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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1425 on: December 12, 2023, 07:06:10 PM »
And I love this post related to the revisited post in Reply #1424:

Ooh, Alex got the Carlotta death glare!  But only for a brief moment.  So he failed to turn to stone.

I suddenly want a TV show called "Cooking with Carlotta."  "Resist adding more old bay seasoning at this point... IF you can."

I can so see Carlotta delivering the "If you can" part just like she does in upcoming Scene 132.  [santa_wink] [santa_grin]

I actually wish we'd learned what they'd had for dinner. All the script tells us is that Carlotta is capable of making a salad (and Grayson's script adds that she serves it with white wine (that detail of which we almost get to learn on the DVD/Blu-ray but it's cut off before we do). Let's hope Carlotta served something that was much more interesting, not that there's anything wrong with salad and white wine.  [ghost_nowink]  I've eaten that combination more than once when I was interested in something light, especially on a hot summer day...

And it's so true that Alex is lucky he didn't turn to stone.  [santa_wink]


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1426 on: December 13, 2023, 12:52:32 AM »
Revisiting the next section of how Scene 88 is scripted:


       Quentin looks TOWARD CAMERA as if it were Carlotta,
       who just entered the room.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 38/Scene 88 - Quentin: 'What's that?'

- comes up, followed by the script continuing with:


       Having just ENTERED the room, she holds a gift-
       wrapped package.

                             TRACY O.S.
                 It's our surprise.

       WIDEN as Carlotta crosses to Quentin and gives him
       the package.

                 What is it?

       He starts to rip the paper.

And as far as anything different in the dialogue goes, both of Quentin's lines are delivered exactly as written, but Tracy actually says "That's your surprise", which would seem to make more sense.

And as far as anything different with the descriptions and directions go, we don't actually see Quentin look toward camera as if it were Carlotta who entered the room because, as was already obvious with the last two captures in reply #188, we see Carlotta enter the room, and the camera shot remains at that angle - and before Quentin notices the package, he actually reaches for something on the table and begins to chew it before he asks what it is that Carlotta has - and after Tracy answers off screen that it's a surprise, without the indicated widening of the frame, Carlotta then moves from where she's been standing on screen all along and hands the package to Quentin as Alex sits and pours himself some wine - and Quentin doesn't so much as rip the paper as he lifts the top off the box.

And when it comes to DC's script, he has a notation between Quentin asking "What's that?" and Carlotta's scripted entrance -

           What's that?

- but as can be seen, he doesn't consider it a new scene - and in the film things are no longer shot through the dining room doorway but in the actual dining room beginning with Alex saying "A little more wine for the gentleman", as could be seen in reply #188's captures of Carlotta's entrance into the room.

And when it comes to Grayson's script, she has a notation for the point in the script where Carlotta enters (which just so happens to be in the same place that DC has his notation), but for the life of me I can't really decipher all of her handwriting. See if you can:

References to Reply #188 also refer to Reply #1424 this time around.

And here's a series of posts related to the question I posed regarding those shared notes in Grayson's script:

Let's see. I read it as Specific change around others. Taut tense unbending.

How does that sound to you, MB?

Actually, that sounds perfect and makes me wonder why I didn't see it myself?  [ghost_embarrassed]  It was mostly the "specific" that was giving me trouble.

Thanks!  [ghost_smiley]

My years of having to decipher extremely creative penmanship from my OTB career sometimes pays off in unexpected ways.  [ghost_cheesy] [ghost_grin]

I see. Good to know! And if I have any other deciphering problems, you'll be the first I'll ask!!  [nodassent]  [wink2]

Just another part of my reasonably checkered past that has come in handy.  [ghost_wink] [ghost_rolleyes] [ghost_wink]

And as we saw our resident brilliant Deciphernator was able to deduce many other notes that I'd shared. But sadly it seems as if  even he was stumped when it came to the one I posted back in Reply #1311. But then Grayson's writing sometimes borders on how indecipherable the Egyptian Hieroglyphs were before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, so no one is blaming him.  [ghost_nowink] [ghost_grin]


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1427 on: December 13, 2023, 02:44:02 PM »
Continuing to revisit how Scene 88 is scripted:

And continuing with more of Scene 88, starting off with today's quote -

Page 38/Scene 88 - Tracy: 'Something you can't be without?'

- coming up in response to Quentin asking what his surprise is, followed by the script continuing with:

       He draws out a riding habit.

               You've got to be kidding.

       Alex ROARS with laughter.

               Gregory said I can return it.

       Quentin starts to laugh and gets up crossing to

And when it comes to what is different in the dialogue, what Tracy actually says is "Well, it's something that you can't be without", and until it comes to the second syllable of the word "something", it's delivered off screen - and in the film it isn't Quentin who says "You've got to be kidding" but Alex, who actually says "You gotta be kidding" after he bursts out laughing - and in a bit more of unscripted dialogue, Claire replies with "Why, I think he'll look marvelous in them" (and I love the look she gives -

- Alex after she says it, as well as her dismissive hand gesture) - and then Tracy actually says "Gregory said I could take them back if..." before she gets cut off by Quentin, but more on that tomorrow...

And when it comes to what is different with the descriptions and directions, Quentin doesn't take out a full riding habit but simply a pair of riding breeches, and he stands after he does so - and he has a big smile on his face as he moves toward Tracy -

- as she says she can take them back, which means that he doesn't laugh nor get up after she's said it - and in the middle of Tracy saying she can take them back there's a notation in DC's script indicating that there was supposed to be a 2 shot of Alex and Claire, but obviously it's not in the film if it was shot.

And poor Gregory: he gets mentioned twice in this scene, yet as the film stands, no one in the audience has the vaguest idea who he is because his scene was never shot...

 [pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 9th this time around.

And more of Scene 88, picking up with today's quote -

Page 38/Scene 88 - Quentin: 'No...NO... [He kisses Tracy lightly] I'll get around to wearing it sooner or later --'

- coming up.

And so far as what's different in the dialogue, Quentin cuts Tracy off by actually saying "Promise you I'll wear 'em" (the riding breeches, not the full riding habit, as scripted) - and then after he kisses her, he adds "Someday" - and in another bit of unscripted dialogue, Tracy repeats "Someday" with a laugh.

And so far as what's different with the descriptions and directions, there's nothing to get into here.

 [pointing-up]  And as far as that post goes, obviously "today's quote" was December 10th this time around.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1428 on: December 13, 2023, 10:54:14 PM »
Returning to the subtitles and closed captioning for Scene 88, after Quentin asks what the wrapped package Carlotta gives him is and Tracy says it's his surprise and something he can't be without, Quentin opens it and pulls out a pair of riding breechers, which causes Alex to erupt into unscripted and off screen laughter, which is acknowledged by both the subtitles and the closed captioning -

- after which it's actually Alex who has the "You've got to be kidding," the line scripted for Quentin, though he delivers it off svreen as "You gotta be kidding" - but the subtitles have -

- with "You've" rather than the simple "You" - and the closed captioning has -

- also with "You've" rather than "You," but of course with "got to" rather than "gotta" because apparently they always insust on being grammatically correct - and that's followed in both the subtitles and the closed captioning by Claire delivering an unscripted -

More to come...


(ADMIN: Reply #866 has been edited to replace TV video screen captures)

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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1429 on: December 14, 2023, 12:42:42 AM »
Continuing with the subtitles and the closed captioning, Quentin then makes his way over to Tracy as she says, "Gregory said I could take them back if..." - and the subtitles get that correctly - but the closed captioning has -

 - without the "if" - and she gets cut off by Quentin when he says, "Promise you I'll wear 'em" - but the closed captioning has -

- with both an "I" preceding it and the full "them" instead of "'em" - and the subtitles have -

- it also with both an "I" preceding it and the full "them" instead of "'em" - and they also have how Quentin adds, "Someday" rather than the scripted "Sooner or later" - and after that they also have how Tracy repeats with an unscripted "Someday" - though they doesn't acknowledge the laugh she gives afterward - and the closed captioning also acknowledges Tracy's "Someday" -

- and also doesn't acknowledge her laugh.

More to come...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1430 on: December 14, 2023, 12:51:14 AM »
MB, I took another look at that portion of the script and I am completely stumped on the first word. But whatever Carlotta is doing or saying, she is doing it with great tolerance.
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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1431 on: December 14, 2023, 06:36:06 PM »
 [pointing-up]  Hey, you did your best and that's all anyone can ask.  [santa_smiley]  Plus, some of Grayson's writing is the hardest writing to decipher that I've ever seen. If she wrote handwritten letters to people, I shudder to think how long it took the recipients to fully read/understand them!  [santa_wink] [santa_grin]

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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1432 on: December 14, 2023, 09:42:42 PM »
A post to revisit regarding the subtitles and closed captioning for Scene 88:

More with Scene 88.

After the subject of Quentin's "surprise" gift of riding breeches is dealt with, Quentin mentions to Carlotta that he's found some of Charles Collins' old paintings in the tower room (and the interesting thing is that in the script this is the first time Quentin and Carlotta have shared a scene since he found them, but in the film as it stands the scene in Sarah's room after Quentin has seen Sarah screaming in the window takes place in between) and Quentin asks Carlotta, "Do you know anything about his history?", and the subtitles reflect that, but for some reason the closed captioning drops the "do" -

- and after Carlotta replies that she does and that he was a "marvelous man" and "a brilliant artist," Alex remarks, "Oh, you almost sound like you know him, Carlotta," and the subtitles also reflects that, but the closed captioning has -

- and to that Carlotta reacts with a sly smile and an unscripted titter, which the closed captioning acknowledges -

- but the subtitles ignores.

And from there things briefly go back as scripted, but more issues are to come...


(ADMIN: Edited to replace TV video screen captures)

More to come...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1433 on: December 14, 2023, 11:36:40 PM »
So lets revisit how the above is actually scripted:

And yet more of Scene 88, picking up with today's first quote -

Page 39/Scene 88 - Quentin: 'Oh, Carlotta, Charles Collins --'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

She turns and looks at him.

And that's where today's second quote -

Page 39/Scene 88 - Carlotta: 'Yes, sir?'

- comes up, followed by today's third quote -

Page 39/Scene 88 - Quentin: 'I found some of his work in the tower room.'

-coming up, followed by today's fourth quote -

Page 39/Scene 88 - Carlotta: 'Oh?'

- coming up - followed by today's fifth quote -

Page 39/Scene 88 - Quentin: 'Do you know anything about his history?'

- coming up.

And as for what's different in the dialogue, rather than the first quote, Quentin actually and simply says "Carlotta" - and Carlotta actually and simply responds "Yes" - after which Quentin actually says "I found some old painting of Charles Collins in the tower room" - to which Carlotta does indeed respond with "Oh?", like it's a surprise to her (but we know she was just waiting for that to happen) - and then Quentin does indeed ask about Charles' history as written.

And when it comes to what is different with the descriptions and directions, there's nothing to get into so far as what's scripted, but I do have to say that as often as I've watched the film, I'd never really noticed until I was picking the captures for today that after Quentin puts the riding breeches down on the dining table, just like the typical wife, Tracy picks them up and neatly folds them into her lap so that they don't get wrinkled. I suppose in all the other viewing I was too focused on Quentin and Carlotta's exchange.  [ghost_wink]

And oddly again DC's script has a notation for a 2 shot of Alex and Claire (after Carlotta turns to look at Quentin) that isn't in the film.

 [pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 11th this time around.

And continuing with more of Scene 88, picking up with Carlotta's answer as today's quote:

Page 39/Scene 88 - Carlotta: 'He was a marvelous man, a brilliant artist.'

And so far as what's different in the dialogue in the film, Carlotta actually says "Yes, I do. He was a marvelous man, a brilliant artist."

And so far as what's different with the descriptions and directions, there's nothing to get into because there aren't any descriptions or directions in this portion of the script. However, DC has a notation for this line in his script that says it would be shot over Carlotta's shoulder and showing Alex, Quentin and Tracy. But being shot over her shoulder is obviously not the way it was done because in the film Carlotta is seen in close-up, which is much more effective. There really isn't a true over the shoulder shot in the entire scene.

 [pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 12th this time around. And the underlining of "marvelous" in Carlotta's  line is what I was referring to in a precious post as coming up in the scene and which isn't given any special treatment in the closed captioning or subtitles.  [santa_undecided]

The interesting thing about the notation in DC's script about doing a shot of Alex, Quentin and Tracy over Carlotta's shoulder is that after Carlotta says Charles was marvelous and brilliant, the next shot in Scene 88 is one of those three, though as can be seen in this capture -

- it isn't shot over Carlotta's shoulder. And as soon as Alex begins to deliver today's quote -

Page 39/Scene 88 - Alex: 'You sound as if you know him.'

- (though he actually says "You almost sound like you know him, Carlotta" in the film), the camera pans to show Carlotta, as can be seen in -

- today's capture.

 [pointing-up]  And as far as "today's quote" and "today's capture" go, it was December 13th this time around.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1434 on: December 15, 2023, 03:12:24 PM »
A few posts worth revisiting that are related to the above post:

Today's shot might be my favorite image of Grayson in the movie.  I used a version of the shot in a collage I did of Grayson in various roles a few years ago.


Yes, I love the shot too.

Thank heavens DC changed his mind and didn't shoot those moments from over Carlotta's shoulder!!

And Carlotta has her cat that copped the cream look.

As if she's thinking, "oh if you only knew... you poor fool!"


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1435 on: December 15, 2023, 07:20:32 PM »
And another post to revisit regarding the subtitles and closed captioning for Scene 88:

And even more with Scene 88.

First up:

After Carlotta asks if they'll be having brandy in the Gallery, Quentin defers with a possibly improvised "Alex?", which the closed captioning reflects -

- but for some odd reason the subtitles has -

- and Alex replies to Quentin with "Uh, not me, pal. I'm up with the sun these days," which is a reworking of what's scripted, and for the most part the subtitles has most of it -

- but the closed captioning only has -

- and that's followed by an unscripted exchange between Quentin and Alex with Quentin asking, "Sure?" and Alex replying, "Positive," which both the subtitles and the closed captioning acknowledge -

And there's yet more to come...


(ADMIN: Edited to replace TV video screen captures)


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1436 on: December 16, 2023, 01:08:12 AM »
Revisiting how Scene 88 wraps as scripted:

And picking up Scene 88 with today's first quote -

Page 39/Scene 88 - Carlotta: 'I've read a lot about him, Mr. Jenkins. Will you be having brandy in the gallery?'

- coming up in response to Alex's remark about her knowledge of Charles Collins, and followed by today's second quote -

Page 39/Scene 88 - Alex: 'Never. We're up with the sun these days.'

coming up, followed in the script by:

       The girls rise, start out.  Carlotta starts to
       clear the table as Quentin and Alex start down the

End of scene - though not quite the end of the sequence...

And when it comes to what is different in the dialogue, the descriptions, and the directions, Carlotta drops the "I've read a lot about him, Mr. Jenkins" in favor of a sly smile, as can be seen in the following capture -

- and that smile actually says volumes more than any dialogue could possibly (especially if one already knows the subtext) - and in the script it could seem as if Carlotta is asking Alex if he will be having brandy, but in the film it's clear that Carlotta asks the question of Quentin because she turns to him - and as Tracy takes a sip of her wine, in another bit of unscripted dialogue, Quentin asks "Alex?", after which Alex delivers a version of today's second quote by actually replying "Uh, not me, pal. I'm up with the sun these days", in the middle of which Tracy laughs as she puts down her wine glass - and that's followed by an unscripted exchange of Quentin asking "Sure?", Alex replying "Positive" and then asking Claire "Ready, baby?", to which Claire replies "Hmm, ready", and Alex repeats "Ready" - and after Tracy takes the riding breeches from her lap and throws her napkin on the table as Claire comes to her side, the two women leave the room with unintelligible conversation between them, while behind them, after having a couple more sips of wine before getting up, Alex raises his glass as if in a toast and delivers another unscripted "A little more wine", to which Quentin mouths "A little more wine" under his breath as he walks to Alex - and after getting up Alex slaps his right hand on Quentin's back as they leave the room and Carlotta does indeed start to clear the table.

Also, Grayson has notations in her script about how Carlotta is "Always in control" and simply the word "Locket" - and in her script something like the later always seems to refer to Grayson's intention that Carlotta be seen foundling the locket while she's also doing something else - but in this case Carlotta doesn't actually touch the locket at all, or at least not in the take that was used as she reacts to Alex's remark about her almost sounding like she knows Charles Collins. And Grayson also has "I've read a lot about him, Mr. Jenkins" crossed out in her script.

[pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 14th this time around.


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1437 on: December 16, 2023, 02:46:00 PM »
Posts related to the above post that are worth revisiting:

Carlotta's evil smiles... my role model... wonderful capture!

[pointing-up]  It's definitely one of Carlotta's best moments! Though you don't realize it is until after the first viewing of the film...


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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1438 on: December 16, 2023, 08:22:02 PM »
And the last posts to revisit regarding the subtitles and closed captioning for Scene 88:

And yet more with Scene 88.

First up:

After it's decided not to have brandy, in a possibly improvised bit Alex asks Claire, "Ready, baby?", she replies, "Ready," and he repeats, "Ready," all of which is acknowledged in the subtitles -

- and the closed captioning -

- and after that, once they've gotten up and joined each other, Claire and Tracy possibly improvise some indecipherable chatter -

And there's even yet more to come as you may have gathered by the preview of part of it in the above clip...


(ADMIN: Edited to replace TV video screen captures)

Wrapping up Scene 88 ...

First up:

After having a couple more sips of wine before getting up, Alex raises his glass as if in a toast and delivers another unscripted "A little more wine", to which Quentin mouths "A little more wine" under his breath as he walks to Alex and Alex' line is acknowledged in the subtitles -

- but not in the closed captioning - and Quentin mouthing the words can be seen in the video in Reply #869 - and that concludes Scene 88.



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Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« Reply #1439 on: December 17, 2023, 12:26:46 AM »
Revisiting how Scene 89 is scripted:

Setting up Scene 89:

89     INT - CORRIDOR - NIGHT                           89

       About half-way down, Quentin stops Alex, obviously
       not wanting the girls to hear him.  The girls
       continue on.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 39/Scene 89 - Quentin: 'Listen, I've had more of those crazy daydreams.'

- comes up.

And so far as anything being different with the dialogue, what Quentin actually says is "I'm having more of those crazy daydreams."

And so far as anything being different with the descriptions and directions, Quentin and Alex get barely past the dining room doorway when Quentin actually stops Alex - and we don't actually see Tracy and Claire continue down the corridor.

 [pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" goes, it was December 15th this time around.

Wrapping up Scene 89, beginning with Alex's response to Quentin bringing up his "daydreams":

               Want to talk about them?

89     CONTD                                   CONTD    89


       as he looks in the direction of Tracy.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 40/Scene 89 - Quentin: 'Not now. Why don't you come over tomorrow.'

- comes up.

End of scene and sequence.

And so far as anything being different with the dialogue, the descriptions, and the directions, Alex slaps Quentin on the back before he asks if Quentin wants to talk about his "daydreams" - and after Quentin presumably looks in the direction of Tracy (we don't see her), he turns to Alex, the "Not now" is dropped, and what Quentin actually asks him is "Can you come over tomorrow?" - and then, in yet more unscripted dialogue, Alex answers "Sure", and after Quentin smiles, Alex says "Okay" and slaps Quentin on the back again before the two start down the corridor.

 [pointing-up]  As far as "today's quote" in that post goes, it's today's quote this time around.
