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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1530 on: February 09, 2024, 01:50:06 AM »
Revisiting the rest of Scene 113 and revisiting Scene 114:

Continuing with Scene 113, beginning with today's first quote: Alex' reply to Tracy asking how can some of the answers they're looking for be in the Tower Room -

Page 53/Scene 113 - Alex: 'I don't know...think you could get in there?'

- coming up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 53/Scene 113 - Tracy: 'He keeps it locked and I'd rather not try.'

- coming up.

And so far as any possible differences in the dialogue, the directions, and the descriptions go, we'll probably never know because blah, blah, blah.

[pointing-up]  As far as "today's" quotes, they were February 7th's this time around.

Wrapping up Scene 113 and moving beyond, first with Alex' scripted reaction to Tracy saying she'd rather not try to get into the Tower room:

He thinks for a moment longer.

And that's when the first part of today's quote -

Page 53/Scene 113 - Alex: 'OK...forget it.'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

       He climbs onto his bike and gives her a kiss on the
       cheek and as he is about to peddle away:

And that's when the second part of today's quote -

Page 53/Scene 113 - Alex: 'Tracy, I want you to be careful.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

113    CONTD                                    CONTD   113

       She looks at him questioningly.

And that's when the third part of today's quote -

Page 54/Scene 113 - Alex (Contd): 'Just be careful...keep an eye on him and if anything else happens, call me.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

       as she crosses out toward the house, RACK FOCUS TO
       CARLOTTA at the stairwell window.

End of sequence.

And so far as any possible differences in the dialogue, the directions, and the descriptions go, we'll probably never know because these scenes don't appear blah, blah, blah. And that's really too bad because I can just imagine the expression on Carlotta's face.

However, beginning with tomorrow's quote, the slideshow will be getting back into material that actually does appear in the film...

[pointing-up]  And so far as "today's" quotes go, they are indeed today's, February 7th's, this time around.


(Attached Page 37 concludes John Morton's narrative and begins Charles Collins...)

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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1531 on: February 10, 2024, 01:10:00 AM »
With regard to Scenes 112 - 114, Darren Gross posted on his Restoration Web site:

The following is a list of scenes that are still lost and which are not present in the 129 min version recovered in 1999.


INT.FOYER. Alex talks to Tracy, exits. EXT.COLLINWOOD. Tracy tells Alex she’ll look in tower. RACK FOCUS- CARLOTTA watches from stairwell window.

And something that it seems I've continually neglected to mention most of the time is that when it comes to Scene 114 in Grayson's script she made the notation: I don't like them. How much do they know? What are they conspiring?

Well, when it comes to that first entry, it hardly comes as a surprised that Carlotta feels that way toward Alex and Tracy. Though I can just imagine what the expression on her face would have been like had we gotten to see it. But alas...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1532 on: February 10, 2024, 08:46:06 PM »
Revisiting how the very start of Scene 115 is scripted:

Moving on to today's new scene:

                                            CUT TO:

115    INT - GALLERY - DAY                              115

       Quentin is in the room when she ENTERS.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 54/Scene 115 - Quentin: 'You didn't tell Alex attacking you last night.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, the changes are written into DC's script because he has notations that when Tracy enters the room she says "Hello" to Quentin - and today's quote is completely crossed out in the script and replaced with Quentin replying "Hi. I want to thank you for not telling Alex everything."

And when it comes to differences in the directions and descriptions, even though DC has a notation that Tracy doesn't cross to Quentin until after he thanks her, what actually happens in that Tracy silently enters the room, smiles, crosses to where Quentin is sitting, kneels beside him, and then says hello - and as can be seen in today's capture -

- Quentin takes Tracy's hand in his when he thanks her.

[pointing-up]  And so far as references to "today's" go, they were from February 9th this time around.


(Attached Page 38 continues with Charles Collins...)

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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1533 on: February 11, 2024, 01:08:12 AM »
Revisiting this still from Scene 115:

Here's the first of three stills I'm sharing that are associated with Scene 115:

(Click here for a 700X476 version)

This one was first shared on the back cover of the NoDS VHS' box, though this actual still shows much more...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1534 on: February 11, 2024, 05:56:50 PM »
Continuing to revisit how the beginning of Scene 115 is scripted:

Continuing Scene 115 with today's quote, Tracy's response to Quentin remark -

Page 54/Scene 115 - Tracy: 'No...I couldn't...I just couldn't. You weren't yourself.'

- coming up.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, what Tracy actually says is "Well, I couldn't do that. You weren't yourself", and all but the addition of the "Well" is indicated in DC's script. So now, not only is Quentin keeping secrets, but so is Tracy - but more on that below...

And when it comes to differences in the directions and descriptions, DC's script has a notation that Tracy and Quentin kiss before she delivers today's line, but that doesn't actually happen in the film, quite possibly because they decided that a kiss there would only be compounding the lie more. However, as can be seen in the following capture -

- Tracy does kiss Quentin on the hand after she says he wasn't himself.

And the change in Quentin's line to saying he's thankful that Tracy didn't tell Alex everything got me to speculating as to whether or not Tracy did tell Alex everything. When I first saw NoDS I presumed she'd told him everything - but at that point I knew nothing about Scene 111 and Alex' fears that Tracy could be in danger. But if Tracy had told him about Quentin attacking her, wouldn't Alex' fears about her being in danger have played more forcefully in Scene 111 than they do, in either version of that scene? Now I suspect that perhaps Tracy did hold back at least on that account and Alex' fears for her were solely based on what he'd learned from his research.

When it comes to Quentin and Tracy, neither of them seem to be telling the entire truth to anyone, and that's the start of sending them down a road that will not end well...

[pointing-up]  And so far as reference to "today's quote" goes, it was on February 10th this time around.


(Attached Page 39 continues with Charles Collins... And I forgot to mention that in the previous attachment the "fee" in "fee his own laughter" is not a typo, that's how it appears on the page. And it's a similar case that for Page 39 the "eyes" in "the sound loud in his eyes" is not a typo because that's how it appears on the page. Perhaps only Kathleen knows if they should have been "feel" and "ears.")

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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1535 on: February 12, 2024, 03:46:14 PM »
Revisiting another still from Scene 115:

Here's the second of three stills I'm sharing that are associated with Scene 115:

(Click here for a 700X476 version)

This one was first shared on page 182 of the DS Movie Book - and interestingly, while it and that version are the same on the left side, that version shows more at the top and this version shows more on the bottom and the right...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1536 on: February 13, 2024, 03:32:22 PM »
A post regarding Scene 115 that's definitely worth revisiting:

Something I've often wondered about Scene 115 is after Carlotta enters the Gallery she makes a beeline for the liquor on the sideboard, opens the ice bucket, takes out ice, and puts it in a glass before Quentin calls out her name and she turns to him, but just who is it that she's making that drink for?

One might presume it's for Quentin, but neither the film nor the script gives any indication who it's for. Not even the notes Grayson made in her script for the scene give a clue because regarding that section all she wrote is "Busy making a drink." But wouldn't it be a hoot if she's making that drink for herself?! Imagine if she really does just breeze into the Gallery, completely ignoring that her employers are in there, and starts to make a drink for herself with their liquor. But then Carlotta does often act as if she owns Collinwood. Tracy even makes a remark to that effect in Scene 33, part of the first sequence that takes place in the Gallery. When it comes to Carlotta the "help" definitely doesn't know their place!!  [snow_laugh]



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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1537 on: February 13, 2024, 08:10:32 PM »
Continuing with how Scene 115 is scripted:

Continuing Scene 115 with the script continuing with:

He looks at her.

          I'm glad you didn't.  Thanks.

Carlotta ENTERS with the ice tray.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 54/Scene 115 - Quentin: 'Carlotta. Good. I've decided not to use the tower as a studio anymore.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, as is obvious, Quentin's lines about being glad and thanking Tracy, as well as saying "Good" after Carlotta enters were all dropped - and DC has a notation in his script that Quentin's line addressing Carlotta would begin with an "Oh..." before he says her name, but Quentin doesn't say that either.

And when it comes to differences in the directions and descriptions, Carlotta doesn't enter with an ice tray because what she actually does after she comes in is open the ice bucket, take out some ice cubes, and put them in a glass before Quentin addresses her. Getting a cocktail for herself after having witnessed Alex interfering?  [wink2]

And speaking of Carlotta's attitude after she sees Tracy and Alex together and when she enters the Gallery, Grayson's script has a notation that Carlotta doesn't like how much they know and she wonders what they're conspiring?  But so far as the film goes the audience was never likely to pick up on that subtext because Scene 114 isn't even in any version of the film. And also, given that Scene 111 isn't in the film as it currently stands, the audience comes away thinking that Quentin made the decision to abandon working in the Tower Room all on his own.

[pointing-up]  And so far as the reference to "today's quote" goes, it was from February 11th this time around.

Scene 115 continues in the script, beginning with Tracy's reaction to Quentin's decision not to use the tower:


And that's when today's quote -

Page 54/Scene 115 - Carlotta: 'You said you were painting so well there.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, in the film Tracy doesn't actually say Quentin's name with delight because, as can be seen in the following capture -

- she simply makes a happy sound and turns to him with delight - and what Carlotta actually says is "But you said you were working so well there" - and what really interesting is that Grayson has a note that Carlotta is aiming that at Tracy more so than Quentin.

And when it comes to differences in the directions and descriptions, there aren't any in this section of the scene.

However, in Grayson's script she has notations that Carlotta wonders why Quentin has made the decision not to work in the Tower Room, she feels as if the world may break apart, she shows a trace of that reaction but then covers it up, and in that moment she decides to get rid of Tracy.

[pointing-up]  And as far as the reference to "today's quote" goes, it was February 12th's, this time around.


(Attached Page 40 concludes Charles Collins...)

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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1538 on: February 14, 2024, 09:54:06 PM »
Some posts worth revisiting that discuss this point in the script from Scene 115:

Grayson made notes in her script where she explains that when Carlotta touches the locket like that, it means something to do with Angelique's spirit--it might even be called an act of communion between Carlotta and the spirit.  The notes implied that this was the original base of Angelique's enhanced awareness of, and activity in the physical world.  This is what it means towards the end when John Karlen's character has a line implying that Carlotta was "keeping Angelique's spirit alive."  It's too bad that that line makes no sense at all in the film as chopped up for the final edit, unless you have really extraordinary powers of connecting seemingly random dots.

Great screen capture of this moment!

 [pointing-up]  The screen capture referred to will be shared in the next revisited post.

Grayson made notes in her script where she explains that when Carlotta touches the locket like that, it means something to do with Angelique's spirit--it might even be called an act of communion between Carlotta and the spirit.

Yes, a lot of those notes are fascinating - though in the scenes so far I don't recall getting into much of it (there was a brief reference to the locket back in Scene 33 when Carlotta explains Angelique's portrait:
and Grayson's script has a notation about the locket Carlotta is wearing, and as can be seen in the following capture (which is cropped and enlarged from the actual moment on screen) -

- Carlotta is indeed toying with it (though no one has yet to know the significance of that act)
). But if I recall correctly, some of those notes are actually on the cover page of Grayson's script rather than associated with specific scenes.

Great screen capture of this moment!
Grayson looks divine in her green lacy dress in today's montage!

Thanks.  [ghost_smiley]  I try to get the best moment for each quote.

There is a copy of Grayson's script offered for sale that includes everything except the cover page. Why they chose to leave it out is anyone's guess. But they definitely did a disservice because Grayson wrote some really interesting notes on that page.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1539 on: February 15, 2024, 08:42:47 PM »
Some more posts worth revisiting related to Scene 115:

Another fab Carlotta capture today!

Anyone paying attention AT ALL should have realized that that tightly pursed pout means ALL HELL is gonna break loose!

[pointing-up]  Yes, the patented Grayson Hall pout!

Anytime one of her characters sports that pout, it's best for everyone to run for the hills as fast as they can!!  [ghost_grin]

I remember Grayson made very effective use of The Pout in a memorable scene in 1897.  Angelique is berating Julia, telling her that she's wasting her time with Barnabas because he is a COLD, UNRESPONSIVE man.

Julia offers her The Pout, The Freeze, and DEMANDS to know, with an icily arched eyebrow: "WHO made him that way?"

It's one of the few times I've ever seen Angelique look taken aback...

The citing of "today" with regard to the screen capture refers to February 14th's screen capture this time around. Said screen capture appears in the second post above...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1540 on: February 15, 2024, 09:38:28 PM »
Still continuing with how Scene 115 is scripted:

Continuing Scene 115 with yesterday's quote, Quentin's reason for not using the tower -

Page 54/Scene 115 - Quentin: 'This room seems better to me. Would you mind moving down my easel and paints tonight?'

- coming up, followed by today's quote -

Page 54/Scene 115 - Carlotta: 'If you're sure, I'll start now.'

- coming up.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, what Quentin actually says is "This room seems better to me. Would you mind having my easel and paints moved down tonight?" - and what Carlotta actually replies is "If you're sure, I'll start right now" - and again there's a note in Grayson's script that Carlotta is aiming that at Tracy more so than Quentin - and while that can be detected during Carlotta's delivery, immediately afterward at the outset of the long shot -

- Carlotta's expression and direct gaze really brings it home. It's a wonder that Tracy doesn't burst into flames from the fire Carlotta's eyes aim at her.

And when it comes to any differences in the directions and descriptions, there aren't any in this section of the scene.

[pointing-up]  As far as "yesterday's quote" goes, it was February 13h's this time around, and "today's quote" was February 14th's this time around.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1541 on: February 16, 2024, 04:12:04 PM »
Revisiting the third still from Scene 115:

Unlike the previous two stills I've shared that are associated with Scene 115, this one -

(Click here for a 700X476 version)

- is rare as it hasn't been officially shared anywhere to my knowledge...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1542 on: February 16, 2024, 08:30:12 PM »
Revisiting and wrapping up how Scene 115 is scripted:

Moving on with the scene, beginning with Quentin's response to Carlotta asking if he's sure that he wants his painting materials moved from the tower:

115    CONTD                                     CONTD   115

       He nods.  Frowning, Carlotta leaves the room, as
       Tracy is in Quentin's arms.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 55/Scene 115 - Tracy: 'Oh, darling, I won't bother you here. I swear I won't. When you were in the tower, I always felt you were so far away.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, what Tracy actually says is "Oh, Quentin, I won't bother you down here. I swear I won't. I always felt you were so far away when you were in the tower."

And when it comes to differences in the directions and descriptions, as Carlotta leaves the room, Quentin sighs and lowers his head like he can't believe the way Carlotta reacted - and Tracy isn't in Quentin's arms because, as can be seen in today's capture -

- she leans in closer to him, but they're still simply holding hands.

And both Grayson's and DC's scripts have notations for this section: Grayson's script reiterates that Carlotta has decided to get rid of Tracy - and DC's script has that the camera is supposed to pan with Tracy as she goes into Quentin's arms, which doesn't actually happen.

[pointing-up]  And so far as the reference to "today's quote" goes, it was from February 15th this time around.

Wrapping up Scene 115, beginning with today's first quote -

Page 55/Scene 115 - Quentin: 'Well, I won't be anymore. So I want you to stop worrying. Everything's going to be all right.'

- coming up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 55/Scene 115 - Tracy (with great hope): 'Now I know it will.'

- coming up, followed by the scene ending in the script with:

They kiss.

And so far as any differences in the dialogue, what Quentin actually says is "Well, I won't be anymore. So I want you to stop worrying about it. Everything's gonna be all right." - and what Tracy actually replies is "I know. Now it will."

And so far as any differences in the directions and descriptions, Quentin and Tracy don't actually kiss at the end because the scene ends right after Tracy's lines. Whether they do kiss in the 129 minute version remains to be seen...

And speaking of the 129 minute version, tomorrow's slideshow begins yet another scene that only appears in that longer version of the film...

[pointing-up]  And so far as "today's" quotes go, they are indeed today's, February 16th's, this time around.


(Attached Page 41 begins Sarah Castle... And the "dont'" in "No, I dont' say a word" is not a typo, that's how it appears on the page.

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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1543 on: February 17, 2024, 05:24:00 PM »
Revisiting the subtitles/closed captioning (with new screen captures) for Scene 115:

When it comes to Scene 115, Tracy and Quentin exchange unscripted greetings after Tracy enters the Gallery and both the subtitles -

- and the closed captioning -

- reflect that - and something that's interesting is that DC's script has notations about those additions and more - first it has that when Tracy enters the room she says "Hello" to Quentin, and second Quentin's first scripted line, "You didn't tell Alex attacking you last night," is completely crossed out and replaced with Quentin replying "Hi. I want to thank you for not telling Alex everything."

And both the subtitles and the closed captioning reflect that new line -

- and later in the scene after arrangements have been made for Quentin to move his painting from the Tower Room to the Gallery, and after a huffy Carlotta has left the room to start proceedings to do so, what Tracy actually says is "Oh, Quentin, I won't bother you down here. I swear I won't. I always felt you were so far away when you were in the tower." - and when it comes to her last sentence the subtitles have all but her use of "always" - but the closed captioning has -

- and to that Quentin actually replys "Well, I won't be anymore. So I want you to stop worrying about it. Everything's gonna be all right." - though when it comes to the first two sentences the subtitles have -

- and the closed captioning drops even more because it has -

- completely dropping "So I want you to stop worrying about it" and rephrasing "Everything's gonna be all right."


(ADMIN: Edited to replace TV video screen captures)


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1544 on: February 18, 2024, 01:20:18 AM »

(Click here for a 700X476 version)

This one was first shared on the back cover of the NoDS VHS' box, though this actual still shows much more...
... I'd like to share a still of Angelique outside the greenhouse. But first here's something I posted last time around -


...I have to say that one of my favorite candid stills of Parker as Angelique is the one that appears on the back of the VHS box:

And that box may be the only place it's ever been published. Or if there has been another place, I don't honestly remember where...

- however, I've since come across the actual still -

(Click here for a 700X476 version)

- which is much better quality...

And why are we revisiting those posts again? Well, whereas most releases of NoDS on VHS used quite different graphics and copy from the US release, I was surprise to notice today that the VHS release in Spain is extremely similar, right down to using those same Quentin/Tracy and Angelique stills -


(Click here for a 656X533 version)


(Click here for a 750X533 version)

- and interesting how they made the Quentin/Tracy still narrower but the Angelique still wider. And while the copy for Spain's release is virtually identical when translated, I don't know what to think about the title of the film being changed to A Light in the Dark or them using the tag line "200 years later...She came back to knock on his door" on the front cover...  [snow_huh] [snow_undecided]

I can suddenly picture the scene of Angelique's spirit knocking on the door to Collinwood and Carlotta welcoming her with open arms as the NoDS equivalent of Mrs. Johnson greeting Barnabas in hoDS...
