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Topics - Patti Feinberg

Current Talk '17 I / Exteriors
« on: February 09, 2017, 04:41:06 AM »
Through the years, I've read what some cousins have mentioned about the exteriors (and, what real buildings they are).

Until these early eps, I never noticed/saw them.

I'm specifically mentioning shots of David going into the Old House. The columns are very high. That wasn't common until mid-1800s, was it? The columns themselves are very wide (although, this might be 'perspective', i.e., David is a boy).

Which real life building are the shots of the exterior of the Old House?


More on Buildings:

While trying to find Victoria AGAINSTILLMORE, I think it's Burke who asks Elizabeth how many buildings are on the grounds; she says just the main house, the O.H., some sheds, (I think she says a barn, but, I could be wrong on that), and she says the caretakers house.

At it's height, there were *I believe* 3 'other' small houses on the grounds (not including main or old houses), nor Seacrest.

Am I correct, or, incorrect?


Current Talk '17 I / T. David Questions: Could Contain Spoilers
« on: February 07, 2017, 06:05:56 AM »
If you haven't watched eps 100-200, this may be spoilage for you.

Okay, Matthew is currently hiding out at the Old House. (I had never actually seen these before.)

I won't ask how/when he 'isn't around' anymore; just, approximately how many eps between T. David as MM, and Ben Stokes?

In T. David's life, does anyone know what he was doing?



Current Talk '17 I / Quickie Question
« on: January 27, 2017, 05:09:10 AM »
I don't want to have to get down the whole set, leaf through the episode guide....

I'm on ep 98....who will I see first; Harry (who has a friend!), or Laura.



Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Login Help
« on: December 26, 2016, 02:23:25 AM »
I got my daughter a notepad for Christmas.

I'm trying to go here; I type in, it shows the url normal, but, just like where I used to work, it will NOT load, no error message.

I'm using Chrome, and it's NOT WINDOWS.



Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / G.G. Rev...SPOILER FOR ME
« on: December 23, 2016, 04:10:10 PM »
I haven't watched Gilmore Girls revival yet.

Last night, I started; it said it was hour & 1/2.

When it was 1/2 way through, it was still winter.

Just a simple yes or no:

Are there (4) for EACH season?

Is winter the ONLY one out yet?

Please don't spoil any of it for me.



Dear Collinsport Fly....Hope you have a wonderful and warm Tuesday birthday!!

(P.S.) What is the 'median' temperature your way this time of year?



Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Bennett Question
« on: December 18, 2016, 04:45:24 PM »
Of course, there's Joan.

I learned of Constance Bennett from here.

I *believe you've also mentioned a Bennett Brother/actor. I'm scrolling through tomorrow's movies (because, AGAIN, they're showing 'Supernatural' eps which they just showed less than a week ago???).

I see "Dark Passage", which I've seen before, the info says Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, and Bruce Bennett.

Is this the brother??


Current Talk '16 II / Baby Daddy
« on: December 14, 2016, 04:29:44 AM »
So, originally the primary focus was for Victoria Winters to find out who her parents are.

But, there's little 'dribs & drabs', which make me wonder:

It's mentioned David is 9 years old. It's mentioned that Laura and Burke used to 'go around together'. It's mentioned that there was an automobile accident, for which Burke received a 5-10 year sentence. It's also mentioned, that when Burke got arrested, Laura left him and immediately got with Roger.

David.....David....maybe merely psychotic, not patricidal psychotic.....


Current Talk '16 II / A New Drinking Game!!
« on: December 14, 2016, 04:23:35 AM »
Ep #78, Sam, Maggie & Joe, at same table....

Sam: "You don't mean the Collins' of Collinsport?"

Joe: "To the Collins', of Collinsport!"

Joe, Maggie & Sam all 'cheers' and drink.

This happens 3 more times (Sam didn't cheers on last two).



Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Legal Question/Copyright...?
« on: December 10, 2016, 03:34:30 AM »
As I had mentioned some years back, I had worked at a video rental place.

A couple times a month, a man would come in to rent just a BLU-RAY for 1 day ONLY.

He eventually told me he was just 'downloading' them to his PC??

I didn't understand (knew it didn't sound right), but, wouldn't copying a blu-ray DVD onto your PC take up A L O T of space?
(I've meant to ask this for quite some time.)

Alright,  bought "Mirrors" (don't know why I bough it blu-ray, although there's times on Amazon when you can get a blue ray used for about same price as 'regular' DVD, again, used).

I open the box/case, there's instructions (printed, from I don't see the printers name), but it fits the case, and it's a professional job/gloss. There's how to transfer to Mac, for transfer to PC, with step-by-step instructions.

(I see a small print at bottom that the Serial Number will only be good thru 4/14/09.)

How/why is it legal to 'rent' a DVD & 'keep it' on your computer?

(Libraries rent DVDs for free; granted, I think most of these are contributions, I'm sure alot of us have given our local libraries DVDs we didn't want.)

"Insert disc 2 into your PC's DVD drive and click on the "Transfer Digital Copy" button from the menu"; to me, it sounds legal; if there's a system built-in to your computer to transfer.

Is it legal?
Why is it legal (I bought this USED copy, from someone who had obviously ALSO bought it)....
Wouldn't it take up enormous space (20-40 DVDs)?
Would blu-ray take up more space than a 'regular' DVD?


Current Talk '16 II / #74, 75, 76
« on: December 09, 2016, 05:35:01 AM »

Oh, MB, MB....they keep mentioning....[spoiler]the PEN[/spoiler]

So funny, that all of us have images, tunes, clothing that we think of others here. Love it!!


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / <Somewhat OT
« on: December 04, 2016, 06:06:00 AM »
At any of the fests in the last 3-4 years (or more recent), has anyone (fan or actor) ever mentioned, "Downton Abbey"?

(For some reason, last week while watching it, I was thinking J. Frid may have been watching the earlier years....)


Current Talk '16 II / Picture This...
« on: December 04, 2016, 05:55:51 AM »
Okay, on today's (Sat) Current Talk 16 II, the caption reads something, "Barnabas".

It's the Drogan.

I thought Barn was played by Cross.

Please put a picture of '90 reboot BARNABAS for me.

Thank you,


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / <OT But Come On
« on: November 28, 2016, 05:33:50 AM »
I just purchased the DVD, "The Big Clock".

The 'come on' is because it stars one of the best, Ray Milland.
It also stars Charles Laughton.
It's a 'film noir', but it sounds suspenseful.

Has anyone seen it? Good price on eBay.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Random (therefore scary) Chrome Update??
« on: November 26, 2016, 03:48:53 AM »
I was on Netflix, looking at my list.

I wasn't sure if one of my list movies was English, so I went to IMDb.

As soon as I typed the movie name, a white screen with the Chrome logo came up & said Important Chrome update.

I clicked on view source, lots of html, stuff like <if IE 7 blah blah> <if IE 8...blah blah>>

I immediately clicked on Avast scan (thanks again Uncle Roger). It didn't say it was anything bad, but, I closed the IMDb page, and it went away. I went to IMDb again, no message.

MB, do you think it was legit? How would a person know...just because it says Chrome update, how do we know it's from Google Chrome?
