Author Topic: MeTV’s Svengoolie Ranks Danger of Wolf Man, Dracula, Frankenstein & More Monster  (Read 92 times)

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Offline Bob_the_Bartender

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I agree with the venerable Svengoolie that the Wolf Man was, by far, the scariest Universal Films movie monster. As Svengoolie points out, the werewolf is a snarling, vicious and relentless creature, much like a pit bull, which will indefatigably pursue you until it literally rips you to shreds!

I remember the first time I ever saw “”Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein” (probably THE greatest comedy/horror film ever made) as a little boy, I was absolutely terrified watching the late, great Lou Costello just barely avoid being eviscerated by the savage and truculent Wolf Man as the roly-poly comedian blithely and oh-so-cluelessly sauntered around Lawrence Talbot’s hotel room.  [nods] [Were_Vamp] [Hallo_Costume] And, don’t get me going on how Carolyn Stoddard barely avoided getting “sliced-and-diced” when she was cornered by the werewolf in her mother’s mausoleum, until Barnabas saved her just in the nick of time with his trusty silver wolf’s head cane!!!  [Hall_RIP] [female_skull] [Were_Vamp]

I mean, with Dracula you just had to hold up a cross (or a Star of David) to fend off a thirsty vampire (depending on that vampire’s particular religious affiliation) as we had seen Julia, Willie, the Rev. Gregory Trask do so many times on DS.  [VampInCasket] [bat7628] [HapHalloVamp]

And, as Svengoolie also very perceptively points out, both the mummy and the Frankenstein monster were both kind of slow and awkward, so even as a sexagenarian/septuagenarian, you could probably still outrun those “two slow boats to China.”  [Creeping] [Creeping]

Of course, with the Creature from the Black Lagoon, I agree with Mr. Svengoolie, that so long as you avoided the shoreline at Findley’s Cove, Shipwreck Point or Collinsport Bay, you probably wouldn’t ever encounter the gillman on dry land, like, say at Brewster’s Department Store, the Eagle Hill Cemetery or even at the great house of Collinwood itself. Although, you might want to avoid the Blue Whale or the House-by-the-Sea, considering how very close to the water, those two popular Collinsport points of interest were.
 [8_1_203] [hall2_rolleyes] [hall2_shocked]

Offline Gerard

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The Wolfman was also my scariest monster!  With Dracula, there were ways to ward him off (crosses, garlic, reset his alarm clock so he missed getting back to his coffin at sunrise).  Frankenstein's monster was also quite lumbering so one could probably outrun him.  The Mummy was more lumbering than Frankie.  And just stay clear of the water and you'll stay pretty clear of the Creature.  But the Wolfman?  Unless one had a solid stick of whoop-ass silver on hand, there wasn't much of anything to hold him off and he seemed to be a pretty fast runner and add that he was just a murdering machine killing everyone in sight, he just gave me the frights.
