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Messages - scout75

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Not Guilty By Reason of......What??!!
« on: July 03, 2002, 01:11:49 AM »
INT/THE OLD HOUSE-NIGHT (of course...)
Julia walks over to the mantel and picks up the gun.

JULIA: I'm going to do what you don't have the guts to do, Barnabas. I'm gonna plug Angelique!


JULIA: 86. Pop. Snuff. Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom.

BARNABAS: Is that an incantation?

JULIA: I'm gonna kill that witch bitch, Barnabas!

BARNABAS: Oh. But what about your sworn oath and duty to preserve life?

JULIA (laughs bitterly): What about it? Listen, if the AMA ever catches up to me, I won't be able to run an illegal abortion clinic. Anyway, I've had it with Angelique. She's messed with my man for the last time.

BARNABAS (confused):!

JULIA (annoyed): You, ya creepy mook!

BARNABAS (uncomfortably): Yes...yes, of course. I'm your..."man".

JULIA: What does it take with you? Maggie, Vickie, prim and proper Josette. You think they'd get involved in as many cover-ups and conspiracies as I have to save your 200-year old ass?!

BARNABAS: Perhaps not.

JULIA (mocking): Perhaps not. (checking the gun) I'm gonna pull that stupid wig off her head and write a goodbye note on the back of her vengeful little skull.

BARNABAS: My God, Julia! This is a side of you I've never seen...

JULIA: Yeah? Well, get used to it...(walking toward the door) Grab your cane and your cape, pretty boy. We're a-goin' back to Collinwood...

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Bunnies
« on: July 02, 2002, 07:37:20 PM »
Here's the Buffy schedule for the next 2 weeks:

July 2nd
Once More, With Feeling (the musical)

July 3rd
Life Serial (the nerds make messing with Buffy into a competition...I unapologetically love Warren, by the way)

July 9th
As You Were (the return of Riley Finn)

July 10th
Tabula Rasa (Willow casts a forgetting spell; Giles leaves--again!; a personal season 6 fave)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The game of life.. and chess
« on: July 02, 2002, 01:58:31 PM »
Monday's DS had everything: Julia looking puzzled; Roger all dapper, depressed, huffy, and pickled; Stokes giving Blair that What-you-talkin'-'bout-Willis look in the first ep's teaser; Blair striking a pose & summoning the dismembered Chippendale's dancers from hell; & Adam stuck in the West Wing like Bad Ronald (a very creepy 1974 TV movie)...

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Some Sundry And Sordid Observations
« on: July 02, 2002, 01:50:33 PM »
...after hanging around Collinwood, day after day, in that same gray three-piece suit and matching gray shirt, don't you think that the ultra-suave Nicolas is becoming the least bit "ripe" in that outfit?

Maybe he's like the Simpsons...they have multiple duplicates of the clothes they've been wearing for 14 years now.

Perhaps Nicky Blair has a whole closet full of three-piece gray suits...

« on: July 02, 2002, 01:37:13 PM »
Hey, at least Dr.Lang was buried in a decent suit, which is more than I can say for poor Sam Evans in his trench coat & dark glasses!

I know!!

Poor Sam Evans: buried looking like a pervo flasher!!


Read the "DS Fan Fest 2002" thread and you'll catch up pretty quick... :)

Here to help.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Make Your home COLLINWOOD!!!
« on: July 01, 2002, 05:46:26 PM »
Probably the most ridiculous was a phoney phone call we made to Grayson Hall.  We recorded it and laughed for hours afterwards - playing it over and over.

So dish, girl! Tell us 'bout this phone call! Do you still have the tape?

I imagine that, being celebrities, they are rather use to such encounters...whether from such individuals, or just from overly-excited fans...

Especially a show as beloved as DS.

I'm just glad everything turned out okay--but I do believe that this young man does need some sort of supervision if he is to ever attend another DS convention. For no other reason, just to keep this sort of awkward, spirit-dampening incident from happening again.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: David H's Mom
« on: July 01, 2002, 05:25:22 PM »
Isn't kind of unusal for a relative
of one of the actors to be part of the fest in this matter?

From what I understand--warranted or not, Henesy's mom has always been stuck with this stage-mother-from-hell rap, worse than the stories of Brooke Shields' mom. I get the impression that she defends herself on those "charges" whenever and wherever possible.

There was a time when David Henesy, for whatever reason, rejected his DS legacy, saying how he was forced into acting by his mom...though he has since backed down from that (just a little) and seems to not have such a problem with DS now.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: OT: My "Mature" Friends
« on: July 01, 2002, 01:37:06 AM »
From what I know, Manson auditioned for the Monkees and tried to sell songs to CSN&Y; he also lived with Dennis Wilson, the late drummer from the Beach Boys.  It was around this time that Charlie started putting his "family" together; it got so weird, Dennis Wilson had to vacate his own house!!

Also, Guns N' Roses recorded a Manson composition, "Look At Your Game, Girl"...

I'm thinking that con staff members should be given authority by means of whatever spells, incantations, magical elixirs, human sacrifices, and/or rites of summoning supernatural horrors might be necessary to get the situation under control.

At the very least, they should be able to administer sedatives... ;)

Have no idea how I posted twice... ?!?

Sometimes, I think I should stick to my Etch-A-Sketch. ;D

Carol wrote:
After reading the posts about how this...handicapped man was described, I was...wondering if I should make my feelings known about the...comments.

Same here, Carol. It's so obvious that this man has many, many problems that are beyond his control.  I can't help but look at him and be thankful that it isn't me or mine in that sad condition.

On top of which, TLATKLS looks like she understands that and doesn't seem perturbed or threatened by him.  Maybe he thinks she's a "liar" because--while she looks great--she does look so different from Maggie Evans! Who knows?

But obviously, like the rest of us, this poor fella must love DS to go to the convention and all; there's just no telling what's going on in his head...

On the other hand:

Mark Rainey wrote:
I have to wonder why he's going around the fest unsupervised doing this kind of thing...If he's deemed responsible enough to be on his own, then he should be shown the door and not allowed to come back.

I totally agree! I would hate for this incident to be a catalyst for cast members to think twice about attending these events in the future.  This guy was harmless, but what if he (or someone else in that room) wasn't?

Overall, I hope the incident didn't mar anyone's good time or dampen the spirit of the occasion...

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re:
« on: June 30, 2002, 04:11:38 PM »
Yes, the postcards are very cool.  And if anyone hasn't checked out the laboratory--well, it's big gothic fun.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: What’s Wrong With These People?
« on: June 30, 2002, 05:25:17 AM »
Never being a sports fan myself, or understanding the facination with a bunch of guys dressed alike doing the same thing over and over for points ...

Amen! Preach on, Brother Ringo!  ;D

Problem: Irritable with a tendency to lapse into physical violence and verbal cruelty compounded by a fixation with much younger women.

Hey, my therapist said those records are sealed!!'re talking about Barnabas... :-[

Carry on.  ;)

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