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Messages - Gothick

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I can't get those links to load... will try again later.

I am hoping that Eva Green spends large chunks of time onscreen as a brunette... hint hint...


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Brian Sturdivant
« on: November 09, 2011, 06:03:39 AM »
I finally got hold of a copy of Diary of a Mad Housewife but haven't had time to watch it.  I remember you said Sturdivant appears in a party sequence in that film.


Hi Michael,

[spoiler]I think it refers to Angelique... look back at the statue scene again, and the enthralled Julia responds to the question "Whom do you serve?" with "I serve my mistress... she approaches."  That to my mind is definitely the start of Angelique making Julia her latest pet slave.  (I don't think this is related at all to the storyline in the 1991 DS where Angelique simply possessed Julia outright. [/spoiler]

I do hope they bring Laura into this... I would love to see her part of the new storyline... and apparently bringing her back was discussed at some point in 1970 or 1971...

cheers, G.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Dark Shadows - Syndication Promo Reel
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:18:24 AM »
Yeah, the film trailers section just goes on and on on that set!  I'll have to go back and re-watch that NoDS trailer now.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Dark Shadows - Syndication Promo Reel
« on: November 07, 2011, 09:47:28 PM »
I think this is on the final DVD collection as one of the extras.  I know I have seen it somewhere before.  It's great to finally hear someone say that the show was "lavishly produced, with expensive sets and costumes," even if it was in the context of an advert.


Wish I could have been there, but I did not even see the announcement until late Sunday evening, and I have to confess the embarrassing fact that I don't even know which end of the state Fairhaven is--on the coast, presumably, but we got a LOTTA coastline here.

Did anyone yell "Vile Vitch!" at you?  I agree with MB that I think your show does not deserved to be shoehorned into the "family entertainment" slot although if it means you get to make money, who am I to say ye nay?

familial hugs,

Cousin Gothick

michael--I agree with what you say. What I was trying to say in my original post was that the two little visual referents I caught to Depp Shadows seemed more like playful nods to fans, certainly not in any way intended to somehow present a tie to this world and the world of the Depp/Burton feature.

I also agree that this redaction is the most firmly rooted in canon of ANY previous DS spinoff I have seen, including the excellent Ken Bald newspaper comics of the early 1970s.  This comic series has the makings of a for-real sequel to the original series, which products such as the Joe Certa Gold Key books and the Marilyn Ross novels certainly were not.  (I've only heard one of the Big Finish dramas to date and it felt more like "alternate universe" or Parallel Time to me than the world of "our" DS--the tone and flavor felt markedly different from that of the OS, despite a cast that included original series actors and some music cues.)

I was thinking that one difference between DS and Star Trek is that the Star Trek fans seem to treat all the different redactions of the series as part of the same canon.  That's very unusual.  With DS, I would go so far as to say that to me, each of the two feature films feels strongly as if it establishes its own canon, but that position might strike most as too extreme--that IS how it feels to me though.


michael--you should be grateful that most of the personnel of the series were absent from the Gold Key comics... given that Certa's attempts to render Quentin, Julia, Stokes et al. resulted in some really unspeakable caricatures... Quentin always looked like a bad cross between pop star Engelbert Humperdinck (who I believe hailed from Tasmania) and the WB's Tasmanian devil... sigh.

I have just read issue 1 of the Dynamite DS comic--excellent work over all!  Given Liz's terse reference to David's "pyromania," I would guess that a certain former Mrs Roger Collins may be lurking in the shadows, or should I say, the embers...

I don't see the Julia or Carolyn episodes as references to the 1991 series, personally, but I did catch two visual references that may possibly be a nod at Depp Shadows--[spoiler] in the scene of Carolyn driving out of the estate, the gateway her car drives through looks *a lot* like the gateway for Collinwood created for the new movie (we never saw the Collinwood gate in the original series)--and when Barn vamps out on Julia, not only does he bare his fangs, but he sprouts Fu Manchu fingernails, too, just as Depp does in the new feature[/spoiler]

Of course, the inclusion of these images could be coincidental, but given the delay in the book's production, the artist may well have seen these photos--or may even have been shown material from Depp Shadows before some of it was made public...

I don't see these references as attempts to somehow incorporate this story into the canon of Depp Shadows--which, by the accepted standard definition of canon, will have ITS OWN canon, not somehow an extension of the canon of the original series (which is CLOSED).  These books, the Dynamite series, will also establish their own canon for the story of Collins family, the curses they suffer, Barnabas et al.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: New Poll: Most anticipated 2012 releases
« on: November 05, 2011, 03:35:37 PM »
Thanks for the explanation, MB.  I know nothing about voting software or why anyone would create such a gizmo... kind of funny if you're right that the robot wound up wrecking the site!  That's some kind of poetic revenge.

As the "Wicked" Witch of the West was once heard to bemoan:  "What a world, what a world!"


michael--Angelique (and briefly, Cassandra--I think only in issue 1) was also featured in the Gold Key comics.  Or rather, some garish shrieking thing that was called Angelique because Joe Certa couldn't draw real people to save his soul...

I got the issue too yesterday but haven't read it yet.  I have been sidetracked by Gary Rhodes' brilliant analysis of the original 1931 Bela Lugosi Dracula film in the new issue of Monsters from the Vaults which I also purchased, and issue 4 of Alan Moore's fascinating Dodgem Logic project.

My local comic book store is also very busy.  And what you wrote makes me jump on my current hobby horse/bete noire--supposedly print is going the way of the dinosaur, but every bookstore and mag shop I visit is always PACKED.  I think in this age of nonstop inescapable glowing screens, people are craving print more than ever.  Granted, I live in Mass which has a very high literacy and habit-of-reading rate.  Interesting discussion here but of course way off topic for DS.

I do look forward to reading the comic.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: New Poll: Most anticipated 2012 releases
« on: November 05, 2011, 04:16:18 AM »
I apologize if I'm stepping on somebody's toes, but don't all these online "polls" turn inevitably into a dead heat with rival gangs of fans madly banging away to try and prove that their stuff is The Top?

I just doubt whether there is much significance to any of this outside a highly rarefied circle of ... individuals.

YMMV, of course and always.

cheers, G.

If I remember correctly, there is a secret passage in a mausoleum in The Black Cat 1941.  Talk about a DS touch!


It's interesting to note that on the 1990s series Forever Knight (which had some elements reminiscent of DS), there was a vampire who had a whole business that involved creating new backgrounds for vampires as they moved on and around from "lifetime" to "lifetime."  Since it was the 1990s, he had also started "fixing" various databases so that background checks would turn up the "correct" info for the person's "current" identity/persona.

A specialist familiar with techniques used by hackers could easily enough see through this kind of thing today, but if you have someone who plausibly acts like the person they are supposed to be, you're unlikely to push further.

Before Barnabas, it was interesting to see the responses of the family, and Laura herself, to the increasing pile-up of evidence that Laura Collins had died in a fire in Phoenix.  That was a really eerie, intriguing aspect of the original 1966/67 Laura storyline.


I looked up Night Monster on IMDB--it sounds like a hoot, and the sort of thing that would be interesting to see as a precursor to DS (which owed a lot to 1940s Universal horror films, especially House of Frankenstein/Dracula, Frankenstein meets the Wolfman, etc.).

I used to have a friend who would intersperse stray snippets of dialogue from Bela Lugosi and Bette Davis in phone conversations.  The guy was a real riot.  

cheers, Gothick

Issue 1 is just being released this week.  Perhaps next week or the following week the mag will show up on discount sites? I don't know how these things work with comics.

Also, when searching, make sure you're not getting the Gold Key DS Digest thing, subtitled "The Interrupted Journey."  My local shop inadvertently ordered one of those when I first asked them to hold issue 1 of the Dynamite comic for me.  When I said I didn't want the Joe Certa horror, they just put it out on the shelf so luckily I did not have to pay for it.



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