uncle Rodger ^_^

Matthew:  Look, Ms. Winters, I don’t know what Carolyn’s told ya, but I’m definitely single and ready to mingle.

Literal lol

Rodger:  Vicky and found the lottery ticket.  What we’re those winning numbers again?

Lottery Representative:  One, Two, Three, Four, and Five. 

copy of How to Torment Your Governess

Carolyn:  Burke, why does the top of your head say “if found return to state pen”?

Robot:   Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.

David:  You can call me David.

Robot:  I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.

 [easter_cheesy] [easter_grin] [easter_cheesy] Hehe

the funny tasting breath mints with days off the week above each one.

 [easter_cheesy] [easter_grin]

 . . . just before _ our newspaper and milk gets delivered _!!"

 . . . just before _ Matthew does dishes  _!!"

 . . . just before _ my Brandy shipment comes in _!!"

Eisenhower’s dog Heidi had graduated art school and settled in Collinsport to open up a studio

Good one Uncle Rodger and everyone else too.  ^_^

a menu _ to go? Thanks."
a salt shaker _ to go? Thanks."
a roll of toilet paper and a bottle of Salmonella water _ to go? Thanks."