Author Topic: Robservations 1/15/03 - #768-769 - Dirk Goes After Barnabas  (Read 1319 times)

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Robservations 1/15/03 - #768-769 - Dirk Goes After Barnabas
« on: January 14, 2003, 11:49:31 PM »
768 - (Joan Bennett) - On this night in 1897, a young boy has had a dream in which the ghost of Quentin Collins described key events that signal his death.  A silver bullet was discovered outside Collinwood. The one person who could have saved him was murdered.  And the one person he loved turned against him.  Jamison told the dream to Barnabas who later watched Edward Collins display a silver bullet found on the path outside Collinwood--and now he wonders how much time is left for Quentin Collins.

In Collinwood's drawing room, Quentin comes in, offering the brooding Barnabas a penny for his thoughts.  Jamison's dream, says Barn.  Aren't you disturbed by that silver bullet? Asks Quentin.  I have no explanation for that, says Barnabas.  I believe someone knows what has happened and has joined the hunt, says Q--someone is planning to kill me, and I think you know who it is.
Quentin finds his cousin's silence disturbing.  Don't' jump to conclusions, advises Barn.  Quentin holds up the silver bullet--for a werewolf--and wonders, who knows enough to have one made?--a few names come to mind, and yours is one of them--it's interesting that this bullet was found so soon after you concerned yourself with my situation.  I'm only trying to help you says Barn, probably fed up with his cousin's suspicions by now. Quentin grins--if that's true, he asks, where did the bullet come from--who had it made?  I don't know, says Barn--the bullet wasn't used, so we should put it out of our minds.  Quentin says, you can convince others to trust you--but not me!--there are answers I must know, I can't forget the bullet and must find out who is planning to kill me--and kill that person first.

We hear Quentin's music playing.  Beth comes in.  Quentin asks where have you been?  Evasively, she says, I took some things to someone who was ill.  To who? he asks.  Alice Austin, who used to work here, lies Beth--she's in Portland and her mother's all alone.  Quentin sarcastically calls Beth a doer of good deeds.  She asks him to stop making fun of her, and he assures her he's never been more serious.  He demands she meet him at the cottage in an hour, but she says that might be difficult.  He grabs her arms and demands to know why.  She pulls away and says, Judith wants me to stay in at night.  "But going to Alice Austin's old mother is just fine, huh?" asks Q venomously.  Why can't we talk here? she asks.  It's too important to talk about here, says Quentin.  We see Judith on the landing, listening.  He asks Beth, are you afraid to be alone with me?.  Don't be ridiculous, she says--I'll meet you in an hour.  She disappears into the servant's quarters.  Judith joins her brother in the foyer.  Stop staring at me as if I were some kind of exhibit! He orders, and storms out.

Judith joins Barnabas in the drawing room and asks if he knows what's wrong with Quentin.  I don't, he replies.  His behavior is terrible, says Judith--he yelled at me and Charity, is drinking too much, and was so upset about that silver bullet--why would that bother him?  Barnabas insists, I'm sure I don't know.  Dirk watches through the window, grinning.  I believe Quentin is in some kind of trouble, says Judith, and I want to learn what it is before it involves the entire family.  Barnabas offers to talk to him, but Judith says talking doesn't help--I'll handle him.  She asks Barnabas to check on Jamison, who awakened a short time ago.  He admires you so, praises Judith, as I do--I'm so happy you decided to stay here with us.  (This must have made Barnabas finally feel good about his efforts.)  Barnabas thanks her, and says it makes him  happy.  He leaves.  Judith closes the double doors.  Dirk steps into the room.  Judith turns and sees him, demanding, where have you been for the past few days?  He doesn't answer, but looks at her oddly, like she's food.  She reminds him he's employed by their family and has a responsibility. . .does he understand that?  I know what I have to do, he says, and I'm doing it right now, just what SHE said.  Who is she? asks Judith.  Laura, he replies, she told me to give you this letter, and you have to read it very carefully (he looks and sounds insane) because it's about Barnabas Collins!
His eyes glow, his grin untamed and crazy.

He hands Judith the envelope with her name on it.  Laura gave it to you to give to me? she asks Dirk, puzzled.  Just open it, he says--you don't have to understand, just open it--Laura said it was very important that you read it; Barnabas tried to kill Laura, but she was clever and escaped--you don't have to worry, Laura is coming back!  That isn't true, says Judith, Laura won't be back.  No, protests Dirk, you already read the letter, you want Laura to return, don't you?  Laura is dead, says Judith.  No, says Dirk, who said that, Barnabas?--Quentin?  No one had to tell me, says Judith.  Dirk insists he can prove it's not true.  He asks for Jamison--he knows that Laura isn't dead, as does Nora--they both know.  You aren't going to speak to the children, insists Judith, this is my house and you'll do as you're told!  I only do what LAURA says, he insists.  Get out of here, orders Judith--get off the property--you're dismissed!  He wags a finger at her and accuses her of always hating Laura--I watched the way you watched her, and you always had a tight, pulsing thing in your neck (he demonstrates on his own neck, still wearing a hideous, creepy smile).  "You know what I wanted to do--CHOKE you!" he yells, and begins to strangle her.  Barnabas enters.  Dirk has gone mad! Reports Judith.  Leave this house, Barnabas orders Dirk, but the newly-minted vampire darts toward Barnabas and says, there's something I have to do here.  No, there isn't, says Barnabas, not anymore.  Dirk turns and leaves.  Judith nurses her throat.  Beth comes downstairs.  Barnabas tells her there was some trouble with Dirk, but it's all right now.  He's gone mad, says Judith, completely mad--he gave me a letter from Laura!  This surprises Barnabas.  Dirk said it was about Barnabas, says Judith, but the paper is blank.  He is mad, says Barnabas.  Judith supposes it was wrong to order him off the property (after strangling her?) but I didn't know what else to do.  It was for the best, says Barnabas.  I'm not sure what is best or right anymore, says Judith.  You look tired, says Beth, and offers her something.  Judith decides to go up to her room.  "I will need you later," Barnabas tells Beth, in a deep, resonant voice--in about an hour, at the Old House.  (A late dinner, I would assume?)  Oh, no, our girl made two dates for the same time!  What is she going to do?

Cottage - Dirk sits before the fireplace and calls to Laura.  He tells her, I gave Judith the letter, and now she knows all about Barnabas, exactly the way you said.  "Why are you still hiding from me!" he demands in a nutso voice.  Quentin tells him, she isn't hiding from you, she's gone, and no matter how many fires you stare into, she's gone.  Dirk accuses him of trying to fool him as he did Laura.  Quentin says, I'm not fooling you, you're fooling yourself.  Dirk accuses, "Laura said right from the first, you hated her--you were one of the reasons she had to go!--I made a vow and you know what that vow was?--I hated you and I vowed that I was going to avenge it sometime--and I think the time is now."  He punches Quentin in the stomach.  They begin to fight in earnest.  Beth comes in and orders Dirk to get out right now--or I'll tell Judith.  "High and mighty, all of you--even the maid," pronounces Dirk breathlessly, swiping Beth with his scarf before exiting the house.  I'll be back, he promises, then leaves.  Beth tells Quentin, Dirk makes my blood cold--I'm glad I came when I did.  You're early, remarks Quentin.  I was anxious to see you, she says.  Were you? he asks, you didn't seem to be before.  You seemed troubled, says Beth--I wondered what was wrong.  What do you think? He asks.  I don't have time to trade questions with you, says Beth.  Why are you in such a hurry? He asks--oh, that's another question.  She relates what happened with Dirk and Judith--I want to go back and make sure she's all right.  You're suddenly very devoted to everyone in the family, says Q--but me!  How can you say that? she asks.  You begrudged any time you've spent with me, he accuses.  Not so, she says, but I do have duties.  Like what? he asks.  Looking after Judith, she replies.  And what else? he presses--do you have a nice lie made up for me?  Why don't you tell me, instead of accusing me? cries Beth.  I haven't begun his accusations, he says--is Dirk mad or just pretending--are you in love with me or are you just pretending?--it would be nice to have some sort of mirror in which we could watch each other and see the truth--what would you look like in it, or Dirk and Judith--or our dear cousin Barnabas?--(that might be a problem.) I'd pay a lot to see that.  And then of course, in that great mirror of truth, here comes Quentin Collins, and what does he look like--at least, in the light of the moon?--you know exactly, and exactly how to kill me!  She gazes at him, wounded.  He notes how pale she has become, and grabs her--why?--because I've hit on the truth?  He shakes her a little--"You are trying to kill me, aren't you?"
She looks at him, miserable, hurt, disbelieving...

Uncomprehending, Beth asks, how can you accuse me of that?  He shows her the silver bullet--for a werewolf--how many know my secret--you, Evan, Barnabas and the gypsies--I don't think it was Barn or the gypsies, so that leaves Evan and you, who once loved me.  "I still love you," says Beth, brokenly.  So easy to say, says Quentin cruelly.  His music begins to play.  But is it so easy to do, considering what I am?--confess, Beth, do you think the monster doesn't deserve to live, or perhaps you feel it's your duty to society to kill him, or ending my suffering?--I can think of a great number of reasons to want to kill me, all high-minded, and all accomplished with one silver bullet--he holds it up.  Beth, crying, assures him neither Evan nor I would ever hurt you.   I don't believe you for a minute, baby, snaps Quentin.  I'd never lie to you, she says.  He slaps her hard across the face.  "LIAR!" he blares at her.  He chuckles, then, as she holds her throbbing face, adds, that slap gives you another reason to want to kill me--one more reason!--don't you want to know why I call you a liar? He asks.  I don't care, Beth mumbles.  I'll tell you! he says--red headed Alice Austin's mother died five years ago of pneumonia!--I helped comfort poor Alice on that sad occasion (wonder how he comforted her?)  and remember it well.  Beth claims it's Alice's aunt--I'm confused.  About a lot of things, snaps Quentin.  How can I help when you makes accusations, she asks.  He grabs her again, screaming, "Wouldn't you want to kill me?"  No, she says pleadingly--and that's when he spies the vampire bites and asks what they are--I think they look like animal bites.  It was Mrs. Austin's cat, claims Beth, it was kind of wild.  She begs him, believe me--"I love you, I'll never hurt you--and Quentin, if you love me, promise you won't hurt me."  He stares at her, unsmiling, unforgiving.

Old House - Beth tells Barnabas, Quentin insisted I meet him at the cottage--he accused me of wanting to kill him, which surprised me--he kept asking questions about why I went into town, and I got so confused, I almost told him about the children.  That would have been a grave mistake, says Barn.  She explains the lie she told Q about the old lady, the cat, and getting bitten.  He saw the marks, realizes Barnabas.  She sobs, everything that could go wrong, went wrong.  Calm down, says Barn.  I can't, she says hysterically, I've been telling one lie on top of another and soon they will all come crashing down on me, I don't know how much more I can take, and there's no one in the world I can turn to. . ."Except me," he assures her, "except me."  (That was hot!)  They are face to face.  "And you have me, to do whatever has to be done," she says, calmed now.  "And now I'll tell you what has to be done," he says.  With Magda and Sandor in Boston, you must guard me.  "I will," she promises.  It will be difficult, but you must do it, he says, handing her a gun--there are winds blowing in all directions, you must be watchful.  She promises that, too.  He goes into the cellar.  Beth sits upright in a chair, gun in hand.

5:20 AM.  Beth drifts off to sleep.   Dirk enters; what are you doing here? she asks.  I'm here to  visit Barnabas, he says.  He's away, she says.  Oh, yeah? he asks--what are you doing here, then?  I came to get something for Judith, replies Beth.  No, says Dirk, you're here like a watchdog.  He makes a doggy sound and points to the cellar door.  "He's right there in that cellar, where he is every other day."  She warns him not to go down there, pointing the gun at him--I'll kill you if you make one more move toward that door!  He gazes at the gun and asks humorously, "Are you serious?"  I sure am, she says.  He easily wrestles the gun away from her and points it at her.  Didn't your mother tell you that you should only play with dolls? he asks teasingly.  (He's such a FUN vampire, best RD role ever!)  You're the one who'll be hurt if you go down there! warns Beth--he'll kill you if he isn't. . .  Isn't what? asks Dirk.  Beth begs him not to go down there.  And what if he's not what? demands Dirk--I've been down there, I just don't remember now--I think I should go down there and find out!  He opens the door and heads downstairs.  Beth watches him, then walks to the window and hears the cock crow--it's morning.

Dirk comes downstairs and recalls being in the basement before, but the coffin was empty last time I was here--but not this time!  Laura told me, of course--oh, Barnabas, you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time!  "And I'm gonna kill you!  Because you. . .Laura, I'm going to kill him because I love you.  I love you."  He opens the coffin.
Barnabas realizes the danger he's in and struggles with Dirk, who backs away and pump one shot after another into Barnabas' chest.  Barnabas slumps over as Dirk continues to fire the bullets into his unmoving body.

NOTES:  Yes, when this final scene aired the first time, I wondered if Barnabas was a goner and I was going to lose my favorite vampire.  What an amazing cliffhanger!  I have to give Roger Davis a lot of credit for these two episodes, he plays the insane vampire to the hilt, but in a GOOD, fun, over the top way that I actually enjoyed watching.  Loved the scenes between Barnabas and Beth, although I figured he wanted her at the Old House to nibble her neck, not discuss her worries.  Of course, he was easily able to soothe her, but she didn't turn out to be the best bodyguard, as easily subdued as she was.  Perhaps he bit her first, before we saw them together.  What would Quentin say if he knew where those marks had really come from?

The scene in the cottage between Quentin and Beth was riveting, amazing.  Their performances, especially Selby's, were so amazing, I was totally enraptured.  Their rage, passion, and sorrow came through brilliantly, and I felt very sorry for Beth and truly angry at Quentin.  He finds a woman who is willing to stick with him, love him, despite his curse, and he treats her like s**t.  Not right.  He's understandably upset, but to turn on Beth is unforgivable.

Great episode, and very lengthy for Robservations.

769 - (Terry Crawford) - To save a dying boy in the present, Barnabas Collins has gone back to the year 1897.  But at that moment in time, Barnabas is a vampire, and vulnerable from dawn to dusk.  Now, in the last few minutes before dawn, an enemy, crazed with grief, comes seeking him at the Old House.

Dirk returns upstairs.  Beth, panicked, races to him.  She wants to go to Barnabas, but he assures her all dead things look the same, a big smile on his face.
He can't be dead, she insists.  He is, Dirk insists--I did it because of Laura, to get revenge.  Dirk addresses the ceiling and tells Laura, I'm not through yet--this is just the beginning--before I'm through, I'll get them all.  Beth tells him Laura wouldn't want him to kill anymore.  He turns on her and asks, how would YOU know, you hated Laura from the start and always told Judith lies about her.  That isn't true, protests Beth.  Dirk rants on a different tangent--weren't you happy when I was dismissed from this place?  (Davis plays the loon so well!)  No, says Beth.  He touches her chin and asks if she's happy now.  When she moves to leave, he points the gun at her and promises she won't get very far.  What are you going to do to me? asks Beth.  He seems to revel in her fear--you're afraid you're going to be the next on my list, aren't you? he asks, then grabs her from behind--since you're so friendly with Barnabas, he suggests, as they struggle, maybe you can join him!  Are you going to kill me without giving me a chance? Asks Beth.  He hands her the gun, which is learns is empty after firing it at him.  Do you think I'd give you a loaded gun?--of course it's empty! cries Dirk--I want to have some fun watching you go and tell Judith about Barnabas being in the coffin in the cellar, and how you will be down there next to him, with an empty gun!  (Dirk tosses her downstairs.)  That will be some tale to tell, how, won't it? asks Dirk, sucking his thumb, and you can pretend you're guarding Barnabas--poor, sweet Barnabas. . .he laughs.  Beth goes downstairs and finds Barnabas hanging down over his coffin.  Gently, she re-arranges his body and closes the lid.  Miserably unhappy, Beth leans over the coffin and begins to cry.

Jamison is at the cottage when Dirk enters.  I've been busy, he tells the boy, but "they" wouldn't let me see you.  Who was that? asks Jamison.  Your mother's enemies, blathers Dirk, which is why she had to leave--to get away from them.  Jamison seems to think Dirk is nuts, too, as the  former foreman assures the boy, tonight, your mother will be happier than ever before.  Jamison is perplexed.  How long have you been here? asks Dirk.  Fifteen minutes, says Jamison.
Dirk says, that's long enough to see the flames get bigger, come alive, your mother's way of telling you she's happy--and why?--because, says Dirk, Barnabas Collins is dead.  This shocks Jamison--I just saw him last night.  I can't reveal how Barnabas died, says Dirk, because your mother's enemies would come after me and I wouldn't be able to finish what I have to do.  Jamison refuses to believe him.  Dirk grabs the boy's arm and assures him it's true, Barnabas is dead in the cellar in the coffin at the Old House.  This is all incredible news to Jamison, who asks why Barnabas has a coffin.  Because of what he is, says Dirk insanely, eyes bulging, because of his SECRET!--the secret he hurt Laura with.  Jamison asks Dirk, let me go, you're hurting me.  Dirk shakes Jamison fiercely, demanding he promise not to tell anyone.  Jamison says, I must get back to the house.  Dirk demands the promise, explaining, the reason Barnabas killed your mother is because of this secret.  Jamison doesn't get it--it's the secret Barnabas was going to hurt your mother with--you have to tell them the vampire is gone.  This really scares the kid, who insists Dirk is just trying to frighten him--there's no such thing as vampires!--is there?  Dirk advises him to go to the Old house and see for himself, laughing wildly in his face.  Don't worry, says Dirk, I killed him--the vampire is dead!  He releases Jamison, who races from the house.  Dirk laughs.

Dusk - Beth is sitting beside the coffin when it starts to open.  She's terrified--it can't be!  Barnabas calls her name.  I thought you were dead--I saw him--Dirk came. . .shot you.
Barnabas knows all about it--I saw him, while in my coffin--dawn came and my life force left me unable to deal with Dirk then; if he'd come a few minutes earlier, I would have killed him.  Beth doesn't understand--he shot you!  Barnabas reminds her, I don't live as other men do, so what makes you think I can die as others do?  He's too cool for all that.  I wonder where the bullet holes are? says Beth--I saw them!  There are only two ways to destroy me, Barnabas tells her--a stake through the heart or silver bullets, and Dirk had neither--when night came, I was able to rise again--eye of the sword--Dirk's gun was no danger to me--but Dirk is still a danger, because he knows about me.  Dirk thinks he killed you, points out Beth.  That won't keep him quiet, says Barn.  Suppose he talked already? She asks.  No, says Barn, you were here guarding me and no one came to the house, so it's unlikely anyone has found out, or they would have done something about me by now--I'm going to deal with Dirk, silence him.  Beth asks, is that necessary?  Yes, says Barnabas.  Beth gets teary and tells Barnabas, take care of yourself--if anything happened to you. . .   Quentin would stand alone, finishes Barnabas.  Yes, she says--I'm sorry to be thinking about him, when you are in danger, but. . .  Barn assures her I'll be fine, but I must deal with Dirk in time, and I'm sure I can.  What do you want me to do? she asks.  Be calm, he says, don't tell Quentin anything--the less he knows, the safer we will be--Quentin can be dangerous, destroy all of us, warns Barnabas.  Beth says he's not usually like that, he's just frightened now (an acceptable reason to hit her)?  Barnabas, his face inches from hers, says, you are a soft-hearted girl, and in this world of heartless people, you will be hurt.  I used to be, she says, until I stood in this very house and pleaded with Quentin not to kill Jenny--but I'm not anymore--I'm hoping you find Dirk quickly, and do whatever he must to silence him.  I will, says Barn, I won't allow Dirk to get in the way of what I must do.

Cottage - Dirk speaks into the fireplace, going on and on about how I took care of Barnabas, what he tried to do to you, tried to hurt you--no more!--does that make you happy, Laura?  The way I told Jamison--I know it did, is that what you wants from me?--give me a sign, one little sign, the crazy man begs.  The door flies open, Dirk thinks it's Laura--is it you, or the wind? he asks.  The lights go out.  Are you here, Laura?  He looks into the fireplace, sure she's happy because of what he did.  Barnabas' laughter fills the room, terrorizing Dirk.  Who's there? he demands.  He orders the laughter to stop.  Barnabas' voice asks him if he's frightened--you do recognize me, right?  Impossible, says Dirk.  No, says Barnabas.  I thought I killed you! says Dirk.  Barnabas asks, how can you kill someone already dead?  "This isn't happening!" yells Dirk, covering his ears.  Face it, taunts Barnabas, you failed--and you know what happens to people who fail.  The door slams closed--"You will never leave this house, Dirk," warns Barnabas.  Dirk struggles with the doorknob, but the vampire appears behind him, grabs him, turns him around.  "You thought you could kill me, didn't you?" asks Barn, as Dirk cowers.  Barnabas advances on the insane man, who keeps insisting, I killed you!  "Was I really dead?" asks Barnabas, turning on a lamp.  YES! screams Dirk, moving away from him--what are you going to do to me? What do you think? asks Barnabas.  Kill me? asks Dirk.  Yes, says Barn, I have no choice--you went where you shouldn't have gone, saw what you shouldn't have seen, and what you know will never be spoken now--what you saw will be reflected in your dead eyes forever, and no one else will ever know that you've been in this house.  Wild-eyed, Dirk reveals, I've already told somebody!  Barnabas grabs him by the collar, furious.  I've already told somebody, repeats Dirk, so even if you kill me, you're going to be destroyed.  You're lying! Barnabas accuses.  I'm not, Dirk says, and Laura will get her revenge--you will learn in time who knows your secret.
"I WILL FIND OUT NOW," says Barnabas softly, his fangs already bared.  No, says Dirk.  Barnabas comes at him, even as Dirk begs, "No, no, no!"

Jamison enters the Old House and looks in.  (I can see a figure standing back there in a light shirt.)

Barely able to stand on his feet from blood loss, Dirk reveals who he told:  "Jamison."  You told Jamison? demands Barnabas.  Dirk grabs for Barnabas' cape and falls to the floor.  Beth knocks at the door and comes upon the scene.  Is he. . .?  Not dead yet, says Barnabas--I did what was necessary.  Did he tell anyone? asks Beth.  Yes--Jamison, says Barnabas--it may be all right--go to Collinwood and keep Jamison from talking to anyone.  Judith and Edward are in town, says Beth, so that helps.  If Jamison tells you, says Barnabas, be subtle--keep asserting that Dirk was mad, spinning fantasies that aren't true--and you must make Jamison believe you.  She promises to try.  Above all, don't mention any of it to Quentin, cautions Barnabas.  I promises not to, says Beth.  Remember, warns Barnabas, in case you're tempted, that I am Quentin's only hope--if I'm found out, there's no telling where it will end, and with what victim.  I promise to do whatever I can, Beth assures him.  Don't harm Jamison, no matter what, orders Barnabas.  What will you do with Dirk? asks Beth.  I have a plan, he says--you go to Jamison now.

Jamison troops downstairs into the Old House cellar and spots the coffin.  It's true! he realizes.  What Dirk said--it's true!

NOTES:  Excellent performances by Davis and Frid today, and Crawford was no slouch, either.  This is very exciting, wondering if Barnabas will now be found out.  Jamison has seen evidence that what Dirk said was true.  Loved the babbling Dirk vs. Barnabas in the cottage scene, it was scary and weird and wired.  It's true that nothing must happen to Jamison, he's Roger and Liz' father, and if he dies. . .well, the present day family will presumably disappear, too, leaving Barnabas no one to return home to.

Love, Robin