Author Topic: And Now The Return of Another New Slideshow (Sort of), Part 2 [**Now featuring alternate versions of scenes - see replies #18,#21,#23,#49,#64,#69,#76,#88,#90,#100,#105,#107,#115**]  (Read 97331 times)

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Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Tonight I'm going to share two of the promised photos of vampire Carolyn from My Scrapbook Memories of Dark Shadows:

Here's the first one:

Love the person holding the back of Carolyn's shroud.

And here's the second:

This one just might be my favorite.

And the two more that will come tomorrow complete the foursome...

Offline Uncle Roger

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Tonight I'm going to share two of the promised photos of vampire Carolyn from My Scrapbook Memories of Dark Shadows:

Here's the first one:

Love the person holding the back of Carolyn's shroud.

And here's the second:

This one just might be my favorite.

And the two more that will come tomorrow complete the foursome...

I love these shots of Nancy. The first one makes it look like she has a valet.
Fade Away and Radiate

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Wrapping up Scene 138, as well as Scene 139:

        He x to her
       He grabs her by the arm and pulls her close to him,

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 61/Scene 138 - Barnabas: 'Not only are you going to leave Todd alone, but you are not to touch anyone at Collinwood. Is that clear?'

- comes up, followed in the script by:



139    FULL SHOT OF STAIRS                                139

       as Willie ENTERS SHOT, comes down the stairs.  CAMERA
       PANS him to Barnabas and Carolyn.

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 61/Scene 139 - Barnabas: 'See that she does not leave this room!!'

- comes up.

End of scene and sequence.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, the directions, and the notation, Barnabas does indeed cross to Carolyn and grab her by the arm - and though we don't actually see the arm grabbing, we can definitely tell that it's happened because, as can be seen in today's first capture -

- the act brings them closer - and Carolyn's only response to Barnabas' order not to touch anyone at Collinwood, which he actually delivers as "Not only are you to leave Todd alone, but you are not to touch anyone at Collinwood. Is that clear?", is to -

- turn her head away defiantly - and after that Barnabas walks across the room -

- and stands glaring it her before he turns to the back of the room -

- and calls out to Willie - and after some noises are heard, Willie's shadow -

- appears in the archway at the back of the basement, not atop the stairs, as indicated in the script for Scene 139 - and almost immediately Willie himself appears -

- and upon walking a bit closer, Willie asks an unscripted -

"What's the matter, Barnabas?"

- and after Barnabas actually orders Willie to "See that she doesn't leave this room!", as Willie's eyes dart back and forth from Barnabas to Carolyn -

- the camera pans over to Carolyn -

- who looks pissed that Barnabas thinks he can control her.

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And I've often wondered why Barnabas is up and out of his coffin, and apparently has been for a while since he already has his cape on, but Carolyn isn't up and out of her coffin? But I guess we're not supposed to ask that question...

Carolyn just likes to sleep in.

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The first one makes it look like she has a valet.

Doesn't it, though!!  [lghy]

I don't know what it is about the second one that makes me love it so much. Maybe it's all the cobwebs. Frid did a photo shoot in '67 in a very cobwebby Old House basement set and they're among my most favorite photos of Barnabas.

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Offline Uncle Roger

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So, Barnabas has thus far been unable to control Carolyn as either a thrall or a vampire but he expects Willie to be able to keep her in line? Very unrealistic and very typical.
Fade Away and Radiate

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And here's the novelization of Scenes 138 and 139 - two parts are different from DC's script:

  That night a strange scene took place in the dark
basement of the Old House. Two coffins rested close to
each other. One of them was open, while the other
remained closed. Soon there was a slight motion of the
lid of the closed coffin and very slowly it raised. Carolyn
was inside it. He eyes opened and she sat up. Then she
got out of the weird resting place to confront an irate
  The gaunt face of the handsome British cousin showed
anger. He said, "You are never to go near Todd again!"
  Pale-faced and ghostly, Carolyn replied, "I want him
and I'm going to have him. I need him."
  Barnabas gripped her arm and drew her close to him.
In a taut voice he told her, "Not only are you going to
leave Todd alone, but you are not to touch anyone at
Collinwood. Is that clear?"
  "I don't have to listen to you," Carolyn retorted.
  He glared at her and then turned and called out,
  A moment later Willie appeared at the head of the
stairs and came down to them. He seemed uneasy as he
halted a short distance from where they stood.
  "Yes, sir," he said meekly.
  "See that she does not leave this room!" Barnabas
ordered him.

I wish Carolyn had told Barnabas, "I don't have to listen to you," rather than that apparently being dropped. But having Willie ask "What's the matter?" is much better than having him address Barnabas with, "Yes, sir," after he was summoned, or worse still, say nothing, which is the way DC's script has it.

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And here are the final photos of vampire Carolyn from My Scrapbook Memories of Dark Shadows:

Here's the first one:

It's probably a good thing Nancy Barrett has her arm over her chest or Jonathan Frid might have gotten an eyeful!

And here's the second:

Thankfully the scan doesn't come out quite an explicit as the actual photo.

And as a bonus, here's the photo of Nancy and Jonathan as it appears on the films' soundtrack CD:

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Setting up the new scene:

                                              DISSOLVE TO:

140    INT:  DRAWING ROOM - COLLINWOOD - NIGHT            140

       Barnabas has just arrived and is with Roger, Maggie
       and Jeff. he   is   facing     maggie     with     3/4   Back
          to     hall

140    CONTD                                        CONTD 140

And that's when today's quote -

Page 62/Scene 140 - Roger: 'Barnabas, you shouldn't have come through the woods alone. You were taking a terrible chance.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

I had to come.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, the directions, and the notations, there is no dissolve from Scene 139 to Scene 140 - and Scene 140 actually begins with a shot of the drawing room shot from the viewpoint of the foyer as -

- Barnabas is just about to enter and Roger can be seen inside but we do not see Jeff or Maggie - and a deputy can soon be seen exiting from the card room as the camera begins a slow zoom in on the drawing room -

- and as the deputy walks across the foyer, Roger actually begins to say "Barnabas, you shouldn't have come here tonight" while the deputy looks -

- over in the direction of the camera - and as the deputy disappears from frame and Roger moves closer -

- to Barnabas, Roger continues with "you were taking a terrible chance" - to which Barnabas -

- actually says "But I had to" as Roger helps him with his cape - and at the outset of Roger's quote there's actually a notation in DC's script that reads: "x to Barn - help him with his cape".

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Continuing with Scene 140, beginning with today's first quote -

Page 62/Scene 140 - Jeff: 'Why weren't you here yesterday?'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

Maggie gives Jeff a look.                     

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 62/Scene 140 - Roger: 'I don't think it bears further discussion.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue and the notations, Jeff suddenly appears on the left side view of inside the drawing room -

- and as he walks by Roger and Barnabas, as a notation in DC's script indicates that -

- he's "not looking at Barn", Jeff delivers today's first quote exactly as scripted - and with regard to Jeff there's another notation that begins "he comes to Maggie", and that's exactly what happens as Roger delivers today's second quote exactly as scripted -

- though as Jeff walks over to her after his remark to Barnabas, Maggie doesn't give any special sort of look other than to look up at him as he approaches - in fact, as the camera enters the room and pans slightly over with Jeff to reveal Maggie, she isn't even on screen until halfway through Roger delivering today's second quote.

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Wrapping up Scene 140 with today's first quote -

Page 62/Scene 140 - Barnabas: 'But it does. You see I was called out of town. Where's Elizabeth? I'd like to see her.'

- coming up.

And when it comes to the dialogue and the notations, as we can see in today's capture -

- three things are actually going on, or rather two are and one isn't: Jeff hands Maggie a cup of something -

- which follows along with the end of the notation for Jeff which fully reads "he comes to Maggie with a drink", though the cup has been barely noticeable until now; there is a notation that indicates Roger would "cross 3 steps rt of Barn" as he tells Jeff his question doesn't bear further discussion, but as we can see by comparing yesterday's capture for Roger's quote and the above capture for Barnabas today -

- Roger is still standing by Barnabas in the same spot; and Barnabas turns to Roger as he begins to deliver -

- today's quote - and when it comes to the first half of that quote, Barnabas actually delivers it as "Oh, but it does. I was called out of town", dropping the "You see" - and there's a notation that indicates Barnabas would "x to table to put cane down" - and while Barnabas does cross to the table -

- as he explains he was called out of town, an excuse that doesn't seem -

- to make an impression on Jeff, as Barnabas asks about Liz, he's holding his cane as he's by the table, and as we can see in the following capture where Roger starts to say an unscripted -

"She's up--"

- with regard to where Liz is before getting cut off by the start of Scene 141 (which we will begin to deal with later), Barnabas is still holding his cane. So, who knows if putting the cane on the table was simply dropped or Frid merely forgot to do it?

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And here's the novelization of Scene 140. It contains some interesting bits that are not in DC's script -

  Later that night there was a conference in the main
house of Collinwood between Barnabas, Roger, Maggie
and Jeff. Barnabas was the last to join the group. Roger
was clearly showing the ordeal of the past few days and
  He gave Barnabas a concerned look. "You shouldn't
have come through the woods alone," he told him. "You
were taking a terrible chance."
  "I had to come," Barnabas said.
  Jeff gave him a direct, questioning look. "Why weren't
you here yesterday?"
  Roger intervened, "I don't think it bears further dis-
  Barnabas said quietly, "I don't mind answering Jeff's
question. I was called out of town on an urgent matter.
I wasn't able to get back. I would have liked to have
been here."
  Maggie gave Jeff a meaningful look. And she told
Barnabas, "It would have been better if you had been
able to manage it."
  Roger sighed. "Elizabeth is shattered by all that has
  "Why shouldn't she be?" Barnabas agreed. "Where is
she? I'd like to see her."

- but some of which might seem odd given what's coming up near the end of Scene 142 in both the novel and DC's script. Material that does not appear in the film...

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And now here's a chart with the available info regarding when Scenes 121 through 140 were scheduled to shoot on the original shooting schedule:

||||Day of||
Scs. #s:|Location:|Pages:|Description:|Shoot:|Date:|Cast:
121|Ext. Pool (D)|3/8 Pg.|David is knocked|2nd|Tue. 3/24|DAVID
122|Int. First Floor|6/8 Pg.|Roger emotional|6th|Mon. 3/30|MAGGIE
|Hallway (Dusk)||*(Trimmed)*|||ROGER
123|Int. Library (N)|4/8 Pg.|Roger tender|6th|Mon. 3/30|ROGER
|||with Liz|||ELIZABETH
124 - 126|Ext. Pool (N)|2 Pgs.|Carolyn|2nd|Tue. 3/31|CAROLYN
127*|Int. Dining Room (N)|1 &|They try to|10th|Fri. 4/3|JULIA
||5/8 Pgs.|make small talk|||MAGGIE
|||at dinner|||STOKES
||||||Mrs. Johnson
128|Int. Dining Room (N)|1 &|David says he|10th|Fri. 4/3|JULIA
||5/8 Pgs.|saw Carolyn|||MAGGIE
||||||Mrs. Johnson
129 - 131|Ext. Road(to the|1 Pg.|Todd drives to|1st|Mon. 3/23|TODD
|cemetery) (N)||the cemetery|||Todd's car
132|Ext. Cemetery (N)|4/8 Pg.|Todd in the|1st|Mon. 3/23|TODD
|||cemetery|||Todd's car
133|Int. Mausoleum (N)|1 &|Carolyn attacks|1st|Mon. 3/23|CAROLYN
||1/8 Pgs.|Todd|||TODD
134|Int. Todd's Hospital|6/8 Pg.|Todd delirious|19th|Thu. 4/16|JULIA
|Room (D)||*(Trimmed)*|||STOKES
135*|Ext. Collinsport(outside|3/8 Pg.|They drive up|21st|Mon. 4/20|STOKES
|Sheriff's) (D)||to the station|||ROGER
||||||Stokes' car
136*|Int. Sheriff's Outer|3/8 Pg.|Roger asks to|21st|Mon. 4/20|STOKES
|Office (D)||see the Sheriff|||ROGER
137*|Int. Sheriff's Office (D)|1 &|They explain|21st|Mon. 4/20|STOKES
||3/8 Pgs.|about Carolyn|||ROGER
138|Int. Mausoleum (D)|1 &|They open|1st|Mon. 3/23|STOKES
||3/8 Pgs.|Carolyn's grave|||ROGER
139|Int. Old House|5/8 Pg.|Carolyn rises|   ??? |    ???   ??? |BARNABAS
|Cellar (N)|||||CAROLYN
140|Int. Drawing Room (N)|4/8 Pg.|Barnabas|9th|Thu. 4/2|BARNABAS

What a myriad of revelations there are in this section of the original shooting schedule! *We get confirmation that all the recent scenes that I've shared from the novelization but don't appear in DC's script were indeed at one time a part of the script because they appear on the schedule. But let's follow in order as scenes unfold:
  • Scene 122: Indicated as trimmed, probably to account for the bits of dialogue that were dropped.
  • Scene 127*: Completely missing from DC's script but does appear in the novel and was replaced by a 3/13 revision.
  • Scenes 129-131: As already mentioned when they came up in DC's script, they were never shot.
  • Scene 132: In DC's script it's Todd's car pulling into the cemetery but it becomes the portion of Todd outside the mausoleum. No car in sight.
  • Scene 133: In DC's script it's entirely Todd outside the mausoleum where he is also attacked by Carolyn but it becomes the portion of Todd inside the mausoleum as he is attacked by Carolyn.
  • Scene 134: Indicated as trimmed, probably to account for all the dialogue in the novel but not in DC's script that deals with Julia and Stokes persuading Roger to go to the sheriff. No listing for the deputy.
  • Scene 135*: Completely missing from DC's script but does appear in the novel and in DC's script it becomes the first section of opening Carolyn's coffin.
  • Scene 136*: Completely missing from DC's script but does appear in the novel and in DC's script it becomes the second section of opening Carolyn's coffin.
  • Scene 137*: Completely missing from DC's script but does appear in the novel and in DC's script it becomes the third and final section of opening Carolyn's coffin.
  • Scene 138: Originally just one scene dealing with opening Carolyn's coffin but in DC's script it's the first part of Carolyn rising and Barnabas warning her.
  • Scene 139: Originally the one scene of Barnabas warning Carolyn and ordering Willie to watch her but in DC's script it's only the part where Barnabas orders Willie to watch her. Also, we have no idea when it was shot because it was shot at Lockwood-Mathews.