Author Topic: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!  (Read 754140 times)

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Offline Gerard

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Reading the dialogue regarding Barnabas' reaction to the world around him, almost 200 years later, albeit funny, actually rings true.  The one problem I had with his initial resurrection (whether in DS, HoDS, or '91 DS) was him showing up at Collinwood within a week, fully suited from Robert Hall, and fitting right in.  I doubt if Willie had managed to instill in him everything he needed to know about the 20th century in a few "night classes" ("Okay, Mr. Barnabas, even though we had problems last night with what a checking account is, let's press on.  If you want to fit in, you'll need to talk about Petula Clark's appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show.  Now please pay attention.").  The overt humor which might appear in the film, depending on how it's done, would give it a better ring of reality.


Offline michael c

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"caroline collins"???
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Offline michael c

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it would appear...given the few crumbs we've been tossed...that barnabas and angelique are in close and frequent contact.

and where might this contact be taking place? seems like collinwood. and why is angelique at collinwood?

i really wonder if some type of "cassandra" situation is not in store?

also do we feel comfortable that there is no "old house" and b is living at collinwood proper? we haven't heard anything about it.
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Offline Nicky

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Well, you know me -- I'd love a good Cassandra sitch.  (Although, instead of blushing bride nee teacher ((Angelique a TEACHER?!?  my hair falls out at the thought of it)), I'm seeing more "power suited business woman.")
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Offline usffan

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With all of the widespread panic, I think it's worth noting that WB may be simply struggling to figure out how to market the movie and is testing how it will play as a comedy, which doesn't necessarily mean that the movie itself will be a comedy.  These are old, but here are a few "alternative" trailers that illustrate how far off a movie can be.  For example, here's a "trailer" that shows The Shining as a romantic comedy:

And here's another one that always makes me chuckle that portrays Mary Poppins as a horror movie:

Since the trailer hasn't even been released yet, maybe it would be prudent to wait until we actually see it?  As Gerard mentioned, I always thought it was a little odd how well adapted Barnabas was in the face of what should have been a pretty significant culture shock.

As for humor, even the darkest of movies have humor.  I remember laughing in The Dark Knight at a couple of the things that Heath Ledger's Joker did (including the "magic trick" of making the pencil disappear and when he stopped and looked miffed when one of his explosive devices didn't work in the hospital).  I don't think anybody regards that movie as a comedy or as a parody. 

In the grand scheme of things, many TV series have been converted into movies.  Some have been well done (I enjoyed The Untouchables) and some have been utter abominations (The Brady Bunch and Bewitched come to mind).  We don't have any idea how this one's going to turn out.  I'll use the Star Trek movie franchise as a guideline.  In my opinion, that first Star Trek movie was a bore that was designed to delight the hardcore fans.  Fortunately they were able to get past that and made a second one that turned out much more enjoyable.  I hope that Burton et. al. are shooting for a movie (and maybe a franchise) that will bring in new fans, even if that ends up alienating a few of us "old" fans.

Offline Sara Monster

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Saw this, via the

Illustrated Depp as Barnabas cover,for issue 34 of Horror Hound magazine, on twitter:

Offline Cousin_Barnabas

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also do we feel comfortable that there is no "old house" and b is living at collinwood proper? we haven't heard anything about it.

If the family doesn't know his secret, I can see him staying in either the west or east wing.  If they do, well... they're just gonna have him hang out in the basement.

I'd prefer an Old House, but I can see them ditching it for the movie.  So long as Josette has a room, I will be content. 

Illustrated Depp as Barnabas cover,for issue 34 of Horror Hound magazine, on twitter:

That's Fridepp!    [snow_cheesy]  Cool!  A Tim Burton interview is on its way...

Offline jimbo

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Oh I am sorry MB. I didn't see your earlier post. MTV asks a good question. It was just a matter of time before the media gets the idea that something is up with the lack of a trailer. In addition I hope the family doesn't know BC's secret because if they do the whole movie is a joke imo. Love the HorrorHound cover.

Offline Cousin_Barnabas

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New cover art for FMOFL...  Definitely liked the first art better...  (Though this one is pretty cool too.)

This is more film accurate, though.  And it does answer the fang question. 

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Illustrated Depp as Barnabas cover,for issue 34 of Horror Hound magazine

Jessica Dwyer strikes again. She may have been behind the curve for much of the film's shooting, but it sure seems like she's been ahead of the game lately.

As for her tweet, it's nice to see there will be another cover article - and an interview with Burton himself no less. And this one looks like it could be coming out soon since it says it's the March/April issue.

Thanks for the link, Sara.  [snow_smiley]

75 days 11 hours 38 minutes 32 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

Offline borgosi

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The Horror Hound cover looks better than the real thing.
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Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Oh I am sorry MB. I didn't see your earlier post.

No problem. Like I say, it's better to have something posted more than once than not at all.  [snow_smiley]  Plus you had more to say than just posting the link.  [snow_wink]

MTV asks a good question. It was just a matter of time before the media gets the idea that something is up with the lack of a trailer.

Well, for a while now MTV's John Mitchell has been harping on the fact that there's been no trailer. And I'm sure part of the reason is because he was hoping that every Friday he'd be able to do all sorts of articles on the film - but obviously Burton & Co. had other ideas and have kept promotional materials and info to a minimum. Though I was a bit surprised with this latest article because if Jessica Dwyer's info was able to be believed, Warner Brothers had already said that there wouldn't be a DS trailer until March (and one would presume that MTV had heard about her tweet because they've already shown that they've been following Twitter chatter about DS). And it would certainly seem that her info could be believed because it's not likely that a trailer will appear in theaters before March 2nd. Though that might be a bit too early in March, so maybe we can hope for the 9th - though the 16th would be exactly 8 weeks until the film opens, and that would fit in with how Warner Brothers has often not released a trailer for one of their films until two months before the film opens. I suppose we'll see - if we don't die of anticipation beforehand.

In addition I hope the family doesn't know BC's secret

If they do, it would certainly be a different take. And I can see where maybe it might be true because, unless I'm reading things wrong, it would seem as if at least some in the family are aware that Angelique has unusual powers, if not the fact that she's a full fledged witch. And if they do know that, they could accept Barnabas being a vampire once he tells them about his backstory with Angelique. But we know so little about the actual storyline (and actually I'm really happy that we don't know much), so almost any speculation at this point might be true - or it could just as easily not be true...

75 days 11 hours 11 minutes 34 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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New cover art for FMOFL...  Definitely liked the first art better...

Considering the first version was based on Barnabas' image in the cast photo, I wonder if this new version is based on a photo we've yet to see or if it's purely from the artist's imagination? I suppose it could go either way. But either way, we have a long wait for the issue to come out...

Thanks for posting the link, Cousin_Barnabas.  [snow_smiley]

75 days 11 hours 6 minutes 26 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!

Offline jimbo

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Thanks Cousin_Barnabas too for the link. Now that is a great photo of BC. I hope WB knows about the negative buzz that is brewing.

As I previously indicated I just don't like this possible new twist with the family knowing what Angelique and Barnabas are. It takes away the suspense of the family not knowing what they have on its hands. Does the newspaper boy know too? If this story twist is true then this movie is a parody of DS. I don't care how it is rationalized here. I'm not saying that it is not an innovative concept. The movie just doesn't need it. Many people here were defending the 1972 present day story setting largely based on the idea that if our present day was used it would be a lot easier to find out about Barnabas' false stated background. TPTB set present day 1972 just to give JD more room to work his comedic take on the character with respect to him adjusting to said time period. If they set in in our present time JD would have even more material to work with.

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Many people here were defending the 1972 present day story setting largely based on the idea that if our present day was used it would be a lot easier to find out about Barnabas' false stated background. TPTB set present day 1972 just to give JD more room to work his comedic take on the character with respect to him adjusting to said time period. If they set in in our present time JD would have even more material to work with.

That's quite true. Though I think we've since learned that setting the film in '72 has less to do with technology and more to do with it being within the "Me Generation" period, and Burton wanted to stick the characters in a period that was narcisstic and where many people, including some of the Collinses, and chiefly Roger, could be mostly out for themselves - and Barnabas would find that shocking.

And don't get me wrong because I'm not saying I would like the family to know about Barnabas' secret. And as I've posted before, I've simply gotten the impression that it might only be Liz who suspects there's more to Angelique than meets the eye. But it's only an impression based on a few of the things that have been written about their relationship. Nothing has come out and said that really is the case. But even if some in the family really do know about Angelique and they learn about Barnabas' secret, I'm willing to wait to see how such things actually play out in the film before forming an opinion about them because the way they could possibly play out could turn out to be surprising and quite interesting...

75 days 10 hours 20 minutes 58 seconds until the day the Depp/Burton Dark Shadows is released(ET)!!