Author Topic: #0998/0999: Robservations 06/26/03: Mystery of Dameon; Angelique's Coffin  (Read 1418 times)

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998 - Barely controlling his anger, Yaeger tells Quentin, you're a persistent man, and obviously a dedicated friend of Cyrus'--he must appreciate it a great deal. What's your connection to Cyrus? Asks Quentin.  We've only known each other a short time, reveals Yaeger. Where and how? demands Quentin. Ask HIM that, says Yaeger. I'll have to see him first, won't I? challenges Quentin. You will, when he gets back to town, says Yaeger. He hasn't left town and you know it, accuses Quentin. Yaeger chuckles and says I don't like a man who raises his voice to me--MR. Collins. Yeah, yeah (that made me chuckle), says Quentin, you gave a check to a girl last night, it was signed by Cyrus, dated yesterday, the day after Cyrus was supposed to have left town--how do you explain that? I'm not obliged to explain anything to you, says Yaeger. Perhaps you'd like to explain it to the police, suggests Quentin. I'd tell them the same thing I'll tell you, says Yaeger --I'm not guilty of any crime, you can't accuse me of anything, but if you want to make a fool of yourself, go ahead and call the police--the phone is right there. When Quentin turns to do just that, Yaeger runs, exiting the lab, locking the door behind him. Quentin bangs on it furiously. Outside, Yaeger pulls the antidote from his pocket.

Sabrina, hearing the racket, comes downstairs into the lab. "What's happening?" she asks, turning on a light. Get me the key to the door, orders Quentin, quickly!  She does--who were you yelling at? she asks.  Quentin unlocks the door and observes Yaeger is gone. I must know what's going on! Sabrina wails.  I found John Yaeger, says Quentin--he was here when I got to the lab--he got in the same way he got out, through this door--he had a key. That's incredible, says Sabrina, Cyrus would never give anyone a key to the lab! No, says Quentin, the fact that he has a key to the lab doesn't necessarily mean Cyrus gave it to him. What are you saying? asks Sabrina.  I don't mind telling you, says Quentin, that after meeting that man, I'm as worried as you are about Cyrus' safety. Do you think perhaps that man did something to Cyrus? She asks. I don't know, admits Quentin. We should call the police and tell them Cyrus is missing, says Sabrina, and this Yaeger...  Sabrina, interrupts Quentin, we don't have any proof that Yaeger has done anything to Cyrus. But we know Cyrus' behavior, points out Sabrina, and we know something must have happened to him! Yes, but what? asks Quentin. They hear a door slam.  Both are stunned to see Cyrus walking downstairs. Hello, darling, he greets Sabrina, and mildly asks, Quentin, what brings you here this time of night?  We were both worried about you, says Quentin. Why? asks Cyrus. We were afraid for you, says Sabrina--I kept trying to call you at your usual New York hotel. Cyrus apologizes--I should have left a note; my colleagues and I changed our plans and stayed at a friend's house in Portland. Have you been in Portland since the night before last? Asks Quentin. Yes, of course, answers Cyrus.
The other two look quizzically at him. Do you know a man named John Yaeger? asks Quentin. I do, why? asks Cyrus.  Quentin describes how, when I got to the lab, Yaeger was here, and apparently got in by himself, had his own key--how did he get it? I gave it to him, says Cyrus. Sabrina is shocked. Do you mean you considers this man a friend? asks Quentin. I do, as a matter of fact, says Cyrus, professionally speaking--I've been trying out personality tests on him for my experiment. Why? asks Quentin. When I met him, I found him to be an ideal subject, says Cyrus. Are you aware that Yaeger gave someone a check signed by you? asks Quentin.  Cyrus hesitates--do you find shocking? No, just strange, seeing as how the check was dated yesterday and you were out of town, says Quentin. Cyrus fiddles with some lab equipment, and says, ah, I gave him that check the day before, and postdated it. Isn't that a rather odd thing to do? questions Quentin. Cyrus, getting a bit testy, asks are you doubting my word?  I've known you a long time, says Quentin, I just find it very difficult to believe you'd associate with such a man, even professionally. Cyrus pours some stuff into a beaker, and says, when I first met Yaeger, I'd never met anyone like that before in my life--he certainly has some rough edges, the doctor admits. Quentin lays it on the line--what kind of a hold does this man have over you? What do you mean? Cyrus asks.  Whatever you say won't go beyond these doors, Quentin assures him.  I don't understand what you mean, insists Cyrus. Are you being blackmailed by Yaeger? asks Quentin. Of course not, responds Cyrus, annoyed--now listen, both of you--my relationship to Yaeger is purely professional, nothing more--I appreciate your concern, but it isn't necessary--I can end my relationship with Yaeger anytime it suits me (sounds like a man talking to himself about a drug or alcohol addiction)--you must believe that--is there anything else you wish to discuss with me?  Not tonight, says Quentin, but if I'm right about Yaeger, feel free to call on me. I appreciate that, says Cyrus, but doubt it will be necessary. Good night, says Quentin, giving Sabrina's hands a comforting squeeze before he leaves.  Cyrus impeccable in a three piece suit, folds up his coat, completely different from his alter ego. Now that we are alone, says Sabrina, I hope you'll tell me what REALLY happened after you left here the other night!  Put on the spot, Cyrus looks worried.

For the last time, says Cyrus, I went to Portland with my colleagues, we performed an experiment, and I got back early because the experiment failed. She apologizes. Sometimes, failure can be rewarding in it's own way, he says--something quite exciting happened, and I must follow up on it very soon--I can't discuss it until the work is more complete. What about Yaeger? She asks--he sounds so awful--is it really necessary for him to associate with him? "WHY IS EVERYBODY SO PREOCCUPIED WITH YAEGER?" demands Cyrus, no longer mild-mannered--leave Yaeger to me, I think I can handle him better than anyone.  Whatever you say, she says meekly. He holds her, caresses her face, apologizes for snapping at her--I just can't think anymore, my professional life is my own, as I've told you, and I have to have complete isolation. I understand, she says. He kisses her forehead and says, Yaeger will be back here a number of times, and you had better not associate with him at all--have nothing to do with him.  They're holding hands, faces very close, and she agrees. The door upstairs slams. It's Bruno--I must speak to you right away, Cyrus--it's important. Cyrus sends Sabrina upstairs--Bruno, he says, I hope this won't take too long, I have a great many things to do. I need your help, says Bruno, you're the only one I can turn to--do you remember Dameon Edwards? Yes, the playboy friend of Angelique's, recalls Cyrus, playing with his lab equipment--wherever did he disappear? He didn't disappear, he died, says Bruno--I've seen his ghost, at Collinwood, at the cottage--he's come back to haunt me. Why would Dameon's ghost want to haunt you? asks Cyrus. I don't know, says Bruno. Cyrus chuckles, and asks, did you have something to do with it? You know how to exorcise a ghost, states Bruno. So does Hannah Stokes--go to her, advises Cyrus. I did, but she refused to help me, says Bruno desperately--you can't refuse me, Cyrus! If I try to do something, there's no guarantee I can succeed at all, says Cyrus. You've got to try, Bruno nearly sobs, that's all I'm asking. Give me some time to think it over, says Cyrus.  You're not stalling me, are you? asks Bruno. If my answer was no, I'd have said so, Cyrus assures him. All right, says Bruno, I'll be up in my room, waiting. Cyrus looks put-upon as Bruno heads upstairs.

Collinwood - Alexis is glad to see Quentin return home--this house, she says, being alone in it... I told Trask to stay here, says Quentin. He's here, just not much help, says Alexis, holding herself as if cold. Quentin asks, have there been more disturbances?  No, she says, but their absence is more frightening than the disturbances themselves--this house is so quiet, like the calm before the storm
--I don't know what it means, but I feel that all of us are doomed. He takes her in his arms and hugs her.

Bruno waits, shivering. He looks outside, then reaches in his pocket for his cigarette case. He can't locate matches on his person, but finds a pack on the dresser. After he lights up, he sees Dameon's grinning face in the dresser mirror.  Bruno looks to see if Dameon is standing in front of the mirror, but sees no one. Dameon laughs, his face looming larger, then it disappears.
STOP IT! screams Bruno, who is suddenly faced with a wall of flames.

Bruno screams--Cyrus, help me--somebody help! Cyrus calls to him from the other side of the door.  The door is locked, says Bruno--you'll have to break it down. Cyrus enters the room, sees the flames and races out to grab the curtains from the rod in the hallway. He yells to Bruno, grab the bedclothes and beat out the flames!  I saw Dameon's reflection in the mirror! Reveals Bruno  as the two men beat out the fire.  Cyrus looses his glasses. Bruno yelps, Dameon started the fire to kill me! They finally douse the flames and cough in the resulting smoke. Cyrus invites Bruno downstairs for a drink--I think you need one. We get another glimpse of the mirror in which Dameon had appeared.

Quentin hands Alexis a drink--do you feel any better now? he asks. Yes, a little, she says, taking a sip.  Perhaps you should have gone into town for a few days, he says. No, she says, I think we shouldn't let what's plaguing the house drive us away, we should stay and fight it any way we can. I don't know if there is a way, he says. She takes another sip, and asks, have you heard from your wife. No, he says, I'm going to call her this evening, and if she'll talk to me, I'll ask her to come back. Do you think Maggie will have the same reaction to me she did the first time she saw me? asks Alexis. I don't know, says Quentin, I hope not. The two of them are standing so close, they look as if they might kiss. I think I'll go upstairs; she says, I feel much better just knowing you're in the house. Call me if you need me, he advises. I will, she says, and they exchange a look more like lovers than in-laws. They bid each other good night.  Quentin has a weird look on his face.

Lab - Bruno puts down his empty glass and tells Cyrus, there isn't any way you can help me--I asked you for a place to stay because I thought I'd be safe here, but if this ghost can follow me here, then I'm not safe anywhere. But if the ghost can be exorcised, suggests Cyrus.  I don't believe it can be, opines Bruno. Why not? asks Cyrus, it's possible. I realize now why the ghost returned, says Bruno, and who brought him back--Angelique!  This obsession is getting so tiresome, complains Cyrus. Not an obsession, says Bruno--that woman at Collinwood is not Alexis Stokes, but Angelique Collins, and she's come back from the dead to avenge her murder. "Are you her murderer, Bruno? asks Cyrus. No, says Bruno firmly, but maybe she thinks I am--maybe that's why she's trying to drive me insane--it's the only reason I can think of. Cyrus puts his hands on Bruno's shoulders--I think you need a rest, he says--you should get away from Collinsport. No, I can't run away from this, says Bruno, and the only way I can handle this is with a direct showdown with her. No, Bruno, you've already had that, says Cyrus. No, insists Bruno, this is going to be a final showdown, because now it's gotten to a point where it's her survival or mine!  He runs upstairs. Cyrus looks concerned.

Quentin, on the phone with Jennifer, Maggie's sister, asks, is Maggie still living with you?  He sounds like he's becoming impatient. Would you please tell her I want to talk to her? he asks--what do you mean, it won't do any good?--how long is this childishness going to go on? All right, will you please tell he I called, and that I miss her? He hangs up.  (real warm, Quentin)

In her room, Alexis is ready for bed when Bruno bursts in. GET OUT OF HERE!  she cries. Oh, no, not this time, says Bruno, not until I find out the truth, you see, I know your motive--you ARE Angelique and you've come back from the dead to avenge your murder. You've gone completely mad! sobs Alexis. And that's why you brought back Dameon, because you know how he died! claims Bruno exultantly. Dameon? she asks, I don't even know who he is Did you think his spirit would frighten me into admitting that I killed you? demands Bruno.  YOU'RE CRAZY, GET OUT OF HERE AND LEAVE ME ALONE! insists Alexis. Bruno pursues her--no, he says, not until I he prove what you really are--a living dead person!
How can you possibly prove such a thing? she asks. Like this, he says--if you're really dead, then you can't die again now, can you--it will take just a moment to find out!  He bends her backward on the bed and begins strangling her.

NOTES: Bruno has certainly gone off the deep end, if this is his way of proving his theory that Alexis is Angelique. What if he's wrong? Then he'll be guilty of murdering Alexis! Dim bulb is our Bruno, I'm afraid.

Yaeger really loves taking chances. His murderous nature didn't want to stop throttling Steve, and only when he knew he was truly in danger of being caught did he run--and escaped, only to find himself facing Quentin with his relentless questions. Yaeger was crafty enough to take Quentin's calling the police as his escape route; he drank the antidote and became Cyrus, just in time to reassure Sabrina and Quentin that he was all right. In this way, Yaeger and Cyrus worked together, one good side of the same coin, one evil.

What's with all the near kissy face between Alexis and Quentin? They came awfully close to another smooch, yet Quentin tried again, half-heartedly, to reach Maggie and ask her back. What (who) does he really want?

I assume Bruno had a hand in Dameon's death, or the latter's ghost wouldn't he haunting/trying to kill him. Bruno sure is cowardly, isn't he?

999 - Bruno just about sits on Alexis on the bed, strangling her as she struggles to free herself. Use your evil powers now, he challenges--try to grab a clay doll!  She pushes at his arms. Call on your false god! he cries--try and stop me and I'll know the truth!  Quentin enters--let go of her, Bruno, he orders.  When the latter says no, Quentin literally grabs him and pulls him off the terrified Alexis, tossing him down on the bed. As Alexis sobs, Quentin drags Bruno off the bed and orders him out. You fool, sneers Bruno. Aren't you ever satisfied? asks Quentin, don't you think you've done enough--now get out of here!  Bruno leaves. Quentin sits beside the nearly hysterical Alexis, who bleats, "He meant to kill me! He'll try again, all because he thinks I'm Angelique!" Trust me, says Quentin, his arms comfortingly around her. What are you going to do? she asks. Get rid of that man forever, says Quentin. You don't want it to come out, she accuses, you don't want anyone to know... I'm going to call my lawyer, promises Quentin, this will all be handled very correctly, and Bruno will see how wise it is for him to leave Collinwood. Don't ever let him come back, pleads Alexis, he frightens me so much, and he is mad, but you know that as well as I do.

Bruno comes downstairs, fixing his clothing, and tells himself, nothing proven--why won't the man see--has she put some spell on him? Quentin faces him seconds later--"You never do what you're told, do you?"  You want to see Dameon gone as much as I do, says Bruno, listen to me for a few minutes--I know what's causing all the trouble here--Angelique vowed she'd come back if anything happened to her. I don't give her the credit you do, says Quentin. I do, very much, says Bruno, and with good reason--you always ridiculed her interest in the occult. It was a game, insists Quentin. But she was serious about it, says Bruno.  Don't tell me about my own wife, Bruno! Says Quentin angrily.  You have another wife now, and that's why Angelique is here, says Bruno--she never could stand to have someone who loved her love someone else--you know that--why did she come here the moment you got married?--she did manage to get rid of the present Mrs. Collins. I'm not going to discuss it with you, says Quentin, furious.
Oh, says Bruno, pride has always been your problem--I'm sorry, I do tend to get off the subject...once Mrs. Collins was out of here, that woman upstairs had to get rid of anyone who wouldn't believe her--Dameon Edwards. You're simply taking what's happened and making up a story to explain it, says Quentin. But a story that you almost believed once, says Bruno--why else did you summon Hannah Stokes? To get rid of the ghost, says Quentin. I think you had more reason than that, says Bruno--even YOU were ready to believe the occult was involved here--but you got afraid because what would you do if that woman upstairs IS your dead wife? I know that's not true, says Quentin. Add stubbornness to pride, says Bruno--if you're willing to accept and believe Hannah's powers, then you'd better believe what she told me--Angelique is in this house! Get out of here, orders Quentin. This house is going to remain haunted, warns Bruno, until you force Angelique back into her grave! He exits, leaving an angry Quentin staring at him.

It's just the same as when Angelique was alive, says Sabrina to Cyrus in the lab--you were different then, and you're different now--Cyrus! I've been talking to you! Cyrus pours things--now is not the time, he says, I'm sorry. (Who'd want to marry him?) That experiment, it's always that experiment, rants Sabrina, what is so fascinating about it? It IS, that's all, responds Cyrus. She turns away and asks, listen just one minute--you expect me to marry you? Sabrina, I have told you I have my work and it must come first! But when it affects you in this way, she protests. How? he asks. You're different, that's all, she says,
I can't explain it--ever since you came back, I just feel it, and I know you don't put any faith in feelings. Yes, says Cyrus, but perhaps I'm beginning to. Well if you are, it's because of THAT, not because of me, she says. She puts her hands on his shoulders and faces him squarely--I'm worried about you, she says--I used to think I knew everything about you, but now, I don't feel secure about that anymore--can you tell me why I feel this way?  I can't, he says, and you shouldn't ask me--I've changed because I'm growing, something in me growing that never has before--but don't be afraid, please. I am, she says, very afraid. He hugs her tightly.

We see a note on the desk in Angelique's room, directing Hannah to meet "A" in the gazebo, at 10 o'clock, and tell no one. Quentin enters the room and looks around, then finds the note and reads it. He wonders why Alexis is meeting Hannah, alone, without wanting anyone to know--why did she sign the note "A", as Angelique always did? A? He searches the desk and takes out another piece of paper, comparing the two. The other paper says "Angelique Collins." They're the same! realizes Quentin. He quickly puts the other note in his pocket, then turns to see Alexis standing there. He apologizes--I thought you'd be here, he says. I was looking for Trask, she says--I have an errand I want him to run for me. Alexis places the note into an envelope. Let me do it for you, suggests Quentin. Oh, no, I wouldn't want to trouble you, she objects.  No trouble at all, he says, I'm looking for something to do. Quentin, you think too much, she says. Yes, you're not the first to say that, he says. Did she? asks Alexis icily, as Quentin gazes at Angelique's portrait--excuse me, she adds, I think I'll go and see if I can find Trask. She leaves, closing the door behind her. I've got to find out--I must, says Quentin aloud, staring at Angelique's face in her portrait.

We see a lab animal in its cage, a guinea pig, I believe. Cyrus, working hard, hears Buffie demanding to see Cyrus. What about? asks Sabrina. That's for him to know and you to find out, retorts Buffie, climbing downstairs over Sabrina's protests that Dr. Longworth is busy.  Buffie is wearing a shiny blue dress. I tried to stop her, Cyrus, says Sabrina.  Cyrus assures his fiancee it's all right. It's a private matter, says Buffie huffily.  Sabrina angrily exits. Buffie introduces herself to Cyrus--as you'd know if you were the type to come into the Eagle, she says scathingly. As you can see, I'm not the type, he says. It's about a check, she says, searching her pocketbook frantically, dumping it out, finally locating the check in her wallet. Here it is, she says--this may seem a weird question, but did you honestly sign this?  Yes, he assures her. Then I can cash it? she asks gleefully. That's what checks are for, aren't they? he asks her. She takes it back--I never thought I'd be fooled again, she says--why did you sign it?  A friend of mine, John Yaeger, did some damage at the Eagle, says Cyrus. Did he ever! she says. Yes, he's a very exuberant fellow, says Cyrus, almost proudly. Evil is the word I would use, she says. I would qualify that, says Cyrus--he's a man who lives to the fullest, he's capable of tremendous excesses, but that's his nature. You admire him, she says, making a face. Do I? he asks. It sure sounds as if you do, she notes. I'm just stating facts, insists Cyrus--I don't think that John would deliberately harm anyone. You should see my friend Steve, he's in the hospital! says Buffie. Steve provoked John, says Cyrus. He tells you everything, doesn't he? asks Buffie.  He told me because he feels very sorry about what happened, says Cyrus. Did John Yaeger tell you about me? asks Buffie. Yes, says Cyrus, he mentioned you. Did he tell you that he'd taken rooms in the house where I live? she asks. Yes he did, says Cyrus. Why did he just disappear like he did? she asks.  I sent him away, says Cyrus. For long? she asks. I don't know how long, he answers. Does he work for you? she asks. You might say he does, responds Cyrus, holding up a bunch of cash he'd taken from an envelope--John gave me this to cover Steve's hospital expenses, explains Cyrus, I know Steve wouldn't take that money because I'm a friend of John's, but perhaps you can persuade him to accept it. Buffie holds the money in her hands--I don't know, she says, maybe I can--if he doesn't, I swear I'll return it to you--I'm not dishonest. I don't think you are, he says quietly. You seem so sensitive and kind, she says--I'd like to tell you something--John says he likes me a lot--but sometimes, I'm afraid of him.
I wouldn't be, if I were you, he says gently. Maybe if you came with him the next time he came into town, I wouldn't be afraid, she says. (that would be a near trick!) Cyrus doesn't answer. Buffie squeezes his arm, and suggests, you can even come on your own. Cyrus gulps. "I like quiet men," says Buffie in a come-hither voice. Cyrus smiles and says, I don't have much opportuni8ty for levity, my work is very demanding. Well, I tried, says Buffie, her voice now raucous--good night Mr.--I mean Dr.--Longworth--and thanks! Despite what you said, says Cyrus hopefully, you like John Yaeger, don't you? Sometimes, she says with a saucy toss of her head, and she walks upstairs. Sabrina returns--what does that girl want? she demands.  Nothing, she's just a friend of a friend, replies Cyrus. "John Yaeger?" asks Sabrina with contempt--"Cyrus, who IS John Yaeger?" The phone rings, interrupting them.  Can you even tell me that? demands Sabrina. It's Quentin--I must see you, Cyrus, he says--can you stop working and come here immediately?  If you'll tell me what you want, says Cyrus. I want you to help me open a tomb, says Quentin.

Collinwood drawing room - Cyrus is stunned that Quentin wants to open Angelique's tomb--you've always been a doubter, you couldn't even take a seance seriously. Taking big gulps of booze, Quentin says, briefly, "I've changed." Do you really think Angelique has risen? asks Cyrus.  Don't force me to say it, says Quentin. I must, Cyrus says--you were at the seance where Angelique died, you were at the burial, heard the autopsy. You saw Alexis, says Quentin, and when you did, didn't you think she was Angelique? At this moment, Alexis enters Collinwood and listens to the men. At first I did, says Cyrus, but then...  I've been a fool not to accept what you and the others readily accepted, confesses Quentin--that the dead can come back. A look of disbelief, sorrow and misery fall over Alexis' face. Quentin continues--if we open Angelique's tomb, and the body isn't there, we will know. What will you do if the body isn't there? asks Cyrus. Quentin drinks and says, I don't know. Think about that before you start, advises Cyrus. I stopped Bruno from opening the tomb, says Quentin, I should have let him--will you help me? Even if I think it's a mistake? asks Cyrus. Yes, even then, replies Quentin--please. Cyrus agrees.  They immediately leave the drawing room.

Angelique's room - We again see the portrait. Alexis stands staring up at it. She looks sad, fearful, uncertain.

Quentin and Cyrus have opened Angelique's tomb and are moving the casket to open it when Alexis interrupts them. "Quentin, please!" she begs, if you ever loved my sister at all..." What are you doing here? demands Quentin, a sick look on his face--how did you know to come here unless you're...  Unless I'm Angelique? Alexis finishes--you believe it now, too, don't you?--well I'm here because I heard the two of you talking and I will not have my sister's grave defiled--Quentin, if you'll stop now, I'll go away, and all the torment you're going through will be over--I'll leave Collinwood tonight, I promise. Will that stop what's happening in this house? Quentin asks--no, I've got to do it, and no one's going to stop me. Quentin leans down to open the coffin. Alexis rushes over to stop him, screaming, "QUENTIN, NO!" Cyrus holds her back.  "She'll never rest in peace!" cries Alexis.  Quentin opens the coffin--I must do it, he says no matter what the spell.
He does.  Quentin and Alexis stare into the open coffin, their eyes nearly starting from their skulls with shock.

NOTES: So, what have they seen, an empty coffin, or something else? I recall being pretty sure in this ep that Alexis was an entirely different character, and not her sister. I'm not sure what made me so certain, but Alexis did behave more like someone trying to prevent her sister's grave from being defiled than an evil woman trying to cover up a secret. Perhaps it was her offer to leave--the real Angelique wouldn't have done that. It lent sincerity to Alexis, and my belief she was not her evil twin sister.

Interesting how Buffie tried to cozy up to Cyrus, but when he didn't seem interested, she became the airy barmaid again, pretending to toss off his disinterest. She really is a good actress. Cyrus' wondering if she likes John Yaeger bordered on the pathetic--he really wants her to like his nasty alter ego. Why? Because he feels that even a totally evil man deserves to be loved? Strange motivations.

I think Sabrina should cut her losses and go--what kind of life could she possibly have with this man who doesn't trust her? He keeps sending her out of the room like a dog. Perhaps he and Yaeger aren't so completely different after all!

Love, Robin