Author Topic: The Return of Yet Another New Slideshow (Sort of) [** Now featuring unshot Julia material - see reply #194**]  (Read 42893 times)

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After the script indicates that when it comes to Barnabas and Vicki:

      He crosses to her. She turns to him.

And after today's quote -

Page 89/Scene 194 - Barnabas (CONT'D): 'Her name was Josette Dupres.'

- comes up, Vicki is scripted to say:

                I can’t believe it! It’s amazing.
                She really does look like me.

But those lines don't appear in the scene in any version of the pilot.

Also, obviously Barnabas doesn't cross to Vicki where the script indicates because in the pilot he's already crossed to her earlier - and Vicki doesn't turn to look at Barnabas until after he's revealed Josette's name.

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The scene continues with yesterday's quote -

Page 89/Scene 194 - Barnabas: 'There is much about her in the family journals. She was from the West Indian island of Martinique. A creature as delicate and warm as the trade winds of Caribe.

- followed by the script explaining:

      He turns to gaze at the portrait, speaking with growing emotion,
      as if pulling the thoughts from deep inside himself.

And then today's quote -

Page 89/Scene 194 - Barnabas (CONT'D): 'The original Barnabas Collins supposedly met her there while on a business excursion on behalf of the family shipping interests. He was... quite taken by her beauty, and her feelings for him were similarly tender. They became paramours and intended to marry... when her untimely death shattered their dreams.'

- comes up.

And so far as the dialogue goes, it's mostly delivered exactly as written with the exceptions that Barnabas actually says "She came from" rather than "She was from", he actually says "The original Barnabas Collins met her" rather than "The original Barnabas Collins supposedly met her", and he says "until her untimely death shattered their dreams" rather than "when her untimely death shattered their dreams."

But when it comes to the direction and descriptions, as can be seen in today's capture -

- Barnabas doesn't turn to gaze at the portrait - in fact, most of the time he speaks directly to Vicki - that is until he mentions how the "original" Barnabas and Josette became paramours and so on because for those bits he stares off into space as if, as the script describes, he's pulling the thoughts from deep inside himself.

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Wrapping up the current scene in the sequence, we begin with today's first quote -

Page 89/Scene 194 - Vicki (fascinated): 'What happened to her?'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 89/Scene 194 - Barnabas: 'It was a tragic... accident. She fell from the cliff at Widows' Hill, just a few hundred yards from where we are now. It broke... my ancestor's heart.'

- coming up, followed by the script continuing with:



194   CONTINUED (2):

      Vicki stares at him. He seems to be in another world.

                How terrible...

      Vicki glances at the portrait again, still amazed by the
      likeness. Then, turning to him:

                          VICKI (CONT'D)
                Now I'd really better be getting

      Barnabas seems to snap back to reality.

                Yes, yes. Of course. How
                unthinking of me.

      And he follows her out of the room, closing the door after him.

End of scene, though still not end of sequence. And tomorrow the slideshow will begin to feature Scene 195, most of which is also not included in any version of the pilot - though we do know that it was shot because it's summarized in the "SHADOWS IN THE '90S: The Dark Shadows Concordance 1991" book - but sadly in this instance it's not available anywhere as any sort of outtake...

But before all that, when it comes to what's different about the dialogue in the just covered portion of Scene 194, Barnabas actually shifts the pause in the ending bit of the second quote by delivering it as "It broke my... my ancestor's heart", which is actually a much more effective way of saying it. But everything else in this portion of the scene is pretty much delivered as written.

And so far as what's different when it comes to the direction and descriptions, Vicki doesn't glance at the portrait after she comments on how terrible Josette's "accident" was because what she actually does is shake herself out of the moment and then say that she really should be getting back - and then after Barnabas apologizes for being unthinking, he finishes off with an unscripted "Come" and the camera pans to Josette's portrait - we do not see Vicki and Barnabas leave the room or Barnabas close the door.

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Presenting the current scene in the sequence:

195   INT. FOYER

      As they come down the stairs.

                I still can't get over how much
                that portrait looks like me.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 90/Scene 195 - Barnabas: 'Perhaps the next time you are here, I can tell you more of the family history ...'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 90/Scene 195 - Vicki: 'I'd like that. I'd especially like to hear more about Josette.'

- coming up, followed by the script continuing with:

      They stop by the front door. He smiles at her, this is exactly
      what he wanted to hear.

      Reluctantly he opens the door, holds her eyes.

                          VICKI (CONT'D)
                Goodnight, Barnabas.

                Goodnight, Victoria.

      He watches her intently as she goes. Then, slowly closing the
      door, he turns, glares up the stairs, roars:





End of scene, though still not end of sequence. And the only part of Scene 195 that appears in the pilot is when Barnabas roars out for Willie - though he doesn't simply turn and glare up the stairs because he runs up the stairs as he calls out.

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Continuing with the next scenes in the sequence:


      As a terrified Willie appears at the top of the stairs.

                Yeah, yeah, Barnabas? Wha...?


      As gripping his cane, he moves toward the bottom of the stairs.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 91/Scene 197 - Barnabas: 'Come down here, Willie! Come down here now!'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:


      As he starts nervously down the stairs.

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 91/Scene 198 - Willie: 'Wha ... what's a matter, Barnabas? I ain't done nothin'.'

- comes up.

And as for what's different about the dialogue, at first Willie actually says "Yeah, Barnabas. ... What is it?" - and Barnabas actually pauses between orders, as in "Come down here, Willie! ... Come down here now!" - then after Barnabas orders him down, Willie actually says "What's the matter, Barnabas? ... Uh, uh, I, I ain't done nothin'."

And so far as the direction and descriptions go, they're quite a bit different. Willie doesn't simply appear at the top of the stairs, he comes running down them as he delivers his first line, and he comes to a dead stop on the next-to-top landing when he sees the angry expression on Barnabas' face - and Barnabas doesn't move to the bottom of the stairs in Scene 197 because in Scene 195 he's already run up to the first landing - and Scene 198 is not shot from behind Willie but in front of him - and after Barnabas orders him down in Scene 197, as Willie tries to explain in Scene 198 that he hasn't done anything, he comes down to the same landing that Barnabas is on.

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And continuing with even more scenes in the sequence, starting with a reference to Willie in Scene 198:

      At this point, he is almost at the bottom.

      Suddenly, Barnabas shoots out his hand, grabs him by the throat,
      hurls him against the wall, where he collapses in a heap on the


      As Barnabas advances on Willie, a horrible menace in his eyes.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 91/Scene 199 - Barnabas: 'You warned her, Willie ... Why did you do that?

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:


      Lying there on the floor, groveling in utter fear.

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 91/Scene 200 - Willie: 'No, no, Barnabas! I didn't mean nothin'! I would never ...'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:


      As he raises the thick, heavy, silver-headed cane above his



      Revised 2/28/90


                Why, Willie?! Why did you do

      And he brings the heavy cane crashing down INTO CAMERA again
      and again, Willie howling and shrieking in pain.

      HOLD a beat, and then . . .

End of scene - though STILL not the end of the sequence.

And as for what's different about the dialogue, after Barnabas says that Willie warned Vicki, Willie counters with an unscripted "No" - and then after Barnabas asks Willie why he did that, Willie, on the verge of tears, actually pleads "I didn't, Barnabas! I didn't do nothin'! I swear!" - to which Barnabas replies with an unscripted "Yes, you did, Willie" - after which Willie does indeed begin to cry - and then Barnabas adds an unscripted "You warned her" - and then as Willie sees that Barnabas is raising his cane, he pleads with an unscripted "No, Barnabas!" - but Barnabas ignores him and beats Willie as he actually demands "Why did you do that?! Why?!" - and Willie continues to beg an unscripted "No, Barnabas!" - but Barnabas continues beating him and he demands with an unscripted "Why?!"

And when it comes to the direction and descriptions, again they're quite a bit different. In the pilot Willie is already on the landing with Barnabas when Barnabas grabs him by the throat, but he actually flings Willie down the remaining stairs to the floor of the foyer - and as can be seen in today's first capture -

- Barnabas advances menacingly down the stairs, throwing his cane over his shoulder as he insists Willie tried to warn Vicki and demands to know why - and aside from the other differences that have already been mentioned in the dialogue section, we actually see Willie shrieking in pain, and the scene doesn't actually hold for a beat but transitions quite effectively right into the next scene - but more on that tomorrow...

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Wrapping things up with the last scenes in the sequence:



      As Barnabas pulls the door open, strides in, still breathing
      hard, the emotion of his rage almost choking him. He stops in
      front of the portrait, stares up at it.


      The beautiful girl almost seems to be looking down at him.


      And TIGHTENING TO HIM as his eyes fill with emotion ...

And that's when today's quote -

Page 92/Scene 205 - Barnabas (hoarsely): 'Josette ... you've come back to me. I will not lose you again.'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

      And as his EYES FILL THE SCREEN, HOLD for a beat, and . . .

End of scene - finally end of the sequence - and in the pilot it's also the next act break. However, recall that back in September when this sequence was about to start, I'd mentioned that in the pilot Scenes 206 through 208 were moved to before Scenes 180 through 205, so they will be coming up next in the slideshow - though not necessarily completely as scripted - but more on that beginning tomorrow...

And as for what's different about the dialogue, it's basically delivered as written, though Barnabas actually delivers the first bit tenderly, not hoarsely, and he pauses more like "Josette ... you have come back to me. ... I will not lose you again", with the last bit delivered with resoluteness.

And as for what's different about the direction and descriptions, Barnabas' beating of Willie transitions instantly to Barnabas entering Josette's room, though he doesn't simply stride in because he storms in, slamming the door against the wall - but he does stand there breathing hard for several beats - then he looks in the direction of Josette's portrait and begins to move toward it - and though the camera does move in closely on Barnabas in Scene 205, as can be seen in today's capture -

- the shot is an extremely close-up of Barnabas' face and not just his eyes, which do not fill the screen - and after Barnabas vows that he will not lose Josette again, his face takes on a fiercely determined expression.

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Setting up new current sequence:


      And tightening to a second floor window.


      Daphne is sitting in bed, with Joe right at her side. A tray
      of empty plates is across her lap.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 92/Scene 207 - Joe: 'Are you feeling better?'

- comes up. But Scene 207 was never shot as written - though I'll wait until tomorrow's post to get into what was substituted...

Also, Scene 206 does not feature a tightening shot to a second floor window - it's simply a static shot of Collinwood in daytime.

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Wrapping up Scene 207:



      Revised 2/28/90


And that's when today's quote -

Page 93/Scene 207 - Daphne: 'Mrs. Johnson's cooking is good enough to make anybody feel better. (a beat) And you're not so bad yourself.'

- comes up, followed by the script explaining:

      She leans toward him and they kiss, long and lovingly. It is
      interrupted as...

End of scene - though none of that tales place in the pilot because what Scene 207 actually consists of is Julia walking down a hallway and carrying a tray -

- and then turning a corner -

- to make her way to Daphne's room.

And, given that she was supposedly such a blah cook in the original series, it's interesting to see that the pilot script makes a point to say that Mrs. Johnson is quite a good cook. Though, of course, that line was never shot...

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Picking things up with Scene 208:


      Julia enters. She hesitates a beat, then crosses to a dresser
      where a medical tray is set up, she starts loading a hypo.

And that's where Sunday's quote -

Page 93/Scene 208 - Julia: 'Well, I guess we can say there's definately been some improvement.'

- comes up (and yes, "definitely" is misspelled with an "a" in the script), followed by the script continuing with:

      Joe is embarrassed, but Daphne puts a frown on her face.

And that's where yesterday's quote -

Page 93/Scene 208 - Daphne: 'Oh no, not again! You promised! Every vein in my body has a hole in it!'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

      Julia takes a long look at both of them, then comes to a

And that's where today's first quote -

Page 93/Scene 208 - Julia: 'All right, I guess this one can wait a while.'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

      Julia replaces the hypo, then heads for the door.
      Joe turns to Daphne.

And that's where today's second quote -

Page 93/Scene 208 - Joe: 'Nice work.'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

      And they kiss, again.

End of scene, and end of sequence, and the scenes have caught up with what's been shown in the pilot so far. However, things are really going to deviate from the pilot when the next sequence in the script begins tomorrow - but more on that tomorrow...

For now, what's different about the dialogue is that Julia actually says "Well, I see there's definitely been some improvement" after she comes upon Daphne and Joe kissing - and after laughing nervously, to that Joe replies with an unscripted and sheepish "Yeah, I guess ... I guess you could say that" - and Daphne actually pleads with "Oh, not again! Please! Every vein in my body has a hole in it!" with the "You promised" part being replaced by "Please!", and that was most likely because the scene in which Julia promised to try to keep the needles to a minimum (Scene 178) was never shot - and Daphne follows that up by asking an unscripted "How long is this gonna go on, anyway?" - to which Julia replies with an unscripted "Until you're 100% better" - to which Daphne sighs and then asks an unscripted "What is it you're giving me?" - to which Julia replies with an unscripted "Something that's obviously working" - to which Daphne then asks an unscripted "Well, can this one wait, just a liitle bit?" and throws in another unscripted "Please?" for good measure - and Julia actually replies with a smile "All right ... I imagine it can" and then after Joe laughs, things continue exactly as is written for him.

And when it comes to the direction and descriptions, as can be seen in Sunday's capture -

- upon entering Daphne's room, Julia stops and delivers her line about there definitely being some improvement as soon as she sees Daphne and Joe kissing - so that means that Julia doesn't cross over to the table to begin working on the hypo on the tray until after she's already delivered that line - and Julia continues to busy herself with the hypo throughout all the added unscripted dialogue until she makes the decision that the injection can wait, upon which she exits the room with a smile - and after Julia is gone is when Joe congratulates Daphne on her nice work.

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Before we get into what the next sequence in the script is, it's definitely worth pointing out that so far as the pilot goes, at the point after the recent act break, the action shifts from Scene 205 all the way ahead to Scenes 244 though 255 (which deal with the discovery of another dead body in the surf below Widows' Hill, the hypnotizing of Daphne, and its immediate aftermath (and so far as the script is concerned, also includes unshot Julia material)). But as interesting as all that may be, I think the situation involving the upcoming sequence in the script that the slideshow is going to be dealing with for quite a bit of the foreseeable future is even more interesting because, even though it was scripted and shot for the pilot, it doesn't actually show up in the series until Ep #4!! (And if one pays attention to Joseph Gordon-Levitt's hair, one can tell it wasn't shot at the same time as the rest of Ep #4.  [ghost_nowink]) But more on that later...

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Setting up the next sequence:

       Revised 2/28/90

thru   OMITTED


       As Vicki enters, David is sitting behind his little desk, hands
       folded primly in front of him.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 94/Scene 211 - Vicki: 'Well, David. You're here early. I didn't know you liked history so much.'

- comes up in the script. However, Vicki's line was completely changed when the scene was shot because as we see her hand writing the lesson on the chalkboard (and it's actually an Arithmetic lesson and not history) she actually says "Nine goes into eighty-one nine times ... eight goes into sixty-four eight times ... seven goes into forty-nine how many times, David?"

And so far as the direction and descriptions go, obviously they're different as well considering that we come into the scene with Vicki writing at the board, so Vicki is not seen entering the classroom and David is not see sitting at his desk with his hands folded primly in front of him - and also, there's a Scene 210 because before Scene 211 there's an establishing shot of Collinwood in daytime -

- and Vicki's lesson actually begins just before the establishing shot transitions to her writing on the board - and as can be seen in today's capture -

- Vicki turns from the board as she asks David how many times seven goes into forty-nine.

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This pic of Vicki looked awesome with the Forums Halloween theme flames on either side of it.

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Picking up with Vicki with the scripted end of Scene 211 and moving into Scene 212:

      PAN WITH HER as she crosses to her desk, opens a big history
      book in front of her. Suddenly, she looks up, frowns.


      TO INCLUDE David, sneakily lifting the top of his desk, peering
      in. She compresses her lips in anger.

                David, are we going to go through
                this again?

                Go through what?

      Vicki rises, crosses to him.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 94/Scene 212 - Vicki: 'What's in there? Another one of those awful spiders?'

- comes up, followed by the script indicating:




      He looks up at her, smiles chillingly.

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 95/Scene 212 - David: 'No, Miss Winters. You told me never to do that again.'

- comes up.

And as for the dialogue, it's exactly the same to basically the same with only a slight difference that's not worth getting into.

But so far as the direction and descriptions go, the camera does not pan with Vicki as she crosses to her desk and opens a big history book in front of her, nor does she suddenly look up and frown because immediately after Vicki turns as she asks David how many times seven goes into forty-nine, Scene 212 begins and we see David peering into his desk - and Vicki is off camera when she asks if they're going to go through the same situation as last time, so we don't see her compress her lips in anger - and after David innocently pretends not to understand is when, rather than seeing Vicki rise from her desk and cross to him, we see Vicki walk from the chalkboard over to his desk, cross her arms, and ask if David has another spider - and David really lays on his innocence when he replies that Vicki told him never to do that again.

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Wrapping up Scene 212:

                Then what do you have in there?

      Another awful smile.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 95/Scene 212 - David: 'You sure you want to see?'

- comes up, followed by the script explaining:

      A beat as she looks at him.

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 95/Scene 212 - Vicki: 'David, open it up.'

- comes up, followed by the script concluding the scene with:

      He does.

And as for the dialogue, just as with yesterday, it's exactly the same to basically the same with only a slight difference that's not worth getting into.

And so far as the direction and descriptions go, the only thing that's different is that Vicki removes the things from off of David's desk before she orders him to open it.

And the sequence continues tomorrow...