Author Topic: Robservations 7/25/02 - Freud, Adam, Liz and Carolyn - #576/577  (Read 2293 times)

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576 - (Alexandra Moltke) - Night lies over the great estate of Collinwood, and in an old house on the wooded grounds, a young man is forced to work on a project he loathes. Forced, because his fiancee's life is at stake. And while he grapples with the problem of creating human life, he stands unknowingly on the brink of terror.

Jeff looks grossed out and tries to avoid Angelique in the repeat of the previous episode's ending.

The equipment is running, lights flashing as Jeff lies in his post-bite slumber. Angelique watches him, not one spot of red on her spotless white dress (like Mack the Knife, never a trace of red). She helps him up, and he gazes at her, his vision blurry. What happened, he asks. She touches his face, and he flinches away--what did she do to him? She orders him to start now and lifts the sheet covering the body. He tells her to stop, grabbing her wrist, and she says he can't give her orders--he understands that and won't forget it, will he? My life force will go into this body--I will rise, breathe, walk, and I will be free. She wants to start now. No, protests Jeff, only Julia can do this--she'll have to deal with her. Angelique insists he try, but he says he can't alone. She knows he worked with Dr. Lang--Adam told her. He only helped in the beginning, protests Jeff, he didn't bring Adam to life. The books of Lang's, says Ang, they tell what to do. Jeff reminds her she told him she was providing the life force for the creature, and she agrees. Barnabas and Julia never told him about it, and besides, the body isn't ready. It must be, insists Ang, but Jeff says no. When will it be ready? she asks. I don't know, he says. Find out, she orders, and moves to touch him. He tells her to stay away from him, but she says no, he doesn't understand how serious and desperate she is--he must use her as the life force, she insists, her hands on his shoulders. She says what happened to Barnabas will happen to her. You may die, he warns. She reminds him that Barnabas didn't--by the way does he mind her putting her arms around him? Yes, he says, and she hugs him and tells him she will teach him not to mind. She sinks her fangs into his throat again, and although he moans in pain, he looks downright turned on, too.

Roger, handing her a drink, tells Vicki he was surprised by the news of her engagement, but happy, too. He doesn't know Jeff well, but he's sure he will like him--he's "presentable". And they all want her to be happy. She feels that, for once, they'll all see her happy. Roger asks about the work Jeff is planning on doing, and she says Jeff is bright--there's a great deal he could do. Is he interested in business? asks Roger. He has no experience, Vicki says. Roger says he doesn't need experience--they provide it. Vicki is thrilled--is he offering Jeff a job? She's very appreciative. He says they're sending two junior sales execs to a training program in Boston--Jeff could join them. If his report is good, and Vicki is sure it will be, Roger is sure they could place him. They could get married sooner, exults Vicki, and Roger teases her that he isn't sure he likes that idea at all.
Delighted, she says she doesn't know how to thank him.

Post-bital, Ang and Jeff stares into each other's eyes. She caresses his mouth and tells him he will remember her, and this night, but no one else will know. When the body is ready, he will call her and she will come to him. They will do the experiment together, alone. He understands, he smiles. He will do everything she tells him to do, she says softly, and he smiles and agrees. They will make her live--together, says Ang. Jeff agrees. When they do, says Ang, *I* will begin to live again!

Jeff returns to Collinwood, but stands outside, unsure about knocking. He finally does. Vicki answers the door. She tells him her wonderful news, but he's rubbing his throat, complaining he's tired. Roger wants to speak to you, she says. Roger orders Jeff into the drawing room and Vicki ushers him in and clos es the doors behind them. Roger congratulates Jeff on the engagement and gives him a drink. Roger tells him they're very fond of Vicki and concerned about her future. Since she chose Jeff, that's good enough for them. Jeff drinks, nervously, wondering when Vicki will come back. Roger tells him they want to send him to a sales training program, leaving tomorrow for six weeks. When Jeff returns, he'll have a place at the cannery, to be determined by the work he does at the seminar.  Realizing he's being offered a job, but also realizing it's impossible, Jeff turns away.
Roger notes he doesn't seem overjoyed by the prospect, but Jeff says he is and wants a job. Roger tells him to come to his office in the morning, meet the other men, and discuss the details. He's sure he'll find the program informative and interesting. Jeff asks when he must leave; when Roger repeats that, Jeff says he can go in a week, not now. Roger says he can't change the date, it's a university thing, but Jeff turns it down, shocking Roger. Jeff says it isn't that he doesn't want to, but he can't go now--he's busy. Doing what? demands Roger. Jeff says he simply can't go now. Roger says it's a rare opportunity and advises Jeff to reconsider, if not for Vicki's sake, for his own. I can't accept, says Jeff, and I don't expect you to understand. Angrily, Roger says he hopes Vicki understands, and opens the doors and leaves.

Vicki is horrified that Jeff refused Roger's offer--why did he do it? They could afford to get married! Jeff walks away--this isn't the time, he says. Vicki reminds him he wanted to get married right away--go to Roger, apologize, accept his offer. Jeff asks Vicki if she trusts him. Until now, yes, she says. He says she must trust him, even if she doesn't understand why he's doing it. She asks why she can tell him things, but he can't be as honest. She loves the Collinses, and this is a family decision. They did it because they like and want to help him--is it pride?--you must tell me, she insists. "I can't, I can't!" he cries, and rushes out of the house.

Liz lays out some really hideous dresses on her bed. Carolyn comes in. Liz was going through her closet. Carolyn says it's good to see her doing things again, and advises her to throw the red one away. They reminisce about going to Boston for Liz' birthday, going shopping before the matinee, having lunch. Carolyn hugs Liz, saying how great it is to have her home--she realizes how much easier Liz made all their lives. Liz, looking unsure, pushes her away and says it's good for Carolyn to be without her. Carolyn protests and suggests a weekend in Boston, shopping for new clothes--it would do Liz a lot of good. Carolyn feels it's good Liz is tossing out old clothes and showing interest in them. She begs Liz to go to Boston, but her mother refuses--it would be a waste of time--Carolyn should go alone. Liz stares at a black dress and Carolyn demands a logical reason not to go to Boston. Liz asks Carolyn to promise her something seriously, with no qualifications--when they think she's dead, and it's going to happen. . . Carolyn begs her to stop saying that--it's not, stop thinking it!
Liz knows it, that's why she's getting rid of everything--she won't be here long. Carolyn protests. Liz says when it does happen, she wants to be buried in the black dress. She asks Carolyn to promise, and holds it up in front of herself, looking in the mirror. Carolyn sits on Liz' bed, clutches the newel post, and says, "Mother. . .Mother."

Liz dreams. Angelique is laughing, the wind blowing her hair and dress. Angelique tells Liz she needs something to think about--death!--death, your own death--that will occupy you, and when you have thought about it as long as you can, you will think you ARE dead, as will others. You will be lying in a coffin and everyone will think that you are dead! Angelique's laughter goes on and on. We see candles, smoke, a beautiful coffin topped with flowers. Carolyn and Roger, dressed in funereal colors, stand by the coffin. Roger wants to know why the coffin was open, he ordered it closed. Carolyn remarks that Liz, lying in the coffin, looks beautiful. Liz speaks to herself--she isn't dead! She must open her eyes, try to open your eyes, try to move. You must show them you aren't dead-you must. Roger tells Carolyn he's closing the coffin. No, says Liz silently. Liz can neither speak nor move--they're going to bury her alive. Carolyn asks if Roger must close the coffin now, and he says yes. He closes it over Liz. Carolyn sobs, and Liz silently begs them--I'm not dead, I'm not, don't bury me! Roger leads the crying Carolyn away.
Cruelly, Angelique laughs. Liz tells herself she must scream, she isn't dead.

Liz sits up in her bed, screaming for real. Carolyn races in. Liz tells her she knows how it's going to happen, she saw it, she saw it! And, her eyes wide with fear, she pictures her coffin, surrounded by candles.

NOTES: You KNEW she was going to go over his head and try to make herself the life force, didn't you? Nicholas is right about her, he never knows what she's going to do, and bringing her back was a majorly bad decision on his part--which he will learn to his everlasting regret!

Jeff sure is having fun being a vampire victim, isn't he? Too bad he had to turn down Roger's job offer, but he is involved elsewhere, and the bitch of it is, he can't tell Vicki the truth. This has already driven a wedge between Jeff and Roger, and, to a lesser degree, between Vicki and Jeff, too. If he can't explain why he is unable to leave on that business trip, which could mean a decent future for him, how is he ever going to make anything of himself?

577 - (Nancy Barrett) - In a bedroom at Collinwood, one woman, victim of a witch's plot, dreams the most hideous nightmare of all--that she is in a coffin, and that all her family think her dead. That she lies paralyzed, unable to speak, and that soon her own funeral services will begin.

Carolyn rushes into Liz' room and we see she is dressed, rather than in night clothes as she was at the end of yesterday's ep. Big discrepancy here! Liz tells Carolyn she's going to be buried alive, and no one will know or be able to tell--they will think her dead. Not possible, says Carolyn, but Liz feels nothing can stop it, there's nothing to do! Carolyn tells her mother she can be helped, but Liz denies it.
She has had the feeling for months! Carolyn reminds her it's just a fixation as a result of a depression, but Liz refuses to accept that. Carolyn wants her to consult with another doctor, fearing she will make it happen if she keeps this up. Carolyn says if SHE felt that way, she would do whatever it took to get rid of the feeling, go anywhere. Liz climbs out of bed and calls her lawyer. It can wait, says Carolyn, ordering Liz to put down the phone and be logical. Liz refuses, she asks for Garner and is pissed off when she hears he can't be disturbed. She threatens that he'd better call her back quickly, or never call again. Carolyn advises her mother not to talk with anyone when she is in this state. Liz asks if that includes her daughter. Liz is angry at Garner, who seems to be avoiding her--she thinks Roger told him she's been at Windcliff and is mad. Carolyn, upset, says her mother distrusts all of them, as if suddenly, they've all become enemies--it isn't right or true. Liz assures her she doesn't distrust her, and Carolyn begs her to see a doctor, rather than Garner. Liz says they will see tomorrow. Carolyn hugs her and asks her to get some sleep. She offers to stay with her, but Liz promises not to call Garner again. Carolyn wants to make plans tomorrow to get Liz the help she needs. Liz merely kisses her on the cheek and Carolyn leaves. Liz locks her door behind her daughter, picks up the phone, and calls information to ask for Tony Peterson's phone number. She dials Tony, who is awake and dressed, and asks him to come over immediately. He first asks if Carolyn is OK, and she assures him it's business and very important. She will tell Mrs. Johnson to bring him directly to her room--and she asks him to hurry.

Adam plays chess--with himself, fantasizing that the other player is Carolyn. He instructs her on how to play, smiling. The real Carolyn brings him a sandwich and a glass of milk, and he says it's been so long since she's been here. . .he remembers a woman with long blonde hair, he teases. He notes something is wrong, but she denies it. He takes the tray, sets it down and tells her she's in a state of depression--he was just reading about it. Did someone do something she didn't like? She tells him she's concerned about her mother, and he says he's concerned about Liz, too--she's very beautiful. He was reading a book about a woman whose mother wouldn't allow her daughter to marry the man she wanted to, thus ruining the daughter's life.
Liz isn't well, explains Carolyn. Adam suggests she take her to a doctor. Carolyn lashes out that everything is so simple with him, hurting his feelings. She sees his hurt and apologizes. He says she makes him feel like he knows nothing. She points out that people are complex and he doesn't know many people--Liz won't go to a doctor, and her problem is in her mind. Adam says he has complex thoughts, too, and believes things he shouldn't, too. She doesn't want to discuss her mother's problems. Adam tells her Freud says talking helps--Stokes says every 20th century man should read Freud, and "I am such a man". He asks if she's read Freud, and she says no. He would like to discuss Freud with her and gives her the book he was reading. He wants to discuss it with her tomorrow, but she isn't sure she can read it tonight. He feels she should have already read it. She says she'll start it. Carolyn notes the chess board and says she doesn't play chess. He asks her how she could have been on earth so long and know so little (!), and she counters with she doesn't know how he could know so much, considering how short a time he's been here. She inquires into who has been playing chess with him--Stokes? Nicholas? Harry? He denies all three, and she asks who he HAS been playing chess with. He covers her hand with his and tells her he's been playing chess with her. This puzzles her. He explains that he plays with her, but she doesn't play as well as he. Checkmate, he says, I win. Adam asks if she's angry at him, and she says she will be if they go on talking about it. She marches over to get his tray and encourages him to eat. He takes her hand and asks her to stay--it will do her good to talk about her mother. Carolyn sits down opposite him.

Liz admits Tony to her room. He says he's always on call, like a doctor, and she tells him Richard Garner will no longer handle her legal matters. He'll do whatever he can, he promises, and she says she has some strange requests to make of him. She wants to add to her will, she begins. Her coffin is to be in the center of the room, resting on a marble base--no marble around the coffin, however. The coffin will be specially made, including air vents where her head will lie.
Tony, writing her wishes down, comments on her unusual requests. She says he agreed to handle her affairs, so. . .inside the coffin will be a buzzer, which, when she presses it, will release the lid of the coffin and also start a bell ringing in the tower, a bell loud enough to be heard in every room of this house. She's finished. He says he's got it all. She wants him to have the changes made as early in the morning as possible--she must have it then. He doesn't want to become emotionally involved, but these additions. . .she asks if the court will allow her family to take her money and not fulfill her wishes. Tony says he's sure her family would rather do what she asks than go to court--but he finds these changes strange. Liz tells him she knows she will be buried alive, so the changes aren't that bizarre.

Carolyn, clutching Adam's book, goes out to the terrace and sits on the stone bench. If she reads it now, would it help her understand her mother, or Adam, she asks herself. Why is everything so difficult suddenly, not simple as it used to be. Tony comes out and says he was looking for her. He checks out the book and says he understands why she's reading him--her mother asked him there and wanted to make changes to her will. Carolyn, beginning to cry, tells him to do whatever Liz asks, then, sobbing hard, says to just do it. The water in the fountain gurgles as Tony watches Carolyn cry. She apologizes, she will be all right in a few minutes. She hasn't seen him in so long. He knows she's upset about her mother, and wonders if he should make the changes to her will, if she's even mentally competent. Humor her right now, says Carolyn, and he promises he'll do as Liz requested.
He says every time he comes to Collinwood there's a new problem--he doesn't envy her her family. You never have, she says somewhat bitterly. I'm more sympathetic, he says, since I made some mistakes myself. He never sees her, he's been too embarrassed to call--they both know why--because of Cassandra. Carolyn tells him she's gone, disappeared, but of course he knows that. She feels like Cassandra was never in the house at all. Tony says he never really explained it, he couldn't, since he didn't understand it himself and still doesn't. He hated her but when he was with her, he forgot that. Carolyn asks him not to discuss Cassandra, and he agrees. Above them, Adam watches. Tony tells Carolyn he missed her, and caresses her arms. He smiles--they used to just argue about how rich she was, and basic things like what she thought. Carolyn adds, and how much I counted on my position. Tony wants to return to those days. He asks if they can, and she says she doesn't know. He tips up her face and kisses her; she responds passionately. Adam, now at the gate, watches. Carolyn breaks the kiss and says she can't tell Tony now. She bids him good night and heads into the house. Tony lingers outside for a moment, looking sad, and picks up his briefcase. Adam grabs him around the throat and warns him to stay away from Carolyn and away from here. He punches Tony hard on the head, knocking him unconscious. Tony lies in a heap on the grass.

NOTES: Once again, the jealous Adam resorts to violence. He just can't stand to see anyone else with Carolyn, so what makes him think his new mate will be someone he can love--or someone who will love him? Poor, lonely guy, reading Freud, touting that he knows more than Carolyn, heading for a fall.

Since Tony's gotten involved with the Collins family, he seems to end up unconscious, doesn't he? The poison, this beating--perhaps it would be better for his health to keep away from the Collinses!

Liz wants to add weird accouterments to her coffin, but if she really believes she will be buried alive, we can surely understand. On the other hand, we know about Cassandra's little curse, and no one else does. I guess it never occurred to anyone seriously that Roger's missing wife could be responsible for Liz' problem.

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 7/25/02 - Freud, Adam, Liz and Carolyn - #576/577
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2002, 10:09:58 AM »
No pics today? :'(

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Re: Robservations 7/25/02 - Freud, Adam, Liz and Carolyn - #576/577
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2002, 08:50:35 PM »
They're finally here now. ;)

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Re: Robservations 7/25/02 - Freud, Adam, Liz and Carolyn - #576/577
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2002, 09:05:29 AM »
yay! ;D


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Re:Robservations 7/25/02 - Freud, Adam, Liz and Carolyn - #576/577
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2004, 10:24:53 PM »
DVD episodes for April 1st and 2nd.

The 3rd and 4th episodes on Set#10/Disc#1 (3rd and 4th episodes on MPI tape Volume #69)

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Re:Robservations 7/25/02 - Freud, Adam, Liz and Carolyn - #576/577
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2004, 11:43:54 PM »
Thanks, O Mysterious One, for the bounty of these updates.  I really look forward to them, especially since there has been so little discussion of the "current" 1968 episodes here.

I'll have to dig out my tape of 576.  I know I've seen it but the Liz dream sequence sounds like a hoot!  I've still been watching 1967... getting ready to revise my endless article about Grayson's work in that storyline...


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Re:Robservations 7/25/02 - Freud, Adam, Liz and Carolyn - #576/577
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2004, 01:35:29 AM »
I know I've seen it but the Liz dream sequence sounds like a hoot!
God Liz looks great in pink(fushia)!That woman was gorgeous!

jennifer( I'm a winter so pink is my color too)
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Re: Robservations 7/25/02 - Freud, Adam, Liz and Carolyn - #576/577
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2004, 10:48:42 AM »
No pics today? :'(

Aw. I was hoping you'd post a picture of Caroln and Tony smooching.  ;)

I get a kick out of these guys who think they're so clean, when all the time they're trying to cover up their dirt.