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Messages - Janet the Wicked

She was great in Night of the Iguana. I was truly enthralled watching her scenes.

Completely unaware that Carolyn was in Barnabas' power, Vicki thought it quite odd to find Carolyn appearing as though in a trance, staring up at the 'original' Barnabas' portrait, and murmuring..."Mirror, mirror on the wall, will he remember his lines a'tall?"

Julia was quite surprised that Liz approved wholeheartedly of Vicki's planned excursion with David to Alcatraz to help to improve his sexual education.

...stolen her most prized possession: her complete collection of numerous artist's renditions of "Our Love is Here to Stay", the Jimmy Dorsey band being her favorite.

Having become as depraved as he, Carolyn absolutely relished Barnabas' idea to create some fun for themselves by kidnapping unsuspecting people from the village and bringing them back to the Old House to...make whoopie.

::bing, bing, bing, bing, bing!:: Very good, Match Game contestant Janet!

1671 a chest in the Old House's basement, because it contained the book, "How to Memorize Dialogue in Six Easy Lessons", something Barnabas absolutely abhorred!

Mrs. Johnson was rendered completely speechless by the horror of spotting a bulge on Carolyn's back, and all she was able to do was point.

(edited by admin)

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Can Watching DS Improve Someone's Vocabulary?
« on: August 01, 2007, 02:50:04 AM »
Is English grammar even taught in school anymore? I am very grateful, (though not at the time) that I had the English grammar teacher from hell who drummed adjectives, adverbs, predicates, etc into my skull. I am currenty taking an on line refresher course and doing very well, if I do say so myself.
My better half insists that my grasp of good grammar comes from watching old movies. She may be right. Although I do have a nasty tendency to moider the English language, on purpose, of course.

Current Talk '07 II / 2004 Pilot Episode
« on: August 01, 2007, 02:29:43 AM »
Does anybody know if this is available on DVD?

...admitting to the sheriif that her mother's clothes were way too psychedelic and that she had hoped Joe would like to wear them.

"A rapidly aging Barnabas became perturbed after Dr. Hoffman, amused by his dilemma, insisted that he really had no choice - he had to pee fifteen times a day - and that was simply that."

I feel his anguish.

David became beyond scared when he overheard Old Man Curtis in the drawing room because he was saying he's finished as an actor!!!

...keeping the seams of my trousers together. If you please, sir, would you mind mending my crotch?

After pondering the question thoroughly, Carolyn came to the conclusion there could only be one possible answer: 42.


...Prell and setting it in rollers with Dippity Doo.