Author Topic: Haunted House Movies That Will Keep You Up All Night Long  (Read 158 times)

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Haunted House Movies That Will Keep You Up All Night Long
« on: August 02, 2021, 06:19:18 PM »
Haunted House Movies That Will Keep You Up All Night Long

Beyond thrilled to see The Legend of Hell House (1973) on the list because, well, you all know what I think about that movie and I how love to watch it at like 2am with all the lights out to scare the you know what out of myself no matter how many times I've seen it. (It must be getting close to time to watch it again. [easter_wink])

Also thrilled to see The Changeling (1980), The Haunting (1963) and The Innocents (1961) on the list because those are three of my other absolute favorites.

There are also several others on the list that I like but would not consider them absolute favorites.

On the other hand, not so thrilled to see one other. But then it's hard for me to see it simply as the film it is and not a terrible adaptation of a fantastic Stephen King novel - an adaptation the King himself despises. Now, if they'd listed the 1997 mini-series instead (though, insanely, they don't seem to think TV mini-series should count [easter_rolleyes]), I could get behind it. And at least they had the good sense to put it in the Honorable Mentions section - though some of the other movies in that section definitely deserve more than an honorable mention...