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Willie:  Look we ain’t got no cows Ms. Butter Churn Lady we an’na going to higher ya.
Thanks McT...  good1...
Lol MagnusTrask

Victoria:  I just found out my friend died, she wrote me a letter about it.  Something about her hair.  I don’t understand. 

Liz:  I know you’ve lived a sheltered life, but you had to have heard about hair dye before. 
^_^  [easter_smiley]

tried to fart the happy birthday song after eating 5lb of baked beans
Asked him if he ever thought about wearing a blonde wig
More of the subtitles and the closed captioning for Scene 190, which continues to show that as seen in the film it has parts that are very different from how it was scripted:


First off Quentin actually says, "I didn't do a damn thing. I've been painting all night." - though the subtitles have -

- with "damn" and "all night" missing - but both lines are entirely missing in the closed captioning - and then Quentin asks, "Now, what are you so upset about?" - and the subtitles completely reflect that - and at least in that instance the closed captioning has -

- with just the "Now" missing - and after Alex informs Quentin that he tried to drawn Tracy, and after some silence between them due to Quentin's shock at what Alex has said, Alex starts off with, "Quentin it wasn't you. It was Charles Collins drowning his wife--" before Quentin cuts him off with something that's unscripted rather than Carlotta having a line after Alex has completely finished his explanation of what really happened - and with that in mind the subtitles have -

- though the closed captioning has -

- so take your pick of what Quentin actually says because it's hard to decipher because they're talking over one another...

To be continued...


She probably borrowed Carolyn's copy.
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