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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1455 on: December 21, 2023, 11:06:16 PM »
Yesterday I was listening to music online and what should come up but Gary Glitter's Do You Wanna Touch? An idea immediately struck me  [idea2] though I decided to use Joan Jett & the Blackhearts remake because I like it more:

Brings out a lot of the simmering sexual tension in so many scenes, no?!  [naughty]  And it could have been so much better if we had the 129 minute or even the 97 minute version of the film, which both include the more explicit tower scene and the more explicit molestations of Tracy by Quentin and Gerard. But alas...

Now, if only Warner Brothers had thought to put together a similar promotional video for NoDS when they released it on DVD/Blu-ray back in 2012, think of how many more copies they might have sold. But nooooooo! But then, they were the worst penny pinchers imaginable.  [santa_rolleyes] [santa_angry]  But don't get me started...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1456 on: December 22, 2023, 05:06:00 PM »
Revisiting how the first part of Scene 100 is scripted:

Setting up the next scene:

100    INT - CARD ROOM - NIGHT                          100

       It is about 3 a.m.  Quentin sits staring at his
       coffee.  Tracy watches him nervously.  He now knows
       what those other dreams were about - Angelique -
       however he still considers her part of a dream.
       He does not remember what happened during the fight.

                 There isn't any explanation.
                 None at all.

                      (to him)
                 Darling, we don't need talk
                 about it anymore.

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 42/Scene 100 - Quentin: 'I don't remember anything until I saw Gerard. I didn't recognize him. He shouldn't have been in the house.'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 42/Scene 100 - Tracy: 'He simply thought he saw a light.'

-coming up.

And when it comes to what's different with the dialogue, Quentin's "There isn't any explanation. None at all" is dropped in the film - what Tracy actually says to begin the scene is "Darling, we don't need to talk about it anymore" (and I find it odd that the script would specify "to him" because who else would Tracy be saying that to?) - but then Quentin actually says "The first thing I remember is Gerard but I didn't recognize him. What was he doing in the house, anyway?"

And whereas they're not a part of this slideshow, Quentin's and Tracy's first lines were a part of the original Movies Quotes Slideshow:

NoDS: Scene #100 - Quentin: 'There isn't any explanation.
None at all.'

NoDS: Scene #100 - Tracy: 'Darling, we don't need to talk
about it anymore.'

And when it comes to what's different with the descriptions and directions, while Quentin is apparently staring at his coffee (the scene is shot so far away - from two rooms away and through three doorways - that it's hard to discern what he's looking down at), we do see/hear Tracy take a sip of her coffee and put the cup down on its saucer before she tells Quentin they don't have to continue to talk about what happened - and Tracy reaches over to touch Quentin's arm before she tells him that Gerard's explanation is that he simply thought he saw a light (yeah, right!).

[pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 20th this time around.

Continuing Scene 100, or rather Scene 100B because DC's script has a notation that Scene 100B begins after Tracy tells Quentin that Gerard simply thought he saw a light. And the first thing to come up after that is today's first quote -

Page 42/Scene 100B - Quentin: 'And what was I about to do to you?'

- followed in DC's script by:

He gets up. x to window

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 42/Scene 100B - Tracy: 'You stopped when you realized what you were doing.'

- comes up.

And as for what's different with the dialogue, for a change, nothing is different because both Quentin's and Tracy's lines are delivered exactly as written.

But as for what's different with the descriptions and directions, no doubt DC considered this next part of the scene to be 100B because the camera switches from the long shot of yesterday's portion of the scene to a 2 shot, as can be seen -

- in today's first capture - and Quentin actually reaches out to hold Tracy's hand which, as we may recall from the previous post, is on his arm - and, unlike what the script says and DC's notation to it, Quentin doesn't actually get up and cross to the window after he delivers his line, and that can be easily seen in today's second capture -

- because he's obviously still sitting at the table with Tracy while she reassures him. And speaking of Tracy, there another notation in DC's script that indicates that the camera was supposed to stay on her as Quentin crosses out of frame and she delivers her line, but the above capture also shows that obviously things don't play that way either.

[pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 21st this time around.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1457 on: December 23, 2023, 07:52:00 PM »
Revisiting how the last part of Scene 100 is scripted:

Continuing on with DC's B portion of Scene 100:

100    CONTD                                      CONTD      100


                But still -

And that's when today's quote -

Page 43/Scene 100B - Tracy (gets up, crosses to him): 'Don't worry about me...the important thing now is to figure out why it happened.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to what's different with the dialogue, Quentin's "But still -" is dropped in the film - and what Tracy actually says "Don't worry about me...the important thing is to try to figure out why it happened" - and strangely enough when it comes to that line, while DC's script indicates "(gets up, crosses to him)", Grayson's script simply indicates the odd "(to him)".

And when it comes to what's different with the descriptions and directions, Quentin actually gets up after yesterday's second quote where Tracy reassures him that he stopped what he was doing to her once he realized what you were doing, but he doesn't actually cross to the window - and more than likely that's because his "But still -" was dropped, so there's also no close-up of Quentin - what we actually see of Quentin, as can be seen in the following capture -

- is a medium shot - and when Tracy joins him, as can be seen in today's capture -

- it remains that way - we don't actually see Tracy get up because she simply comes from behind him to join him. But what's interesting is that DC's script has a notation that Quentin would indeed be shot in close-up for the "But still -" line and then the camera would pan to a 2 shot as Tracy crosses to him - but obviously, if the close-up was shot, it wasn't used in the edit of the film that we're familiar with.

[pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 22nd this time around.

Wrapping up DC's B portion of Scene 100, beginning with Sunday's first quote, Quentin's response to Tracy saying the important thing is to figure out why what happened with Gerard actually happened -

Page 43/Scene 100B - Quentin: 'I know...and how are we going to do that?'

- coming up, followed by Sunday's second quote -

Page 43/Scene 100B - Tracy: 'Let's go to bed. I'm sure it'll seem easier tomorrow.'

-coming up, followed by Monday's quote -

Page 43/Scene 100B - Quentin: 'Aren't you...afraid to sleep in the same room with me?'

- coming up, followed by today's quote -

Page 43/Scene 100B - Tracy (hugging him): ''

- coming up.

And as for what's different with the dialogue, Quentin actually says "I we gonna do that?" - and to that Tracy actually replies "Well, let's go to sleep. I'm sure it'll seem easier in the morning" - and after Quentin actually asks more directly "You're not afraid of me?", Tracy actually reassures him with "", with the "darling..." part dropped.

And as for what's different with the descriptions and directions, Tracy doesn't so much hug Quentin as she nuzzles up against his neck - and interestingly DC's script has a notation that when it comes to Tracy's last line in the scene, the camera would tighten in on Tracy and Quentin's 2 heads - but as can be seen in today's capture -

- there isn't any tightening of the camera at all - things are shot from exactly the same distance as the two captures posted in reply #221.

And tomorrow the slideshow will begin yet another sequence that's different in Grayson's script from the way it is in DC's. But more on that tomorrow...

[pointing-up]  As far as "Sunday's" quotes go, they're today's, December 23rd's quotes this time around. As far as "Monday's quote" goes, it will be tomorrow's, December 24th's quote this time around. And as far as "today's quote" goes, it will be December 25th's quote this time around.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1458 on: December 24, 2023, 01:10:00 AM »
Revisiting dealing with the discrepancies with the subtitles and closed captioning for Scene 100 (and showing the new screen captures from the VHS):

When it comes to what DC considered to be Scene 100B, after Tracy points out that the important thing is to try to figure out why Quentin's attack on Gerard and herself happened, Quentin responds with "I we gonna do that?" - now, both get the "I know" part perfectly correct - but, perhaps to make it more grammatically correct, the subtitles inserts the word "are" -

- and the closed captioning makes it even more grammatically correct by having -

Who knows why both are suddenly such sticklers for grammar when the actual dialogue isn't?  [santa_huh] [santa_rolleyes]

And one other thing when it comes to Scene 100B is that Tracy starts off replying to Quentin's question by saying, "Well, let's go to sleep," which the subtitles completely acknowledges, but the closed captioning has -


(ADMIN: Edited to replace TV video screen captures)


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1459 on: December 25, 2023, 05:14:10 PM »
A post worth revisiting related to Scene 100:

Before we move beyond Scene 100 I have a rare still to share. I've often wondered if it should be associated with the end of Scene 99 -

- or Scene 100 -

- and while I've leaned more toward Scene 100, as can be seen in today's screen capture, Tracy actually comes across as being more lighthearted -

- or at least being that way to console Quentin, than she is in the still because in it she seems quite concerned -

- and Quentin seems to be consoling her - but still, it does seem closer to what we get at the end of Scene 100 - and I strongly suspect that most of the stills were taken before the actual footage of the scenes was shot, perhaps even during rehearsals when they were trying out things that didn't actually make it into the film, which would explain why some stills are quite different from what we get in the film - though there's also the possibility that footage more similar to those stills was shot, but it just wasn't used in the film - and in the case of the still here, perhaps after Tracy put on a good front for Quentin, she did take on a more concerned demeanor but that footage, if it was shot, wasn't used - something that might even point to that concern could be upcoming Scene 104 - but more on that once we reach that scene...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1460 on: December 26, 2023, 03:36:00 PM »
Revisiting how Scenes 101 & 102 are scripted in Grayson's script:

Before we get into DC's script's version of Scenes 101 & 102, this is what Grayson's script's version is like:

                                             CUT TO:

101    INT - MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT                     101

       Quentin and Tracy are in bed.  They are asleep.
       He moans, tosses, turns.  He is dreaming and the

                             GABRIEL'S VOICE
                 Grab him...grab him...

                             CHARLES' VOICE


                                             DISSOLVE TO:


       Gabriel is at the open iron door.  Two men hold
       the struggling Charles.

                 You want her...

102    CONTD                                     CONTD   102

       He nods to the two men.

                 You will have her ... for eternity.

       They throw Charles onto the floor in front of
       what seems to be a coffin.  He scrambles to his
       feet as Gabriel slams the door.  Charles runs to
       it and begins POUNDING.

                 Let me out!  Let me out!


End of scenes. And, yes, in the script "laid" is spelled incorrectly as "layed".

Next up, DC's script's version of Scenes 101 & 102...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1461 on: December 27, 2023, 03:00:18 AM »
Revisiting a bit more of Grayson's script along with how Scenes 101 & 102 are scripted in DC's script:

Also before we get into DC's script's version of Scenes 101 & 102, we should reacquaint ourselves with Scene 67 in Grayson's script:

                                             CUT TO:

67     INT - MASTER BEDROOM - 1800 - NIGHT               67


       A gray-haired man, CHARLES COLLINS, stands at the
       window, his back to CAMERA.  He is dressed in
       period costume.  If we see him walking, he limps.
       Suddenly, the door flies open as GABRIEL, Charles'
       brother storms in.

                 Have I no privacy, brother?

                 It's for the last time, Charles.

       Charles turns to him and we see his face.  He has
       a strong resemblance to Quentin, except for the
       gray hair and a long scar on his cheek.

                 Would that it were.  I'm sick
                 of your weak face.

                 You've been with her, haven't
                 you?  In that damn tower.  You
                 still see her.

                 What's wrong with you, brother?
                 Don't you remember?  Your wife
                 is dead.

                 She still comes to you -- I
                 know it.
                      (then with deadly calm)
                 All right, if you want her so
                 much, you will have her...


67     CONTD                                     CONTD    67

       He starts toward CAMERA.

Why is that? Well, as we'll soon see, and you might have already picked up on your own, when the original versions of Scenes 67 & 68 were replaced with Scenes 66A, 67, 67A(the "Piano Scene" Flashback), & 68 in DC's script, bits of dialogue from original Scene 67 were incorporated into DC's script's rewritten version of Scene 101 - and an entirely new Scene 101A was added:

                                                   CUT TO:

101    INT - MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT                               101

       Quentin and Tracy are in bed.  They are asleep.  The
       moans, tosses, turns.  He is dreaming and the VOICES


                           GABRIEL'S VOICE
                 Charles!  Wake up, Charles!

                           CHARLES' VOICE
                 What is it, brother?  Must you even
                 disturb my sleep?

                           GABRIEL'S VOICE
                 You've been with her again, haven't

                           CHARLES' VOICE
                 What's wrong with you, brother?
                 Don't you remember, your wife's

101    CONTD                                             CONTD    101

                           GABRIEL'S VOICE
                 She still comes to you!  I know it!

       Charles starts to laugh.

                 All right, if you want her so
                 much -- you will have her!

101A   DISSOLVE TO SLOW MOTION DREAM EFFECT.                      101A


       See Gabriel looming over him as two men appear in back
       of him.  They come to CAMERA as Charles' hands appear
       in shot trying to fend them off (WIDE ANGLE DISTORTED

                           GABRIEL'S VOICE
                      (distorted voice - echo)
                 For eternity, brother.... For eternity

                                                CUT TO:

102    INT - CELLAR ROOM - NIGHT - NOT THE SAME LOOK AS           102


       Gabriel is at the open iron door.  Two men hold
       the struggling Charles.

102    CONTD                                     CONTD   102

       He nods to the two men.

                 You will have her ... for eternity.

       They throw Charles onto the floor in front of
       what seems to be a coffin.  He scrambles to his
       feet as Gabriel slams the door.  Charles runs to
       it and begins POUNDING.

                 Let me out!  Let me out!


End of scenes. And, yes, in the script "laid" is still spelled incorrectly as "layed".

Next up, what's different in the film...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1462 on: December 27, 2023, 02:48:04 PM »
Another post worth revisiting related to Scenes 101 & 102:

With the exception of also being set in the Master Bedroom and its opening set up, Scene 101 is totally different in DC's script from the way it originally appeared in Grayson's. And furthermore, as we know only too well, in the film as it stands DC's versions of Scenes 101 & 102 (& the upcoming 103) are all incorporated into the unscripted dream Quentin has on his first night at Collinwood rather than standing alone as they do in the script.

But be that as it may, when it comes to the rewritten Scene 101, even though DC crossed out Charles' "What is it, brother? Must you even disturb my sleep?", Gabriel's preceding lines "Charles! Wake up, Charles!" are also dropped in the film - and what Gabriel actually says that opens the sequence in the dream is "Charles, you've been with her again" - and to that Charles actually says "What's wrong with you, brother? Don't you remember? Your wife is dead", which is the way it was scripted for the original Scene 67 - to which Gabriel actually replies "Though she still comes to you. I know it!" - and what Gabriel actually further says is "All right -- you will have her!" - and when it comes to Scene 101A, DC wrote in an added "... For eternity" - and when it comes to Scene 102, what Gabriel actually says is an unscripted "She's yours, brother" before delivering today's quote -

Page 44/Scene 102 - Gabriel: 'You will have her ... for eternity.'

- after which Gabriel goes into a hysterical fit of unscripted laughter - and Charles' "Let me out!  Let me out!" is also dropped.

And when it comes to what's different with the descriptions and directions, probably because Gabriel and Charles each had their first two lines dropped, in Scene 101 we don't hear the sound of the door to Charles' bedroom fly open - and Charles doesn't actually laugh after Gabriel claims Charles still sees Angelique even though she's dead - and in Scene 101A we don't actually see Charles' hands appear to try to fend off Gabriel's two henchmen, though what we do see is Gabriel reaching out to Charles (as can be seen in the screen capture at the end of this post) - and Scene 102 is shot so darkly that we barely see Charles being held outside the door to the cellar room before he's thrown inside (and there's certainly no view of Gabriel, Charles, and the henchman holding Charles like the still that's published on page 233 of the DS Movie Book) - and after he's thrown into the room, as can be seen in today's capture -

- Charles is hardly discernible, and neither is the coffin.

And even though Gabriel's dialogue from Scene 101A is not a part of this slideshow, it was part of the original Movies Quotes Slideshow:

NoDS: Scene #101A - Gabriel: 'For eternity, brother.
For eternity!'

[pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 26th this time around.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1463 on: December 28, 2023, 05:28:06 PM »
Dealing with the subtitles and closed captioning for Scenes 101 & 102:

After Gabriel says that Charles has been with "her" again, Charles says, "What's wrong with you, brother? Don't you remember? Your wife is dead." - and both the subtitles and the closed captioning get the first two parts correctly - but for some reason for the third part the subtitles have -

- whereas the closed captioning also get it correctly.

And when it comes to Scene 102, the closed captioning acknowledges that Gabriel bursts out in unscripted hysterical laughter as the door is closed on Charles -

- however, the subtitles do not - and once again there's a rather strange interpretation in both the closed captioning and the subtitles when it comes to the end of the scene because Gabriel actually shouts an unscripted "Kill Dubloon," and that's Charles horse (and we've discussed how insanely vindictive Gabriel is to have ordered that!), but the closed captioning has -

- which does sound somewhat like what's actually said, but the really strange interpretation comes with the subtitles, which also sounds somewhat like what's actually said -

- but both? Who in heaven's name would "both" refer to?! But I suppose whoever did the subtitles didn't ask themselves that question.  [santa_rolleyes]


(ADMIN: Edited to replace TV video screen captures)


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1464 on: December 28, 2023, 11:42:16 PM »
A post worth revisiting related to Scene 102:

A still for Scene 102:

(Click here for a 700X542 version)

And an interesting thing about it is that Gabriel's henchman on the right in the still doesn't seem to be either of the two men who play his henchmen in the film in Scene 101A:

Actually, the mustached henchmen in the film certainly seems to be wearing the shirt that the henchman in the still is wearing - the second henchman in the film is wearing a completely different type of shirt with a collar. Also, unlike the film, nowhere in the still is a flaming torch seen. (Though if you look really closely at the still, you'll notice that the mustached henchmen does actually but just barely make an appearance in the still behind Charles and to his front side...)

And when it comes to this still, the only place I'm aware that it's been shared is on page 233 of the DS Movie Book - though this still is a much better version...

You may also recall that still is #28 in the NoDS Editor's Portfolio.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1465 on: December 29, 2023, 03:18:00 PM »
Revisiting how Scene 103 is scripted:


                                              DISSOLVE TO:

103    INT - MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT                      103

       Quentin is clutching his throat, moaning, gasping
       for breath.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 44/Scene 103 - Quentin (mumbling in his sleep): 'I can't breathe...I can't...breathe...'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, interestingly enough the subtitles on the Blu-ray don't even indicate what Quentin mumbles. It could be what's scripted. But to me it seems more like he mumbles "Help me. ...  Help me." See what you think...

And when it comes to the descriptions and directions, while Quentin does moan and sort of gasp for breath, he doesn't clutch his throat - but he does perspire quite a bit. Also, the sounds of the brick being laid that are referenced at the end of Scene 102 can be heard at the end of that scene, but they really begin to be heard more clearly after the transition to Scene 103.

And if we might go back to Scene 102, yesterday I forgot to mention that the subtitles on the Blu-ray indicate that after having sealed Charles in the cellar room, Gabriel orders an unscripted "Kill Dubloon!" - and it does indeed sound like that's what he says. But unless someone has read some version of the NoDS script, they would have no idea that Dubloon is the name of Charles' horse because all the scenes referencing the name of his horse were cut from the film as it stands now (and even from the 97 minute version). And I have to say that, yes, of course a human's life is more valuable than that of a horse - but, whoa, killing one's brother and his horse really shows how insanely vindictive Gabriel is. And one has to wonder just how Gabriel got away without the ghosts of Angelique, Charles, and even Dubloon( [ghost_wink]) taking revenge on Gabriel. But hey, maybe Angelique and Charles were just so happy to be reunited that they didn't care. And obviously the film didn't want to go down that road. But one can only hope that Gabriel's subsequent life is a completely miserable one...

[pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 27th this time around.

And when it comes to what I wrote about Gabriel, after the passing of Marcy Robin I decided to dig out some of my old issues of ShadowGram, The World of Dark Shadows and Inside The Old House, and when I glanced through issue #34 (August/September, 1989) of ITOH I discovered that I'd completely forgotten that it contains an NoDS fanfic by Kathleen Resch called For Eternity that deals with the aftermath of the 1810 events. It's written from three perspectives and three different years, the first being an 1850s narrative by one of the men who took part in Angelique's hanging, the second being from 1810 and by Charles Collins, and the third being from 1812 and by Sarah Castle. Kathleen delves into several aspects of what transpired in 1810 and afterward that the film doesn't and it's all quite satisfying. And one of the things that's most satisfying is that she gets into Gabriel's life after all the events of 1810 and ultimately what becomes of him. It's all a must read for any NoDS fan.

Wrapping up Scene 103:

       Tracy wakes, stares down at him as he struggles
       for his breath.  She shakes him.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 44/Scene 103 - Tracy: 'Quentin...Quentin? What's wrong?'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:

       He doesn't really wake up but just opens his eyes
       for a moment, not really seeing, and then turns
       over and goes back to sleep.  She watches him and
       when he starts breathing evenly, she lies back as
       we TRUCK IN ON HER. Her eyes are wide open.

And when it comes to what's different with the dialogue, Tracy actually just says "Quentin...sweetheart?" without asking what's wrong.

And when it comes to what's different with the descriptions and directions, Quentin doesn't open his eyes at all - what actually happens is that after Tracy is unable to wake him, he simply turns over onto his stomach -  and Tracy rubs his back as apparently his breathing becomes more even - and after that we do see Tracy lie back with her eyes remaining wide open, but the camera doesn't truck in on her - and the scene ends with Tracy looking back over at Quentin.

The interesting thing about Tracy's part of this scene is that in its proper placement in the script, there's far more subtext to Tracy's reactions than is ever realized in the film as it currently stands. On their first night at Collinwood nothing has really been happening with Quentin, so Tracy needn't be all that upset - but quite obviously in the script a great deal has happened with Quentin, including him nearly killing Gerard and trying to strangle Tracy, so she has a great deal to concern her about his behavior. And that will come out in Scene 104, which begins a period of several scenes in the slideshow that don't appear in the film as it currently stands, and in the case of some, not even in the 129 minute version...

[pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 28th this time around.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1466 on: December 29, 2023, 07:20:14 PM »
Dealing with the subtitles and closed captioning for Scene 103 with new screen captures from the VHS:

I've finally gotten back to pointing out issues with the closed captioning and the subtitles. (The contractor finally finished with my new ceiling, so I've been spending a lot of time putting my home office back together - plus, I came down with a cold during which time I wasn't in the mood to do much of anything that wasn't absolutely necessary. Though it could have been worse, it could have been COVID...)

Interestingly, when it comes to Scene 103, the subtitles barely acknowledge anything that takes place during the scene, but the closed captioning acknowledges nearly everything - first up in the closed captioning , Quentin gasping for air -

- then the script indicates that Quentin is supposed to be mumbling, "I can't breathe...I can't...breathe...", but to me it's always sounded like, "Help me. ...  Help me.", and the closed captioning would seem to confirm that -

- and then while trying to wake Quentin, Tracy is scripted to say, "Quentin...Quentin? What's wrong?", but she actually says, "Quentin...sweetheart?", and strangely enough the subtitles only acknowledge Tracy saying -

- so the closed captioning is the only one that acknowledges her saying -


(ADMIN: Edited to replace TV video screen captures)


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1467 on: December 30, 2023, 12:46:02 AM »
A reminder of the reminder:

And here's a reminder about Scene 103:

And here we have the Blu-ray to represent every other version:

Now, the really interesting thing here is that the scene of Tracy in bed trying to comfort Quentin comes up in the 94 and 97 minute versions of the film at the end of Quentin's dream on his first night at Collinwood, however, no such sequence is scripted because the dream is put together from various scenes that should appear at other times in the film. The dream takes place between scripted Scenes 40 and 51, and that scene with Quentin and Tracy is scripted to be Scene 103 - and it tales place in the 129 minute version of the film in its rightful place. So that means that in that version of the film, it's followed by Scene 104, which is the scene in the Dining Room the next morning with Tracy having her coffee and -


(Click here for a 700X1028 version)


- Quentin enters wearing the riding outfit that Tracy gave him. So of course that means that the music cue heard on all but the VHS version of the film plays as Scene 103 transitions to Scene 104...

And the music cue that plays isn't included in the NoDS section of the Movie Soundtracks CD because it's already a part of the hoDS section where it's entitled "Another Victim" - and here's that selection to get a better idea how in the 129 minute version it helps to transition from Scene 103 to Scene 104:



[pointing-up]  I forgot to mention yesterday that that music cue was originally written and used for Dead of Night: A Darkness at Blaisedon. Those who remember the show may recall it plays over the opening scene...


I haven't seen that show in a while, but if I recall correctly, I really enjoyed it.  But then what's not to enjoy about any show in which Thayer David has a role?! I may just dig out my copy and watch it now...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1468 on: December 30, 2023, 08:52:31 PM »
It's a bit of a sidebar but I remember that Marcy Robin had written a pretty piece of fan fiction that appeared in either The World of Dark Shadows or Inside The Old House. It's a sequel to HODS and a prequel to NODS, as Jeff and Maggie return to visit Collinwood as part of Maggie's post Barnabas therapy. They meet Carlotta who is polite to them, informing them that David will not live there again. Carlotta does find them somewhat intriguing but will not let them interfere with what Angelique has planned. It's a pretty nice story and definitely worth being reprinted.
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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1469 on: December 31, 2023, 06:16:08 PM »
 [pointing-up]  Thanks for the info - Marcy's story sounds interesting. It would be funny if I have a copy of that too. At this point I don't know because I haven't glanced through all of the issues of TWoDS and ITOH that I dug out...