Author Topic: #0341/0342: Robservations 02/04/02: Au Revoir, Dr. Woodard  (Read 1140 times)

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#0341/0342: Robservations 02/04/02: Au Revoir, Dr. Woodard
« on: February 03, 2002, 05:35:46 PM »
341 - (KLS) - Some merciful cloud has covered the stars over Collinwood, concealing the land below, creating the need for darkness for the deed about to be done in the town nearby. Like the layers of overhanging cloud, new crimes must be committed to conceal the old-and the distance into dark becomes at last, so great that a journey back to life is no longer possible.

We bid farewell to Dr. Woodard, who made one final, suicidal act by pissing Barnabas off royally.

The tableau in Woodard's office is tense as Julia pleads with Barnabas to let her convince Woodard to see their point of view. Woodard isn't interested in making deals, however. When Barnabas tells him his executioner is going to be his old medical school friend, Woodard gazes reproachfully at her and cries, "Julia!" Dave contemptuously tells both of them he prefers death to being what Barnabas is. This seems to insult the vampire, who dares Dave to go on. Woodard calls him loathsome and evil, and says his only regret is not living to see Barnabas destroyed. If Barnabas turns him into one of the undead, vows Woodard, he'll find a way to destroy himself--Barnabas should turn himself in! And he'll somehow make sure Barnabas is destroyed, too! Barnabas points out to Julia that he tried it her way.

Barnabas grabs hold of Woodard's arms, saying he doesn't want the office left a shambles, but Dave says there's no need for that, he wants to die with dignity. Julia makes a last-ditch appeal to Dave, to no avail. Barnabas pushes Julia's purse containing the hypo to her and says the patient is hers now. They both call her "doctor," which upsets her terribly. Julia begs Dave not to call her that, and Barn says if she kill him, that will shut him up. Barnabas tells Woodard he's to die of a heart attack. Julia holds the hypo, then says she can't kill her friend, she can't! Woodard tells her she no longer has any friends, and Barnabas agrees. (What these men did to this woman is horrific!)

Barnabas demands the hypo from Julia. "Sarah!" cries Dave, wrenching himself from Barnabas' grasp when the vampire looks wildly around the room for his sister. Dave tries to get to the door. A heartbroken Barnabas asks Julia if Sarah is really there--no. Infuriated beyond reason, Barnabas brutally jabs the needle into Woodard, who immediately falls down,
Sarah's flute music fills the room, and Barnabas says, "Loathsome I am, and evil--you can mock me for that, but leave my pain alone!" Julia looks at Dave's body and cries, "No!" Barnabas demands that she tell him if Dave is dead, and she heartbrokenly assures him he is. Barnabas marvels that a lesser dose of that same medicine is curative. Well, it worked, he taunts Julia, Woodard has been cured of fatal curiosity! They set the dead doc up in his office chair so it looks like he succumbed to a heart attack. Julia is so upset, Barnabas has to remind her to take the needle and notebook out of Dave's office. She is miserable as she is forced to take the journal from her dead friend's pocket.

Barnabas tells Julia he's pleased she came through for them, but they both are unnerved when Dave's phone begins to ring. It's yet another new Sheriff Patterson calling, and he's annoyed there's no answer. Julia is very anxious to leave. She hears Dave's voice repeating, "You no longer have friends, Julia," and rushes back to check Dave over--he isn't dead! Yes he is, Barnabas says, annoyed, but she keeps insisting, in a little girl's voice, that she heard Dave speak to her.

Sam is drinking at the Blue Whale when Sheriff Patterson comes in and relates how odd it is that Dave never kept their appointment.
The hospital doesn't know where he is, either (isn't Dave's office in the hospital, or am I confused?) Sam tells Patterson that he just saw Dave, who seemed very excited about something. There's a scream outside, and Patterson rushes out to see what happened. A woman saw a big bat, and Sam comments that women who fear bats should stay away from the waterfront. Both men are concerned, and decide to go to Woodard's office to check on him. Barnabas hovers outside the front window of the Blue Whale, taunting them, I guess, then flies away.

Sam breaks down Dave's locked door and they find him dead at his desk. Both think it was murder, despite the room's neat appearance,
and Patterson calls the coroner to come get the body. Who could have killed him, Sam wonders.

Julia, clutching the notebook, tosses the hypo used to kill Dave into the fireplace at the Old House.
Barnabas thinks that's a great idea and says they should have done it sooner. Julia begs him to leave her alone, but he'd rather rub salt into her wounds. She's being too emotional, he chides, she has to get used to her new identity as a murderer. No, YOU killed him, Julia cries defensively. It was a cooperative venture, he corrects cruelly. Julia is about to throw the notebook into the fire, too, but Barnabas stops her. Hey, Woodard gave up his life for that notebook, he reminds her. He says she deserves half the blame for Dave's murder, but take his word, that burden will lessen with time--he ought to know! They now need each other more than ever--he's the only friend she has. Once again, poor Julia hears Dave Woodard's voice echoing in her head, "You no longer have any friends, Julia," underscored by the sad sound of Sarah's flute.

What INCREDIBLE episodes! Frid and Hall turned in fabulous performances, and even Dr. Woodard did a great job today. We have to admit, it would have been far more reprehensible to see the old Dave Woodard killed this way, but these episodes disturbed me then and disturb me now.

342 - (KLS) - Collinwood lies slumbering under the night sky, but in the town nearby, a restless stirring has begun as word flies from house to house that a beloved man has mysteriously died. The news is tinged with fear for some. For others, it has the touch of terror.

Evans cottage - Sam tells Maggie of Dave Woodard's death, suggesting it was murder.
Maggie fears that Dave knew something more about what had happened to her. When she hears a noise outside, Sam admits that they are having her guarded again. Sam recalls Dave reading a red notebook when he went to his office to pick up Maggie's prescription, and he immediately heads out to see if he can find that notebook

In Woodard's office, Patterson and Sam have searched for the notebook, to no avail. When Burke shows up, they ask him if he ever saw the red notebook. No, says Burke, explaining to the others that Dave was beginning to suspect supernatural involvement in all this. Patterson doesn't buy that concept.
Outside the window, unseen by the men, a bat flutters, hovering.

In Collinwood's drawing room, Burke tells Vicki of Dave's death. They pass the news on to Julia, who expresses immediate, sincere anguish. She is startled to learn that they are seeking the notebook and that murder is suspected. Over and over, Vicki says what a wonderful man Dave was, adding, "I don't think I could ever forgive the person who was responsible."
Julia cringes, agreeing with Vicki.

Evans cottage - Patterson calls Sam to inform him that Dave died of a heart attack, per the coroner's report.
Maggie expresses relief, but Sam doesn't completely believe it.

NOTES: I wonder why so many people are certain Dave's death was murder? True, he was excited over something and hustled Sam out of his office, but even now that the coroner has determined Dave had a heart attack, Sam still isn't convinced. What makes him so sure? Maggie believed it, and seems relieved at the news. Some buy the supernatural concept, others don't. But they know something is seriously amiss.

Cool the way Barnabas hovers around in his bat form, eavesdropping on everyone.

Love, Robin