Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--From the Terrace 8/22-8/23  (Read 1932 times)

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Idle Thoughts--From the Terrace 8/22-8/23
« on: September 02, 2002, 10:09:51 PM »
Fashion notes first . . .

And KLS' skirts continue on their upward climb.  At least, she's got the legs for it.  Soon, though, her hemlines will reach Shirley Temple height and that, IMHO, is too high.  She looked too skinny (KLS, not Shirley Temple) from the side, but the dress was cute.

Whereas Moltke's clothes get scarier and scarier, her hair looks superb.  

Bennett looked quite spiffy.  The makeup was decent (no cartoon mouth).  The hair was good (no bow) and I loved the dress, including the sparkly belt.  Oh, and very pretty earrings too.

Her matron-of-honor getup, however was suitably hideous (although it was infinitely more attractive than the gown I have to don when I stand up for an old friend this October).  Thought the men looked very handsome in their morning dress.

Is Angelique going to wear that damn white dress for the rest of the plot?

Just a minor point, but that velveteen smoking jacket of Barnabas should have been covered with grass clippings and twigs and God knows what else when he was on the ground.

Onto the show . . .

Where is Dr. Feelgood when she's needed?  Instead of locking him up in a cell, she should have just shot him up with some of the sedatives she's always hawking and packed him off to her hospital.

I discovered that by pulling a Buffy and viewing the vampire plot as a metaphor for drug addiction, it's much, much more watchable (unlike what they actually did on Buffy).  Now if only I could find a suitable filter/metaphor for the Experiment.

Other than possible great sex, just what is it that Nicholas sees in Maggie?  I could get it if he was just in lust, but supposedly he loves her--I'm really not seeing it.

No introductions, please!

Heh.  Roger was being so snarky.  God, it was nearly like old times.  Very much adored the whole scene from Eve and Jeff all to way to Roger coolly tearing him apart.

Oh, please, Jeff.  You were the one playing tonsil hockey.  If anyone is destroying Vicki, it's you, Sparky.

The old Roger would never have caved.

I'm also missing the logic in not telling Vicki.  Roger finds Eve liplocked to jeff.  Jeff gives a lame excuse for the situation.  Acts nuts when Roger threatens to tell Vicki.  This wouldn't add up to mistaken identity to a casual viewer.

And then Vicki turning on Roger!  I mean, honey, the man gave your loser boyfriend a job he so didn't deserve.  I don't think you can term Roger as being hostile.

You gotta wonder what Roger thinks about the relationship between his cousin and the shrink who came to dinner.

Angelique is completely and totally looney tunes.  "Some pledges are not made with words"  


What she apparently forgot to add on was "nor with mutual consent."

And then that damn rooster crowed again.  So I guess this means that the shack is conveniently located near an ocean and a farm?  Bonus!

Well, now Barnabas is quite the mess, isn't he?  He would have to be for thinking of going to Vicki for help.  Think about that.

Then we have Vicki and Roger.  These episodes are very strange, btw.  I mean, if you hadn't seen the whole run of the show, you would never know that he once used to torment her daily.  As for the future bride, well, her brains have been sucked out completely because she's well--just listen to her!

WTF is all this "where is this hostility toward Jeff coming from?"  The man engenders it every time he talks.  Get used to it.

I love the Julia/Nicholas scene.  Always have.  Grayson Hall and HAA were just so very much on.  Nice writing too.  In some respects, I thin this scene highlights a key problem in the  Barnabas & Julia dynamic.  The B&J thing worked beautifully initially because there was tension and there was emotional distance of a sort between the characters.  It gave their scenes an edge.  Once that's gone, it's never quite as fun to watch again.

In this particular scene, it's just so refreshing to see the cat and mouse dynamic.  It's adversarial, but there's respect.  They're well-matched and just when you think one character has the advantage, you learn differently.  It works rather well.

The subsequent scene between Nicholas and Angelique was quite powerful.

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Re: Idle Thoughts--From the Terrace 8/22-8/23
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2002, 07:38:53 AM »
Did anyone see the spotlight in the woods behind Barnabas while he was sprawled out on the grass?

You would think more tongues than Roger's would be wagging.  Julia goes to the Old House to see Barn and doesn't return for days.  Hmmm
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